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The Salem Shifters: Complete Series Books 1-3

Page 11

by Meredith Clarke

“Seriously what the hell is going on?”

  Gran stood slowly from her seat, she had been looking frailer the past few days and was starting to worry me. I walked over to help her up, even though I was angry. “You need to sit down. We need to explain something to you,” she said slowly.

  “Paige I need you to listen, Ultan is going to try to tell you something. You need to have an open mind and just listen. I'll answer your questions when he's done.”

  I resigned myself to the fact that I may finally learn the whole true. “I’ll listen.”

  Ultan took a deep breath before attempting to explain what was probably the most difficult piece of information he ever had to tell anyone.

  “Okay, let's look at this from a different angle. Natalia and Nick are a couple and even though he may not look like the Nick ya remember, a piece of him is still in there. Natalia is part of a cult and she handles new members, mostly male members.”

  Every time I had seen Natalia and Nick together they were obsessed with one another. It was sickening.

  “So they’re part of a cult?”

  “Very similar to one, yes,” Gran responded. “But darker than most. They'll do anything to increase their numbers, even taking people against their will.”

  Then it dawned on me, Nick hadn't left me on purpose, he really had been taken. “Are you telling me that Nick has been brainwashed?”

  Quickly I became overwhelmed by the news. He really was alive, they had just changed his appearance. Tears flooded my eyes. “But why haven't you gone to the police with this information? If that is the real Nick people have a right to know. What about his parents? They have no closure, they think he just left on his own. But I knew that he didn't, I knew that something happened.”

  I began to twist my curly dark hair between my fingers, something I always had done when I was anxious. Gran and Ultan exchanged an uneasy glance before she continued. “Paige, we can't tell the authorities, they would never believe the type of group he is in. They think it disappeared over a hundred years ago and the Invidia have made it very difficult to track them.”

  “The Invidia? That's what they're called?”

  Ultan jumped back into the conversation, “Yes, it's the Latin translation for Envy. They’re really dangerous people Paige. They would do anything to get what they want.”

  “What is it that they want?”

  Gran took a deep breath. “Power. Special power, the type of power that only those with abilities are born with. People like me, Paige, people like you.”

  “I have abilities? Like what?” I thought back to the car, the book, the blue light that had come from within me. My anxiety was getting worse, but I understood what they were saying.

  Ultan smiled slightly. “You're pretty lucky aren't ya? Luckier than ya should be?”

  “My mom must've rubbed a rabbit’s foot or something while I was in the womb, but I don’t think I have abilities. What does my luck have to do with anything?”

  Gran leaned closer to me and whispered, “It has to do with everything. You are my granddaughter, an Electi. You want to explain to us what happened in the car tonight?”

  “How do you know about that?”

  “The same way I knew when you broke that vase as a child. I can sense things Paige, it’s one of our gifts.”

  Sense things, like Beatrice and emotions. “Joy and I were almost in an accident, but…” I didn’t know how to continue. I looked at both of them and Gran smiled expectantly. “But I put my hands out and wished we wouldn’t. Something came out of my hands. And we were okay.”

  Gran continued to smile but Ultan looked sick with worry. She opened her hands and came over to hug me. “I knew I was right! You have powers and I will teach you how to use them. Blessed be. I am so happy for you dear one! Clearly you’re strong enough to fend off situations, but you must also shield yourself against our enemies. I won't stand by and watch you get hurt when you can protect yourself.”

  I looked down at my measly arms. “Protect myself with what?”

  Ultan bit his lower lip for a moment. I had to admit it was sexy, for a moment my mind flitted back to the bathroom at the bar. His hands on my body. His lips crushing onto mine. “Yer gifts have protected ya, but now you must embrace them in order to protect yourself. Yer Gran wants to teach ya the ways of yer people.”

  “And who are my people?”

  Gran looked at me and said in a very serious voice, “Witches. We’re a special coven made up of mostly Irish witches. People from our homeland, not unlike Ultan.”

  “Yeah, except there's one big difference with me,” he said walking away.

  “You're not like us?” I couldn't believe I had just said us, but this explained so much.

  “No, I'm the opposite lass. The bad guy.”

  Gran moved slowly and crossed the den toward him. “You are not the bad guy. You had no idea what you were doing. You were such a young lad when they made you choose.”

  I stayed sitting, dividing myself from them. “Made the decision to what?”

  Ultan sighed and ran his hand through his hair, his bangs still falling back down in front. “To become an Invidia.”


  “You're one of them? But how? You don't act like Natalia and Nick.”

  “Invidia are made, it's not a hereditary disposition like yer powers are. I was only fifteen when they found me living on the streets. I thought it would just be like some gang, like all the others I had been in. It was the only way to really live back then. But then things started happening, more kids started showing up. There wasn't enough for everyone. I thought they would start cutting out the weak ones, that's what all the other ones had done. But things kept changing, weak ones would become stronger. Then I realized why. The darker the deeds that they did the stronger their powers became.”

  “One night, about a year after living with them, I watched a twelve year-old boy kill a man. Two days later I learned that the man had been his father. They make people do terrible things and they feed off of each other, using each other's power to produce their own. It's a vicious cycle and I didn't want any part of it. So a week later I packed my things and I ran away, but they had already imprinted their powers upon me. Plus they had wanted me for a special reason.”

  “What’s that?”

  “My powers don’t come like yours. I’m a shifter lass. Not a witch. I’m strong, and uncommonly fast. A good fighter too, when I can keep him in check.”


  “My bear.”

  “You’re a bear?!?” What the hell?

  He ran his hands through his hair and looked at the floor. “Yeah. Father was too apparently. I didn’t know, until I became a Protector. Turns out I wasn’t on the street because they didn’t want me, it’s because my parents were dead. So now they think I play for both sides. I do little jobs for the covens in the area as well as jobs for the Invidia. Mostly bringing in their younger comrades who screw up. It's a decent living and it makes me feel better about all the horrible things that they are doing. When I bring them in, it’s a very “off with their heads” type situation. We have to diminish their numbers Paige, it’s how we’ll be safe. At least that's what I tell myself.”

  I couldn't get over his honesty, he looked so defeated. Humble and damaged in a way. We were both damaged. We were the same.

  “Is that when you met Gran?”

  He smiled at Gran sweetly. “Aine was kind to me. I lived with her for a while, she… she took care of me when I had nowhere else to go.” He blushed slightly. I loved seeing this sweeter side of him.

  Gran patted him lovingly on the back. It was clear she trusted him completely.

  Everything was clicking into place. “So, let’s say I believe this. What kind of powers do I have?”

  My grandmother continued to rub Ultan's back to calm him down from reliving his horrific childhood experience. But suddenly she was next to me. In the blink of an eye my grandmother had moved across the room, completely invisibl

  “Whoa! How did you just do that?”

  She smiled. “I'll do you one better than explaining it, I'll show you how to do it.”

  “You mean... You mean I could do that? Go across the room with no one knowing?” Now this was a skill that could come in handy.

  She laughed. “You could go anywhere without anyone knowing.”

  “Is that what's in the book?” I pointed to the thick volume on the table.

  Gran turned to Ultan. “You told her about the book?”

  Ultan stood tall. “She deserved to know. Ya said it yourself, she'd be stronger than ya. Wouldn't ya want her to learn?”

  “Of course I want her to learn! But it's my job to teach her, you know that magic is not self-taught. It could lead to disaster.”

  “Excuse me, not to interrupt, but you’re talking about me and I’m right here! Are you trying to tell me that the book you were referring to is a spell book?”

  Gran nodded. “Have you touched it yet?”

  I looked down at my shoes for a moment. “Just once. I knew then that something was going on. It… it burned me?” I questioned what had happened in the attic.

  Gran smiled. “You are bound, to the book, and to your necklace. Did it glow?”

  Ultan looked at me with hope in his eyes. “Yes,” I said. “I didn’t know what was happening though. How am I bound?”

  “Blood magic,” Ultan answered. “The magic is in ya. The book knows that, as does yer necklace.”

  I took a deep breath. “So I’m a witch?”

  “Yes, you are dear,” Gran answered.



  Natalia moved from one edge of the room to the other like a cat stalking her prey. Pacing was one of those things that she always did when she was annoyed and it helped her calm down. Her mother had done it before she passed away and it was one of those traits that Natalia had just picked up. She wrung her hands as she muttered to herself an incantation she hoped would reach the ears of Ultan.

  “You're sure you saw him then?” One of the younger girls, Ashley, was sitting cross-legged on the floor, staring at Natalia between her purple bangs. Natalia could hear her moving her lip ring around her mouth, she always sucked on it when she was nervous.

  “Of course I'm sure I saw Ultan. But what I want to know is how he knew we were going to be here Ashley. Do you know anything about that?” Her words dripped with evil emotions. Natalia couldn't figure out how Ultan knew that she was here and also that she was after Paige. She stopped her pacing and looked directly at Ashley. “How does he know that she's the one? Her grandmother killed my parents! How does he know that?”

  Ashley shrugged, but broke eye contact when she said, “I mean he was one of us for a while. Maybe he found out everything then?”

  Natalia shook her head. She knew that when Ultan was here with her he wasn’t completely under her control. The elders had been stupid, allowing him to see that young boy kill his father. From the beginning Ultan had been harder to control than most, it was his shifter nature. He was constantly trying to protect himself. She couldn't keep her hold on him once he had seen that gruesome mistake. He fled the country and came to America. He was one of the last Irish descendants they had, one of the only people that Aine trusted. Other members of the group, including herself, had come from Italy. However, most of their members here were people they had encountered in their American travels. None of them had powers of the old world, but most of them had small things they could do, like Ashley for example. She could read people's emotions, it always made her uncomfortable and awkward to be around. Natalia liked the fear that she had instilled in the young girl. Only the elders held the true old world power at this point. And none of them had any interest in Paige, which Natalia knew was stupid. Every hundred years or so an Electi was born with power stronger than anyone else in her coven. Natalia knew that Paige was going to be that witch and she had to do everything to stop her. But with Ultan on her side it would be difficult for Natalia to get close. He would try to guard Paige and would want her to know the truth, allowing her to be protected by the coven, which would be practically impossible for Natalia to infiltrate.

  Ashley continued to avoid Natalia’s gaze. Natalia settled her eyes on Nick, snoozing quietly on the bed. She eyed him once and then taking three steps, she found herself sitting directly in front of Ashley. “Have you spoken with him? Or know of anyone who has? How would he even know that we were here?”

  Ashley simply shrugged again. “Natalia, you know I don't know anything. I would tell you if I did, I haven't heard from Ultan in months. We were close when he was staying with us but after he left, he cut off ties with most of us. Natalia you know that, I mean Ultan even cut off ties with you.”

  Natalia stood up so quickly, that Ashley flinched, afraid she would hit her. “You think I don't know that? Don't you remember what I felt like when he broke my spell? I was in bed for days! He practically killed me.”

  “The elders told you not to put a spell on him for a reason Natalia. He's too strong.”

  “I'm stronger,” Natalia spat back at her.

  Ashley shrank back into herself, but Natalia could tell that her need for answers was stronger than her fear when Ashley asked, “Do you think she knows?”

  “About her powers?” Natalia scoffed. “Of course not. Aine isn't smart enough to teach her how to protect herself. And she certainly doesn't know that Ultan cares for her. Not that there's any reason for her to suspect it. My guess is he's been following her. If he came here, it was for a reason. The reason being her.”

  Ashley nodded.

  Natalia watched as Nick woke up, rubbing his eyes from the nap he’d just finished. Natalia didn't sleep anymore, she didn't need to and thought that his need was unnecessary. He walked over to her slowly, his broad shoulders square, and when he arrived next to her side, he immediately put his hand around her waist. She did enjoy this pet more than her others, the magnetism between them made her feel stronger than ever.

  She turned to him slowly and kissed him on the cheek, pushing her power into him as she needed more information.

  “Nick? Why were you so mean to your friend Paige at the bar?” She spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice, hoping to convince him to talk about his encounter with his ex-girlfriend.

  “I thought you didn't like her. I only wanted to make you happy.”

  She took her finger and drew it along his chin and stopped at the point when she lifted his head up to meet her own eyes, her heels caused her to be taller than him. “Of course you want to make me happy darling, so I need you to do something else for me.”

  Nick nodded vigorously. “Yes Natalia. What's next?”


  Ultan watched my expression closely. “How do ya feel?”

  “Like a complete lunatic,” I responded.

  He and Gran laughed. “Perfect. Aine would ya mind if I had a minute with Paige?”

  My grandmother nodded, winking at me. She slowly made her way to the hall and, I assumed, the kitchen to relax. As soon as she turned the corner Ultan grabbed my hand.

  “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell ya before. And I’m sorry about everything I’ve done, and who I am. I just want to protect ya.” I thought of how he had been with me through it all, maintaining his secret while trying to keep his distance. He couldn’t stay away. He really cared about me. The fluttering feeling reentered my chest. I had to know how he really felt.

  “I wish you would have been honest with me, there are things I want to know about.”

  “About what?”

  I moved an inch closer to him. “Us.”

  “There’s an us?” He sounded surprised.

  “You tell me.”

  “I think there should be lass.”

  “Then goodnight Ultan.” I laid a sweet peck on his cheek before walking by him and up to bed. I smiled feeling truly happy for the first time in a long time, but there were more important things to handle first.

bsp; I looked at my phone long and hard before I made the decision I knew could change our relationship forever. But she had lied to me for too long. So I took a deep breath and called my mom.

  “Paige, it’s late, is everything okay?”

  “Mom, we need to talk.”

  She sighed. “What is it Paige? Is Gran okay?”

  “She’s fine, but Mom, a girl is dead. I found the body with my friend.”

  “What? When did this happen?” Her shock was clear. I hadn’t told her about it because for one, I didn’t want to talk about it anymore. Secondly, I didn’t want her to worry.

  “Mom, I’m fine. But what I need to know about is why didn’t I visit Gran when I was a teen?”

  “Oh, well… I don’t know. You were busy.”

  I pursed my lips, she was still lying to me. “Mom! No, I wasn’t. Now tell me why you didn’t let me come here!”

  She paused under my demand. “Paige, you have to understand, we didn’t want her pushing her beliefs on you.”

  “Mom, am I a witch?”

  She lowered her voice to a whisper, “It’s possible I guess. Oh Paige, I just wanted you to be normal. And there was always a chance you didn’t have powers. I don’t.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Anger surged through my veins.

  “When would it ever have been a good idea? This wasn’t just something I could say. And when you were little and your luck started to show… I don’t know. I thought you believed the guardian angel story.”

  “Does Dad know?”

  “No, I never told him. It’s an old religion from our Irish ancestors.”

  “So I’m really a witch.”

  She sighed again. “Yes.”

  Anger continued to control the conversation on my end. “Mom, I have to go.”

  “Paige, I’m sorry. Please understand, I just wanted to protect you.”

  “I gotta go. Bye.” I hung up my phone and laid down on the bed. I couldn’t believe she had been lying to me this whole time. She was my mother! I trusted her!

  I thought that some sleep would help me clear my head. It would allow me to really focus on the issue here. I was a witch. And apparently a super strong one at that. As a result there was a crazy cult called the Invidia who were after me and my powers. They wanted me dead. And to think, I was worried about the fact that my boyfriend had gone missing. Apparently I needed to look out for my own life more than his. I couldn't sleep so I scrolled through my cell phone, looking at old pictures of high school days and my early college years. I hadn't realized how many pictures on there were still of Nick and me and our time together. So many of me painting or us making silly faces. I was just about to switch off my phone when I realized that I had a message, so I checked my texts. What I found there surprised me even more than finding out I had magical powers.


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