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Talia's Planet (Recycling Humanity Book 5)

Page 14

by Heather Lee Dyer

  "I'm going to save my dad. I had our comm systems linked to his channel. Even before you linked into his comm, I knew something was wrong."

  "Zayn, you can't go in there. He doesn't want you in there."

  "He told you that?" Zayn sounds hurt.

  "Yes. He doesn't want to lose you." I don't want to lose you.

  "My ship is the only one that can survive going in there. You know that."

  "I do know that, Zayn. But he doesn't want you to go in after him. You can still turn around and get a different pilot to fly your ship there."

  "Neither one of you think I can handle flying in the asteroids?" The high pitch at the end of his question makes me straighten up.

  "No, you know that's not it. We both know that you're the best pilot in the Migration. He just doesn't want to lose you."

  "The only way he'll lose me is if I fail. And I will not fail." He pauses. "Do you believe me, Talia?"

  With tears streaming down my face, I lean my forehead against the cool metal of the console. I've been trying to push him out of my mind, but now I realize I’ll never stop caring about him. And now I might lose him. I wipe my face and straighten up. What he needs most right now is my confidence in him.

  "Yes, Zayn, I know you can do this. You have the ship and the skills to save your dad." I mute the comm to take in a ragged breath, before continuing. "And I'll be right here with you the whole way. Understand?"

  "Yes, thank you Talia. It’s good to hear your voice." He sounds so relieved it makes me smile despite the horrible situation we're facing.

  I can feel Commander Saj shift uncomfortably behind me. I turn to him. "Are you all right with me continuing to help from here?" I push a few buttons. "Now that I've isolated Zayn and Destry's comm lines, I can release the rest of your systems and you can continue ship traffic."

  The noise level in the bridge slowly returns to normal.

  "Yes, that is fine, Miss Jade. Do what you need to do to bring them back safely. What of the Aurora? Can you find her from here?"

  I was so worried about Zayn I had blocked that part of our problem out. I swear softly under my breath as I draw on Midpoint's sensor array again. "I'll work on that as well, Commander. Do you have any ideas what to do once we locate her?"

  "No. But I'll talk to the Council about it when I update them."

  I slap my forehead. "The Council. Oh no, I forgot about them." I groan loudly.

  "You just deal with this situation right now. I'll talk to the Council. Your engineer, Doc Jones, he can give me an update on the progress with our repairs, right?"

  "Yes." I smile. "He's excellent at his job, and I have full confidence he's keeping everything on track. If he has any issues he knows to private comm me."

  "I'll make sure traffic into the ship has continued so we can get our supplies, then I'll talk to the Council. Send someone to get me if the situation worsens."

  I just nod in answer, my attention already back to the sensors. Zayn is almost to the asteroid belt.

  "Zayn, are you in contact with those security ships?"

  "Yes. They still refuse to go in to help him." Zayn's angry voice sends a hush across the bridge. "Isn't that what we have security forces for, to protect us?"

  "Yes, but this isn't a normal situation, Zayn. They don't have the kind of shielding on their ships that you do. And I'm sure they haven't ever had to train for piloting in an asteroid belt. Or for chasing rogue ships around an asteroid belt. I'm sure it never occurred to anyone that we would be in such a situation." I work on keeping my voice calm and even. I can't let my hatred for Kae get Zayn further riled up.

  "I know, Talia. It just angers me seeing them just sitting there doing nothing."

  That gives me an idea. I send a private message to Commander Saj, and then I return my attention to Zayn.

  "Okay, how are all your systems doing? Are the upgrades to your shell as good as Destry's?"

  "All systems are good, and I'm not sure exactly. I know he installed the extra outer shell, and the computer says it's functioning properly, but in comparison to Dad's I'm not sure."

  "Let's hope it is. Are you buckled in?" I tease him to lighten the mood a bit.

  "Funny. Yes, I'm strapped in this time."

  I smile as he plays along. "Good. I'm going to mute you while I check on your dad."

  "You're talking to him? I can't get through all the static now."

  "I'm using Midpoint station's new system not only to boost our nav sensors, but to isolate Destry's comm signal. I'll be right back with you, all right?"

  "He's going to be mad at me, isn't he?"

  "Yep. But he'll get over it once you rescue him out of there. Now just hang on."

  I connect to Destry. "Commander? Sir?"

  "Talia, yes, we're still here. Is the ship coming for us?" His voice is strained and he spits out his words rapidly.

  "Yes. It's right outside the belt. I've boosted our sensors so I have you on our display here. I'll be able to help guide the ship to you."

  "Sounds good, hope you got one of my top officers for this. It feels like the field is getting denser."

  "I have, and it feels that way because it is. There are a lot of smaller objects heading your way that will make visibility worse. But that’s also good because so far nothing large is in that debris." I hate lying to him, but he'll figure out it's Zayn soon enough.

  "And Kae?"

  "I'm tracking her. I'm waiting for permission from the Council to order the security forces to move to where I believe she'll be exiting soon."

  "At least then they'll be of some use."

  I smile. "My thought exactly."

  "The other ship is almost into position. You and your ship ready for this? I'm going to get him to do a fuelie maneuver using his tractor beam to pull you out of there."

  “How will he know to do that? Most of our scouts aren’t trained for something like that.”

  I pause, weighing my options. “This one can do it. He’s the best." I close my eyes.

  "Zayn?" Destry roars loud over the audio. "It’s Zayn isn’t it? You weren’t supposed to let him come for me. I order you to turn him back."

  My body stiffens at the anger in his voice. "Commander, I don't have a choice with this. Zayn left without permission. He refuses to turn back, and the Council is allowing it."

  The entire bridge is treated to a string of swear words I haven't heard since working with the fuelies. I grin despite the fact they are aimed at me.

  "I know. I'm so sorry, sir. I don't want Zayn out there either. You know I don't. But I'm going to be here walking him through the whole thing. He can do this, sir. He's good."

  "Stubborn kid. I know he's the best but this is something we've never trained for."

  "I know, sir. This whole situation is new to all of us. But we need to get you out of there. Now." I spot a large asteroid in the corner of the screen. "Looks like a big chunk was dislodged from the main stream and will reach you soon. Get your crew prepared for Zayn.”


  All is Lost

  I mute Destry and pull up Zayn. "You ready, Zayn? We need to do this now."

  "What's happened?" he asks anxiously.

  "I've spotted a large asteroid that has changed direction and is heading toward him. We've got some time, but I need you to enter the field now." I feel sick to my stomach.

  I feel a hand on my shoulder. "The Council has sent you the codes to mobilize the security forces."

  Commander Saj. I nod gratefully and send my fingers flying over the cube to send the orders and coordinates to the security forces, relieved at least that part of the plan is going forward. I send one to intercept Commander Dru’s jump ship as well. We don’t need any more complications.

  I follow Zayn's ship as it starts moving toward the asteroid belt. In Sol system we lost many recycle ships in the asteroids. This is definitely worse than holding the bomb back on the Resurrection. Because that blip on the screen is Zayn.

he know I'm the one coming?"

  "Yes, he does."

  "And how mad was he?"

  "On a scale from one to ten, maybe a fifty." My body relaxes a bit. Just talking with Zayn is calming.

  He chuckles, and I think that's the best sound I've ever heard. "Good thing he's not my boss anymore."

  "Right now, I'm your boss and I need you to turn your ship so that the back end is facing into the asteroid belt. The shields should be thicker there."

  "Done. My sensors say I should reach the edge in about ten minutes. Is that right?"

  "Yes. Until you get into the belt, your sensors should be reliable. Once inside, though, I'll have better readings for you."

  The main group of security forces creeps along the edge of the asteroid's path. I wrinkle my nose as I calculate their trajectory. She's going to pop out before them. Scarp it. We might need some way to delay her.

  I split screens on my cube to see Destry, Zayn, and the security forces. I wish I had my real computer–I would have more surface area to "see" everything.

  A shiver goes up my spine. "Commander, do you mind if I transfer command down to my computer? I can do so much more with my full size screens and mods."

  "Yes. Can you keep this as a ghost station, so I can see what is going on still?"

  I input the commands. "Yes, it's done. Destry, Zayn, hang on a minute while I run down a level. I'll be right back with you both." I hit the final key and take off out of the bridge.

  I wake up my computer on the newly cleared out comm level. I smile as I arrange a screen and sensor array for each of my objects, and one for the big picture.

  "Destry, are you still all right out there?"

  "So far. How much longer until Zayn gets here?"

  "Looks like about five minutes until he enters the belt, then another fifteen to reach you. It's going to be close, but I'll have him pull you out toward the edge so the large asteroid can go right on by you."

  "Just tell him to be careful." Loud voices can be heard in the background.

  "What's going on Destry?"

  "My engineer says we have fluctuations in the emergency engine. I'm having trouble keeping her in one place."

  Great. "Zayn, how's your ship holding up with the increased speed?"

  "Stable. I think we could give it more."

  "Good, do that."

  "Something wrong on Dad's ship?"

  "His emergency engine is failing. If it fails, we'll lose him farther into the belt, and he won't be able to maneuver out of the way of the debris." I grind my jaw. Why can't anything be simple?

  "All right, I've pushed it to top speed."

  "You're about to enter into the edge of the belt, prepare for a bumpy ride." I watch as the blip on my screen enters into the red area. "Zayn, how many crew do you have aboard?"

  "Three others. All volunteers. An engineer that went to school with Dad, and a nav and comm officer."

  "Good. Have your engineer get the tractor beam ready. I'll tell you the coordinates to aim for when it's time."

  "You don't think I'll be able to see him?"

  "Nope. It's too thick with micro asteroids. So be ready."

  I switch over. "Destry?"

  "Here, Talia. How long?"

  "Five minutes. We increased his speed. Make sure everyone is ready for impact. Once Zayn latches on, be ready to divert all your energy to your shields. It's going to be close." My pulse spikes and a stab of doubt runs through me.


  The security ships are still cruising, but I see Kae's ship wobble on the screen. I fine-tune my settings, but it wasn't a problem with the sensors. Kae's ship was probably hit by a pretty big asteroid. I punch the arm on my chair as I swivel to program in another comm line. "Commander Saj, did you see that?"

  "Yes. The ship seems to be in one piece still."

  "For now, but if we get it back, we might need to tow it."

  "I'll get one of the recycle ships headed in that direction."

  I relax a bit. Commander Saj is excellent under pressure.

  My attention turns back to Zayn. "Okay, Zayn, you're almost there. Get ready to turn on your beam here." I send him the coordinates to Destry's ship, hoping that Destry can keep his ship still.

  "Destry, hold still." My fingers flash over the console. "Now, Zayn!"

  I watch as the two ships look like they've collided on the screen, their blips on top of one another.




  I boost my signal. "What's going on, guys?"

  "Talia, I've got him, but I'm having trouble getting us both out of the belt," Zayn yells over the noise on his bridge.

  "What's all that noise?" I think my heart is going to explode out of my chest.

  "Alarms! Everything is going off. We're putting a strain on every system."

  "Have your engineer cut off everything not being used. You need to strengthen the tractor beam so you don't lose him."

  "Talia!" Destry's excited voice cuts in.

  "Destry, you all right?" The ships on my screen are finally two blips again, but still close together.

  "Yes, he did it. We're connected. But I can't tell if we're making any progress. My sensor arrays were hit right after he latched on."

  Close call.

  "Talia, I don't think we're getting anywhere. My engines won't be able to keep this up." There's fear in Zayn's voice.

  Come on Talia, think! I look at their position from every angle.



  "I need you to help Zayn get you out of there. His ship isn't making much progress, and that large asteroid is heading toward both of you."

  "What can I do?"

  "I need you to change your position within the tractor beam. You need to aim your engine the other direction and turn it back on in pulses."

  "Won't that slip us out of the beam?"

  "Not if you aim it just right and match Zayn's speed once you get going." I send him the coordinates to adjust his ship to.

  "All right, here goes," I hear him yelling over to his engineer.


  "This isn't working, Talia!" Zayn's voice is an octave higher but matches Destry’s fear.

  "We're going to have your dad help push through the beam."

  "No, then I'll lose him," Zayn says miserably.

  "I'm having him tilt at an angle that he won't outrun the beam. He’ll just follow you and use his emergency engine in pulses."

  "Talia, we're ready," Destry shouts.

  "Come around slowly, then just give your engines short pulses of energy."

  I follow Zayn and Destry on my sensors, only giving short checks to Kae and the security forces. They'll have to wait. The blips that are Zayn and Destry start moving, finally. But in the wrong direction. My heart sinks.

  "Zayn, stay on course, you're heading the wrong way,” I say into the comm frantically.

  His ship straightens out, and Destry's ship lags behind, but then continues to follow Zayn's. The asteroid is close enough now to be on my sensors. I tighten my grip on the console, helpless to do anything. I don't dare to blink or breathe.

  "My engines are cutting out!" yells Destry. "The vibrations are making the damage worse. Are we almost there?"

  Rigel's mud! I'm losing them.

  I mash the comm button to engineering. "Doc! I need you!"

  "Talia, Doc here. What's wrong?"

  I know he's been watching everything. "His emergency engine is cutting out, but we still need the extra boost to get them out of the asteroid belt."

  "Tell him right before the engine gives out, give it one last burst of full throttle. It'll kill his engine, but it should be enough to get him out of there."

  "But won't it dislodge him from the tractor beam?" The weight of all this is making every one of my nerve endings light on fire.

  "Yes, it might. But it should slingshot him out of the belt. And away from that large asteroid using his momentu

  "Okay, thanks."

  "Destry, I need you to do something." I tell him the plan, and after a few emotional arguments, he agrees it's the only shot he has.

  "Zayn, your dad's engine is dying. We have to make one last ditch effort."

  "Seriously? How far away from the edge are we?"

  "Not close enough." I quickly tell Zayn what the new plan is.

  "That's too dangerous." Can these two ever just listen without arguing?

  "It's the only way you'll both make it out of there alive, Zayn. Just be ready to steady your ship when he rips free. You need to stay on the same trajectory you're on. Once he releases, you'll have full power. You push your engines hard to get out of there."

  "But what about Dad? I can't just leave him back there."

  "You're not leaving him. We're hoping this maneuver will thrust him forward with enough force to keep his momentum going until he's out."

  "I hate this," Zayn grumbles.

  "I know. I do too." This better work. For the thousandth time in the last few months, I wonder how I got myself into this predicament.

  "Talia, the engine is going," Destry yells. "In three, two, one. Full power!"

  "Zayn, now!" I watch in horror as the two ships separate and their progress slows out of the asteroid belt. The large asteroid looks only seconds away.

  The erratic beating of my heart is all I hear in the large room. It skips a beat as Zayn's ship breaks free of the asteroid field. I force myself not to jump with joy. It's not over yet.

  Destry's ship seems to get sucked backward for a moment, and then surges forward. The asteroid on my sensors looks like it just misses him by a hair. I take a deep breath.

  "Zayn, you all right?"

  "Yes, how about Dad? I still can't raise him on the comm."

  I frown. "Destry? Can you hear me?"

  A flicker of code crosses my screen, letting me know that the Council is watching. A burst of anger burns through me as I realize they've hacked into my system.

  "Destry, please answer," I plead.

  "I can see his ship now, Talia!" Zayn cuts in.

  "How does it look, Zayn?"

  "The whole side of his ship where his sensor arrays used to be looks like it was just scraped off."

  "That would explain why he couldn't reach us. Use your tractor beam to pull him to your main bay. He might've lost life support."


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