Book Read Free

Make It to the Altar

Page 1

by Fiona Cole

  Table of Contents




  The End

  Earn It


  Also by Fiona Cole

  About Fiona Cole

  Make It to the Altar

  A Shame Me Not Novella

  Fiona Cole

  © 2018 by Fiona Cole

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Designer: Indie Girl Promotions,

  Interior Designer: Indie Girl Promotions,

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission of the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, actual events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  To my readers.

  Thank you for loving Kevin and Ana as much as I did.


  1. Kevin

  2. Kevin

  3. Ana

  4. Kevin

  5. Ana

  6. Kevin

  7. Ana

  8. Kevin

  9. Ana

  10. Kevin

  11. Ana


  The End

  Earn It

  Earn It

  Earn It


  Also by Fiona Cole

  About Fiona Cole



  “Mr. Harding, if you keep bringing in donuts every time you visit Ms. Montgomery, I’m going to need new pants.”

  I smiled and slid the box of donuts on the desk. “Oh, hush, Mrs. Randolf. You look amazing and should enjoy all the sweets life has to offer.”

  She blushed under my compliment and smiled up from her desk in the lobby of the school office.

  “You seem to be in a very chipper mood today.”

  I chuckled, feeling the square bulge in my pants pocket like an electric shock straight to my heart.

  “I’m always chipper when I get to see my girl. And I have an excuse,” I said holding up the padded file folder. “I figured I’d swing by and personally deliver these to Principal Edwards.”

  Ana had asked me if I could do some graphics for the school’s athletic team. It was an easy task considering I worked at a sports marketing firm and we designed graphics all day long. What was one more? She’d told me that if she could get my office to work on it, maybe it would get her brownie points at school. Not that she needed it. Even though she was one of the newest teachers, she was already a rock star.

  “If you leave it with me, I’ll make sure he gets it.” Mrs. Randolf grabbed the file and handed me a sticker in exchange. “Here’s your pass for the school. Tell Ana I said hi.”

  I pressed my back against the door and pushed it open as I gave her a corny wink and nod. "Will do. Now enjoy those donuts." Turning toward the hall that led to my Ana, I slowed my pace. I took measured steps and deep breaths, wiping my sweaty palms on my pants before shoving my hand into my pocket and rubbing my thumb across the square velvet box.

  I’d thought of a million ways to ask Ana to marry me, probably since before college in one way or another, but me being me, I needed to announce it to the world. I wanted to claim her in front of everyone.

  I’d thought about tying her to the bed and slipping the band on her finger, demanding she be my wife.

  I’d thought about popping the question over breakfast or planning a romantic dinner. But in the end, I’d decided to do it in the place where Ana felt most comfortable, and I could still make it known that she was mine.

  I heard her soft voice just before I reached the open door of her classroom. I leaned over to watch her, to take her in, starting at her simple black flats that led to toned calves. I never knew a knee could seem so sexy until it was covered and all I wanted to do was peel the black pencil skirt all the way up over her tight ass. I watched the way the loose sweater curved around her breast as she moved her arms, talking animatedly to her class.

  I chuckled to myself when I saw her blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun, held up by a pencil. She always started the day with it down, but she never made it to the afternoon without eventually pulling it up. Not that I complained, because when she came home, I had perfect access to her beautiful neck.

  This woman, the one I waited my entire life for. This woman whose blue eyes remind me of an ocean I could drown in. I loved her, and I was ready to make her my wife.

  “It’s almost lunch, so go ahead and use the rest of the time to work on some of the problems at the end of the chapter. They’ll be due Friday.”

  Low chatter and the shuffling of papers filled the room, but when I knocked, and her head jerked up, the noise faded away, drowned out by the loud thumping of my heart.

  “Kevin.” As soon as my name passed her lips, they changed to a smile, and she began walking toward me. I met her halfway, taking inconspicuous deep breaths, trying to not let my nerves show.

  “Hey, Mr. Harding,” one of the boys from her class called out to me. Everyone turned to watch my entrance, and I gave a small wave. Maybe doing this in front of her class was a bad idea. “What did you think of that goal on Saturday? Pretty sweet, huh?”

  Ana and I went to most of the soccer games on the weekends. I still loved the sport and she loved supporting her students. I tried to make time to help and volunteer when I could with the team, and I’d begun to get to know some of the boys in the process.

  “It was a hell of a shot. Now you just need to replicate it every time.”

  “No problem,” he said with a cocky smile.

  “Yeah, right. It was all luck,” one of the girls muttered back to him.

  The class began talking all at once, making jokes and joining in on the banter, until one clear voice rang out from the girl in the front row. “When are you going to ask Ms. Montgomery to marry you? You guys have been dating forever.”

  I almost swallowed my tongue. I tried to wipe the shock off my face as I turned to find her smirk. Of course, everyone heard her and began adding their two cents.

  “Yeah, when will you?”

  “Come on, Harding. We know you guys are going to get married eventually.”

  “Maybe he’s waiting for the perfect moment.”

  “Maybe they don’t want to get married.”

  “Maybe she’s just his beard.”

  “Jesus,” I whispered under my breath at that.

  “That’s enough, class,” Ana said quietly, but firmly. “Mr. Harding’s and my relationship is not up for discussion. Please return to your assignment.”

  I swallowed hard. “You know, Ana, they are right.”

  She turned to me with raised eyebrows and wide eyes. “Excuse me?”

  “About being his beard?” a student asked.

  “No, not about being my beard.” I gave the kid a hard stare, and he sunk back in his seat. I turned back to Ana’s wide eyes. I let my lips tip up on one side, giving her my best relaxed look. “The kids are right. Maybe I should make an honest woman out of you.”

  “Kevin.” I waited for her to say more, but it never came. The class was so silent, you would have been able to hear a pin drop.

  "I love you. What better place to ask, than at the place you love to be." Her eyes dropped to my hand reaching into my pocket before flicking back up to meet mine. "Anabelle Montgomery," I started, dropping to my knee and opening the
box, never letting my eyes stray from her face. "You are the love of my life. My best friend since we were sixteen. I've waited ten years for this moment, and God knows I'd wait a million more just to be on my knees before you. You make me a better man. You understand me in a way no one else ever has, and I can’t imagine a life without you by my side.” I swallowed past the lump in my throat, finally ready to pop the question. “Will you marry me?”

  A sheen fell over her blue eyes as they shifted from the ring to my face. The class remained silent waiting for her answer as she lifted a trembling hand to her lips. My god, kneeling in front of the woman you love with a class of seventeen-year-olds looking on, made time stand still. It may have been a second, but I was sure it lasted a minute or ten.

  She was nodding before her lips moved.

  “Yes,” she whispered, her hands reaching for me as I stood to wrap her in my arms. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  The class erupted with “whoops” from the boys, and high-pitched squeals from the girls. In my arms, Ana laughed and clung to me like she wasn’t ever going to let go. But I had a ring to plant on my girl’s finger.

  I eased back. She had tears tracking down her cheeks, which she quickly wiped away. I pulled the thin, white gold band with the one carat diamond from the box and reached for her slim fingers before slipping on the ring.

  More cheers rose from Ana’s class, and the girls clamored to see the ring. We both stared down at the round sparkling diamond before looking back at each other. Ana bit her lush bottom lip and smiled wide, squeezing her eyes shut. She was the picture of pure joy.

  Seeing her so happy, seeing her with my ring on her finger, flashing it for everyone to see, filled my chest with more pride than I’d ever felt. More than all the times she’d knelt for me. More than all the times she’d done exactly as I’d asked her. This woman was mine. It ricocheted through me, filling every part of my being.

  The bell ringing could barely be heard over all the students talking excitedly. But Ana laughed and stepped back, not letting go of my hand.

  “Okay, everyone. Thank you for your cheers. Don’t forget your homework for Friday.”

  “Aw, c’mon Ms. Montgomery. Can’t we have a celebration pass?”

  “Nice try, Aaron. Unless you’re marrying Mr. Harding, there is nothing to celebrate.”

  He walked past muttering. “I may if it meant I don’t have to balance these equations.”

  Most of the kids had left the class, but a few girls remained to get a look at Ana’s ring. At least as well as they could since I refused to leave her side or let go of her hand.

  “I heard screaming and cheers. What are we celebrating?” Ben O'Brien strolled his way into the room. The stocky, wannabe, bodybuilder who taught biology and drooled over Ana since the first day of school. His smile dimmed a little when he saw me standing next to her. “Oh. Hey, Kevin.”

  “Oh my god. Mr. O’Brien, we just got to watch Mr. Harding propose to Ms. Montgomery. How awesome is today? I mean, check out this ring. High-five, Mr. Harding.” One of the girls hovering around Ana lifted her hand, and I chuckled as I slapped mine to it.

  I had to fight the cocky smirk from my face when I saw O’Brien floundering for words. He eventually looked up, and with a forced smile, murmured his congratulations. “I’ll . . . uh, leave you two to celebrate.”

  “Thanks, Ben,” Ana said before he turned to leave. “Okay, girls. Head to lunch, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  They filed out and we were finally alone.

  “In front of my class?” she asked with a smile and a raised eyebrow.

  “Well, since you won’t let me leave bite marks all down your neck, claiming you as mine,” I pulled her into me, letting my hands drift to the top of her ass, “I had to get creative. And I know how much you love your students and the role this school plays in our lives. So, here is special.” I couldn’t help but smirk before I admitted the second part. “Also, I figure a sparkling diamond would warn off the likes of Mister O’Brien.”

  She laughed at me, knowing how annoying I found him. Not that I ever thought Ana would even care that someone noticed her. Our relationship was solid, and I knew nothing would change that.

  “What if I’d said no?”

  Knowing the door was closed, I swatted her firm ass for her sassy remark, then leaned down and nipped at her ear. “I would have hated to bend you over this desk and spank you for denying me. But then again . . . Maybe I wouldn’t have,” I whispered in her ear, letting my words caress the soft skin of her neck. I watched in satisfaction as goose bumps prickled her skin, from her neck, disappearing down into her sweater.

  I bet if I pulled that sweater back, I’d be able to see her nipples pebbling underneath.

  She stood on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to my chin and pulled back with a smile. My eyes scanned her beautiful face, taking in the full lips that I’d adored since we were sixteen. A desire to see redness creep into her cheeks and down her neck hit me, and as I brushed a stray strand behind her ear, I softly asked, “Would it have made you wet? Having my hand smack against your bare skin, letting the painful sting spread to your core. Would you have wriggled your hips to ease the ache in your clit? Would you have cried out and begged me to fuck you?”

  “Kev,” she breathed, her chest heaving in front of me.

  I smiled seeing the blush warm her cheeks. Victory felt good. “There’s nothing to worry about, my sweet Ana. I’m not touching you inappropriately at school. No one would be upset to find you hugging your fiancé.”

  She licked her lips and swallowed hard. “You know what you’re doing.” She tried to sound firm, but I heard the desire behind it. She loved it.

  She knew I would never go further than she wanted. And her job was further than either of us were willing to go. I gently placed my lips on hers and pulled back to see her eyes still closed, lips still slightly parted.

  “I’ll keep the spanking option open for later tonight.”

  Her eyes burned into me when she opened them. I had to readjust my pants before turning for the door. With her hand in mine, I dragged her behind me.

  “Now come have lunch with me. I brought donuts.”



  Today was the first full day of summer for Ana, and I couldn’t wait to open the door, walking in with wine in my hand to celebrate the night. I’d already made a reservation at our favorite restaurant for two hours from now. That should give us enough time to start the summer break off right.

  She’d need it after a day full of decisions. We talked this morning before I’d left for work about how she was diving into wedding planning full force now that she had more time. I’d told her that if she needed any help, to let me know, and I’d be happy to step in. She’d rolled her eyes with a small laugh telling me it wasn’t as simple as passing the baton.

  The lock clicked, and I pushed the door open with a smile on my face but was met with an empty great room.

  “Honey, I’m home,” I called out in my best Ricky Ricardo voice.

  Still nothing. I set my stuff on the bar and walked toward the bedroom. Maybe my girl was waiting for me. Excitement pumped through my body, making my dick twitch to attention.

  It quickly deflated when I heard soft sniffles coming from our open bedroom door. I picked up my pace, my heart beating hard for a whole other reason, and pushed open the door.

  Ana lay on the bed, curled up in a ball, her blonde hair fanned out on the pillow, her shoulders shaking.

  “Ana, baby.” I rushed to her side, ready to destroy whatever had put her there. Stroking my hand over her hair, I softened my voice, losing any panic I felt over her pain. “Ana, talk to me. What’s wrong?”

  She sniffled a few more times and refused to look at me. “Gone. It’s all gone.”

  “What’s all gone, baby?”

  Her hands were balled into tight fists by her face. “Our cake. Our beautiful, delicious wedding cake that I spent so much time deciding on. It’s al
l fucking gone.”

  My eyes flicked out around the room as though I would find the answers to what she was saying. I hated to ask because she seemed so agitated, but I just didn’t understand.

  “What do you mean,” I asked as softly as I could.

  “I went to go call the bakery to let them know we found out the weight of the cake topper, so they knew what to plan for. And no one picked up. I called all morning, Kevin, and no one picked up.” Each word began to come harder and faster as she explained. “So, I figured, what the hell. I have time. I’ll go down there and meet with them.” Her shoulders shook as more tears came. “The place was fucking empty. Cleaned out. Nothing. Gone. For lease. I called the number leasing the place, and they said the last owner packed up and left without notice about two weeks ago.”

  My shoulders dropped, and the breath left my body as I remembered the hefty final payment we’d paid three weeks ago for our cake. Oh, fuck, I mouthed, unwilling to say it loud enough to upset her even more. My mind scrambled trying to find a solution, but before I could, she kept going.

  “So, I called a law firm to see if there is anything I could do. But they said, that unless we can find them, there isn’t much they can do. Nothing. Kevin, that’s so much money.”

  I didn't want her worrying about the money or the cake. I decided to try and take this from her. I knew the cake she wanted and designed. I'd stood by and listened as she showed me options. "Don't worry about the money, babe. It's okay. And we can just find another place to get a cake. No big deal."


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