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Tony, Her Billionaire Russian: A BWWM BBW 5 Stories In 1 Bundle

Page 17

by Cher Etan

  “Shall we go then?” Tony asked.

  Quite suddenly Solomon convulsed, hands to his head. He fell to his knees clutching his head and groaning.

  “Solomon! What is it?” Sophie screamed waddling toward him. Her hugely pregnant stomach made it ungainly to do so.

  “It’s going to drown me…I’m drowning,” Solomon whispered, a look of terror on his face. His eyes were wild and he looked at Sophie without recognition.

  “Sol! Starship! Look at me.” Sophie was shaking him trying to make him focus. Tony came up to her and pulled her aside and then he took hold of Solomon and slapped him across the face. Solomon snapped back startled and awareness came back into his light brown eyes. He stared into Tony’s blue ones in wild-eyed bemusement.

  “Are you okay?” Tony asked with Sophie staring anxiously at Solomon over his shoulder.

  “I…don’t know.” Solomon replied looking from one to the other. They helped him up and he sat on what remained of the stoop breathing in deeply like he was short of air.

  “Wow, I don’t know where I was for a minute there. I had such a panic in my chest like…”

  “I think you had a flashback.” Sophie whispered.

  “I think I did too.” Solomon agreed.

  “Let’s get out of here for now. We can come back tomorrow and continue this,” Tony said. The others being agreeable, they all adjourned to the car and drove back to the hotel. Tony asked for some tea to be brought up to their suite as well as some whiskey.

  “For shock.” He told Solomon and Sophie as the latter raised her brows at him.

  “Well I’m gonna have to pass on that remedy,” she said rubbing her distended stomach.

  “Yeah that’s why I ordered tea for you,” Tony said taking her hand and swinging it as they walked to the elevator.

  “I’m touched,” she replied with minimum enthusiasm.

  “Don’t worry darlin’. You’ll give birth soon and then it’ll be maybe a year until you can drink alcohol again. Not really that long.” Tony said patting their linked hands with his other one.

  “You’re all heart darlin’. I don’t know how I got so lucky.” Sophie replied snidely.

  “The luck of the draw I guess.” Tony said smiling at her.

  Solomon was uncharacteristically silent during this exchange. He would usually tease them about everything and it bothered Sophie that he was so quiet. She exchanged worried glances with her husband but neither of them said anything. No need to fuel fires when they didn’t know what the consequences would be. The elevator stopped at the top floor where their suite was and they had no sooner settled in than the tea and whiskey arrived. They drank in silence for a while and then Tony heaved a deep breath.

  “Do you wanna like talk to Katarina or your grandfather maybe? Tell them about your flashback?” He asked Solomon.

  “No I don’t think so. I mean…it was literally just a flash and more of a sensation than an actual memory. No need to regale them with every single detail.”

  “Are you scared about what Katarina will think? I know you guys have been taking things really slowly because of your amnesia and stuff.” Sophie inquired putting up her feet and laying back on the soft sofa pillows.

  Solomon exchanged glances with Tony and rolled his eyes, “Katarina knows I’m an amnesiac. Hearing I had a flashback isn’t likely to shock her much. Besides we’re more like friends than anything else.”

  “You mean because you haven’t had sex yet?” Sophie asked

  “I mean because we’re taking it slow.” Solomon snapped.

  “You know, I really admire you guys. Your sister and I didn’t have as much self control,” Tony interjected.

  “Yeah well Sophie never did like waiting for anyth-“ Solomon stopped talking with his mouth open. He frowned at Sophie asking for confirmation at the same time fearing it. Sophie sat up and put her feet on the ground, staring back at Solomon.

  “You always did say that about me. Not that it’s true.” She said softly.

  “So…another memory?” Tony asked.

  “More like another sensation,” Solomon replied thoughtfully, “It seems like these things come to me when I’m paying the least attention.”

  “Yeah, I’ve noticed that too.” Sophie agreed.

  Tony poured out more whiskey and tea for them, “Well then, here’s to not paying attention.” He toasted them. They lifted their cups in silence and drank.

  “Well. I’m off to wash this day off me. Coming Tony?” Sophie declared.

  “Yes dear,” Tony replied with a huge grin on his face as he followed Sophie out of the living room into their room. He stopped at the doorway to their room and turned back to Solomon with a wink before closing it behind him. Solomon smiled and poured himself another drink.


  Sophie took all her clothes off in front of the mirror. Her stomach was a source of endless fascination to her. The way it tended to undulate when the baby moved and it’s ever shifting shape and size never ceased to capture her interest…or Tony’s. He padded into the room behind her divesting himself of clothing as he came so that he was naked by the time he stopped behind her. He put his hands around her on her stomach, watching her over her shoulder in the mirror.

  “Hey beautiful,” he murmured.

  “Hey yourself,” she replied softly smiling beatifically at him. Tony ran his hand over her stomach gently. It was very sensitive and Sophie tended to shy away from people touching her there. Then he let go of her and headed for the bathroom.

  “Let me draw you a bath.” He said as he stepped inside.

  “Okay if you insist,” Sophie said taking her robe and putting it on. She followed her husband into the bath and sat on the edge of the tub as he filled it with hot water and bath salts.

  “Can I just say that you are the most caring man I’ve ever met?” she told him.

  “Don’t let Grandpa Elijah hear you say that.” Tony replied with a smile.

  “The most caring man under fifty I’ve ever met.” Sophie clarified.

  “Better,” Tony said still smiling. He felt the water temperature and then nodded to her, “It’s ready.”

  Sophie stood up and divested herself of her robe in one fell swoop. Then she stepped into the bath and lay down with a sigh of contentment. She beckoned to Tony to join her but he just smiled.

  “Remember what happened last time we tried to fit in a bath together?”

  “We weren’t trying to fit in it; we were trying to make love. This time, I just want to lean against you while we’re surrounded by hot water and bubbles.”

  “Okay then, we can do that.” Tony said getting in behind her and gathering her to lie on his chest between his legs. He lay back and sighed in contentment.

  “This is the life,” he said.

  “Isn’t it just?” Sophie agreed.

  Tony slopped water onto her shoulders and rubbed them gently and then ran his hands down her arms to close on her wrists, gently massaging all the way.

  “Are you washing me like I’m a baby?” Sophie asked him in amusement.

  “Practice for when Cobblepot is born.” Tony said.

  “Cobblepot? Really? That’s the worst one yet.” Sophie laughed. She and Tony had made a game out of coming up with the worst baby names they could find.

  “Why thank you my dear.” Tony said with a bow of his head, “Now stand up so I can wash between your legs.”

  Sophie leaned her head against his shoulder and stretched luxuriantly and then she placed her legs on each side of the tub, “Aww, I’m sure your hands are long enough,” she murmured lazily.

  “Mmphm,” Tony said but lathered his fingers with soap and then rubbed his way down her stomach toward her center. She made contented noises in encouragement and arched her back to egg him on.

  “I thought you said we weren’t having sex,” he said.

  “We’re not.” Sophie whispered.

  “Just torturing me then?” Tony asked biting gently into her n

  “My favorite pastime,” Sophie murmured angling her neck to give him greater access. Tony ran his teeth gently up and down her neck and she shivered with pleasure.

  “Is it time to move this party somewhere we can join our dangly bits?” Tony asked making Sophie giggle.

  “Yes please.” She said. Tony stood up and reached down to lift her up but she stood up before he could.

  “I think you’ll put your back out if you try to carry me right now. Hugo and I weigh about a ton.”

  “You calling me weak Devereaux?” Tony asked faux angrily.

  “Yes Romanov, if that’s what you wanna hear. We gonna fuck or we gonna argue?” Sophie asked padding to the room.

  “Fuck.” Tony said as he picked up the baby oil, “Lie down a minute, let me arouse you.”

  Sophie giggled as she got on the bed, “You say the orneriest things Tony.”

  Tony poured some baby oil on his hands and then came toward her, an anticipatory smile on his face. He straddled her like she was a pony, legs on either side of her stomach and began to massage her shoulders with baby oil. He worked his way down to her breasts then around them, and then back up to circle her neck. Sophie lay still with her eyes closed, a contented smile on her face. She lifted her hands and pressed them on his chest tracing his muscles with her eyes still closed. He leaned down and kissed her stomach and then worked his way down her legs to suck her toes.

  Sophie moaned and stretched, she reached her hands up and beckoned to him and he came to her, joining his lips with hers in a long embrace. They held each other as near as they could with Sophie’s protruding stomach in the way. Tony gently caressed her back while Sophie trailed her fingers down his torso, tongues tasting and teeth gently biting as they did so.

  “Oh Tony, come to me.” Sophie moaned and Tony gently turned her around to face away from him so he could enter her from behind.

  “Oh God, your pussy is so hot!” he groaned as he pulsated inside her, gently rocking back and forth. Sophie giggled in amusement.

  “My pussy’s hot? What about the rest of me?” she teased.

  “I mean hot as in temperature not like…looks or whatever. Though it looks beautiful too.”

  “Aww you are just the gentleman aren’t you?” Sophie said.

  “Shh, I’m trying to concentrate,” Tony replied as he thrust hard into her making her cry out with surprise and pleasure. He rolled them so they were both on their knees and then pushed Sophie’s back down so he had maximum access. He drove continuously into her, grunting with effort as she made encouraging sounds to egg him on.

  “Ah ah ah ah!” she cried as liquid flooded her insides and her vision blurred.

  “Scream for me Sophie, scream for me!” Tony said in response, thrusting harder and ever deeper until she thought he would surely split her in two. She could feel a climax coming upon her again as he drove into her without relenting. Her skin was sensitive all over so that she could hardly bare it and she wanted to tell him to stop but didn’t want him to stop. Desperate sounds of need emanated unbidden from her throat and she could hear the echo of it in his voice as he groaned in response. His movements got faster and faster, and his groans got louder and louder. Sophie could feel herself getting hotter and hotter and the sensation building was like blowing up a balloon. The pressure was getting impossible to contain and she was ready to explode. Just as she thought she would do just that, Tony slowed down to almost complete stillness. Sophie made a sound of pleading and he slowly inserted himself into her until he was all in and then he slowly withdrew and softly drove into her again. Sophie back arched and she convulsed, body shaking with reaction. Her inner muscles held tight to him and Tony cried out and jerked repeatedly as he came. His movements spurred hers and she liquefied again making sounds of release as she did so. As her climax reached its peak she collapsed on the bed and blacked out. Tony reached over to check her pulse and felt that it was slow but steady. He collapsed next to her, a beatific smile on his face.

  Chapter 2

  When the sounds got loud from Tony and Sophie’s bedroom, Solomon decided it was time to take a walk. He picked up his jacket, hesitating a moment as he looked toward their room, wondering if he should leave them a note. But he was just taking a small walk and he had his cell phone in case they wanted him. He checked in his pocket to confirm that he did actually have his cell phone and then left the room. The desk clerk smiled as he passed her in the lobby and he stretched his lips in a return gesture. She inclined her head like she wanted to speak to him and he considered ignoring it but was too polite to do so.

  “I’m just going out for a walk,” he told her as he walked toward her.

  “Okay sir. Is there anything you need? Map of the city?” she asked smiling at him.

  “This is actually my home town so…” there was no need for her to know that he didn’t remember it from Pluto.

  “Oh, alright sir. Well you have a nice walk,” She said her smile becoming strained. Solomon inclined his head at her and then walked out of the door. He looked left and right wondering which direction to take; the doorman looked his way, an inquiring look in his eye. Solomon smiled at him but looked away immediately. He didn’t understand why everyone was so fucking helpful all of a sudden. He just wanted to have some ‘me’ time, maybe take in the sunset; without someone being concerned about him. He randomly turned left, walking quickly away from the hotel entrance, not really paying attention to where he was going. He turned down an alleyway at the end of the street that led to a parallel street; noting the graffiti that had been painted on it and feeling his hand itch to have a spray can in it again. He followed the renditions down another alley but then looked up and saw that it was a dead end. He turned around to go back just in time to see a shadow disappear down the intersection as if someone was trying to conceal themselves. A frown marred his forehead as he strode purposefully toward it wondering who was following him. When he rounded the corner though, there was no-one in the street. However a red door down the street was just drifting closed. Solomon walked toward it and saw a drawing of a snake coiled around what looked like an oak tree emblazoned in black upon the red door. He studied it for a minute, mouth twisting with bemusement. Then he reached out and pushed the door open, peering into the foyer it revealed. Nothing stirred inside but he could hear music emanating from inside somewhere. The song seemed familiar although Solomon couldn’t say for sure where he’d heard it. He stepped into the corridor and followed the sound. At the end of the corridor was an open door from which the sound emerged. Suddenly a shadow filled the doorway making Solomon start and step back.

  “Don’t be afraid,” said a familiar voice. Solomon peered at the silhouette trying to make out who it could be but the light from the window was behind her and he could not see her face.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  “A friend. Come in,” the person said and cursing himself for all kinds of fool, Solomon did. He was startled to see that it was the desk clerk who invited him in and he frowned.

  “Were you…following me?” he asked her.

  The girl frowned staring at him with a hurt expression in her eyes, “You really don’t remember me Solomon?” she asked.

  The furrow on Solomon’s brow got deeper, “We know each other?” he asked.

  The girl laughed bitterly, “Really Solomon?”

  Solomon hastened to explain, “I have amnesia. Ever since Katrina. I don’t remember anything or anyone.”

  “Not even me?” she asked.

  Solomon lifted his brows but said nothing.

  “My name is Camille. You and I we used to…” she stopped short and looked down. Solomon stared at her and then nodded his understanding.

  “I see.” He said.

  “Do you?” Camille asked.

  “I see that we were special to each other, maybe more than friends?”

  “Lovers.” Camille said baldly.

  “Oh.” Solomon said and looked away from the hurt in
her eyes. Camille leaned to the side so she could look him in the eyes. Her long curly hair was falling over her honey colored eyes which were huge in her chocolate face. The expression in them let Solomon know that whatever had been between them wasn’t over for her.

  “Look I’m sorry I don’t remember you, or what we had. Maybe you can tell me about it some time, but right now I need to get back. Or my sister will be worried.” He said as he turned to the door.

  “Before you go-“Camille cried out as he turned away. Solomon turned back to her.

  “Yes?” he said.

  “You should…re-meet my grandmother. She might be able to help you with your problem.”

  “My problem?”

  “The amnesia.”

  “Your grandmother can help me with my amnesia?”

  “She’s the greatest hoodoo witch in the quarter,” Camille said.

  “According to who?” Solomon said in amusement.

  Camille’s brow shot up, “Why don’t you meet her and see for yourself?”

  Solomon thought about it, studying Camille and trying to decipher what she could possibly want with him.

  “Do you know my sister?” He asked. Camille shook her head.

  “Why not?” Solomon asked.

  “Because you didn’t exactly take me home to meet the family. We were more like rebels without a cause than Sunday school buddies if you get what I mean.”

  “And? Sophie didn’t know about that?”

  “Sophie was your goody two shoes big sister who you looked up to. You weren’t into sharing the more…basic parts of your personality with her.”

  “But I shared them with you?”

  “Yes. You did.”


  Camille shrugged, “I guess because I was instrumental in leading you into temptation.” She said with a smile.

  “Well either way, I have to get back right now.”

  “Since when do you care about curfews?” Camille asked.

  “Since I grew up.” Solomon replied and turned to the door again. Camille lifted a hand to stop him but then let him go as he seemed rather determined. Solomon walked quickly out of the building and followed the graffiti to the street where he turned back to the hotel.


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