The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century

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The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century Page 83

by Alex Ross

  Rauschenberg, Robert

  Ravel, Maurice, Bolero, Gaspard de la nuit Jeux d’eau, Miroirs, Rapsodie espagnole, Spanish-Basque heritage of, Le Tombeau de Couperin, La Valse


  Reagan, Ronald

  recording technology, phonograph records, see also computer music, Edison Bell cylinder

  Red Detachment of Women (Wu and Du)

  Reed, Lou

  Reger, Max

  Reich, Steve, The Cave, City Life, Come Out, Different Trains Drumming, Four Organs, It’s Gonna, Rain, listens to, Coltrane, Music for 18 Musicians, Piano Phase, Steve, Reich and Musicians, Three Tales

  Reich Music Chamber

  Reinhardt, Max

  Renoir, Jean

  Renoir, Pierre-Auguste

  Resettlement Administration

  Revue musicale, La

  Revueltas, Silvestre: La noche de los Mayas

  Rhapsody in Blue (Gershwin)

  Richter, Sviatoslav

  Riddle, Nelson

  Riefenstahl, Leni

  Riegger, Wallingford

  Riley, Terry, In C, Mescalin Mix, A Rainbow in Curved Air, String Trio

  Rilke, Rainer Maria

  Rimbaud, Arthur

  Rimsky-Korsakov, Georgi

  Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai, Capriccio espagnol, Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh, octatonic scale used by, Scheherazade

  Ringer, Alexander

  Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus

  Rischin, Rebecca

  Rite of Spring, The, (Stravinsky), “Augurs of Spring,” “Dance of the Earth,” “Danse sacrale,” premiere of, “Procession of the Sage,” response to

  Ritter, Alexander

  River, The


  Rivera, Diego

  Rivière, Jacques

  Robbins, Jerome

  Robeson, Paul

  Robinson, Harlow

  Rochberg, George, Third String Quartet,

  Rochester Philharmonic

  Rockefeller, Nelson

  rock music

  Rockwell, John

  Rodgers, Richard, Oklahoma!

  Rodzinski, Artur

  Roerich, Nicholas

  Roethke, Theodore

  Rolland, Romain

  Roller, Alfred

  Romeu, Antonio María

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., see also New Deal arts projects

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Rorem, Ned

  Rosbaud, Hans

  Rosé, Alma

  Rose, Paul Lawrence

  Rosegger, Peter

  Rosenberg, Alfred

  Rosenfeld, Paul

  Roslavetz, Nikolai

  Rostropovich, Mstislav

  Rothko, Mark

  Rothko Chapel (Feldman)

  Rouse, Christopher: Der gerettete Alberich

  Roussel, Albert

  Roxy Music

  Royal Academy of Music, Budapest

  Royal College of Music, London

  Royal Manchester College of Music

  Royal Opera House, Covent Garden

  Rózsa, Miklós

  Rubenstein, Anton

  Ruggles, Carl, Sun-Treader

  Rumi, Jalal al-Din

  Russian Association of Proletarian Musicians (RAPM)

  Russian Revolution of 1917

  Russolo, Luigi

  Rzewski, Frederic, The People United Will Never Be Defeated!

  Saariaho, Kaija

  Sabinina, Marina

  Sachs, Harvey

  Sacre du printemps, Le, see The Rite of Spring Saint Francis of Assisi (Messiaen)

  Saint-Gaudens, Augustus

  St. Petersburg, Russia

  St. Petersburg Conservatory

  Saint-Saëns, Camille

  Salisbury, Harrison

  Salome (Strauss), Austrian

  Salome (Strauss) (cont.) premiere of, Berg influenced by, Dance of the Seven Veils in, Five Jews, five-note chord in, Hitler and, Mahler on, response to, Schoenberg influenced by, twelve-note rows in,

  Salonen, Esa-Pekka

  San Francisco Mime Troupe

  San Francisco Tape Music Center

  Sargeant, Winthrop

  Sarnoff, David

  Satie, Erik, Le Fils des étoiles, Gymnopédies, Parade, Vexations

  Sauguet, Henri

  Scelsi, Giacinto: Aion, Anahit, Four Pieces, Konx-Om-Pax

  Schaeffer, Pierre, Études of Noises, Symphony for a Solitary Man

  Schafer, R. Murray:, Patria

  Schenker, Heinrich

  Schenzer, Karl

  Scherchen, Hermann

  Scherchen, Wulff

  Schiele, Egon

  Schiller, Friedrich von

  Schillinger, Joseph

  Schillings, Max von

  Schirach, Baldur von

  Schirach, Carl von

  Schloezer, Boris de

  Schlusnus, Heinrich

  Schmeling, Max

  Schmitt, Florent

  Schnebel, Dieter

  Abfälle I/1

  Schnittke, Alfred, First Symphony, Historia von D. Johann Fausten

  Schnitzler, Arthur

  Schoenberg, Arnold, atonality and, background of, on Berg, in Berlin, Book of Hanging Gardens, in California, Chamber Symphony No. 1, “Dance Around the Golden Calf,”, dispute with Copland, dispute with Weill, Erwartung, Five Pieces for Orchestra, “Four-Point Program for Jewry,” From Today, Until Tomorrow, Gurre-Lieder, Harmonielehre(Theory of Harmony), and Hitler’s Germany, influence of Salome on,, on Ives, Jacob’s Ladder, Jewish identity of, Kol nidre, and Mahler; marital crisis, Moses und Aron, Ode to Napoleon Bonaparte, as painter, Pelleas und Melisande, Piano Concerto, Pierrot lunaire, and postwar Germany, pupils of, see Berg, Cage, Eisler, Harrison, Webern; Quartet No. 1, Quartet No. 2, Quartet No. 4, “scandal concerts” of 1907 Septet-Suite, Serenade, Six Little Pieces for Piano, and Strauss, and Stravinsky, String, Trio, Suite in G, tennis with Gershwin, and Thalberg, Theme and Variations in G Minor, Three Pieces for Piano, Three Satires Transfigured Night ( Verklärte, Nacht), twelve-tone music of, Variations for Orchestra, Variations on a Recitative in D Minor, Violin Concerto, “war psychosis” of,

  Schoenberg, Gertrud (née Kolisch),

  Schoenberg, Lawrence, Schoenberg, Mathilde (née Zemlinsky)

  Schoenberg, Ronald

  Schoenberg-Nono, Nuria

  Schönberg, Samuel

  Schopenhauer, Arthur, World as Will and Representation

  Schorske, Carl

  Schreker, Franz, Der ferne Klang, (The Distant Sound)

  Schulhoff, Ervín

  Schuller, Gunther

  Schultz, Wolfgang-Andreas

  Schuman, William

  Scorsese, Martin

  Scriabin, Alexander, Mysterium

  Sculthorpe, Peter

  Searle, Humphrey

  Sebald, W. G.

  Second Viennese School

  Seeger, Charles, as folk-song collector, “Lenin! Who’s That Guy,” as teacher

  Seeger, Pete

  Seeger, Ruth Crawford: Chant, String Quartet 1931, Suite for Wind Quintet,

  Seidl, Anton

  Seidl, Arthur

  Seldes, Gilbert

  Sellars, Peter

  Serebryakova, Galina

  serialism, see total serialism, twelve-tone music Serkin, Rudolf

  Serocki, Kazimierz

  Serra, Richard

  Sessions, Roger, Violin Concerto

  Sex Pistols: “Anarchy in the U.K.,”

  Shadow of a Doubt (Hitchcock)

  Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, Macbeth, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest,

  Shankar, Ravi

  Shapero, Harold

  Shapey, Ralph

  Shaporin, Yuri

  Shaporina, Lyubov

  Shawn, Allen

  Shcherbachev, Vladimir

  Shebalin, Vissarion

  Sheldon, Mary

  Sheng, Bright

rwood, Gayle

  Shklovsky, Victor

  Shostakovich, Dmitri, Alone, The Bolt, as Britten’s friend, Cello Sonata, The Counterplan, early years of, endures Stalin’s terror, endures “Zhdanov Affair” of 1948, The Fall of Berlin, “formalist” works banned. The Golden Age, The Golden Mountains, joins Communist Party, Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District, The Limpid Stream, Mahler’s influence on, meets Boulez, New Babylon, NKVD and The Nose, “official composer” or dissident?, Piano Trio, No. 2, Prokofiev and, quartets, Quartet No. 8, Six Romances on Texts of W. Raleigh, R. Burns, and W. Shakespeare, song cycles by, “The, Song of the Counterplan,”, Song of the Forests, The Sun Shines Over Our Motherland, Symphony No. 1, Symphony No. 2, Symphony No. 3, Symphony No. 4, Symphony, No. 5, Symphony No. 6, Symphony No. 7 (Leningrad, Symphony No. 8, Symphony No. 9, Symphony No. 10, Symphony No. 13, Symphony No. 14, Twenty-four, Preludes and Fugues, Viola Sonata, Violin Concerto No. 1, Waldorf-Astoria conference and, The Young Guard

  Shostakovich, Maxim

  Shostakovich, Nina (née Varzar)

  Show Boat (Kern)

  Shreffler, Anne

  Shulman, Alan

  Sibelius, Aino

  Sibelius, Jean, at, Ainola, alcoholism of, celebrity and, criticism of, European reception of, Finlandia, as Finnish patriot and hero, Karelia Suite, Kullervo, and Mahler, and, Olin Downes, En Saga, The Swan of Tuonela, Symphony No. 1, Symphony No. 2, Symphony No. 3, Symphony No. 4, Symphony No. 5. Symphony No. 6, Symphony No. 7, Symphony No. 8 (destroyed), Tapiola, The Tempest, Valse Triste, Violin Concerto

  Sigurbsson, Valgeir

  Silk Road Project

  Siloti, Alexander

  Simeone, Nigel

  Sinatra, Frank

  Singer, Winnaretta, see Polignac, Princesse de Six, Les

  Skalkottas, Nikos

  Slater, Montagu

  Slonimsky, Nicolas

  Small, Christopher

  Smith, Bessie

  Smith, Willie “The Lion,”

  socialist realism

  Society for Private Musical Performances

  Sokolsky, George

  Sollberger, Harvey

  Sollertinsky, Ivan

  Solomon, Maynard

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr

  Sondheim, Stephen

  Sonic Youth

  Sousa, John Philip

  Southwest German Radio

  Souvtchinsky, Pierre


  Speer, Albert


  Stalag VIII A, prisoner-of-war camp

  Stalin, Joseph, cultural control by, death of, “dekulakization” program of, musical tastes of, persecution of artists by, response to Shostakovich’s, Lady Macbeth, and socialist realism, Terror imposed by,

  Stanislavsky Opera Theater

  Steegmuller, Francis

  Stein, Erwin

  Stein, Gertrude, Four Saints in Three Acts, The Mother of Us All

  Stein, Leonard

  Steinbeck, John

  Steinberg, Maximilian

  Steinecke, Wolfgang

  Steiner, Max

  Steinweis, Alan

  Stevens, Sufjan

  Still, William Grant. Afro-American Symphony, Levee Land

  Stirner, Max

  stochastic music

  Stockhausen, Karlheinz, Aus den sieben Tagen, and, Beatles, and Cage, Carré, Electronic Studies, Gesang der Jünglinge, Gruppen, Hymnen, Klavierstücke, Konkrete Etude, Kontakte, Kreuzspiel, Licht cycle of operas, Momente, in World War II, Zeitmasse

  Stokowski, Leopold

  Stösslová, Kamila

  Stowe, Harriet Beecher

  Straus, Oscar

  Strauss, Alice (née Grab)

  Strauss, Christian

  Strauss, Franz (father of composer)

  Strauss, Franz (son of composer)

  Strauss, Johann, II

  Strauss, Josephine

  Strauss, Pauline

  Strauss, Richard, Die ägyptische Helena, An Alpine Symphony, in, America, Arabella, Ariadne auf Naxos, background of, Capriccio, creative resurgence of, Daphne, Don Juan, Don Quixote, Elektra, on Elgar, Fanfare for the Vienna Philharmonic, Feuersnot, Four Last, Songs, Die Frau ohne Schatten, Friedenstag, Guntram, Ein Heldenleben, in Hitler’s, Germany, Intermezzo, Die Liebe der Danae, Mahler and, Metamorphosen, Olympic Hymn, in postwar Germany, Der Rosenkavalier, and, Schoenberg, Die schweigsame Frau, Symphonia domestica, Thus Spake Zarathustra, Till Eulenspiegel’s Merry Pranks, see also Salome

  Strauss, Richard (grandson)

  Stravinsky, Fyodor

  Stravinsky, Gury

  Stravinsky, Igor Abraham and Isaac, Agon, Apollon musagète, background of, and Boulez, in California, Canticum sacrum,, Circus Polka, Concerto for, Piano and Winds, and Craft, Danses concertantes, and, Diaghilev, Ebony, Concerto, film scores, attempts at, The Firebird Fireworks, The Flood, folk music and, Four Norwegian Moods, Histoire du soldat, and Hitler’s Germany, jazz influence on, Jeu de cartes Mass, Mavra, Movements for piano and orchestra, neoclassicism and, The Nightingale, Les Noces, Octet, Ode Oedipus Rex, Orpheus, Petrushka, Piano Sonata, Poetics of Music, Pulcinella The Rake’s Progress, religious reawakening of, Requiem Canticles, rhythms used by, Scherzo à la russe, Scherzo fantastique, Septet, Serenade in A, A Sermon, A

  Narrative, and a Prayer, and Shostakovich, and Sibelius, Sonata for piano Symphonies of Wind Instruments, Symphony in C, Symphony in Three Movements Symphony of Psalms Tango, Three Japanese Lyrics, Threni twelve-tone music of, visits Kennedys see also Rite of Spring

  Stravinsky, Vera (née Sudeykina)

  Stravinsky, Yekaterina

  Strayhorn, Billy

  Stresemann, Gustav

  Strickland, Edward

  Strindberg, August

  Strobel, Heinrich

  Strode, Rosamund

  Stürmer, Der

  Subotnick, Morton Silver Apples of the Moon

  Summer Courses for New Music, see Darmstadt

  Sun Ra

  Swedish Ballet

  Swingler, Randall

  Symphony Hall, Boston

  Symphony of Psalms (Stravinsky)

  Szymanowski, Karol, Ephebos King Roger, The Love Songs of Hafiz, Third Symphony

  Tailleferre, Germaine

  Takemitsu, Tru, film scores of

  Talking Heads

  Tan Dun

  Tanglewood Festival

  Taruskin, Richard

  Tatum, Art

  Tavener, John

  Tawaststjerna, Erik

  Taxi Driver (Scorsese)

  Taylor, Cecil

  Taylor, Deems The King’s Henchman

  Taylor, Philip

  Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyich

  Tear, Robert

  Teitelbaum, Richard


  Temple, Shirley

  Tenney, James: Analog #1

  Teshigahara, Hiroshi

  Tézenas, Suzanne

  Thalberg, Irving

  Theater am Schiffbauerdamm, Berlin

  Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Paris

  Theatre of Eternal Music

  Theremin, Lev

  Thomas Aquinas, Saint

  Thomas, J. Parnell

  Thomas, M. Carey

  Thomas, Theodore

  Thomson, Virgil, audience classifications of, on Boulez, as critic, Four Saints in Three Acts, Injunction Granted Lord Byron The Mother of Us All, in, Paris, The Plow That Broke the Plains, The River, Symphony on a, Hymn Tune

  Threepenny Opera, The (Weill)

  Three Places in New England, (Ives)

  Thurber, James

  Thurber, Jeannette

  Thus Spake Zarathustra, (Strauss)

  Tick, Judith

  Tilson Thomas, Michael



  Tin Pan Alley

  Tiomkin, Dimitri

  Tippett, Michael, A Child of Our Time

  Toch, Ernst

  Tolstoy, Leo, War and Peace

  Tomkins, Calvin

  Tommasini, Anthony

  Tosatti, Vieri

  Toscanini, Arturo, anti-fascist position of, NBC Symphony and, as radio star

  total serialism

  Trakl, Georg

  Trauberg, Leonid

  Triple-A Plowed Under

  tritone, defined

  Trotsky, Leon

  Tucker, Maureen

  Tudor, David

  Tukhachevsky, Mikhail

  Tully, Alice

  Turner, J. M. W.

  twelve-tone music, in America, Berg and, Britten and, Copland and, in Nazi Germany, Schoenberg and, Stravinsky and, in Tom and Jerry cartoons,, U.S. Army and, Webern and, La Monte Young and, Zimmermann and

  2001: A Space Odyssey (Kubrick)

  Ullmann, Viktor


  Ulysses, (Joyce)

  Union of Soviet Composers

  United States Army: cultural support in postwar, Germany, Information, Control (Music branches), see also Office of Military Government, (OMGUS)

  Universal Edition

  University of California, Berkeley

  University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA),

  University of Southern California (USC)

  Ursuleac, Viorica

  Ussachevsky, Vladimir

  Ustvolskaya, Galina


  Valen, Fartein

  Van Gogh, Vincent

  Van Vechten, Carl: Nigger Heaven

  Varèse, Edgard

  Amériques Arcana

  Varian, John

  Vasconcelos, José

  Vasnier, Marie-Blanche

  Vaughan Williams, Ralph

  Velvet Underground

  Verdi, Giuseppe: Rigoletto

  Verlaine, Paul, “En Sourdine,” Fêtes galantes

  Vertigo (Hitchcock)

  Vickers, Jon

  Victor Talking Machine Company

  Vidal, Gore

  Vienna, anti-Semitism in, avant-garde in

  Vienna Conservatory

  Vienna Court Opera, later State Opera

  Vienna Philharmonic

  Viertel, Salka

  Villa-Lobos, Heitor: Amazonas, Bachianas Brasileiras, Uirapuru

  Vishnevskaya, Galina

  Vodery, Will

  Völkischer Beobachter

  Von Glahn, Denise

  Vuillermoz, Émile

  Wagner, Cosima

  Wagner, Eva

  Wagner, Otto

  Wagner, Richard, anti-Semitism and, at Bayreuth, The Flying Dutchman, Götterdämmerung, Hitler and, influence on aesthetics and politics of, Das Judentum in der Musik( Jewry in Music), on Liszt, Lohengrin, Die Meistersinger, Nietzsche on, Parsifal, Rienzi, The Ring of the, Nibelung, Tannhäuser, Tristan und Isolde, Die Walküre

  Wagner, Siegfried, Glück, Der Schmied von Marienburg

  Wagner, Wieland

  Wagner, Winifred

  Wagner, Wolfgang


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