Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3)

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Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3) Page 31

by Mary Rundle

  “How long did Arald have them locked up?” asked Cody.

  “A little more than three years, I think. They were there when I arrived. From what they told me, they were fifteen when they arrived. So they’re now eighteen, but that doesn’t matter; they can come with me and I’ll take care of them.”

  “How old are you, Kieran?” asked Slate.

  “Old enough to take care of myself and my bears,” snapped Kieran.

  “I have no doubt of that,” Cody said, “But, please, would you tell me your age.”

  “I’m twenty-one. But what does that have to do with anything?” I’m of legal age, so are Theodore and Norman. We can live together and I will take care of them,” Kieran asserted again.

  “I do understand that. How old were you when you were sold to Arald?” asked Cody.

  “I told my parents I was gay when I was almost nineteen. They were trying to force me to mate with the Alpha’s daughter. I knew I couldn’t do that so I decided to tell them the truth. I thought they would understand—instead they drugged me one night and the next morning I woke up chained and caged inside Arald’s house of horrors.”

  “Kieran, while I understand your desire to take care of Theodore and Norman, I don’t think it’s possible,” Cody said, raising his hand to forestall another outburst from the young man, “for a couple of reasons. One, and probably the most important, is the rarity of Ghost Bear Shifters. Theodore and Norman will be targeted by every criminal out there if the word gets out. Two, they should finish their schooling so they’ll to be able to support themselves.”

  “I can protect them. And teach them what they need to know. I was doing that when I could. They’re smart and will learn quickly…”

  “I’m not disputing you, but if they are your friends, don’t you want the best for them?” asked Cody.

  “Of course, I do.”

  “Then listen to what I’m proposing. You, Theodore and Norman will accompany me, Dylon, and the pups home to the Blackwood Pack where all of you will have your own room and the best medical care and support in whatever you decide to do once you are fully recovered. Meanwhile, Slate will work to find all of Arald’s money and other assets which will be split among his victims as partial compensation for the crimes he committed against all of you.”

  “What’s the Blackwood Pack?” Kieran sounded skeptical.

  “That’s my pack,” Cody said. “My older brother, Jackson is Alpha and he is mated to Slate’s brother Steel. Then, there’s Logan, then me, Colton, Carson, Dakota, and Zane. Colton is mated to Dr. Ian Wallace and you met Dylon, my mate. Our pack was formed when everyone in our birth pack was killed.”

  “If I understand you right, the Blackwood Pack is led by a gay wolf?” asked Kieran.

  Chuckling, Cody said, “Yeah, why? Is that a problem?”

  Shaking his head in disbelief, Kieran answered, “No, I’ve just never heard of that. Before I say yes, I must talk to Theodore and Norman about your offer. They may have some questions.”

  “Sure. Do you want to talk to them now?” asked Slate.

  Standing, Kieran said, “Yes, I know they’re worried. Thanks.”

  After Kieran left the suite, Cody stood, cradling Jake in his arms, and said to Dylon, “Come on Dad, time to put our sleeping pups to bed.”

  Dylon was surprised when he looked down at Jessica and found her as fast asleep as her brother. Rising slowly and making sure he didn’t jostle his daughter, he followed his mate into the pups’ bedroom. After giving each a soft good night kiss and tucking them in, Cody and Dylon quietly left the room, leaving the door just open a crack so their pups’ cries could be heard.

  On the way back to the living room, Dylon stopped and pulled Cody into his arms. Gently kissing his lips, he whispered, “Are you all right, my pet? No problem with keeping your visions behind the wall in your mind?”

  Cody leaned in for another kiss, then said, “No. But when we get home, I want to look behind the wall. I think the visions I had about everything that’s happened here have disappeared. Do you know what that means?” Cody whispered excitedly. After seeing Dylon shake his head, he continued, “I won’t ever feel the pain from those visions again. If that’s true, isn’t it wonderful? I know I’ll have more in the future but I’ll never again suffer from these.”

  “We need to ask Oracle when we get back,” Dylon said quietly with hope in his eyes. Just the possibility his mate would have a reprieve between his visions would be the second best gift he could ever receive. Wrapping his arm around Cody’s waist, they walked slowly to the living room.


  Kieran raced to his friends’ room. Holy shit balls! This could be the answer to our prayers. Knocking before opening the door, he walked in and saw his two friends tangled up on the bed, kissing each other. “Hey, stop for a second. I got something to tell you.” He tapped his foot impatiently waiting for his words to sink into the two love-sick bears. Finally, when he thought he’d have to splash cold water over them, they stopped kissing and looked at him with puffy lips.

  “What is so important you have to tell us now?” asked Theodore.

  “This is important so shut up and listen. Cody has offered us a safe place to stay and finish our schooling. Slate is also going to try to get us some money from Arald. You know, to pay us for all the shit we went through. If he can do that, when we get the money, we’ll be able to move to our own place and start our new life like we always planned.”

  “No shit,” exclaimed Norman.

  “How do you know you can trust him?” asked Theodore, always suspicious of something sounding too good to be true. The last time he’d done that, he ended up at Arald’s.

  “I’m not sure I trust Slate, but I trust Cody. It’s his pack we would be living with.”

  “But that’s a wolf pack,” complained Theodore, “We’re bears. I don’t know about this. What happens if we don’t like it there? Then what? Are we going to be locked up again?”

  Kieran inwardly sighed. He couldn’t really blame Theodore or Norman. Arald wasn’t exactly a great spokesman for wolf packs. “Look, why don’t you come and meet Cody, at least. Then make up your mind. If you don’t want to go, we won’t. We’ll stick together no matter what.”

  Theodore looked at Norman. Kieran knew they were mind talking. Again tapping his foot impatiently, he was a teeny bit disappointed his friends didn’t jump at this chance. But he tried to be understanding.

  “Okay, can we meet Cody now?” asked Norman.

  “Yes, yes. Get your shoes on and let’s go,” Kieran said excitedly, hopeful that, at least, his friends were open to the proposal.

  Leading them back to the presidential suite, Kieran watched his friends’ eyes widen as they took in the luxurious surroundings in the hallway. Reaching the door, he turned and looked at them, “Be nice. These people rescued us and as far as I can tell, they don’t expect anything for it.”

  “We promise,” they said in unison.

  Kieran opened the door and escorted the bears into the living room where he introduced them to Cody, Dylon and Slate. After exchanging hellos, Kieran indicated where they could sit.

  “Hi guys. I assume Kieran told you about my offer. Do you have any questions?” asked Cody.

  “Cody, right?” Norman asked, then continued when it was affirmed, “Let’s say we go to the Blackwood Pack. What happens if we don’t like it?”

  Cody spoke, “My brother, Jackson, is the Alpha of the pack and he’s mated to Slate’s brother Steel. He is a good guy and can be trusted. If you don’t want to stay, then I promise you Jackson will find somewhere else for the three of you where you’ll be safe and well-funded. Nobody will be forced to stay if you don’t like it there. But, I hope you’ll give my pack a chance to show you not all wolf packs are like Arald’s.”

  Theodore gave Norman a side eye before asking “Will Norman and I be able to share a room?”

  “If you want, sure. Do you want Kieran to share with you also?�

  Answering before his friends could open their mouths, Kieran said, “No way! The deal is off if I have to share a room with them. I need my beauty sleep and they snore.”

  Laughing, Cody said, “No, you don’t have to share if you don’t want to. There are plenty of bedrooms to pick from.”

  “Can Kieran go to school? He wanted to be a teacher. Who’s going to pay for that?” asked Theodore.

  Mortified, Kieran said, “Stop it, Theodore. I can pay for it myself. I just need to get a job first.”

  “Dire Enterprises has a scholarship fund for circumstances just like this. None of you will have to worry about paying for your schooling, whether you stay with the Blackwood Pack or decide to move elsewhere,” Slate said.

  Theodore and Norman stared at each other as they once again communicated through their mind link. A smile slowly formed on both faces as they came to an agreement. Theodore spoke, “If Kieran’s willing to go, then we are also. But, we want a guarantee of the funds for Kieran’s schooling and proof of the money you spoke of if we don’t want to stay. We don’t need the money right now, but we want to know it’s there for us without waiting for it if we decide to leave.”

  “Done. I’ll have it set up in your names tomorrow and there will be a separate account for your schooling. You don’t have to make a decision right now, but when you get settled, then you can think about what your plans are for the future,” said Slate.

  Shaking hands with Slate, Cody and Dylon, Theodore and Norman left for their room while Kieran lingered.

  “Did you have something you wanted to say, Kieran?” asked Cody.

  Straightening up and stretching his five foot seven inches to look the tallest he could, Kieran said, “Uhmm…yes. If you fuck over my friends, I will kill you. They have been hurt enough and I won’t let anyone or anything hurt them again. They have agreed to come with me to your pack because they trust me. Don’t make me a liar.”

  Cody saw Slate’s mouth drop open and he heard Dylon’s growl at the threat against his mate, but he ignored them, for here in front of him, stood a shifter that was worth his weight in gold. Holding back a smile at the young man’s bravado, Cody spoke first, “You’ll have no need to kill me or anyone else. No one will hurt them. Your friends will be treated as full members of the pack and will enjoy the protection of my brothers and their mates. But thanks for the warning. I’ll pass it on to my Alpha.”

  Satisfied, Kieran nodded briefly and left to join his friends.

  Cody then let loose his smile.

  Chapter 41

  Dylon was up first this time, taking care of their pups when a flustered Cody joined him.

  “I’m so sorry, babe, I guess everything just caught up with me,” Cody said, “These last few nights I’ve gotten some of the best sleep I’ve ever had—well, except when you used the chains—and I feel so much better, but I’m not doing my fair share with our pups.” Cody quickly changed Jake and picked up the bottle Kieran had left for him.

  “Stop it right now, ma moité,” replied Dylon, “You have nothing to apologize for. Jake was fine, Jessica is fine and to make sure they stay that way, you need to be fine too. Stop with the guilt and just enjoy our pups.” Dylon smiled at Jessica and looked at Cody feeding Jake his bottle. “Hey, I think we’re doing great. I can’t wait for my mom to see these two.”

  Giggling at the attempts of his son to grab his finger, Cody said, “We have to be sure to take some pictures when your mom meets these two. Oh, my gods, babe, we haven’t taken any pictures yet! We have to do that.”

  “When we get back today, I promise. Is Jake finished? Slate will be waiting for us.”

  “Yup. Give me a second to burp him.”

  Kieran walked in. “Slate called. He wants to know if you plan on showing up today. His words, not mine.”

  “Yeah that sounds like him. Jake and Jessica have been changed and fed. We’ll be back as soon as the buyers are locked up. Then we’ll be heading home so let Theodore and Norman know, okay?” asked Dylon.

  “Err, okay,” Kieran said, his eyes darting around the room.

  “Kieran, is something bothering you?” asked Cody.

  Embarressed to ask, he wasn’t sure how, especially since Cody had done so much for him already. Only his friendship with Theodore and Norman finally made him blurt it out, “I was, well, actually we were wondering if we can borrow some money to go shopping for some things. We only have a couple of outfits and nothing else; once we get to your pack how will we shop for what we need? I know this wasn’t part of the deal, but Theodore almost backed out last night because he was ashamed that he had nothing except two pairs of jeans—and not the best style for him, if you want my opinion—and a couple of t-shirts in the totally wrong color for his complexion, if you catch my drift. I told him we could go shopping today and I would make him look fabulous. So please, can I borrow some money?”

  Cody stared at Kieran for a long minute before he finally grinned, “Sure, only it’s not a loan. Every pack member has a monthly allowance to pay for that kind of stuff. Since you and your friends are now pack members, you’re able to draw on your stipend as of yesterday. Let me ask Slate to give you a credit card. Is that all right?”

  Beaming, Kieran answered, “Wow, wait til’ I tell Theodore and Norman. Is it all right if I take Jake and Jessica with me today? I promise I’ll take care of them.”

  “They can go with you,” Dylon answered, “but understand that you’ll have enforcers with you and your friends—not only to protect the pups, but to protect you guys, too.”

  Waving his hand, Kieran said, “No problemo. Give me a minute to call my friends. Be right back.” And he was gone in a heartbeat.

  Dylon looked at Cody quizzically. “What monthly allowances are you talking about?” he whispered.

  “Tell you later,” said Cody a moment before Kieran burst into the room again.

  “Okay, okay. Go. I’ve got this. Chop, chop. Slate is waiting for you.”

  Cody laughed as he put Jake in his crib and Dylon did the same with Jessica. Giving his pups one last kiss, Cody took Dylon’s hand and left the room—but not before telling the sassy young man the credit card would be with the lead enforcer and he shouldn’t worry about any limits.

  Once in the elevator, Dylon yanked Cody to his chest and devoured him with a kiss. By the time he was finished, Cody was dazed, looking like a well kissed man should, with swollen lips. “So, my pet, where’s my monthly allowance?” he asked.

  Licking the taste of his mate on his lips first, Cody smiled, “There isn’t one really, but Jackson has set it up so we can each draw funds from his inheritance when we need them. I felt Kieran and his friends had been through so much, it was important to give them a little self-esteem instead of making them feel like beggars. No man wants to be looked at that way—you saw how reluctant he was to ask me what he wanted. Now, he can keep some pride and start rebuilding his self-respect—Theodore and Norman, too.”

  Gently smiling, Dylon said, “Did I ever tell you how much I admire you?” Pulling his mate close to him once more, Dylon enveloped him in his arms and gave him a tender, love-filled kiss.


  Slate glanced around the clearing, noting where all his enforcers—now dressed in local outfits to blend in with Ulfric and Ordovic’s pack members—were located. He had to admit Dylon was a genius when it came to this kind of operation. Looking skyward, he located the first buyers flying in for the auction. Kieran had told him where to find Arald’s paperwork describing who the buyers were and when they’d be arriving. It would be tight, but if Dylon’s plan worked, he’d have a shitload of prisoners to give to the High Council at the end of the day. Many of them would be very well-known, wealthy shifters. What surprised him though, were the two humans on the list of approved buyers. That was going to present a unique problem for the Council to deal with as they figure out how the humans knew about shifters.

  Lowering his head as the first helicopter la
nded, Slate waited until the first of the buyers came down the steps and were standing surrounded by a handful of enforcers. Stepping forward, Slate greeted them in Arald’s native language before switching. “If you come this way, there’s some paperwork to complete before the auction.”

  “What kind of paperwork?”

  “Verification of your ability to pay for your purchases. It won’t take long and then you’ll have a private tour of the merchandise up for sale.” Slate led them to the peace conference building and into the meeting room where Dylon was waiting.

  “Gentlemen, have a seat,” Dylon said, and continued, “If you’d please give me your proof of funds, I’ll call to verify and then you can see what’s for sale.” Once he had the paperwork from each of them, Dylon stood and said, “Make yourselves comfortable. There’s coffee along with some pastries. I’ll be right back.” Leaving the room with the paper work, he headed to small office and phoned Steel who was standing by.

  “I don’t like this,” said the first buyer.

  “Why not? I see nothing wrong here. I think Arald is a sharp businessman. Why would he want to show us the shifters he has for sale if we don’t have the money to pay for them? All I care about is how healthy they are. I’m looking for some young men who can work all day and suck me off all night and I’m willing to pay a lot for them. In the last auction, I was bidding on a very healthy young man who was a natural healer. Fuck! I was willing to buy him no matter what the price, but I lost out at the very last second. The only reason I’m here is Arald said he had two healthy 18 year old virgins. How fucking lucky is that! It almost makes up for losing the healer. What are you looking for?”

  “I need an heir but my wife also wanted a girl so Arald found me twins—a boy for me and a girl for her—and as soon as he verifies my funds, I’m taking them and leaving. I have business to attend to and this is an unwelcome interruption. I wanted the pups shipped to me but Arald insisted I take possession in person. Where the fuck is he?”


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