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Page 12

by Melody Anne

  “You’ve been in and out for almost forty-eight hours, so I can see how that would feel like a million years,” he told her with a laugh.

  “Are you serious?” she gasped. She pulled back to look at him with horror in her eyes.

  “You were obviously tired and needed the rest. Do you need more pain meds?” he asked.

  She shook her head against him. “It aches a little, but if I take them, then I’m just going to fall asleep again and I don’t want to do that,” she insisted.

  He looked over at the clock and saw it was three in the morning. That meant he’d been sleeping for the past nine hours straight. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept that long. He’d been up for about thirty-six hours before that, but still …

  “Why don’t I go and draw a bath for you? I’m sure it will feel like heaven,” he suggested.

  The thought of her in a soapy tub had his body growing even more thick and hard. This caretaking was surely going to kill him. But it would be worth it when she was at a hundred percent. Then he could go back to seducing her again.

  “That actually sound perfect,” she said. “But I can do it myself.”

  “Nope. Doctor’s orders are that you rest and be served,” he said. He found himself reluctant to untangle their bodies and he would swear she whimpered when he pulled away from her. That made his lips turn up as he practically hummed on his way to the bathroom.

  Hunter took a two-minute shower to wash away the rest of his sleepiness, then started the bath for Becka. He was grateful when he found some fruity sudsy stuff beneath the counter. He knew for sure his brother hadn’t put that in there, so it had to be his wife who’d thought of it.

  When the tub was full he came back into the room and found Becka sitting on the edge of the bed. She seemed exhausted from doing even that much. He walked over and she looked at him with frustration.

  “I can’t believe how tired I am, especially considering how much I’ve been sleeping,” she told him.

  “It’s understandable. I’m sure the bath will help,” he assured her.

  She tried to push up and he put out a hand stopping her. She looked at him in confusion and he smiled. He really was enjoying being the one in charge and being her knight in shining armor. He’d never played the role before.

  Without asking for permission, he reached down and scooped her into his arms. A gasp escaped her, but her arms automatically circled his neck to keep her from wobbling as he swiftly moved to the bathroom.

  “I could easily walk,” she said.

  “I know,” he told her. He didn’t set her down until they were at the tub. “I’ll be glad to help you get out of your pajamas.” Heat ran through him at the thought, even though he’d only said it to tease her.

  Unbelievably, Becka’s cheeks flushed. It wasn’t as if he hadn’t seen her naked before. But maybe one of the qualities that attracted him to her was her innocence. He’d always thought he liked bad girls, but none of them compared to his sweet Becka. Damn, was he getting some girly thoughts in his head. He needed a shot of whiskey, STAT.

  “I’m good now. Go away,” she told him as she pushed against him.

  “I’m leaving the bathroom door open,” he said.

  “No!” Her voice was loud as she practically shouted. “I want privacy.”

  “I’ll leave it cracked and I’m coming back in exactly ten minutes to check on you to make sure you haven’t drowned,” he said. He didn’t give her a chance to argue that time. He left, leaving the door cracked. He did go to the kitchen so she’d have privacy to do whatever she had to do before slipping into the tub.

  Ten minutes drug by as he fixed himself that shot of whiskey and grabbed a donut from the cupboard. It was an odd combination, but there was nothing normal about his current situation, so it was a fitting midnight snack.

  When the clock told him ten minutes had passed, he moved quickly to the bathroom and tapped on the door. “You awake, Becka?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes,” she said with a relaxed sigh.

  “I’m coming in,” he told her.

  He stepped through the doors and wondered if a healthy, thirty-three-year-old man could have a heart attack. The sight of her beneath the suds made sweat break out on his skin. Maybe checking on her hadn’t been his best idea ever. How could he have sex on the brain when the woman was injured? He was a monster, he decided.

  “Hunter,” she said on a sigh that had his erection throbbing painfully.

  “Yes,” he responded, the word a bit too terse.

  “Thank you for taking such good care of me. You didn’t have to do all of this,” she said. She wasn’t looking at him. Her head was leaned back against the tub, her eyes closed.

  “I’ve enjoyed it,” he responded. Then he felt himself moving forward instead of away. He should leave, come check on her again in another ten minutes, but he couldn’t pull himself from the room.

  “It still means a lot to me,” she told him.

  “What kind of man would I be if I left you in your condition?” he said. He found himself sitting on the edge of the tub, his fingers reaching into the water. He didn’t touch her, but it was killing him not to.

  “It wasn’t your responsibility,” she said. “Now just accept the thanks.” She chuckled as she stirred. Hunter was mesmerized by a place in the middle of the tub where the bubbles had separated.

  He could see a piece of her smooth creamy skin below the surface of the water and without thinking he reached for her and ran a finger over her stomach. Her eyes flew open and their gazes connected. He was sure there was enough heat between them to make the water boil.

  “Want to join me? The water is nice,” she said, her voice sounding shy all of a sudden.

  Hunter knew he should say no. He knew a gentleman would walk away and make sure she was at full health and not take advantage of the situation. But he found himself standing and reaching for his clothes as he began to shed them.

  Becka didn’t look away from him as he pulled off first his shirt and then slipped his pants down. He was throbbing as he stood there beside the tub. Nothing could hide his desire for this woman. She looked down and his body pulsed as if she’d caressed him with her fingers instead of her eyes.

  Carefully he stepped over the edge of the tub and she leaned forward. Hunter sat behind her, then circled his arms around her and tugged her against him. His heart thumped against her back and he suddenly felt a deep sense of calm at having her in his arms again. This woman was changing him in so many ways, and he didn’t care.

  Though desire was certainly on his mind, he also felt perfectly content to simply hold her while she got feeling better. When she did, he was certain he wanted to have another bath with her — that was for sure, one that gave them both an incredibly happy ending.

  They sat in the tub as he gently caressed her, the water cooling off. Hunter couldn’t honestly remember feeling more at peace than he did in this very moment. Becka turned her head so she was resting it against his neck.

  “I’m incredibly tired still. I don’t know how it’s possible after all the sleep I’ve had but …” Becka trailed off as she leaned against him. He felt the whisper of her lips against his neck and a pleasant tiredness fell over him as well.

  Keeping her in his arms, he stood and pulled them both from the tub. He took his time drying Becka off as she swayed on her feet. Touching her, even with the towel between her body and his fingers, had him hard and ready to take her, but he mentally yelled at himself to calm down. This night was about her, not him.

  He dried himself quickly, then wrapped the towel around his hips before he lifted her into his arms again, her naked body pressed against his chest. He set her on the bed and she went to lie down and he stopped her.

  “Let me get you a dose of medicine,” he said.

  “Okay,” she replied, her eyes
droopy, her face relaxed.

  He hurried and grabbed medicine and then helped her lie down. Then he threw on some sweats before he climbed in behind her and tugged her into his arms. Desire was still with him, but it was pushed to the back of his mind as his hand splayed out on her stomach and his body cradled hers.

  Finally, Becka was letting down her guard. Hunter was getting a glimpse of what it could be like between the two of them forever. He wasn’t sure he would let her retreat again. Not after what she’d shown him — not after getting what he hadn’t even known he wanted.

  Home. Hunter felt as if he was finally home he realized before sleep pulled him under.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Stretching, Rebekah came up with cold sheets when she awoke and reached for Hunter. Emptiness filled her as she opened her eyes and looked for the man who’d been with her for the past three days.

  She turned on her back and looked up at the ceiling as the fan slowly turned in circles. Her body ached in more ways than one, but the pain was more manageable this morning. Her heartbreak seemed a far worse condition at the moment.

  She’d let herself go and enjoyed being in Hunter’s arms, in relying on him. But as she faced the reality of a new day without him, she wondered if she’d made a monumental mistake. She’d slipped and that wall around her heart had come crumbling down. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to build it back up again this time.

  Panic invaded her when she started to think about what had happened during the past few days. Had it all been nothing more than a dream? That thought didn’t sit well with her. Their time together had been so beautiful; there was no way it could all be in her head.

  “You slept well. I’m glad to see you awake.”

  Rebekah jumped at the sound of Hunter’s voice. She turned to find him walking into the room, a tray balanced on his hand and a lazy smile resting on his lips. It was the most beautiful sight she’d ever seen. Yep, that wall was certainly down, and she had no desire to rebuild it.

  He helped her sit up, and she quickly grabbed the blankets, realizing she was naked. He smiled knowingly, as if able to read her mind, and placed the tray on her lap. It had eggs, toast, and coffee, and the smells were heavenly. Rebekah’s stomach growled. She hadn’t eaten much in days and now that her body wasn’t in excruciating pain, it wanted to be fed.

  “Thank you for this,” she told him.

  He moved over to the window and opened the curtains, the bright morning light almost too much for her eyes. But then he opened the pane and fresh air blew in and she was in heaven. Rebekah wouldn’t mind waking up like this each and every day.

  “I have found it’s been a pleasure taking care of you while you’re weak and pathetic,” he said as he sat down in a chair beside the bed and sipped his coffee.

  Her fork pausing halfway to her mouth, Rebekah glared at the man. “I am certainly not pathetic,” she told him.

  Hunter chuckled as he smiled at her. “Okay, I’ll take that back. You aren’t pathetic, but you have been weak and adorable,” he said.

  “I feel weak. I’m not used to it,” she grumbled.

  “Eat all your food and you’ll begin to get some of your energy back,” he assured her.

  She put some of her scrambled eggs on a piece of toast and lifted it to take a bite. It was utter perfection. “This is good,” she told him when her mouth wasn’t full.

  “I make a few things well,” he said. It was almost odd to see him so relaxed, leaning back in his chair as if he had nothing better to do than sit there visiting with her. “How did you sleep the rest of the night?” he asked.

  “I slept well,” she mumbled before diving back into her food.

  “Good. I don’t want to see you retreating again,” he said. Something in his tone alerted her and she looked up. He gazed at her, his eyes intense. Maybe he wasn’t as relaxed as she’d thought.

  “I don’t retreat,” she told him.

  She finished her food, wishing she’d gone more slowly so she had something to focus on besides Hunter.

  “Do you need more medicine?” he asked, and she was thankful for the change of subject.

  “I don’t think so,” she told him. “I’d like to do something other than stay in this bed all day and if I take more pills, it’ll knock me out again.”

  His eyes changed as his gaze skimmed her body. Even beneath the protection of the blankets she felt as if he was seeing every inch of her. That left her far too vulnerable.

  “I can think of worse places to spend a day than in a bed,” he said as he winked at her.

  He rose and her heart raced as he stepped forward. He leaned down and kissed her lips just long enough to have her melting against the pillows propping her up. This man was so damn dangerous — and she loved every second of it.

  The kiss ended too soon. He grabbed the tray and began to walk from the room.

  “Where are you going?” She hated how rattled she felt when he left. She blamed her injury and the medication that was surely still coursing through her system.

  “I’m going to clean up our breakfast dishes. Why don’t you take a quick shower and then join me in the living room for a while? I’m sure it’ll feel good to move around a little bit,” he told her.

  He stood in the doorway and waited while she clutched her blankets to her chest. “That sounds perfect. I’ll come out in a little while.”

  He stood there like he had all day. She sent him a look that spoke volumes and finally he chuckled and walked away. She didn’t know why she didn’t want to stand up naked in front of him. It wasn’t as if there was anything he hadn’t seen before. Maybe it was because it made her feel vulnerable and she was already too indebted to him to feel any other weak emotion.

  Whatever it was, she waited a few more seconds to be sure he wasn’t coming back, then she hopped from bed and moved as quickly as she could across the room to the bathroom. She only limped a little. Her leg was sore, as was the rest of her body, but it wasn’t unbearable anymore.

  Rebekah’s shower sapped her energy, and she struggled just to dry off. Her pain grew and she fought against it. She didn’t want to take more pills and feel groggy, but she wasn’t sure if her pride was going to cause her unbearable pain later.

  She sat down on the edge of the tub with the towel wrapped around her, trying to talk herself into walking back into the bedroom. There was a tapping on the bathroom door a second before it cracked open.

  “How are you doing in there?” Hunter asked.

  “I’m fine,” she told him, but her voice came out weak.

  He pushed the door open and walked inside. “You’re hurting, aren’t you?” he said as he kneeled in front of her and placed his hand on her forehead. “And you’re a bit warm.”

  “I want to go to the living room,” she said, on the verge of tears.

  “I’ll make a deal with you,” he said with a smile as he leaned in and gently kissed her. “You can come to the living room where I’ll set you up with a nice warm blanket and a book, but you have to take your pills.”

  Rebekah wanted to fight him, wanted to tell him she was an adult who could make her own decisions, but the longer she sat on the edge of the tub feeling wobbly and weak, the harder it was getting to argue.

  “Okay, deal,” she finally said.

  Hunter smiled at her and she felt as if she’d just won the dang lottery. She was in serious trouble if simply pleasing him made her so happy.

  “Good.” He picked her up and she didn’t fight him. When he walked back into the room, she saw he’d made the bed and set out fresh pajamas for her. As much as she wanted to wear real clothes, she had a feeling she’d be asleep again soon enough anyway, so the pajamas would definitely be the way to go.

  Hunter set her on the bed and before she could do anything he slipped her nightgown over her head. Rebekah should insist on taking ove
r, but the more he stepped in and took care of everything for her, the more she wanted to let him.

  When he was done helping her dress, he lifted her again and carried her to the living room where he already had a place ready for her.

  “I can do basic things,” she said with a sigh as she sank down into the couch, her legs propped up on a pillow.

  He placed a blanket over her and handed her a book. “I know you can, but I don’t ever get to do this. Let me enjoy myself,” he said.

  He went and grabbed a glass of water and her pills. Rebekah took them and leaned back.

  “What will I do when you’re gone then?” she asked, hating the vulnerability in her voice.

  “Who says I’m going anywhere?” he asked.

  Rebekah’s heart raced at his words and she wanted to ask him what he meant by that, but the moment passed and she was too scared to push it. Her pills kicked in far sooner than she’d hoped. Before closing her eyes and giving in to the sleep she needed to heal, Rebekah gazed at Hunter at the other end of the couch, staring at his computer.

  This domestic scene was something she could get used to. Maybe she’d just freeze the moment for the many lonely nights she was sure were coming.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Hunter was restless as he climbed the hill to his brother’s place. He felt tense leaving Rebekah for any length of time, but he knew she would be knocked out for hours. Those pills were strong. Maybe she would be well enough by tomorrow to take something a little less potent.

  He hoped so. As much as he loved seeing the woman in bed, he didn’t enjoy seeing her hurt and helpless. He did like taking care of her — a little too much, if he were being honest.

  Hunter didn’t even know what in the hell was happening to him anymore. He was sure he wouldn’t find any answer with Gabe, but he was the only person around right now, so he sought him out.


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