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Tony, Her Billionaire Russian: A BWWM BBW 5 Stories In 1 Bundle

Page 12

by Cher Etan

  “You don’t look so good,” Tony told her still studying her reflection in the mirror as he swayed them both from side to side.

  “I don’t feel much better so please stop swaying me.”

  “Sorry,” Tony said and lifted her up in his arms to carry her to the bedroom, “I’m calling the doctor.”

  “Don’t be silly. I’ll just go get some anti-nausea medicine from the pharmacy or something.”

  “No Sophie. You haven’t been feeling well for a while; don’t think I haven’t noticed.”

  Sophie stared at Tony and he glared back at her. The Mexican Standoff lasted a while but finally Sophie sighed and acquiesced to see the doctor. Tony leaped forward to envelope her in his arms and kiss her on the forehead.

  “Thank you,” he said, “I’ll ask Samuel to bring the car around.”

  “After breakfast fool,” Sophie said, “I am hungry.”

  Tony laughed and sent Samuel a text and then he picked Sophie up and carried her downstairs. They ran into Solomon coming from the kitchen, a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich in his hand.

  “Hey Starship,” Sophie called from Tony’s arms. He turned to look at her; a startled look on his face.

  “Whose Starship?” he wanted to know.

  “You, silly. It’s what we called you,” Sophie said.

  “Because of this thingy on my neck,” Solomon stated, somewhere between a statement and a question.

  “Clever boy,” Sophie said smiling at him and holding out her hand for a high five. He responded to it with a wry smile on his face.

  “I haven’t been a ‘boy’ in a while,” he said.

  “Okay. Sorry.” Sophie said as she indicated to Tony to put her down.

  “I mean…I guess I get why you still think of me like that. You said I disappeared during Katrina?”

  “Yes. You were down in the ninth quarter I think, doing some graffiti like grandpa told you a million times not to.”

  “Sorry,” Solomon said with a grimace.

  “Oh I think you’ve been punished enough for that transgression. Is that your breakfast or will you be joining us?”

  “Oh this? No I was just talking to Katarina in the kitchen and she gave me this to eat,” Solomon said with a shrug.

  “Wonderful; it’s good to see you haven’t lost your appetite. Come on, let’s go eat.” Sophie slipped her arm into the crook of his and led him companionably to the dining room, with Tony following with a smile in their wake. Elijah was already at the table reading the paper.

  “Good morning G-money. You’re up early,” Sophie said cheerfully.

  “Yes well, I usually cook you breakfast if you recall; only this morning Katarina got the drop on me – breakfast was already on the table when I woke up.”

  “I can’t tell if you’re grumbling or what.”

  “First night that my family is back altogether; I would have liked to make you breakfast.”

  Sophie and Tony exchanged guilty glances. It was true that ever since they moved to Boston from New Orleans, Elijah had made the breakfast for Sophie. But things were different now and Sophie supposed that would take a bit of getting used to…on all their parts.

  “How about you make us dinner?” Sophie ventured.

  Elijah looked up at her from the top of his newspaper and then back at the type.

  “There is no need to patronize me Sophie Devereaux Romanov.”

  “Oh wow that sounds sexy,” Tony said making all three Devereauxs turn to glare at him. He put his hands up in an apologetic gesture and shrugged deprecatingly.

  “I wasn’t,” Sophie said to Elijah.

  “I know you weren’t. Forgive an ornery old man whose just being sulky.”

  “So does that mean you’re making dinner or you’re not making dinner? Which?” Solomon asked as he stuffed his face with cereal.

  Everyone stared at him in surprise. He looked back at them and laughed, “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing. Welcome back Sol,” Elijah said.

  “Sol, Starship… Are there anymore nicknames?”

  “Sure; dinklehead, Picasso I hear, Idiot…” Sophie said. Solomon threw a watermelon at her and she caught it, laughing in surprise. Then she suddenly felt her mouth water and ate it in three bites.

  “Wow, thanks Sol, I really wanted that.”

  “Clearly. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “I don’t know. Tony was carrying you down the stairs.”

  “She threw up this morning,” Tony informed the table making Sophie glare at him.

  Elijah put down his paper and straightened up with attention, “What was that?” he asked.

  “Sophie threw up. She hasn’t been feeling well for a while now. I’m taking her to the doctor after breakfast.”

  Elijah began to laugh and everyone at the table stared at him in shock, waiting for an explanation.

  “By all means, take her to the doctor. Make it an obstetrician though.” He said at last. The silence at the table at this last statement was deafening.

  “What?” Tony said at last.

  “Yeah, what are you saying?” Solomon chimed in.

  “He’s saying that I’m pregnant,” Sophie said with calm certainty.

  “And…are you?” Solomon asked picking up a muffin from the tray.

  Sophie turned to look at him, a dazed expression on her face. “Yes,” she said, “I think I am.”

  “Wow,” Tony whispered. Solomon passed him a muffin.

  “You okay?” Solomon asked him.

  Tony stared at him and then at Elijah and then at Sophie, a smile growing on his face, “I’m great.”

  “Let’s go see the doctor,” Sophie said standing up, “G-money you want a lift to work?”

  Elijah nodded and stood up.

  “What do I do all day?” Solomon asked.

  “I’ll be back after the doctor’s. We’ll catch up,” she said and smiled. Solomon smiled back at her and it even looked real.

  They went out to the car where Samuel was waiting, doors already open. He smiled at Sophie welcoming her back and she smiled back at him. They had built up the beginnings of a friendship before the wedding and he had been present at the ceremony. Many of Tony’s employees were also dear friends.

  “Dahling, so nice to see you again,” she said to him kissing him on both cheeks.

  “You too my dear,” he said with a smile, kissing her back.

  “Hands off. She’s mine,” Tony said jokingly ushering Sophie into the back seat. He followed her in while Elijah sat in front.

  “Yezzir,” Samuel said as he closed doors behind them with a smile.

  Samuel and Elijah were soon lost in conversation in the front seat while Tony and Sophie sat in uncomfortable silence in the back.

  “I told you to use condoms,” Sophie whispered at last.

  “You did indeed. Are you pissed at me?” Tony asked her in low tones.

  “Are you pissed at me?” Sophie asked him in turn.

  “Why would I be pissed at you?” Tony asked looking at her in puzzlement.

  “Well I brought all this upheaval into your life and now we might be throwing a baby into the mix.”

  “Sophie darling, I invited the upheaval. And why don’t we wait for the doctor to confirm that there actually is a baby before we panic?”

  Sophie reached out a hand and covered his and they rode in silence the rest of the way to the doctor’s clinic.


  Solomon wandered into the kitchen of the house, in search of Katarina. He was working up to asking her to let him draw her but he knew he would have to break her barriers down first. She was superficially friendly with him and everyone, but he knew there was more to her than met the eye and he was determined to find out what.

  “Hey” he said softly as he came to lean on the counter. She was washing the breakfast dishes, by hand.

  “Can I help you with that?” he asked.

  Katarina glanced at him w
ith a smile, “No thank you.”

  “Please? I have nothing else to do,” he begged.

  Katarina laughed and then unhooked the extra apron hanging behind the door and tossed it to him.

  “Knock yourself out,” she said.

  Solomon smiled and came to rinse as she washed.

  “I don’t know if we were properly introduced yesterday but I’m Solomon, the long lost brother.”

  Katarina gave him an amused blue glance, “I know.”

  “And you are…?”

  “Katarina. House keeper,” she said shortly.

  “Nice to meet you Katarina House Keeper. How long have you had this job?” Solomon asked as he rinsed industriously.

  “A few years.” She said.

  “Really, I thought them two just got married,” Solomon said.

  “They did. Before this I was working at the restaurant Mr. Tony owns. The April Shower.”

  “The April Shower? Tony’s father talked about such a thing when he had me in Russia. It’s a restaurant?”


  “Oh,” Solomon said rinsing plates with absorption.

  “What?” Katarina asked, seeing his thoughtfulness.

  “I…nothing,” Solomon said putting plates on the rack to dry. “Is there anything else you’d like me to do?”

  “Polish the silver?” Katarina joked. “I’m just going upstairs to make up the beds. Why don’t you go down to the swimming pool and use the gym there?”

  “The gym? Are you trying to tell me something?” he asked her grinning. She looked slowly up and down his six foot two athletic frame and simply shook her head.

  “Just trying to give you something to do,” she said.

  “Alright well, tell me where the most picturesque place in the garden is?”


  “I’d like to do some drawing.”

  “You draw.”

  “Yes I do.”

  “My son draws too.”

  “Oh, you have a son?”

  “Yes I do.”

  “I’d like to see his etchings some time,” Solomon said with a grin. Katarina gave him a quizzical glance.

  “Why are you laughing?” she asked.

  Solomon shook his head at her. “Never mind,” he said.

  Katarina stared at him strangely for a while.

  “There’s a gazebo out back,” she said at last.

  Solomon stared at her for a moment and then nodded his head.

  “Your son is welcome to join me,” he said as he exited through the kitchen door.

  Katarina watched him go and then shook herself and went to make the beds.

  Solomon walked slowly, looking for the best spot to work from. He caught sight of the gazebo and nodded in agreement that the spot was indeed picturesque, but further away, near the perimeter of the property was a bench. It sat in the midst of a burst of flowers. Behind it were rows of daffodils interspersed with lilies. A Russian Cypress grew to the side, shielding the just flowering cherry blossoms sprouting below. To the side was a rose bush growing along the perimeter wall, devoid now of flowers but budding. A little cottage lay hidden behind the trees peeping through the leaves and foliage. Solomon peered at it, wondering who could possibly be living there but then decided he’d find out soon enough and sat down on the bench. He took out his drawing tools from the bag he’d been carrying and sharpened his pencils then he looked around him and took a deep breath.

  He was so absorbed in his work he didn’t hear the footsteps coming. Besides, they were cushioned by the soft grass and he only noticed someone had joined him when he saw the pair of loafers come into his field of vision.

  “Hi,” a voice said from above him and he looked up to see his sister.

  “Hey yourself,” he replied, indicating that she should sit. “So?”He asked as she did so.

  “Yes. I’m pregnant.” she replied.

  “Wow. Congratulations,” he said putting down his drawings. Sophie picked them up.

  “You’ve gotten better at this,” she told him as she studied the drawing.

  “Yeah?” Solomon asked curiously.

  “Yeah. This is a really good picture of her,” Sophie said.

  Solomon reared back and blinked. “It’s more of an abstract than any one person,” he stammered.

  “Sure it is,” Sophie said with a smile as she handed the drawing back to him. “So how are you holding up?”

  “Holding up? I’m not holding up. I’m thrivin’.”

  “Good to know.”

  “What about you? How are you holding up?”

  “I don’t know. I wake up wondering if this is real you know? Are you really back? Am I really married to a white guy? Do I live in a big old country house with its own pool and gym? Is this my life? What’s the catch?...that sort of thing, you know?”

  Solomon burst out laughing. “Which one of those is the most unbelievable?” he asked.

  “Believe it or not, it’s you being here.”

  “I’m touched,” Solomon said seriously.

  “I know this must be strange for you. I mean you don’t know who I am, you don’t remember me-“

  “-You feel familiar though. Somewhere deep down it feels right that I should have a big sister. And an ornery grandfather. And a white brother-in-law.”

  Sophie smiled but then grew serious again. “All that I’m saying is that I…we don’t expect anything from you. We don’t expect you to love us just because we love you.”

  “Okay. But you’re nice people so don’t be surprised if I like you.”

  “That works for me,” Sophie said smiling, “Katarina’s nice too,” she teased.

  “Katarina’s hot, but I don’t think she likes me like that.”

  “Do you like her like that?”

  “She kinda made my heart jump a lil bit the first time I saw her. But I’ve been in a mental asylum for the last nine years – my standards aren’t that high.”

  “Oh come on stop diminishing your feelings.”

  “Wow, do we usually talk like this or is this new?”

  Sophie laughed. “You were fifteen when you disappeared, I was eighteen. We hated each other half the time, the other half of the time, we were best friends. But we didn’t talk about feelings. Nope.”

  “Great so, could we continue to do that? We could talk about your feelings if you like.”

  “Thanks. Pass,” Sophie said.

  “So…what’s left?” Solomon asked.

  “We could catch each other up on what’s been going on for the past nine years,” Sophie suggested.

  “Yeah okay, so I was in like an asylum and that’s the last thing I remember. You?”

  “I was in Hurricane Katrina, my…our grandmother, she died during the evacuation and we had to move to Boston. I’m finishing my CPA and grandpa is working in a jewelry store. Then I met Tony, got married and I’m having a baby.”

  “Excellent summary. What about our parents. Where are they?”

  “Dead. Mama had a store. They were robbed and Dad tried to get between her and the scumbag with a gun trying to steal from them. They both got shot. Mama died immediately but Papa was in a comma for years before he succumbed. It was grisly. Don’t try to remember it.”

  “Wow. Okay. Thanks for the recap.”

  “You’re welcome,” Sophie said and inclined her head in a bow. “Solomon do you want to go back to school?”

  “No, but I guess I should huh?”

  “Think about it. Maybe we could get you into an art school. Something where you’re happy.”

  “Thanks. I will.”

  “I’ll leave you to your drawing. I’m kinda sleepy,” Sophie said.

  “Okay then, goodnight,” Solomon said, returning to his work. Sophie stood up and smiled down at him.

  “Goodnight,” she said and walked off to the house to take a nap. Solomon watched her go, a small smile on his face. It was good to know that she existed. It had been lonely, thinking he was alone in the
world. Now he had a family…and a hot chick to look at around the house.

  He studied the picture he’d done. He had to acknowledge that the blue eyes were very similar to Katarina’s, the platinum hair, porcelain skin. Her short compact figure with the tiny hands and feet. Okay, yeah maybe it was very similar to her. He smiled wryly to himself before feeling eyes on him. He looked up startled to see a small boy staring at him. The cobalt blue eyes and white blond hair betrayed his parentage even if she’d not just told him she had a son. Did they live on the compound then?

  “Hello,” he said to the boy, and smiled trying to look as welcoming as possible.

  The boy simply stared back, without saying a word.

  “I was just about to draw that tree,” Solomon said. “Do you want to join me? I hear you draw too.”

  He picked up the palette and started to sketch, not looking the boy’s way. He felt him come closer to look at the drawing but did not even glance in his direction. As the tree came to life on his paper, he felt the boy lean in toward him, watching his hands as they moved. He finished the sketch of the tree and then held it out to the boy without looking at him. The boy took it and moved to sit on the grass, swaying from side to side as he stared at it. Solomon watched him look at his picture; something was definitely off with the boy. Autism perhaps? He’d seen some autistic people at the asylum and they tended not to meet your eye or want to make normal connections.

  “What’s your name?” he asked quietly. The boy ignored him and continued to stare at the sketch.

  “I’m Solomon,” he said. “Also known as Starship or Sol. You can call me Sol if you want.”

  “I am Sam.” The boy said, not looking at him.

  “Sam? That’s a cool name.” Solomon said.

  There was no reply from the boy but he did glance up for half a second to look at Solomon and then back down at the picture.

  “You can keep that Sam. Maybe tomorrow you’ll draw me one?” Solomon said.

  Sam glanced at him again and then stood up and walked away with the picture.

  “You’re welcome,” Solomon murmured to himself and then stood up and headed for the house. It was way past time for lunch and he was starving.


  Tony was just wrapping up at the April Shower. He expected that his father or his father’s accountant would be by soon to take charge of the establishment but he wanted to make sure that all the employees were taken care of and that they knew what was happening. He had stipulated in the transfer agreement that they would all keep their jobs but he really didn’t know what his father’s plans were so he couldn’t be sure that he would keep the promise.


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