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Hiding Out

Page 2

by Nicole Andrews Moore

  “Okay. You want a profile? Give me some details.” He picked up the pen once more and started playing with it, his thinking stance.

  “She is ridiculously timid. It has been driving me crazy. Sometimes she seems fine, playful even, but she jumps at every door opening.” His thoughts were disorganized as he shared his concerns. “She wears enormous clothes.”

  He was poised to continue, but Erikson interrupted him. “Big?”

  “Yeah, gargantuan. She fell into my arms today…” Erikson’s eyebrows raised and Samuel shook his head. “And I realized she’s tiny.” He put his hands together to demonstrate her small waist.

  “Anything else?” He seemed to be on the verge of making his analysis.

  “Freezes every time she’s touched…trembles even. I asked her if it was me. I mean, I know I can be perceived as scary. I just want to be sensitive to her if there’s something more to it.” He stopped and awaited the reaction.

  “Sensitive? You? Wow. You must really like this woman.” He smiled warmly.

  “Let’s just say I find her intriguing,” he admitted slowly.

  “Well, I’d speculate, and realize that this is without having met her, that she’s been attacked, possibly even raped.” He said it abruptly and without feeling then leaned back in his chair.

  Samuel sucked in a good deal of air. “What makes you say that?” He asked quietly.

  “First of all, she wears big clothes. It could be that she lost a bunch of weight and hasn’t had time or money to replace her wardrobe. She is, after all, a temp. Yet, most women, even highly practical women, care about their public appearance. She is no different, but she has taken it to the extreme. She is so aware of how others see her that she hides it. Someone hurt her, took advantage of her, and undoubtedly sexually assaulted her. She can’t stand to be touched, it scares her, possibly even reminds her of that terrible experience. Do you want me to continue?”

  Samuel had his head in his hands. “No. No. You may be right.” He looked up at the doctor, suddenly very tired. “What do I do?”

  “I don’t understand the question. If you are asking if you should say anything to her, confront her, I wouldn’t. She needs to feel safe and then she will trust you in time. If you are asking about therapy, my door is always open. If it is verification you want, have the agency’s private investigator work on it.” Dr. Erikson paused, watching for a reaction. “Did I hit on what you meant yet?” He waited for a response.

  With his mind reeling, he said quietly, “Yeah. Thanks.”

  Samuel decided to make one more stop on his way back to his office. He certainly couldn’t have the private investigator show up there. Again, he announced himself.

  Jake Ryan rose to shake his hand immediately. “What’s up, buddy?” He said with enthusiasm. “Got another case for me?” Jake was an old prep school friend. He was the black sheep who refused a college education and opted instead for a blue collar job that he felt to be heroic, but was nearly the death of his mother. Despite receiving numerous commendations, a medal from the mayor, and making the fast track to detective, Jake was a huge disappointment to his parents. It was only when he took early retirement from the force and put his skills to use in the private sector that he was finally accepted back into the fold.

  “I need you to research my new assistant,” Samuel said slowly. “I think she’s been hurt the past. And I want to know all about it. I also need to know where she’s living, her lifestyle, how she spends her time…” He let his voice trail off so that Jake could fill in the blanks.

  “Sure,” he said enthusiastically. “And I’ll be discreet.”

  “Definitely. You’ll need to use my direct line on this,” he reminded him.

  And with another handshake, he was headed back into his office. Dr. Erikson’s words were repeating in his head. Make her feel safe. Samuel gingerly opened the outer door and was greeted this time by a shy smile that warmed him. “I’m back,” he said.

  Haley bit her cheek to stifle a laugh. “So it would appear.”

  He grew faintly pink about the ears. For reasons he couldn’t even understand, he wanted to spend more time with this woman. Pausing in front of her desk, but trying to maintain awareness of her personal space, he said, “I have some ideas I want to run by you, if you don’t mind.”

  She glanced at the clock. It was nearly five o’clock now. If he took too long, she would never be able to get some groceries on the way home, workout, and make it in before dark.

  It was almost as if he knew what she was thinking. “I’ll have some take-out delivered since you’re being such a good sport. And if it gets too late, I’ll have my driver take you home.”

  Well, she could always miss working out just this once. Smiling, she said quietly, “That would be nice.”

  It took two delivery guys to carry in all of the Chinese food Samuel ordered. Haley’s mouth fell open at the sight of it covering the conference table on the far side of his office. “Is it really just for the two of us?” She asked.

  “Absolutely,” he assured her as he glanced down the length of the conference table, “although we may be eating leftovers for a few days.” He motioned for her to fill a plate.

  Time had passed rapidly. It was nearly seven. For the most part, Haley had been remarkably calm; due entirely to Samuel’s heightened sensitivity. He had maintained a distance that was unusual for him. Though he came off as being cold and remote, that was merely an image that served him at work. In his personal life, Samuel was an amiable man who could be incredibly affectionate with those he cared about. His was a hugging family.

  After having been bent over a desk most of the day, Haley reached up to rub her neck, and Samuel was struck by how much he wanted to do that for her, but he laced his fingers, remembering not to be tempted. A second later, she sat up straight while continuing to read what was on the table in front of her, and pulled at the clip holding her hair in a severe twist. Her hair cascaded around her shoulders in gentle waves. It was almost more than Samuel could take.

  “I think we’ve made some great progress tonight, Miss Iverson,” he said quickly.

  Puzzled, she met his gaze. “Are you sure you are ready to quit? I don’t mind staying later if I have a ride.” This was the first time she had been given a glimpse of the inner workings of the ad world. It fascinated her, challenged her brain in a way that her job as his personal assistant never would.

  For the first time he could remember, Samuel didn’t know what to do. He knew that he couldn’t date her, since it went against the policy he himself had imposed, but damn if he didn’t want to get to know this woman better. He sighed. He would simply have to manufacture excuses for them to be together. He thought for a moment. “Well, I have a dinner with one of the heads of the company this campaign is for tomorrow night. I know he’ll be bringing his wife, and I should have… an escort. It’s supposed to be social, but these things always turn to business.” He watched her for a reaction. “And then afterwards, we would be able to discuss our impressions and work to improve our work before the actual presentation.” He could tell that she was thinking about it. Suddenly he found his mind laboring to determine what her hesitation might be.

  “I have a stylist at one of the boutiques down the road. The company would pay for a cocktail dress, since it would be a business expense. And, of course, I would pick you up before dinner and drop you off after…” Her eyes were sparkling shyly now and she was biting her lip.

  “What time would I need to be ready by, do you think?” There was a hint of excitement in her voice. Dare he hope it was because of him?

  “Well, I would pick you up at seven. The reservation would be for eight. Does that give you enough time to get ready?” Samuel realized that he was tensing up in anticipation of her response.

  Her eyes clouded over. “I like to run after work. And I don’t know when I would have time to hit the boutique…”

  She was ready to decline. He could tell, but he also couldn�
�t allow it. “Beth will come take your measurements first thing in the morning, deliver a selection of dresses for you to try on at lunch, and leave your choice with you, unless it needs alterations, in which case she would send it back later.” Beth was going to really pad her bill this time.

  “Do places really do that?” Her eyes lit up and he was captivated.

  “For the right amount of money, most businesses can be very accommodating.” Samuel smiled warmly. Then he turned his attention to the other tidbit she had offered. “How long have you been jogging?”

  She winced as though she realized she may have revealed too much. “Umm, about six months.” Haley had only to look at his face to see that he wanted to delve further into that, but she studied the clock a moment so that he would take the hint. “I think you are right about it being late. I’ll go home now and start getting ready for tomorrow. I’ll need my beauty rest,” she joked.

  Instantly, Samuel wished he could tell her that she was attractive, that he liked her just the way she was, but he knew he couldn’t. If she thought he was attracted to her, she might run away before he ever had the opportunity to get to know her. Obviously running had become one of her self-preservation tactics. He was certain that whatever happened to her had transpired six months ago.

  “Okay, let’s get you home,” he said quietly.

  As silent as he was on the drive to her apartment, Haley couldn’t help but wonder if she had said or done something to upset him. Maybe he was regretting the dinner invitation. She kept looking at him, trying to sense what was going on in his head. Finally he caught her studying him, or maybe he had known all along.

  “What is troubling you?” He asked with concern.

  “Whatever is troubling you,” she answered honestly.

  Inhaling deeply, he said, “I was just thinking about a few things you reminded me about.” Like how you have had some horrible experience that you haven’t recovered from and haven’t shared with anyone. Then it dawned on him. He should talk to Ellen.

  Without thinking, he closed the distance between them with his hand. He squeezed her forearm gently and said, “I’m sorry. I just have a lot on my mind.”

  Haley didn’t jump. It was the first time since it had happened that she hadn’t jumped or tensed or trembled at a person’s touch. She glanced down at his hand on her arm, looked out the window and smiled.

  The limousine stopped in front of an older three story brownstone. Haley looked at it, imagining how it must appear to him. “It’s not much, but it’s home,” she said with an empty laugh. He was still silent, staring at the building. “I moved here very suddenly,” she explained. “I needed some place to stay, so Ellen helped me secure a modest fully furnished apartment that I was able to sublease at a steal.” She shrugged.

  Opening the door, he stepped out, turned and offered her a hand. It was simply the gentlemanly thing to do. She knew that, but for some reason that simple gesture made her heart skip. Blushing, she put her hand in his and felt the warmth spread. She cocked her head to one side as she tried to remember a time that a man had impacted her in such a fashion. No one ever had, not even David.

  “Please let me see you safely to your door,” he said seriously, suddenly aware of how dark the sky had grown on their drive to her apartment.

  She looked grateful as she said, “Thank you. I’d like that.”

  He took the keys that she had readied in the limo and opened the front door of the building for her. Samuel followed her at a safe distance as she walked up three flights of stairs and stopped in front of the first door on the left. Again he unlocked the door using the key she pointed to. “Wait,” he said, as she began to walk into the apartment.

  “Why?” She asked curiously. As much as she appreciated his assistance, she was now ready to lock herself in the confines of her apartment.

  “You can’t possibly tell me that you would walk in here after dark and not check out the apartment thoroughly. Anyone could be waiting in here.” He was annoyed with her for taking what he perceived to be a careless risk.

  “I don’t know,” she said slowly. “I’ve never come in after dark before.” She flicked on the light switch and leaned against the wall.

  Trying not to react with shock, he simply nodded with a pensive expression. “So, tonight is the first time?” She nodded. “You seem…fine.”

  You make me feel safe. That’s what she would like to have said. Ever since he had caught her and placed her ever so gently back on the chair. All night she could see that he was trying desperately to move more slowly, enter rooms rather than burst through doors, and give her more space than he was used to giving anyone. It meant that he cared about her and her comfort. But all she could say was, “I am fine.”

  Leaving her in the doorway, he turned on lights and gave the apartment a once over, looking in closets and under the bed. Samuel had paused for a moment in her bedroom, where a framed picture stood on the dresser. It was the flaming red hair that caught his eye. He would never have recognized her. She was smiling, glowing, and surrounded by people he could only assume were her family. The people he took to be her parents were attractive, middle-class folks. Another girl, who somewhat resembled her and appeared a few years younger, leaned against her. Where were they now? Had she run from them, too? Had whatever happened to her been so terrible that she couldn’t even share it with them?

  “All clear,” he announced on his return to her side.

  She smiled at him, but not like she smiled in the picture. And for a moment he wondered if he could ever make her look that happy again. “Thank you,” she said simply, stifling a yawn.

  “I saw that,” he said. “I’m leaving. We have a busy day tomorrow followed by a big night.” He paused. This was the point in the evening where he would normally plant a kiss on the woman. He would kiss the forehead, if he didn’t plan on seeing her again; the cheek if it was a possibility; and the lips if he wanted another date and to test compatibility. With Haley, it was different. He wanted to kiss her safe on the forehead, touch her with a hint of romance on the cheek, and give in to impulse with those amazing lips. He reminded himself she was an employee and turned to the door. “Lock up behind me, okay?” And before he could help himself, he squeezed her hand and pulled the door closed behind him.

  Chapter Two

  The ride between their domiciles was spent mulling over what he had learned about Haley that day. He was surprised to discover how much the thought of her alone in her apartment bothered him. Gabriella had never inspired such feelings. In fact, he was often happy to have some space, since she was a high maintenance female that came with unequaled mood swings. And even though he hadn’t lost a night’s sleep over losing Gabriella, he believed he wouldn’t escape as unscathed from a like situation with Haley. He rolled her name around in his mind.

  Haley. Haley, who was so hurt that she ran, ran for a hobby, ran from her home, ran from her life. Haley, who always raced the darkness home. Haley who trembled when touched and jumped at every unannounced entrance. Haley, who was hiding her hair, her body, and her heart.

  Closing his eyes and covering them with one hand, he lounged against the seat until they arrived at his door. In the morning he had some important calls to make, Beth and Ellen. He had to confirm their dinner plans. But right now, he had to find a way to sleep. Not a man inclined to drink alone; he grabbed a book off his nightstand to read himself into exhaustion.

  It was unsettling. Haley hadn’t known what to expect when she allowed Mr. Davenport into her apartment. She smirked. Actually, he had taken control of the situation and she had been only too quick to let him. She had wondered how it would feel to have him here. He was so…big, and the apartment so small. She had thought that it might feel crowded, or he would seem out of place, but instead, he fit. And that was strange, since even Haley didn’t feel as though she fit anymore. Not at work, not at her apartment. He was earning her trust. She shivered. Maybe she could learn to trust again. It had been so lon
g since she had allowed people in.

  The morning had been so busy. First he had called Beth, who came rushing over to take Haley’s measurements. Had she known how Samuel felt about Haley, Beth probably would have taken her time arriving. Quick to take control of the situation, Beth had then hauled Haley into Samuel’s office and whipped out the measuring tape. He had risen to leave the room and offer some privacy in case Haley didn’t relish the thought of her boss knowing her measurements, but Beth insisted he stay. No doubt she hoped to entice him with the provocative way she moved and bent over, but he was oblivious to everything but Haley’s reaction to the situation. She seemed shy, but not mortified.

  “Well,” Beth announced, “you are an almost perfect size four.”

  “Almost perfect?” Haley asked quietly, uncertain of which of her many flaws was about to be exposed.

  “Yes,” Beth said a little annoyed. “The bust is a little…big.”


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