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Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3)

Page 18

by Mary Rundle

  “I have a favor to ask you, Logan,” said Colton. “We want you to design our pup’s nursery. Will you do it?”

  “Really? Holyfuckingshit! A royal nursery! Absolutely! I’m honored,” exclaimed Logan.

  “Ahh, bro, you got to stop with the ‘fucking’ crap,” said Colton.

  “Finally, someone who understands what I’ve been trying to tell everyone. Thanks, Colton,” said Jackson, relieved that someone had finally gotten his message.

  Ian looked at his mate and burst out laughing as Colton turned red.

  “What?” asked Jackson.

  “I’m the one who insisted my mate clean up his language,” announced Ian, “Colton feels if he has to, then his brothers should too.”

  “Good luck with that, Ian,” roared Steel.

  Jackson slapped his mate’s chest and said, “I agree with you totally, Ian, and maybe we will make some inroads if there are two of us nagging these animals.”

  “Sure, babe,” Steel said to Jackson chuckling, “You just keep thinking that will happen.”

  “Where are Oracle and Maximus?” asked Ian, “I wanted to tell them our news.”

  “Maximus took Oracle into San Francisco for a mini vacation. They should be back about the same time Dylon’s parents return.” Jackson said. “Now Dakota, I assume some of these recipes you made are from Scotland, right?”

  Chapter 23

  Cody was kneeling, waiting for his punishment. His body was thrumming with excitement as he listened to his mate move around their room. He never knew how satisfying being a submissive could be and the peace it could bring. The rules and punishments helped provide a structure to his world that had been missing ever since the massacre. Cody thought back to when his mate first arrived. I was going to reject him. Not possible. Never was possible. He’s my world now, the one I want to be in always.

  “Get up, my pet.”

  Cody stood, waiting for his next instructions. His body remained still with only his hard, leaking cock jerking in eagerness and causing drops of pre-cum to fall to the floor. With every minute his mate kept him in suspense, the level of sexual tension in his body rose and he was close to begging for relief just before his mate spoke.

  “Tonight, my pet, your punishment will be a paddling, ten swats on each cheek, in addition, you will wear these nipple clamps and you won’t be allowed to come.” Dylon held up a pair of clamps and put one on Cody’s left nipple and then his right. He immediately saw a reaction in Cody who was shifting from foot to foot. “Do they hurt, my pet?”

  “Yes, sir,” Cody said breathlessly, trying to control his pain.

  “Good. Now lay over my lap with your cock between my legs.”

  Cody complied, making sure his nipples were not touching anything. The sharp pain caused by the nipple clamps was now down to a dull throbbing and he wanted to keep it that way. Once in place, he tried to quiet his body, knowing Dylon would not start until he stopped moving. But it was difficult as his body was humming with excitement. A paddling and nipple clamps! I need this! Oh, sir, make me yours, please!

  Caressing the quivering globes under his hand, Dylon was pleased with his mate’s reaction. The constant pain of the nipple clamps and the expectation of jolts from the pain of paddling were making his mate’s body twitch and jerk. He waited until Cody finally stilled his body which, Dylon chuckled, was punishment in and of itself. Cody is starting to learn mental discipline that will help him control the effects of his visions.

  “One more thing, my pet, you will call out each stroke after you receive it.”Pausing, Dylon raised his hand holding the wooden paddle, bringing it down with a resounding thwack against the firm, round, soft left cheek sending the sound echoing throughout the room. Rubbing the clearly defined paddle imprint left behind, he waited.

  Cody grunted, then said, “One, sir.”

  Dylon raised the paddle again, bringing it down sharply, this time on the right cheek.

  “Two, sir.”

  The sound of plump flesh being struck continued as Cody counted. By the fifth time the paddle met his cheeks, tears were flowing freely from the pain. But he craved it. He rocked into the slap each time, causing his nipples to rub against the bed. But Dylon kept his legs apart, denying Cody’s cock the friction it needed to come, fueling his mate’s need. Cody was finding it harder and harder to remember to count as his body became awash with pain and pleasure. It was like nothing he’d ever experienced. The pain giving way to pleasure as the pleasure gave way to pain. Both fulfilling his deepest needs.

  Dylon heard the sobs and the grunts but paid no attention to them because his mate was lifting his ass each time, seeking the paddle’s soul restoring benefit. The Shaman had explained the importance of Cody’s punishments; punishments that allowed him to absolve the guilt he felt over his inability to prevent the pain and suffering inflicted on others. Dylon understood exactly how the visions were both a blessing and a curse, he and Cody would not be able to save everyone. No sense in asking why, he knew shit happened—unforeseen shit they’d have no control over. He lifted the paddle again and nearing the end of the session, let his arm fly, this time with more force than any of those before.

  “T-t-twenty, s-s-sir,” Cody stuttered, tears streamed down his face. He hadn’t come, his cock ached, his nipples were burning, his ass felt like it was on fire and never was he so at peace as he was in that moment. Guilt gone, hope flared inside of him—he wanted to bite his mate—more than anything else in the world.

  Dylon soothed the deep red cheeks while crooning to his mate for a few moments. He loved the feel of Cody’s bubble butt underneath his hands, so soft yet so firm—the perfect size to grasp and squeeze. Lifting his mate and turning him so Dylon could remove the nipple clamps, he heard his mate hiss loudly at the quick sharp pain it caused. Dylon rubbed the nipples, bringing blood back to them and easing the pain. After Cody curled up in his arms, he grabbed a throw and wrapped it around his mate before giving him some water to drink. Listening to the occasional hiss caused by Cody shifting his weight, Dylon’s worry lifted. He knew his mate wanted to bite him and that meant Cody was almost ready for it.

  Tomorrow, they would spend another day in the woods, letting Cody’s wolf finish the healing process. Maybe, his wolf would fuck Cody’s. He would love that, but his mate had to ask for it—and Cody would—he was finally sure of that.


  Low hanging heavy cloud cover. A pitch-black night in the Tajikistan mountains. It was as if the gods were blessing his commitment to stopping the bloodshed so many of his people had experienced over these long years. Ulfric tried to recall a time in his life that was free of the beatings and killings that Arald had inflicted on his pack. But he could not remember such a time. Now his wife was expecting their first pup and as much as he was excited about it, he dreaded it just as much. So, when this chance arose, he had to try, for the sake of his family.

  After telling his wife he was leaving, Ulfric slipped out the back door and paused. Lifting his nose, he sniffed but found no other wolf nearby. Sticking to the shadows, he quietly made his way out of town, hoping his luck held. Right now, Arald was meeting with the representative of Dire Enterprises in a pre-conference meeting. He hadn’t wanted to wait this long but it was impossible to even contact the other pack Alpha until today.

  As he saw it, it was his final chance to stop the tyranny he and his pack lived under. But he couldn’t stand alone. He needed the other pack to join with him during the conference if there was ever a chance his pack would be free of Arald and his goons. Pausing often to check for anyone following him, he crept down to the mountain waterfall where they could talk where not even wolf hearing could distinguish spoken words.

  Apologizing to Arald and Slate Valentin for his need to get home to help his wife, Ordovic left the building, nodding to the guards who stood outside the meeting room. He wasn’t sure why his presence was required since nothing would change for his pack. No, Arald controlled this land—somet
hing even a young shifter knew. And even though he tried to tell himself there wasn’t anything he could do about it, Ordovic hoped that this time might be different.

  It was the reason he gave himself for heading to the agreed meeting place instead of home where his wife and children slept. But he wanted a better life for his children. A place they could grow up and not fear being attacked every time they left home. And as the leader of his pack, he owed it to his pack members to at least try to free them from the oppression they now lived under.

  Fading back into the shadows at the top of the mountain path, he waited to see if anyone had followed him. His ability at camouflage was superb, though it was a well-guarded secret. After a few minutes he continued down the path. At least he didn’t have to worry about being attacked—killed, yes—but the guy from Dire Enterprises made the three leaders sign a contract agreeing to not attack another pack while the peace conference was in session.

  Huh—little did anyone know the contract really applied only to Arald and his pack. He remembered laughing to himself when given the document to sign because it seemed that his nemesis had done it again. It was so simple in fact, he had to admire the brilliance of the plan. Arald had somehow convinced Dire Enterprises to make a payment to each of the packs to guarantee an attack-free peace conference. Of course, what the company didn’t know was Arald was responsible for all the attacks and the money each pack received at the end would be turned over to him. Very devious! But it was exactly the reason he agreed to meet Ulfric at the waterfall tonight.

  Ordovic had had enough. His father and older brother were killed when they tried to stand up to Arald and now, what he was choosing to do, ran in his blood. Foolhardy, probably, but he had to try. The money offered to each pack by Dire Enterprises was substantial and it could help his members survive if winter turned out to be brutal. But that wasn’t going to happen; instead, Arald would be able to buy an army of enforcers to do his bidding. Even now, Ordovic could feel his stomach twist in fear at the thought of Arald, the Barbarian, his private nickname for him, having that much more power over his pack.

  Hugging the shadows near the waterfall, Ordovic waited for some sign Ulfric was here. He wouldn’t wait long in case Arald finished up with what’s-his-name early and decided to stop by to make sure Ordovic would tow the party line. Just when he was about to turn and leave, he heard the call of a Peregrine Falcon and smiled. Ulfric is here! He stepped out of the shadows and found himself looking at the face of his dear friend. Grabbing his arm, he pulled them over to the waterfall and led the way on the ledge to the cave behind it. Once they were safely inside, he turned and hugged Ulfric. “I’m glad to see you made it.”

  “Yes, nobody was out tonight.”

  Ordovic snorted, “No, Arald is being a good boy for once. He’s too greedy and won’t fuck up the chance of getting the big payday. But enough about that asshole. Tell me how we have a chance to stop him for once and for all.”

  “Last week, when I was given permission to go the hospital for the wound one of Arald’s goons gave me, I met a doctor there—Dr. Eddie something or the other—he isn’t important but what he told me was. The first time I was attacked I was treated by Dr. Ian Wallace and when I went in this time, I asked for him only to find out he wasn’t there anymore.”

  Ordovic smirked, “This is your big news? I hate to tell you but new doctors rotate in and out of there all the time.”

  “I know that, asshole, but this was different. Wallace left and now works for the CEO of Dire Enterprises. You know the same company doing the peace conference.”

  “Yes, yes, go on. What does a missing doctor have to do with this bogus conference?”

  “Well, it seems he met his Fated Mate who happens to be related to Dire Enterprises CEO’s mate.”

  “Well, good for him but that still doesn’t explain how this will help us.”

  “I’m getting to that. Last time he treated me, we got to talking and he wanted to know how else Dire Enterprises could help our packs. It seems there is a semi-annual meeting where the doctors discuss what more can be done for the community. Now, I figure if I can speak to him privately, I can tell him what’s going on here without Arald finding out.”

  “And how are you going to do that?”

  “Didn’t you read the conference package sent to each of us? First, we all meet in a room where we each present our issues,” Ulfric said, “then we each have private time with the Dire Enterprises guy. That’s the time I can talk to him without Arald knowing what I’m saying.”

  “How do you know he won’t insist on one of his goons being in the room with you?”

  “Because last week I promised to faithfully follow the script he wrote for me in exchange for fewer attacks on members of my pack.”

  “Yeah I did the same—not that I believe him.”

  “I know. After I read the schedule, I realized why he gave me my script. Arald probably tried to convince somebody at Dire Enterprises to allow one of his goons to be in the room with me but was unsuccessful. That’s when it came to me, it was a perfect time to ask this guy to call Dr. Wallace and have all of us on the line so I can tell Dr. Wallace what was really going on.”

  “Okay, so you can do that. What do you need from me?”

  “I’m thinking I should go first. Then when it’s your time, the man—oh hell, what’s his name…”

  “Slate Valentin,” Ordovic said.

  “How do you know?”

  “Because Arald pulled me into a meeting with him this evening. I had to make up an excuse that my wife needed me, so I could leave to meet you.”

  “I wonder why you and not me?” mused Ulfric

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because he trusts you more than me. After all, my family has a long history of defying him,” said Ordovic.

  “True. Makes sense. Okay, so I see and talk to Slate first and then when it’s your turn, you can verify everything I said about Arald.”

  “Fine,” agreed Ordovic, “but what if something changes and you don’t get to talk to Wallace? How will I know? I mean, I don’t know what Arald has said about you or me to Slate, but maybe he won’t believe us? Maybe Wallace doesn’t care about us anymore now since he may have a comfortable life and doesn’t have to work anymore.”

  “Maybe, but I don’t think that’s true about Dire Enterprises. When I was at the hospital, I was able to use one of their computers to look up who this company was and the stuff I found out was amazing. It’s too long to go into here but I believe—and I’m risking my life and my unborn pup’s life on it—that this is the best chance we have to end the misery we live with every day. Now, are you in?”

  Chapter 24

  Stretching before opening his eyes the next morning, Cody savored the delicious feeling of his mate’s body against his. He could feel the difference in himself. Oh, my gods, this is fucking amazing! I’ve forgotten how this feels…fuck, my mate is a miracle worker! Now he was looking forward to the day, and that hadn’t happened in a very long time. Wanting to play, he wiggled his ass against Dylon’s groin, seeking to force his mate’s morning hard-on between his cheeks. Giggling at his attempts, he moved closer until everything lined up perfectly.

  “And what are you doing this morning, my pet?” Dylon’s sleep-roughened voice sent shivers down Cody’s spine.

  “Ah-h-h, playing, sir,” Cody responded, now grinding his ass against the large cock nestled between his globes.

  “Playing, hmm? Is that all you are doing, my pet?” Dylon asked.

  “No, sir,”

  “Then what else are you doing?”

  “Trying to get you to fuck me, sir.”


  “Because I need it, sir.”

  Dylon pulled Cody tightly to his body and began dry humping his mate’s ass. “Like this?”

  Faint groans left Cody’s mouth before he said, “No, sir.”

  “Like what then, my pet?”

  “I want your big beautiful cock po
unding me so hard I will feel it tomorrow and then I want to come when you do, sir,” Cody said, whimpering.

  “Have you been good, my pet?”

  “I think so, sir,” Cody said, growling softly.

  “Think so or know so?” Dylon asked as he grasped Cody’s leaking cock and slowly stroked it.

  “Ah-h-h, know so, sir,” Cody said louder as his need continued to build.

  Delighted to see his mate being playful, at last, Dylon grabbed the bottle of lube from the nightstand and coated his cock and fingers. Pushing his mate onto his stomach, he spread his mate’s cheeks. Running his finger over Cody’s hole, Dylon watched as it fluttered in anticipation. Slowly pressing one finger past the sensitive opening, he heard Cody sigh, happy to finally get something in him, even if it was only Dylon’s finger.

  As he worked his finger back and forth, Dylon began licking and kissing his mate’s beautiful ass, worshiping the gorgeous shape of it. He made sure to bump Cody’s prostate every other time, causing his mate to arch in response as the shot of pleasure coursed through his body. Finally, he was able to add another finger, now scissoring them to widen his mate’s hole while still pressing on Cody’s gland. By the time Dylon added his third finger, his mate was begging him to fuck him, crying with frustration.

  When Cody’s hole was ready, Dylon pulled his fingers out. Flipping Cody onto his back and spreading his mate’s legs so his fluttering hole was visible, Dylon pushed his cock into the only place it would ever find relief. Once inside the velvet channel, he stilled, letting his mate adjust to his size. Then, when he felt Cody push up, seeking more of his cock, Dylon slid the rest of the way in until his balls were nestling against that perfect bubble butt.

  Leaning down, Dylon licked Cody’s mating scar and felt Cody’s muscles clench his cock. “Now, if I remember correctly, you want me to—how did you put it—oh yes, to pound you so hard you’ll feel my ownership even tomorrow, is that correct, my pet?” he crooned in Cody’s ear.


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