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Heaven is Weeping (A Croft & Croft Romance Adventure Book 5)

Page 16

by Morgan Kelley

  He got what she was saying. He needed to focus.

  The second she began sliding him into her body, he could feel the tightening in his.

  Well, half of his.

  Then, she began bouncing. With each slide down his erection, she ground her body down on his. It was just enough pressure and pain to shoot daggers of lust through his body.

  Paris couldn’t believe this was actually going to happen. He was going to have an orgasm. After losing his legs, she was giving him back the most important part.

  His manhood.

  “I’m close, Paris,” Tessa whispered, enjoying the way he felt as he filled her. It had been too damn long, and now the dry spell was over.

  “Wait for me, Tessa. Oh God! Please wait for me! I need to fall with you,” he whispered, his hands finding her slim hips. When he began pulling her down, harder and harder, to bury himself deep in her body, he could feel the explosion looming.

  It was right there.

  Paris was on the edge. “Please don’t stop, Tessa. Please!” he begged.

  Staring down into his eyes, she made her promise. “I will love you forever and will never stop!”

  Between the pressure growing in his lower body, her brilliant, witchy eyes, and her words, the need to explode overcame him.

  Paris ruptured violently apart, empting into the love of his life in wave after wave.

  Tessa tumbled, never feeling anything so spectacular in her life. While they took their past encounters for granted, that would never be happening again.




  Slowly, they began drifting back to awareness. She was resting on his body as he remained buried in hers. When he opened his eyes, she was watching him, grinning smugly.


  “The internet. I was up all night researching it.”

  He wanted to laugh. “I didn't think that we’d…that I’d…” He didn't know what to say. How did you thank someone for such a miraculous gift?

  No longer was there doubt.

  Paris could live a semi normal life after all. He wouldn’t lose Tessa. Croft was right.

  He was still a man.

  As emotions overwhelmed him, Paris let them all go. They manifested in a hot wave of tears.

  Tessa held him, reassuring him that he wasn’t alone in all this. She’d never let him face the unknown without her by his side.

  “I have you, Paris. You protected me, and now it’s my turn to save you.”

  And she did.

  In so many ways…

  * * *

  Sky Villa

  Friday Morning

  When Emma woke up, she was naked and very much alone. It was odd for her to be the last one up. Generally, her internal clock had her up at dawn, and she would make the man in her life breakfast.

  Unfortunately, she was sabotaged. In fact, she was Crofted. The man she loved had worn her down, in an effort to chase away some demons. While Emma didn't mind him using sex to solve problems, she did have issues with him sulking alone.

  She knew him too well.

  That would be the only reason he was gone from their bed.

  Pulling on his shirt, the one he had discarded on their bedroom floor, she padded out to find him. When she did, it looked like her instincts were one hundred percent dead on.

  There sat her husband, drinking coffee and staring off into space.

  Oh boy.

  This couldn’t be good.

  As she approached, he didn't even look over.

  “Morning, baby.”

  “Are you going to lose it?”


  “Want to talk about it?”

  He finally looked over. “I have a conundrum, and I’ve never been in this position before.”

  Emma poured herself some coffee and braced her elbows on the counter in front of him. “Spill it.”

  “How do I help my brother woo his ex-boyfriend?”

  She couldn’t help it. Emma began laughing. Maybe it was from how funny that sounded, or the buildup of nerves. Either way, it came bubbling out.

  “I know. I never thought I’d be using that sentence in my life. I thought I’d be taking care of my brother’s illegitimate children, keeping a horde of women from lynching him, but never trying to patch up a relationship between him and another man.”

  “Are you really okay with Dante being gay? This is between you and I, and no one else.”

  “Yes and no. I have no issues with people’s choices. After all, I’m a freaking caveman. Most people look at that and roll their eyes. I lost countless women until I found the only one who would have me. Yet, I feel like maybe I did something to cause this. Did I not spend enough time with him? Could I have taken him hunting more? Should I have watched porn with him?”

  She snorted.

  It made him grin. “Do you see what I mean?”

  Emma reached across the counter and took his hand in hers. “You don’t become gay. Most people believe it’s not a choice, but just a birth thing. I’m not a scientist, or a doctor, but I’m pretty sure you and your brother shot plenty of weapons, watched enough girly porn, and hung out plenty. Dante is gay, and you have nothing to do with that.”

  He sighed. “Thank you. My brain was there, but my heart needed that one voice of reason. I’d be lost without you, Emma.”

  She leaned over to give him a kiss. Both of them glanced over when they heard approaching footsteps.

  “Morning,” Dante said, looking worse than ever.

  “I’m glad you’re up, son. We have to have a talk.”

  Emma poured him coffee, leaving it black. The man needed some serious caffeine after last night’s bender.

  “I’m sorry for the scene I made. I can’t drink the hard stuff.” Dante sipped his coffee, and when his brother dropped his arm over his shoulders, he leaned into him.

  “It’s okay, Dante. Today’s a new day. We’re on a side mission to save your heart,” Croft said.

  “There’s no way to do it. I hurt Steele, and he’ll never want to see me again. I just need to face the facts. I’m an asshole, and I’m going to be alone. Maybe it’s for the best.”

  Emma chided him. “Love forgives, Dante. Do you think your brother hasn’t screwed up before?”

  He glanced over. “Gee, thank you.”

  She smiled. “We’ll fix this. In fact, I think I know how,” she said.

  That had both of their attention.

  “Tonight’s the party. I happen to know that Steele was going to attend.”

  Dante confirmed, “He did mention that he had a function. I didn’t think I could go with him because he’s not really out.”

  Emma took his hand in hers, connecting the three of them. “He came to me asking if we’d be there. Trust me. Steele was going to take you.”

  His heart hurt more, not less.

  Seeing the look on his brother’s face, Croft decided to take care of it. “I’ll talk to him today at the morgue. We’re working out of your office, so I’ll find him and try to patch this up. It’s partially my fault, since I’ve been giving him the hairy eyeball.”

  Emma stared at him. “I don’t even want to know what that is,” she teased, trying to cheer Dante up.

  When he laughed, Croft winked at her.

  “We do have one other issue,” Greyson stated. “You’re in Vegas, I’m surrounded by the media, and if you being gay comes out, there are two big issues.”

  Dante looked up, visibly hurt. He didn't want to embarrass his brother, but his words still wounded him.

  “Not me, Dante. Again, I don’t care if you’re gay, but has it occurred to you that you need to tell mom and dad? If they get a whiff of this from the media, you’re screwed. Your two big issues are Reggie and Christopher Croft.”

  He swallowed, the color leaching from his face.

  “Oh my God!”

  “You need to call them, son.”

  This was one of Dante’s biggest fears
, facing down his parents. “Okay. You’re right.”

  Greyson handed him his phone. “I’ll sit here with you to support you.”

  Emma patted him on the shoulder. “I’ll go get ready for work and text the team. You can do this, Dante. You have this.”

  He closed his eyes as his brother dialed.

  When Reggie Croft answered, she sounded panicked. “Greyson? What happened? You never call me this early in the day. Are you okay? Are Dante and Emma safe?”

  “Morning, Mom. We’re all good. Dante has something he needs to tell you and dad. Can you get him and put your phone on speaker?”

  Dante was shaking.

  “We’re here,” stated Christopher Croft. “What’s up, boys? You two didn't do anything illegal, did you?”

  “Mom, Dad, I have something I think you should know. I hope you still love me afterward, but it’s time I told you.”

  “Go on, son,” stated his father.

  “I’m gay and have been for a very long time.”

  There was a pause, and Dante closed his eyes as he waited for it. Finally, Reggie spoke up.

  “We already knew that, Dante. The more important question is when is Emma giving me grandchildren?”

  There was an audible sigh of relief from Dante.

  Croft started laughing. “I’ll leave you three to talk. I’m going to go get ready for work.”

  “Greyson! I mean it! All the other women my age have grandbabies. When do I get mine?” she shouted into the phone.

  “Get a dog, Mom! We’re not having a kid to keep you entertained!” He walked away, giving his brother a grin. From the relief on his face, he knew that everything would be fine. Dante had this under control.

  Now, he needed to worry about everything else. They had a killer, a party, a corruptor, Randall Mason, and now a scorned lover to stress about.

  Yeah, his days were getting more difficult.

  Yet, he had a job to do. It was time to suit up and play Fed. It was a rough job, but someone had to do it.

  * * *

  This was the final meeting before the whole thing went down. Money was exchanged, cash was accepted, and plans were locked down.

  From here on out, they couldn’t call him off.

  Emma Croft and Randall Mason had very little time left.

  After arriving at the party, the hired gun would get down to business. It was his job to find a way back in at a later time.

  They were convinced he could do it.

  After all, he was the best that money could buy.

  What kind of chance would an old man and a helpless woman have against one hell-bent killer?

  None at all.

  Their only concern was if he was seen. It would all unravel before them, and they were well aware that this was their last chance. If this failed, it wouldn’t be easy to take them out. Openings only happened once in a while.

  This was their chance to shine.

  Leaning back in the desk chair, the leader tried to look calm. Inside, there was a storm definitely brewing.

  “It’s going to be fine.”

  “What if it’s not?”

  “You have to stop thinking about the possibilities of failure. We’ve been through too much to worry about it.”

  “You realize that if this fails, someone’s head will roll, and it won’t be mine.”

  There was that uncomfortable silence.

  “I’ll handle the loose ends. I’ve done it before with Thomas Booker, and I’ll do it again.”

  Again, nothing was said. Finally, the voice of reason spoke up.

  “It’s under control. I promised to hand you the head of Randall Mason on a silver platter, and you’re getting Emma Croft’s too.”

  For now, that would have to be enough.

  What choice was there?

  “I hope you’re right. If not, you’re collateral damage. I need Greyson Croft stopped. He’s getting too powerful. If we strip away his wife and Randall Mason, the mighty will fall. You promised to get it done. Now, deliver or pay up.”

  There was no doubt it would happen.

  This had to work. Another life depended on it.

  * * *

  After getting Dante situated, Emma and Greyson made the trek into the office to start their day. Since the killer had yet to strike again, this morning was going to be about paper trails. They had the interviews done, but they needed to dig through the electronic equipment to find any connections.

  With a serial killer, it was rarely random. There was always that tiny thread connecting them.

  Now, they needed to find it.

  Because of the media outside, Greyson opted to head in through the back door. It would kill two birds with one stone. He could sneak past them and visit the morgue too.

  While the killer was his priority, there was still the Steele issue to handle. He was dreading it, but what could he do? Dante needed help, and he was responsible for him. Since the day his parents brought him home, that was his role in life.

  Entering the morgue, Emma sought out a tech when she couldn’t locate Doctor Bentley.

  “He called in sick. It’s the first time in…ever. The man comes in dying, but today he sounded like he was really bad,” the woman offered. “If you need reports, I can get them for you, but if you get any body calls, we’re screwed.”

  Emma knew she didn't have time for this today. “I have to get up to the conference room, Grey. We have a busy day ahead of us.”

  He completely agreed, and yet obligation still weighed on his shoulders.

  “You take the team, I’ll find the doctor.”

  “How?” she asked, glancing down at her watch.

  “If the head of the FBI can’t locate a gay man in Vegas, then what the hell am I good for?” he asked, giving her a kiss.

  Emma leaned into him, taking in the scent of his cologne and the feel of his lips against hers.

  Yeah, what was she just saying?

  “Be safe, kitten. I’ll be in-house as soon as I can,” he stated, turning to walk away. Pulling out his phone, Croft got to work. It was hard not to dwell on all the what if’s. Mostly, would Emma be safe in his absence. Croft was between a rock and a hard place.

  And he hated every damn second of it.

  Emma made it upstairs in record time, and it was a good thing. When she rolled into the conference room, her boss was waiting for her.

  “Captain Ford, what can I do for you?” she asked, taking a seat beside him.

  “The commissioner wants an update on this mess, and instead of emailing him a report, I figured I’d get the details from you and give him a call.”

  Emma was wary. The man never just hung out with his detectives, and he really, with the exception of Greyson, didn't like Feds.

  “What’s today’s plan?” he asked, scanning the room. The whole team was waiting for Emma to lead it. While he had confidence, there was always that worry that she’d be in over her head.

  “We have all the electronic devices, and they need to be searched for anything that connects these women,” she began.

  Curtis Briggs got excited. “Yay!”

  “Nay,” she stated. “Greyson was called away on official business,” she began, hoping they bought that lie. “You’re going out in the field. I know you’re the best one for the job when it comes to techie mojo, but I can’t handle three interviews alone.”

  Emma pointed at Paris, and then Tessa, who was officially on suspension. “Can you two play with the electronics today, until Curtis gets back?”

  Paris didn't mind. He was happy as a clam and spending his day with Tessa at his side was the perfect way to keep the fun going. She smelled so damn good, and he was super aware of her body beside him. It was amazing what sex could do for you.

  “I may not be a tech wiz, but I can absolutely muddle through,” Paris said.

  Tessa was grateful that her boss wasn’t making her sit back at the FBI building at her desk. By now, she was sure that word has spread, along with
various rumors.

  It was best to be right here beside Paris. “We’re used to doing things like this for the director. We have it under control, Detective.”

  Emma was glad.

  “Curtis and Brynn, you’re going to be taking the school where Polly Anderson was employed. I need you to find out if anyone was bothering her, or if she mentioned there were issues in her marriage. While you’re handling that one, I’m riding solo to the candy store and the dance studio.”

  Everyone in the room started laughing.


  Curtis spoke up, “If you head out without someone to back you up, the big scary Croft beast is going to eat all of us for lunch. There’s no way that’s happening. Take Brynn. I’ll head out alone.”

  “You all do realize I’m a cop, right? And that I can take care of myself in situations that arise. In fact, I do believe I’m primary on this case and outrank all of you.”

  They laughed even more.

  None of them were stupid enough to fall for that. She may be the ranking officer, but they were scared shitless of her husband. Well, everyone but Brynn. Professionally, Greyson Croft couldn’t hurt her.

  Or so she hoped.

  “No offense, but he’ll make all of our lives a living hell in Siberia,” Tessa stated.

  “I don’t have snow tires for this thing,” Paris teased. “You need backup.”

  Ford raised his hand. “Oh look! I’m free today. All my paperwork is done, so do you think I can play with my detective?”

  Curtis went to speak, but Brynn slapped her hand over his mouth. “Don’t do it. He can make mine and Emma’s lives hell.”

  Emma didn't care at this point. Besides, she liked her boss…now. It would be nice having his perspective on the case. “You better get your gear. I’m heading out in a few minutes.”

  When her boss was gone, she stared down the team. “We’ll discuss you not trusting me alone, later.”

  They laughed more.

  “Yeah, yeah. We’ll all meet back here for lunch.”


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