Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3)

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Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3) Page 32

by Mary Rundle

  Relaying all the information, Dylon waited until he received confirmation from Steel before heading back to the buyers. After opening the door to the meeting room, Dylon announced, “Gentlemen, your paperwork is in order. Would you please come this way to see the merchandise?” Leading them out of the building and down the path to the fortress, Dylon opened the door and led them to the south dungeon where Slate’s enforcers were waiting. Opening the steel door, Dylon flipped on the switch and descended the stairs, waiting for the two buyers and their enforcers to reach the bottom.

  With only one bulb glowing overhead, most of the dungeon was cloaked in darkness. Looking around, one of the buyers asked, “Well, where are my young studs?”Dylon whistled and his enforcers jumped into action, encircling the visitors.

  “What’s this?” one of them called out in alarm.

  “This, gentlemen, will be your new home for a while. Turk, please shackle everyone,” ordered Dylon.

  “What do you mean my new home? You can’t do this! I’m a paying customer,” he said indignantly, trying to shake off the hands of his jailer.

  The buyers and their enforcers were securely shackled to the same wall Slate and his enforcers had been chained to only a few days before. Placing rubber ball gags in their mouths to keep them from warning the next group, Slate’s enforcers merged into the darkness as Dylon climbed the stairs to greet the next buyers.

  After fifteen sets of buyers had been locked up and their funds frozen, Dylon and the enforcers climbed the stairs for the last time. As they headed out of the fortress, Dylon saw Slate walking toward them.

  “Everyone secured?” Slate asked.

  “Yup, worked like a charm. Steel moved all the funds to a trust account until he gets High Council’s approval to disperse the money to the victims.”

  “Did Cody get everything recorded?”

  “I think so. I’m headed there now,” Dylon said, as he continued walking toward the peace conference building.

  Slate fell in step with Dylon. “So, you heading home now?”

  “Yup, and I can’t wait to get there.”

  “Does anyone know about the pups yet?”

  “Nope, we wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “Well, I think you’ll nail that,” Slate said, chuckling.

  “Yeah, you’re probably right there,” Dylon said, as he opened the front door and headed for the conference room where he saw his mate drinking coffee and eating pastries.

  “What? I’m hungry. Just because I can become invisible doesn’t mean I don’t need food,” Cody said, in response to the look his mate gave him.

  Sighing, Dylon felt happy he and Cody’s part in all this crap was over. Bending down, he licked his mate’s lips, removing the remaining frosting.

  “What a bad mate I am—not thinking about making sure you had lunch.”

  “Thanks, babe, but I’m fine. Is everyone locked up?”

  “They sure are…did you get the evidence we need to make sure these bastards are locked up for a long time?”

  “Fuck, I couldn’t believe how all of them talked. Each of them blabbed about who they wanted to buy and why. The equipment worked perfectly. All I had to do was sit here and listen to the assholes. It’s all been recorded. Now, can we go home?”

  “Yes, I have the jet ready to go. Just have to pick up the pups, Kieran, Theodore, and Norman, then you can get moving,” said Slate.

  “How long will you be staying here? Not too long, I hope,” Cody said.

  “It shouldn’t be too long. Tomorrow I can get rid of all the buyers and their enforcers because Steel has charted a prison plane to make sure they’ll all remain locked up during their ride to the High Council jail. As for Arald and his men, it shouldn’t take me long to document their actions before they’ll join the other assholes.”

  Cody gave Slate a bro hug and whispered in his ear, “Get it done fast. Daniel needs to see his uncle soon.”

  “Promise. Pictures are a poor substitute for seeing my nephew in person.”

  Cody smiled as he took Dylon’s hand. “Let’s go babe, I’m eager to see our pups.”

  Leaving the peace conference building, the three of them walked over to where the helicopter was waiting to take Cody and Dylon back to the hotel so they could pick up their pups and the boys.

  Slate stood, watching as Cody and Dylon boarded the helicopter. He was happy for Cody who seemed far better than he’d been the last time Slate saw him in Mexico. Lifting his hand and waving, Slate turned around and headed for the house he was staying at, ready for a hot meal, a long soak in the tub and an uninterrupted night of sleep.


  After their day of shopping, Kieran inspected Theodore and Norman dressed in their new clothes which, of course, he had orchestrated. How handsome my friends are. New haircuts, a stop at the Mani and Pedi spa at the hotel, and gorgeous attire that highlighted their best features made all the difference in the world. When they got to Cody’s home, he was determined to take them to a gay dance club and show them how to have fun.

  “Well… how do we look?” asked Theodore.

  Cody and Dylon walked up behind Kieran and before he could answer Theodore, Cody exclaimed, “Wow, you guys are gorgeous! Did Kieran help you pick out that outfit, Theodore?”

  “Yeah, he did…he told me it brought out the green in my eyes and complimented my body, right?” asked Theodore turning to Norman for affirmation.

  “That’s what he said, Theo,” answered Norman.

  “Well done, Kieran. Not to rush you guys, but the plane is ready and we’re eager to go,” Cody said, adding, “You look fantastic too, Norman.” Then taking a good look at Kieran, he smiled. “I love your look, Kieran. You have great taste.”

  “Thanks, I hope you don’t mind but I bought Jake and Jessica a bunch of clothes too. We went past a darling children’s clothes store and in the window were these matching outfits for a boy and a girl. Of course, they spoke to me right away and I really didn’t think you’d mind. But when I got inside, well, it was impossible to stop at just one outfit.”

  By the time Kieran finished, Cody was laughing so much, he was leaning against Dylon. “Oh Kieran, you are going to get along just fine with my brother Jackson,” he finally sputtered out.

  Dylon chuckled, “Okay, babe, I think it’s time we get our pups. Guys are you packed?” After receiving a chorus of yeses, Dylon pulled his still snickering mate along to pick up Jake and Jessica.

  Then later, Dylon shepherded everyone on board and watched with amusement as Kieran, Theodore and Norman explored the entire plane before taking their seats. Giving the signal to the pilot to take off, he breathed a sigh of relief that they were finally headed home.

  Chapter 42

  “Frank, come on, Cody and Dylon are on their way. Dakota told me the helicopter will be landing in five minutes. Come on!”

  Scooping his papers off the desk, he stuffed them back in his briefcase, snapped it closed and locked it. The work was piling up but rather than return home he’d stayed with the Blackwood Pack to let Lizzie spend more time with Dakota. In the end, it worked out okay. The new recipes Lizzie learned to make under Dakota’s tutelage were amazing and he anticipated the reaction of their friends when they got home as Lizzie showed off her new-found skills to them. Their delay in leaving also was fortunate because Dylon and Cody were coming home sooner than expected and they’d see them before leaving.

  “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  Taking her mate’s hand, Lizzie quickly headed to the front door, pulling Frank along. “I can’t believe how lucky we are…Oh, there’s the helicopter!” Entering the great room, Lizzie joined Oracle, Maximus and the others gathered near the front door.

  Steel finally opened the door and everyone filed outside, eager to greet Cody and Dylon. Waiting for the blades to stop, he asked Jackson. “Want me to hold Daniel?”

  Smiling, Jackson handed over their son. “You know me too well, babe.”

The group watched as Dylon got out of the chopper, and was handed a bundle. The scenario was repeated with Cody and then they saw three more men exit the helicopter. The pilot, Robert, was busy handing backpacks and bags to the three men before the group walked toward the house.

  “What’s Cody holding?”

  “Is that a baby?”

  “Look, Dylon’s got one too!”

  “Who are the dudes with them?”

  “What the fuck?”

  “Who’s the twink in the pink top?”

  “I want him.”

  Jackson turned around and looked at his brothers. “What the fuck is it with you guys? Do I have to constantly remind you how to behave in front of guests? Now shut up. Honestly!” Turning back to Cody, he realized Cody and Dylon were holding babies in their arms. As the group approached the steps to the front porch, Jackson quickly sucked in a breath at the sheer radiance coming from his brother. Cody was happy—no, not happy—his brother was filled with a joy that radiated from his very soul.

  “Wow! What a great welcoming committee. Hey, Jackson, meet Jake and Jessica—our pups. They’re twins.”

  Before he could respond, Jackson was startled by a scream. Wheeling around, he saw Lizzie pushing her way toward Jackson, exclaiming, “Oh my gods, oh my gods, did you hear that Frank, I’m a grandmother! I’m a grandmother! Let me see my grandbabies!”

  Rushing past Jackson, Lizzie ran down the porch steps and stopped in front of Cody. Gently pulling the pink blanket back, Lizzie melted when she got her first look at Jessica. “Oh my, she is beautiful!” Jessica waved her tiny hand that had been freed and smiled as she looked up at Lizzie. “Hi sweetie, welcome home. What a heartbreaker you will be! And you have a brother, do you? Well, you don’t mind if I say hello to him, do you?” Lizzie smiled, looking tenderly at her granddaughter before giving her a soft kiss on the forehead.

  Taking a step over to her son, Lizzie said, “Dylon Royd, you are in a heap of trouble for not telling me I was going to become a grandmother.” Moving the blue blanket away, Lizzie gasped, “Oh my goodness, Frank come down here, Jake looks just like Dylon did as a baby. Hi sweetie, welcome home. Oh my, aren’t you the strong one already,” Lizzie said as Jake grasped her finger and blew bubbles.

  “Congratulations, guys,” said Jackson, “I can’t wait to hear how you became parents. In the meantime, Cody, would you introduce the rest of your group?”

  “Sure, Theodore, Norman and Kieran, this is my brother, Jackson, Alpha of the Blackwood Pack.”

  “Nice to meet you, Alpha. In case you are wondering who’s who, I’m Kieran,” he said, then, pointing to his friend standing next to him, added, “He’s Theodore so I’m sure you know which one is Norman. Cody told us, and I quote, ‘the best fucking chef in the world is here’ so, can we get something to eat? Dylon refused to let us do that at the airport because he said, and I quote, ‘you can fucking wait until we get home’. So, we waited and now since the how do’s are finished, we’re ready to eat.”

  Cody had handed Jessica to her grandma by the time Kieran finished and was now standing behind him, grinning so broadly, it looked as his face was split in two.

  Jackson’s eyes that had widened during Kieran’s monologue, then shifted to Cody’s face. What has happened to my brother? The transformation was astounding. Finally, he found his voice, “Hi Kieran. Nice to meet you, and you, Theodore, and you too, Norman. My brother is right, the best chef in the world is our brother, Dakota. I’m sure he can rustle up something for you to eat. But before he does that, let me introduce you to everyone else. Front and center, bros, we have some special visitors.”

  Jackson waited as the rest of his brothers moved near him on the porch. Then he began, “This is Dakota, someone you want to be real nice to since he will be making your food. And here is Colton and this one is Carson…”

  “Hey, they look just like you,” Kieran said to Cody, turning around to look again before turning back. “Are you triplets? Wow how cool is that? And you have twin pups!”

  Jackson smiled, “Yes, they’re triplets; this one is Zane and over at the end is Logan, my twin brother.”

  “Hi guys, don’t mind my friends. They’ve been locked up for the last three years in Arald’s house of horrors, so they don’t talk much. But they sure are hungry. Yo, Dakota, think we can get some grub? We aren’t picky, if you get my drift. Just right now we’re starving. Don’t blame us, it’s Dylon’s fault. I didn’t want to show up hungry—you know it not being polite and all—but the big man over there said ‘no’, so ‘no’ it was.”

  Jackson snickered. The pink-shirted twink sure had a way about him that just made him smile. Keeping his eyes on Kieran, he called out, “Yo, Dakota, can you help out these starving guests?”

  Laughing at Kieran’s spunky attitude, Dakota said, “Sure, I can fix you guys up with something to tide you over til’ dinner time. Anything you don’t like?”

  Kieran looked at his friends, then turned back to Dakota, “No gruel, no way, nada, never ever again. Anything else is fine. Nope, wait a minute, I got to amend the list—no freaking snails. I have no idea why anyone would eat those —well maybe a raccoon shifter—but no self-respecting wolf would so I have no idea why Arald would eat them. Huh! Maybe because he wasn’t a self-respecting wolf. Well duh, now that makes sense.”

  That was the final straw and Jackson who had been smiling at Kieran was now laughing so hard, Steel had to pass his son over to Oracle to hold so he could grab his mate and keep him upright.

  At last, after Jackson got himself under control, he said, “Kieran, if you, Theodore and Norman follow Dakota to the kitchen, I’m sure he’ll make you something without gruel or snails. Just let me introduce the rest of the group to you. That’s Lizzie, Dylon’s mom holding Jessica, and over here is Dylon’s father, Franklin Royd. This is Steel, my mate, and over there, holding our son Daniel, is his grandmother, Oracle, and her mate, Maximus who are parents to Steel and his brother Slate. And back here is Dr. Ian Wallace, Colton’s mate.”

  “Nice to meet you all. But if you don’t mind, can we chat later? Me and my friends are really, really hungry.”

  “Yes, I think that’s been established,” said Jackson. “Dakota, if you will?”

  “Follow me, boys and let’s see what I can do to solve that problem.” Dakota said.

  After climbing the steps, Theodore and Norman fell in line behind Dakota as they were led through the front door. Before following them, Kieran paused in front of Jackson and said, “Thank you for taking us into your pack and giving my friends a safe place to live. I won’t forget this. I think Slate was right, we are going to like it here.” Then patting Jackson on the shoulder, Kieran followed Dakota and his friends.

  After the door closed behind them, Jackson turned to Cody, raising an eyebrow and said, “New pack members? Did you forget to send me a memo about our new pack members?”

  “It’s a long story but the Cliff Notes are as follows…Kieran was sold when he was almost nineteen by his parents to Arald—a real scumbag if there ever was one—who kept him as a slave and used him sexually, we think, although he doesn’t talk about it, and made him sleep in a cage. Theodore and Norman were given to Arald when they were fifteen because they were caught kissing and have been shackled and kept in a cell ever since until we freed them. They were scheduled to be sold at an auction, uh, yesterday I think. My time is all screwed up. They had nowhere to go and Slate offered them a home with us. These boys will be my responsibility. And my pups—Arald killed their parents so he could sell the twins to a buyer who wanted them. Oh yeah, we also caught several of the buyers who were bidding on Colton.”

  “Kieran is a wolf, but what kind of shifters are Theodore and Norman?” asked Jackson.

  “Ghost Bear shifters. Now, you see why we couldn’t let them be on their own. Slate has arranged for Dire Enterprises to pay for their schooling and he’s trying to recover some of Arald’s assets to be split among all the victims.”

  “Ghost Bear shifters? The High Council would be very interested in this,” said Frank.

  Jackson swirled and stared at Frank, his Alpha power at full strength. “You are a private guest here and as such you are bound by the rules I set. Who and what Theodore and Norman are is not anyone’s business except mine. They are under my protection. Therefore, I’m giving you a warning—if you, for any reason, disclose any facts about Theodore and Norman to anyone outside this pack, I will file charges against you with the High Council. Do I make myself clear?”

  As soon as Jackson’s Alpha power hit him, Frank tilted his head, acknowledging Jackson’s position over him. “Yes, Alpha Blackwood. I understand. Please accept my apology for some carelessly spoken words. I have no intention of disclosing anything to the High Council except with your permission.”

  “Thank you, Frank, I accept your apology,” Jackson said before turning back to Cody and pulling back his power. “I accept Kieran, Theodore, and Norman as members of the Blackwood Pack. Anything else I should know?”

  “Ahh, yeah, Theodore and Norman are in love, so they want to share a bedroom and Kieran wants a separate bedroom because he needs his, and I quote, ‘beauty sleep and they snore’.”

  “Done. Can I see my new nephew and niece? Hey Lizzie is that all right?” Jackson asked Lizzie, who was holding a conversation with both of her grandpups.

  When no reply was heard from Lizzie, Dylon answered for her, “Absolutely! But I think you better come down here because I’m not sure my mom will let them go yet.”

  The porch was soon empty as everyone gathered around Jessica and Jake with Lizzie showing off her granddaughter. Frank took his grandson from Dylon’s arms and smiled at the new member of the Royd family. “Oh, he’s heavy,” Frank said, as he gently rocked Jake. “How old are they?”

  “We aren’t sure but I think, maybe, a month,” answered Cody.

  “Did you pick out the names?” asked Jackson, now holding Jake.

  “No, those were the names their birth parents gave them and we wanted the twins to have something of them, even if it was only their names,” Dylon replied.


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