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Dark Fetishes Vol. 1 : (DARK EROTICA): Taboo Erotica (DARK EROTICA SERIES)

Page 19

by Lucy Lixx

  When the water was mostly gone, he lifted me and laid me out on the bed where he dried me and helped me dress for the evening. He picked out a pair of blue panties and a pink night dress that stopped at my thighs for “easy access later on,” as he described it. The comment made me blush. I was sure we wouldn't be able to do anything else tonight, but knowing he was nearby was a comfort. I couldn't reach out whenever I wanted to, but I'd still know he was there to watch me and think about me.

  Suddenly hungry, I picked at the dinner that was left in the stove and sat on the couch to watch a movie. Daddy sat next to me, lifting my legs to be placed in his lap so he could rub and squeeze them. I felt like a princess being protected by her king. I wanted to mention it, but I was afraid to ruin the moment. I stared at him instead. Daddy noticed me looking at him and turned to look back, the motion making me nervous enough to turn away and focus on the TV again. He chuckled softly and patted my thigh as if to say it was okay. We didn't talk often, but I knew we had something.

  After all, I'm his princess and he's my king.

  Work was rather busy this morning as we had a number of events scheduled in different areas of the library. There was a puppet show, an author signing, a new book release, and a number of meetings. Several times a month, our conference room would be rented out to corporations for their meetings. I'd watch them walk by in black pinstripe suits with shiny briefcases and expensive tablets. It must be nice living such a lavish business life.

  I sorted some paperwork at the checkout desk and handled a few customers before Brad came to relieve me for my break. After catching up a bit – things were still pretty awkward after the erotic book fiasco – I headed for the break room and sat with my lunch. Lillian walked in shortly after I started eating, grabbed a bag from the fridge, and then sat down next to me. She sank her teeth into her sandwich and chewed before greeting me.

  “What's up, girl?” She asked, taking another bite.

  “Not much. It's a busy day.” I responded.

  “Yeah,” Lillian said, rolling her eyes. “Bunch of nerds here for that puppet show. I think I stopped liking puppets when I was five.”

  I shrugged, chewing my food slowly so I didn't have to respond too often.

  “I've noticed you've been pretty peppy today.” Lillian commented before biting her sandwich again. “What gives? You getting laid?”

  I blushed and sank into my chair, wanting desperately to be able to hide my emotions so I wouldn't have to make any hefty lies to cover my new found sexual paradise. As I pushed my hair behind my ear, Lillian dramatically scooted closer and placed her sandwich on a napkin next to my food.

  “Alright, spill! I know that look. You're totally hiding something.”

  Lillian's eyes were burning with desire, likely desperate to hear any juicy details that she could gush about later to Brad or her new boyfriend. She perched right next to my face and stared until I sighed with resignation.

  “Fine,” I groaned. “I'll tell you everything you want to hear.”

  Lillian threw her arms in the arm and screamed, “Yay!”

  I rolled my eyes, put my food down, and turned to face her.

  “You have to swear to me you won't tell anyone.” I said, meeting her eyes with a glare.

  “Okay, okay, okay. I'll keep my damn mouth shut. Spill, woman!”

  “I've been seeing this guy--” Lillian squeaked with joy and clapped her hands together. She stopped when I glared again. “--and his name is none of your business. We met a week or so ago, but we're already having sex, which I know is sort of weird for me. It's just amazing! But I feel so inexperienced when he does all these tricks and positions. I'm such a novice. He's already put a collar on me and spanked me and...”

  Lillian's jaw was laid out on the ground at this point. I could tell she was incredibly shocked as I recounted every gritty detail of my Daddy railing me in my own dorm room. I tried to keep the details mostly anonymous, but I mentioned his tattoos and how he's such a bad boy that she lifted an inquisitive eyebrow and smirked.

  “Is he really bad?” She asked after I had finished my explanation.

  I nodded, my eyes filled with my dreamy fantasies and desires.

  “I can't help myself here, Lillian. I feel like an excited little girl stealing this married man away.” I frowned and stared at my food. “I don't want it to stop.”

  “He sounds like the perfect man to take care of any little girl's problems.” Lillian smiled as she looked away, her mind seeming to go somewhere else. “I bet he's good at punishing.”

  “Oh my god, is he ever!” I giggled and shook my head. “Please, don't tell anyone. I'm trying to be...well, I'm trying to appear innocent, you know?”

  Lillian nodded emphatically.

  “You're the good girl and I'm the bad girl who doesn't care. I get it.” She placed her hand on my shoulder as a comfort. “Your secret is safe with me.”

  Chapter Two

  As my classes commenced again the following week, I kept thoughts of my Daddy at bay so I could focus on my work. I was getting a little better at balancing my mind, but it was difficult to sleep at night while my roommate snored in the bed next to mine. I wanted to hear my Daddy grunting in the room next door, knowing he was picturing me beneath him instead of somebody else. Sometimes, I wondered why he ever bothered to marry my mother if he had these other fantasies that he enacted on girls half his age, but it really wasn't my place to judge. After all, I was the one he was enacting them with and I was no better than he. I was absolutely naughty.

  It felt so good.

  I focused hard on my philosophy essay, making sure to cite enough sources and expound upon my ideas in a concise manner while also remaining consistent. I hoped it made Daddy proud that I hadn't missed any classes or any school work since I left the house on Sunday. I wanted to text him about it. I'd received great marks this semester. Maybe he would reward me for that. I thought about visiting that Daddy/daughter blog again just to see how their relationship worked. Maybe we could model some of our activities after things that they posted. I considered calling Daddy about it, but thought it would be better to finish my essay instead. I could fantasize more later and maybe even call him if I wanted.

  When I was done with my essay, I printed it out and placed it in my binder for safe keeping. I had a few more things to write, but I could do them at work during my down time. It was a Wednesday and I wouldn't have too much to do except shelve books or organize files. I headed for the library and clocked in when I arrived, greeting my boss as I maneuvered behind the front desk. She gave me my tasks and I went about my business completing each one. It only took two hours to finish the list she gave me, so I returned to the desk and asked if I could work on an essay during our quiet hours. She agreed and sent me upstairs to one of the study rooms while reminding me that we closed in two hours.

  “Don't forget you're at work, Victoria.”

  “Yes, ma'am. I'll be back in an hour.”

  As I climbed the steps to the second floor, I heard foot steps following from behind. I turned, but there was no one there and the sound abruptly stopped. I quickly climbed the rest of the stairs and pushed through the door, heading straight for the study room so I could lock myself in. On my way, Lillian popped out from a bookshelf and whispered, “Boo!”

  I squeaked and swatted her arm out of fear, dropping my textbook and binder on the ground. She giggled and scooped it up for me.

  “You bitch,” I whispered. “This is a library.”

  “Yeah, it's boring. I have to liven it up in here.” She leafed through my books curiously. “What are you up to?”

  “I'm just going to try to finish this essay before I have to do anything else.”

  “You're such a nerd.” She teased. “Can I chill with you? I don't have anything to do either.”

  Just as I was about to agree, Lillian's eyes widened a bit as they focused on something behind me. I slowly turned around to fin
d my Daddy standing right behind me, his eyes glittering with mischief and delight. He looked over Lillian and then focused on me.

  “Hello, Victoria.”

  My eyelids fluttered and I smiled weakly, my books slipping again from my arms in disbelief. Was he the one following me up the stairs? Why was he being so secretive about that?

  “I tried calling, but your phone was off. I came to tell you that your mother is going to be out of town for the rest of the week.” He reached out and caught my books before they slipped completely from my arms. He flipped them over in his rough hands and then looked back up at me. “Who is your friend?”

  I could feel Lillian pressing her arm against me when he nodded in her direction, her presence being acknowledged causing something of a stir between my thighs.

  “This is Lillian. I've known her since we were kids.” I responded mechanically.

  I could hardly control my legs. They were shaking beneath the weight of me, beneath the weight of the situation. I turned to look at Lillian to introduce her to my Daddy and the look of recognition on her face was unbearable.

  She knows.

  Daddy is fingering the edges of my textbook and looking between the both of us, an idea sparking in his mind that was easy to capture. I knew his features. He was definitely scheming.

  “Why don't you invite her over for dinner tonight. We can eat and watch a movie. It could be a lot of fun.” He handed over my books and then turned to walk away, knowing we were both hooked on his image and practically drooling at the sight of his muscles bulging from beneath his t-shirt.

  Lillian grabbed my arm and dug her nails into my skin to break the spell. I yelped and swatted her again, rubbing the braised area.

  “Is that…?” Her words trailed off as she made the connection and her excited eyes turned to me. “That's him, isn't it?”

  “I'm not saying a thing.”

  “Well, are you going to invite me over for dinner?!”

  Lillian was practically shrill with anticipation. I knew somehow we were to be involved in a certain scheme, maybe be thrown into a fantasy we'd never experienced before, and that was just too attractive for me to comprehend. The fear and desire mixed as I took her arm and pulled her into the nearest study room. I locked the door and turned to meet her with wild eyes, the kind that I know she's never seen before because I was always the well-behaved and composed one of the group. Myself and Brad were always the better of Lillian, her being something of a rule-breaker and a pot smoker. She was practically a bad girl without being too terribly bad. She didn't do drugs or hang out with the wrong crew, but she was pretty bad for a group of suburban kids who didn't often meet trouble.

  And Daddy is definitely trouble.

  I waved my finger at Lillian as she backed into the furthest wall, her skirt riding up the harder she pressed against the brick.

  “You can't tell a soul about this. Do you understand?”

  I didn't mean to be so harsh with her, but I couldn't risk us getting into trouble. The fine balance was being threatened here and adding Lillian to the tight rope just as it was shaking was incredibly dangerous.

  I liked it.

  “I want you to come over for dinner, and I want you to behave yourself as you would with any father figure you might encounter. Understand that he might ask you to do things. Obey him and respect him. I love him, Lillian. I don't want you to hurt him.”

  Her eyes hadn't blinked during my warning. She nodded, seeming to understand exactly what I was saying. It wasn't just that I loved him, it was that her making so much as a peep would set off the balance and I would never be able to see him again. If she messed up, I would probably never acknowledge she ever existed. I might even hit her. I think she understood that. I hoped so because it meant the world that Daddy wanted to meet one of my best friends, and I was sure he wanted to play with the both of us.

  As I calmed down from my strange moment of aggression, I pulled Lillian over to the computer and showed her the Daddy/daughter blog. I explained what it meant to be a daughter and how she would have to do certain actions and say specific phrases. We practiced through a few, the excitement in my stomach growing as I essentially trained her to be another one of Daddy's little toys. We could be sisters beneath him and maybe we could start our own blog. I knew that meant exposing our relationship to the world, but it was an enticing idea. Maybe other girls like me would come across it and be inspired. We could help other people. But then I recalled how Daddy had called me his dirty little secret and I relished the phrase in my mind. It sank deep into my gut and settled into my pelvis. Broadcasting our relationship would mean I was no longer a secret, and why would I ever want to do that?

  Chapter Three

  Lillian and I arrived at my house just after 6:15. I was so anxious that my heart was practically beating out of my rib cage, the bones cracking beneath the skin that was already incredibly thin. I turned to Lillian who gave me a nervous, but comforting, smile. We went into the house where Daddy had set up the table with dinner: a delicious selection of chicken, macaroni, and potatoes along with three salads. Lillian and I set our things down in my room and walked back to the dining room to sit and eat.

  “So, Lillian, you work with Victoria at the library. Do you go to school as well?” Daddy asked as he set some food on each plate.

  “I do. I go to the community college up the road from here. I want to be a vet assistant.” She said while accepting a plate of hot food. She sat awkwardly next to me, a little ways away from Daddy.

  “That sounds amazing. Our lovely Victoria wants to be a teacher. I commend her for that.” Daddy handed me a plate of food. “What else do you like to do?”

  As we both eased our way into casual conversation, I'd nearly forgotten what was going on, or what I had suspected was going on. Lillian and I became totally preoccupied by the jokes and laughter that it almost looked like we were a regular family. I felt so comfortable with my present company that I lost track of the time, and we were cleaning before I realized it was well past seven. I rinsed the dishes in the sink and loaded the dishwasher while Lillian wiped down the table. Daddy came up behind me and squeezed my bottom, leaning forward to whisper in my ear.

  “You and your friend should change and then come to the living room for a movie.”

  I turned to watch him walk away, smiling still as he left the kitchen. Lillian quickly ran up next to me and leaned into my shoulder.

  “Vic, what did he say?” She whispered, grabbing dishes to help me load the washer faster.

  “He said we should change and go to the living room.”

  She giggled nervously as we finished rinsing the plates and then we ran off to my room to change. I handed her a little white night shirt that had lace around the shoulders and I pulled on Daddy's favorite pink night dress that he had me wear over the weekend. We posed in the mirror a few times, snapping a couple of pictures on Lillian's phone, and then ran to the living room where we got comfortable on the couch. As we looked through our movie choices on the screen, Daddy walked in and settled on the couch next to me, placing his hand gently on my thigh. I pretended not to notice.

  Lillian and I agreed on a romantic comedy and made some small chat as the movie began. I could feel Daddy's hand squeezing my thigh a little harder as the music intensified. After a few minutes, he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

  “You should kiss Lillian on the lips.”

  A chill ran up my spine as Daddy moved his hand further up my thigh, pushing my dress up and rubbing the surface of my panties. He nudged my neck with his nose as encouragement, but didn't remove his hand. I shivered. Lillian was hooked on the television, the light dancing across her face as her eyes remained focused on the poorly laid out plot. I leaned over to her and stroked her chin which elicited minimal response. Either she was ignoring me or she was completely distracted by the movie which was now developing into some ridiculous love story. I think I subconsciously chose it because
I knew I wouldn't be interested in watching it. Daddy prodded me with his elbow and I leaned towards Lillian to kiss her cheek, something that definitely caused her to turn towards me and greet me with her lips.

  Daddy rubbed me a little faster as he placed his free hand on the back of Lillian's head so she would kiss me harder. I heard him moan softly behind me, his fingers digging beneath my panties and wasting no time in making me soaked. He parted my lips and started to finger me as he pulled me up on to his lap and forced Lillian's head down to my bosom. He lifted my night dress, instructing her to suck on my nipples that were now as erect as his cock. I could feel his erection burning into my lower back which made me ache as his fingers pushed harder into my swollen hole.


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