The Living Room

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The Living Room Page 6

by Rolfe, Bill

  Daniel recognized from Art’s tone that he wasn’t falling for the house excuse. “Thanks, Art. You’re too good to me. I left my number with Nancy in case of an emergency, and I’ll give you a call when I’m on my way home.”

  They both hung up. For the first time in his career, Daniel had something other than work taking priority in both his schedule and mind.

  After his phone call, he swept the main floor and dusted out cupboards in the kitchen; however, his mind was really fixated on his dinner date a few nights before.

  A knock at the door interrupted his cleaning and he rushed to answer with anticipation. This time, he opened it to find Claire standing in her nurse’s uniform, with a well-suited gentleman at her side. Daniel froze for a second, only to thaw upon hearing her words: “Daniel, this is my superior, Dr. Abrams.”

  This came as a relief, squashing his concern that the man might be someone more personal, with an emotional attachment.

  “Welcome, Dr. Abrams.” As they walked in, Claire grabbed Daniel’s arm and winked at him.

  This was the first physical contact he’d had with her, and it numbed his entire side. She asked approval to show the doctor the glass-encased room, even though she was already heading for the stairs.

  Daniel could see the doctor was here as a favor and wasn’t really interested in the whole proposal. He had a blank expression on his face, but it was obvious he was an intelligent man. He had facial hair well groomed into a thin beard and mustache. Its grayness added to his air of being well schooled. Slightly taller than Daniel, he was easily capable of intimidating most people with whom he came into contact.

  Now up in the room, Dr. Abrams looked out the window, seemingly unimpressed, and asked questions of Claire that Daniel couldn’t understand.

  “What about the echo machine?”

  “Right here, Doctor.” Claire pointed to some outlets in the wall.

  He rudely asked about three or four more medical devices before he turned to Daniel. “Who is this man?”

  Before he could answer, Claire jumped in to defend Daniel. “This is Daniel Clay. He is from New York and has graciously offered us the use of this room temporarily, at no cost to the hospital.

  “But you’re not a doctor, are you Mr. Clay?”

  “No, Doctor, Daniel is a…” She paused self-consciously.

  Daniel wasn’t sure if he had informed her of his profession or if she had simply forgotten what he did for a living. A few weeks ago, this would have been devastating to him; now it didn’t faze him.

  “Dr. Abrams, I’m an investment advisor,” he said with pride, though feeling a little uncomfortable with his casual attire. “And, yes, I would like to offer this room to the hospital for Claire’s use. I will pay to prepare it with any outlets and additions you require.”

  This shocked Claire. This wasn’t part of the request, but she pretended as though it had always been understood.

  “I’d like to sleep on it,” he said and walked back toward the stairs.

  Claire touched Daniel’s arm again, this time to assure him that she would be calling soon to thank him for the help. They left as fast as they had come, and Daniel returned to work, wondering if he was getting in over his head. However, there was no time commitment required on his part, and having company around the house would make it a more enjoyable undertaking, especially if it meant more time with Claire.

  He worked through the day, taking breaks from time to time and checking the phone to make sure a dial tone was still audible. He was disappointed that there was no call from Claire before he retired for the night, but he reassured himself that it was only a late shift or work emergency that kept her from making contact.

  * * *

  Two cars—driven by Claire and Brenda—pulled up to the house; both vehicles were filled with supplies. Daniel had been up for hours, still fixing up his sleeping space in hopes of sharing it in the near future.

  “I take it you have the go-ahead!” he shouted from the doorstep across the driveway.

  “We do! Daniel, this is Brenda. She will be working here with the children during the day, and I’ll be taking the night shifts.” She came close to him and whispered, “If that’s okay with you.”

  Her glance assured him that the work on his bedroom would not be without rewards.

  “That sounds good to me. Let me give you ladies a hand.”

  Daniel helped unpack the weighted-down cars and insisted on carrying the heavier objects up the stairs. Brenda was quiet, rarely acknowledging him during the several trips up and down as they passed one another. They made eye contact only once when he nearly dropped a box. It was filled only with towels and bedsheets and hardly warranted the stern glance.

  She was Claire’s close coworker but was dissimilar in every way except for her care of children. She was much older, nearing retirement, and had no time for casual conversation or discussions of any kind while working. Her little white nurse’s hat was part of her wardrobe, regardless of whether she was on duty or not. It helped hide her thinning gray hair, and she found it preferable to any curly wig suggested at her salon.

  By early evening, the room was finished; Brenda re-cleaned it before she headed outside toward her car. She came across as unhappy and not particularly concerned about anything going on around her.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow, Claire, and you too, Daniel.”

  They both responded with their good-byes.

  Once they were alone, Daniel turned to Claire. “Tomorrow?” he questioned with a little concern in his voice.

  “Well, that’s what I was hoping to talk to you about tonight,” Claire spoke and became as nervous as she had been earlier.

  “Listen, Daniel, I want you to know that you can stop me anytime. Right now, if you choose, and I will completely understand. This has been my doing, and I maybe shouldn’t have dragged you in. I wouldn’t have if I didn’t think it would help the children a little.” Guilt showed on her face as she struggled for the appropriate apologies.

  “Claire, I guess I just don’t totally understand the benefits of them coming here yet.”

  Sitting on the foot of the bed, she motioned for him to join her, knowing that the conversation was required but would be difficult.

  “I thought these kids were really sick. I guess I’m just a little curious how this room can help them.”

  Claire stared at the floor, then into his eyes, and took his hand, “Do you understand what I really do for these children?”

  “Yes, you are a nurse. You take care of them and try to make them better,” he replied, as though defining her job to a classroom.

  “No, Daniel. I’m a nurse for terminally ill children. My job is to make them comfortable while they pass on.”

  Daniel surveyed the equipment just delivered in a completely new manner. He now realized that the room wasn’t meant to help anyone get better, but to comfort them before death. He left the room immediately, went quickly downstairs, and out onto the front porch.

  After allowing him a moment of solitude, Claire walked up behind him. “I can still call the whole thing off. It’s not too late, really.”

  “Why here, though? There must be better equipment, or drugs or doctors and stuff, at the hospital?”

  “Equipment for what, Daniel? There is nothing we can do for these children.”

  Claire took his hand. “I want to show you something.” She walked him to her car.

  A quiet drive was just what Daniel needed to allow all of his thoughts to digest. He didn’t ask where they were going, trusting that Claire had a purpose for the unscheduled journey back to town.

  When they arrived at the familiar location, his nerves tightened in anticipation of what he might have been brought here to see. As they walked through the hospital, their hands were locked tight. Daniel glanced into every room they passed until they came upon one that was empty. Claire entered it first and opened the blinds to the small hazy windows; then she asked Daniel to have a seat on the be

  “Look around this room, Daniel.”

  He did but seemed unimpressed and missed Claire’s point.

  “Now, see out the window.” Daniel noticed a few empty spaces in the parking lot and a man dumping the trash.

  “This is how most of the children in here spend their last day. Seeing this room and outside this window.”

  There was a moment of silence while Daniel tried to register his thoughts.

  “I want these kids to feel alive. For once in their horrible pain, I want them to feel alive. The way they could in your room.”

  Her message was received. His eyes told her that he now understood. It was all right to proceed with the plan.

  “But I have to tell you, Daniel, it isn’t easy to watch this process. You have to be strong for the children, so they don’t fear anything themselves. If it becomes too much, you have to tell me and we can stop the visits. Promise me, okay?”

  “Yes, as long as you are there with me, I think I will be all right.”

  She touched his face and smiled tenderly. They moved closer toward each other, their lips eager, but they were interrupted by a patient being wheeled into the room.

  “Hello, Claire,” one of the nurses said.

  She responded gracefully, instantly catching herself from her unexpected behavior within the hospital walls. She took Daniel by the hand and quickly returned to the car for the drive back to the house.

  Once they arrived, she thanked him again and told him to call her at work if he had any problems. Brenda’s words came back to him like a flash. “Right, so you won’t be here tomorrow?”

  “Not during the day. But Brenda will come and bring Jennifer. She’s six and has a form of incurable cancer. She hasn’t been well this week, which is why we were rushing to get the room done. I’m sorry to move so fast, Daniel.”

  “No, no, I’m ready. So I’ll see you tomorrow night?”

  “Yes.” She smiled.

  “And you’ll be staying the night?”

  “Yes. Jennifer and I will sleep right upstairs if you need anything,” she added, holding back a smile.

  “I see. Well then, see you tomorrow night.”

  He left her in the car and headed inside. In need of some reflection to recap the day’s events, he skipped dinner, brushed his teeth, and went straight to bed.

  * * *

  He woke early and jumped into the outside chores. The hot sun rose and warmed the air. Working in the front yard, he could see dust from the roadway leading to his house. He felt his stomach tighten but was pleasantly surprised to discover that it was Mrs. Lipton, the realtor, wife of the hardware store owner. He had forgotten that they had loosely arranged her visit days ago.

  She climbed out of the light pink Cadillac she used as a traveling office and straightened her oversized floral dress. She was a heavyset woman but reconciled to her size, and she dressed flamboyantly with bright colors and large hats.

  After a brief introduction, she got right to the point. It soon became apparent from her manners that she hadn’t sold anything for a while and didn’t really care if she did. She reminded him of an old teacher from high school. It was obvious that she hadn’t been happy in a while; and she seemed more interested in maintaining the ashes on the end of her cigarette than engaging in conversation.

  “So, what do you want for it?” She readied her notepad.

  “Well, I’m not sure yet. Where could I get an appraisal?”

  This seemed to confuse Mrs. Lipton and, at the same time, irritate her.

  “My husband tells me to drive out here because you want to sell the place. So do you?”

  “Yes, but…”

  “Well, I can’t sell it if you don’t tell me what you want for it!” She shook her head as if she were educating a child.

  “I understand, ma’am.” This irritated her more. “But I want to know what it’s worth before I try to price it. Doesn’t that sound like a smart thing to do?”

  Now she was offended.

  “Well, Mr. Clay, when you’re finished smartening up, here is my card.” She turned and waddled back to her car.

  Daniel wanted to stop her, maybe even apologize, but it was too late. He hadn’t noticed Brenda pulling up to the house. He couldn’t see anyone sitting in the passenger seat. He took a deep breath and hoped for the possibility that she was alone. But she wasn’t. After exiting the car, she walked around to the passenger side and opened the door to the rear seats.

  “Jennifer, we’re here, sweetheart.”

  There she was, lying down in the back. The little girl sat up; she was as pale as a ghost and unbelievably frail in her pretty red dress. It draped over her like it was three sizes too big, although it used to fit just right. Brenda walked past Daniel to help support the little girl as she took halting steps toward the house. Brenda nodded at him, trying hard to be a well-mannered guest.

  “Hello, Daniel. Claire says hi.”

  Daniel smiled back and tried to be casual about the arrival of his house guest. He wasn’t nearly as comfortable as he appeared and stayed out of the way unless called upon for any assistance. He spent most of the sunlit hours tinkering on the exterior just to avoid going back into the house.

  When the sun began to set, he paced in the kitchen, waiting for his support to come home from work. He listened curiously to the music Brenda had put on upstairs and no longer wondered why the old record player was included with the equipment. It was almost classical, a slow and simple melody played only by a soothing flute.

  He could also hear Brenda speaking with the little girl. It was as though there were nothing wrong with her. They talked about boys, television, and then dolls. Not once did Brenda introduce the topic of her health. Daniel just listened and waited.

  Finally, a sound he recognized pierced his anxious thoughts. A car entered the driveway, and he rushed to assure himself it was his savior. Claire walked toward the house and Daniel tried to greet her outside the doorway, but she was in a hurry and brushed passed him. “Hi, sweetheart, just give me a sec, I’m running late for Brenda.”

  Daniel wasn’t sure whether to be upset with her for rushing past him, or delighted at being called sweetheart. A minute passed, and Brenda came down the stairs.

  “Good night, Daniel, I’ll see you in the morning.” She walked straight out to her car.

  Claire called out, “Daniel, come up here for a second!”

  He felt insecure but hiked slowly up the stairs and peeked into the room.

  “This is Jennifer. She wanted to say hello before bedtime.”

  “Hello, Daniel. Thank you for letting me stay over this week.”

  The little girl was frail but managed to speak with a little effort.

  “Oh, you’re welcome, Jennifer. Sorry I didn’t come up earlier. I was busy in the yard.”

  Daniel wasn’t sure how to cover his absence, but the little girl appeared comforted.

  “I’ll be right down. Have you eaten yet?” Claire inquired.

  “I was just making”—he suddenly realized how much time had passed—“burning us something to eat. I’ll be in the kitchen.” He turned for the stairs.

  “Good night, Daniel,” Jennifer whispered, stopping him in his tracks.

  “Good night, Jennifer.” He returned an honest smile and then rushed down to the kitchen.

  After a valiant attempt at a good meal, Daniel and Claire shared a few words about the day. He was still uncertain about the sleeping arrangement. “Well, I’m pretty beat—I guess it’s bedtime.”

  Claire smiled and said, “I know Jennifer; she’s sitting there waiting for me to come up and talk so she can sleep.”

  Seeing some disappointment in Daniel’s face, she leaned into him for an embrace. She touched his back and shoulders like she didn’t want to let go. He got lost in the moment and let her go without saying a word. She smiled, kissed his cheek, and walked upstairs.

  Daniel smiled and retired to his sleeping quarters, now twice the room it
once was. While dozing off to sleep, he heard something. It sounded like giggling. Two little girls giggling—except that one of them was a woman. The vent next to his bed brought down all of the conversation from the room upstairs. He snickered a little to himself when he discovered the topic of discussion. They were talking about him. Jennifer said he’s cute and that Claire should marry him and make babies.

  After a few minutes of eavesdropping, Daniel slipped into a dreamworld more peaceful than he had experienced in years.

  Chapter 7

  * * *

  Daniel awoke to hear footsteps in the kitchen and decided to surprise his new sweetheart with a hug from behind. He quietly crept up to the doorway, turned the corner, and lunged at her.

  Brenda wasn’t too sure what to think, as Claire had actually left for work an hour ago. She seemed unimpressed over the mix-up. It was an awkward moment for both of them, so Daniel retreated to his room to recover from his embarrassment.

  About an hour into his workday, Daniel was outside again when he noticed the dust cloud on the road. He at first figured that another joyous visit from Mrs. Lipton was upon him. He felt panicked when he saw that it was an ambulance.

  It wasn’t traveling in any hurry. There were no lights or a siren wailing away. But there was still reason for concern. As he walked back toward the door, Brenda came out.

  “There’s an ambulance coming to the house.”

  “Yes. I called them,” she said calmly.

  “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes, Daniel. Everything is fine.” She stared off in the distance and tried to keep Daniel from entering the house. “But Jennifer is gone.”

  “You mean she’s…But she just got here.” His voice weakened.

  “I’m sorry, Daniel, but we never know when. Don’t worry; I’ll take care of everything.”

  Brenda met the ambulance, and Daniel hurried for the phone in the hallway.

  “Yes, is Claire there, please?” Fortunately she was near the counter and fully aware of the reason for his call.


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