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Star Sailor #1: The Wolves of Sahlam

Page 7

by Chris Fox


  If you want to immerse yourself and see just how infinite space is,

  sail over to:


  A few things before we go.

  Star Sailor is as independent as it gets.

  But that means it needs your support.

  There are a few things you can do to help.

  1: Go back to this episode’s Amazon page and review the story. The more reviews the story gets, the more visible it is to other readers, and the more likely others are going to read.

  2: Go to Star Sailor’s Facebook page! Like it to keep current with updates on the series.

  3: Go to the official Star Sailor website to read more of the backstory, or potentially help write a future episode in the series.

  4.Want to know more about the author? Go here.

  5: Do you have thoughts, opinions, or questions? Send them to my email, and I’ll try to accommodate you as best I can.

  Thank you for your support.

  There are not words for how grateful I am that you are reading.



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