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Something MORE for Santa

Page 9

by AKM Miles

  “Whew. This has been a fabulous day so far… and it’s early.” Derek leaned back in Max’s arms.

  “Ah, there’s my happy Santa. I have to say you’re the sexiest Santa I’ve ever seen. I’ve certainly never wanted to do this to any other.” Max took Derek’s mouth in a passionate kiss. His tongue came out to play and Derek met it with his own. Max threaded his fingers through Derek’s hair. They melted into each other, their sighs mingling, the occasional moan slipping out.

  Derek could hardly believe how truly happy he was on that magical Christmas morning. Santa had gotten more than the something he’d asked for. He’d gotten everything he could ever want. He had a man to love and a little boy that he loved with all his heart. They were going to be a family.

  They spent the whole day playing with the kittens and Michael. Derek taught him all about how to care for them and made him promise that he would help, especially since they had two instead of one. Michael listened carefully and crossed his heart twice to show he meant what he said. Derek figured he would stand by his promise. Michael liked being responsible.

  They ordered from a nearby restaurant that they knew was going to be open today and Max insisted that he go out and get the food. When he brought it back they had a feast on the holiday meal. They laughed and Michael spent time on both their laps throughout the afternoon. He was taking well to the two dads thing, though Derek didn’t know how to feel about the title. Max hadn’t said anything about making their relationship more formal.

  Derek didn’t let it bother him. They hadn’t been together that long and he knew he was in it for the long haul. Max would realize soon that Derek was true and honest in his feelings and that he could trust his love.

  By the time Michael went to bed after supper, he’d had more time with Betsy and Sara, a bath, and a story. He yawned widely and held his arms out to his dad for a last hug. When he did the same thing to Derek it was all Derek could do not to cry. This child was so loving and so good.

  “I’m glad you’re going to be my dad, too, Derek. I love you already,” he whispered.

  “I love you, too, Michael, but maybe you shouldn’t call me Dad just yet,” he said, smoothing Michael’s hair. His heart hurt a little as he said it, but it would kill him if Max told Michael that Derek wasn’t a dad to him. He’d rather get that off the table until Max made his intentions clear.

  He heard a gasp behind him and turned quickly to see Max in the doorway, his eyes clearly showing that Derek’s words had hurt him. Oh, hell. He thought Max had left the room after his hug from Michael. He got up to go to Max and explain, but Max turned and left the doorway.

  Before he could follow him, Michael said, “Derek?”

  “Yeah, sweetie?”

  “Don’t you want to be my other dad?” The words were whispered and Derek could hear the hurt in them. God, how had a perfect day full of love fallen into such a world of hurt?

  He believed in being honest with children as well as adults.

  “Michael, I want to be your other dad more than anything I can think of, other than being with Max. Honey, he hasn’t said he wants me to, so I can’t claim that title until it’s offered to me. Do you see? I want it, but I won’t just assume that I’m that important yet. Please don’t ever think that I don’t want to be with you until you grow up and find a love of your own and then I want to know them, too. Your dad and I will work it out, okay?”

  Michael looked at him seriously and said, “I think you hurt his feelings. He looked sad when you said that. You better go talk to him. Will you be here in the morning when I wake up?”

  “Yes, I will. I’m not going anywhere. Go to sleep, sweetheart.”

  “Goodnight, Derek. I know I’ll get to call you Dad soon.”

  Giving him another hug and praying that he was right, Derek left Michael’s bedroom and went in search of Max. He tried their room first and finding it empty, he headed to the main area of the big penthouse. He found Max sitting in the living room with nothing but the tree lights on. In the large room, the small tree didn’t give off a lot of light, but he could see the slump of Max’s shoulders.

  Derek walked over and sat down very close to Max. Max turned to look at him and even in the faint light from the tree, he could see tears in Max’s eyes.

  “We’re not having this, Max. Tell me what upset you, so I know for sure. I don’t want to make mistakes. I want us to always talk things out and never wonder what the other is thinking, if they’re hurt or why. Please,” he ended, reaching to take Max’s hand.

  “I heard what you said to Michael. It hurt me, Derek. I thought you wanted us to be a family.” The misery in Max’s voice almost had Derek in tears.

  “Baby, you should have stayed and listened. It hurt Michael, too. I had to explain that there was nothing I wanted more than to be his other dad, except to be with you. I told him that you had to offer me that title. I couldn’t just assume that you wanted me to share that very important role. It has to be something that we talk about and I have to know that you want it. It was just this morning that you told Michael, when he asked, that for right now he had a dad and his partner and you would see about the two dads thing later. That’s why I answered him like that, Max, not because I didn’t want to be his other dad. I do, with all my heart, love your son and want to help you raise him, if you’ll have me take that position. Do you see why I couldn’t just say yes until we talked?”

  Max dragged Derek into his arms and hid his face in Derek’s neck. Derek felt him take a shuddering breath.

  “I’m an idiot. Look how quickly I jumped to conclusions, the wrong ones.” He pulled back and looked at Derek, saying, “I promise not to do that again, or I’ll try. I want a relationship like you said, where we talk about everything, hide nothing. That should help us avoid misunderstandings and hurt feelings.”

  Max pulled Derek closer, right onto his lap. He held Derek for a few seconds and then placed his hand on Derek’s cheek, turning his face so they were looking at each other. With a very serious expression and in a calm quiet voice, he said, “Derek, will you let me fill out papers, making you Michael’s other dad? We’ll go wherever we have to in order to get it done. I’ll talk to Carl about it. I want you listed on everything I have. We aren’t just partners. I say we go somewhere and get married legally and come back here and when it’s made legal here, we’ll be ahead of the game. I will have a bevy of lawyers write up everything just the way we want it, making you an equal partner in this house. You will have rights over anything to be done with Michael, and me, for that matter. If something happened, you have to take care of Michael. You will have the right to make medical decisions for me if I can’t. We’ll talk about all of that. That will be a long day at the lawyers, but we’ll do it. I want that.”

  “I want the same with you, Max. Thank you for loving me and trusting me with your son.” Derek hadn’t taken his eyes from Max’s face yet.

  “About what I said this morning about the dad and partner thing? I was really doing exactly what you were tonight. We hadn’t talked about things enough for me to assume that you wanted to be his other dad and I didn’t want to speak for you. Then you did the same thing tonight and I acted like a high school girl with her feelings hurt. I’m embarrassed. I should have stayed to hear what else you told him. I promise you again not to do that kind of thing in the future. There are bound to be things that come up, but we have to promise each other that we’ll talk about them. We never go to bed with one or the other upset about something. Deal?”

  “Deal. It’s the way I’ve always thought it should be between two people. We share everything. I promise.” Derek placed his forehead against Max’s.

  “Speaking of sharing,” Max said. “I think it’s time you moved in here permanently. Right after Christmas, we’ll bring over whatever you want from your apartment and you can be here all the time. Is that okay with you?”

  “More than okay, Max. It’s what I’ve dreamed about. That makes it easier to shar
e everything. It makes us a family.”

  “Yes, it does. I like that. You want to share my bed now?”

  “Silly question. I want to share your bed from now on. God, I love you, Max. I can’t believe how my life has changed. I got more than I ever dreamed of when I met Michael and then you. You all are my life now. The work, this place, it’s all good, but the love I feel for you both is all there is.” Derek was being as honest as he could be with Max, wanting Max to know how he felt.

  They had a lot to celebrate that night and they were very much aware of it. Derek was mindful of the fact that they’d had their first misunderstanding tonight and they’d weathered it just fine. They were careful with each other, though, both wanting to make sure the other felt all the love they had to give. He loved Max with all his heart and proved it with his body and his actions. Max was just as careful with him, showing him over and over how much he was loved.


  Both Max and Derek woke and shot up in bed. Derek’s heart was racing and he and Max both jumped out of bed, grabbing their pants as fast as they could.


  Max was out the door and Derek was seconds behind him. Derek got to Michael’s door and saw Max reaching for Michael, who was shaking and crying.

  “What is it, baby? What’s the matter? We’re here. Your daddies are here,” Max said, and Derek fell in love all over again.

  He moved over and joined them on the bed. Michael’s arms were tight around Max’s neck, but he reached a hand around for Derek. Derek scooted over so he could look at Michael’s face over Max’s shoulder.

  “Did you have a nightmare? Were you scared? We’re here. You’re safe.”

  “She had me again but she made me go with her outside and she just left me on the street. She scratched me with her long nails and it hurt and I was crying and she got mad and pushed me and ran off. There were people everywhere, but I didn’t know any of them and I was afraid without you or Derek. Don’t let her get me again, Daddy.” Those words came out, mixed with whimpers and gasps and shaking that tore at Derek’s heart.

  “Michael, she’s not allowed to even come in Martin’s ever again. I made that part of her punishment. She’s gone to another state to live and do her community service. She can’t get you anymore. Besides, I may never let you out of my sight again,” Max said, rubbing Michael’s back.

  Michael pulled his head back and looked at Max, saying, “But I have to go to school. You can’t go with me, Daddy. You would never fit in the chairs.”

  Derek laughed and said, “Now there’s a picture. Six feet and four inches of big man in a little chair. Your knees would be up by your ears. Wouldn’t that be funny, Michael?”

  Max turned his head and looked at Derek and for a minute he thought he’d overstepped the moment, but the lust in Max’s eyes made him turn red. He thought about what he’d said and realized he’d been in just such a position earlier, with his knees up pretty damn close to his ears. He nudged Max in retaliation for making him think lusty thoughts in the middle of Michael’s crisis.

  “Daddy, did Derek push you?” Michael was obviously confused.

  “Just playing with your dad, Michael,” Derek said.

  “Can I have Betsy and Sara in here with me tonight? I’m afraid to go back to sleep,” Michael asked, his crying under control and his shaking subsiding.

  “Nice try, but no. But, we’ll stay with you until you go to sleep and you know if you have another bad dream, we’ll hear you immediately and be right here.”

  “I’m sorry I woke you up, Daddy. We had a good Christmas and I bet you all were sleeping good. I’ll try to go to sleep now.”

  “You’re a good boy, Michael, and I have one more thing to say before you go to sleep, okay?” Max said, setting Michael on his lap now and looking down at him.


  “You know earlier when you and Derek were talking about you calling him Dad? Well, we talked and we both want you to be able to do that. We’re going to make it legal for Derek to be your other dad. He will have equal rights to everything in our lives and that includes you. Does that make you happy?”

  “Yes!’ Michael jumped up and went to Derek, who pulled him in for a tight hug.

  “Does he have rights over Betsy and Sara, too?”

  “Absolutely. He is just as important as me. We both love you more than anything else in this world.”

  “Except you love each other more, too, right?” Smart kid.

  “Right. We are one happy, loving family. Now, do you need to go to the bathroom before you get back under the covers?”

  Michael nodded and scooted off the bed, going into his bathroom.

  Derek looked at Max and smiled gently at him.

  “We did a good job together, huh?”

  “Together,” Max agreed.

  Michael was back and he stood by the bed, “Do you promise to stay until I’m asleep? Both of you?”

  Derek picked Michael up and Max pulled the covers back. They sandwiched him and Max pulled the covers up over them all.

  “Are you both going to sleep in here with me?” Michael’s voice held surprise.

  “Nope, just until you’re asleep. But we both want you close. We had a scare with what Tawna did and another one tonight when you cried out. We’ll feel better holding you until you sleep. The bad dreams will go away and you’ll know that you’re safe with us watching over you.”

  “That’s right, Daddy, Daddy,” Michael said, and laughed. “I made a funny.” They chuckled with him. Max told him to go to sleep and he did, just like that.


  “I’ve been meaning to talk to you,” Max said, one morning in January after Derek returned from taking Michael to school.

  “Is there a problem?” Derek asked, taking off his heavy coat. Cold and snow, brr!

  “Not at all. I don’t know if you remember the dates for the cruise I booked. I made it for the week that Michael is out for spring break. Is that still okay with you?” Max said, sitting behind his big desk in the office that was next to Derek’s.

  “Of course. You know, I had actually forgotten it. I’ll have to make arrangements for Betsy and Sara. Hmm, I’ll also check Michael’s clothes and see if he can fit into any of his summer clothes. He’s growing so fast. I might need to get some things, too, for tropical weather. What a thought. Now I’m excited all over again,” Derek said, smiling at his partner.

  “Good. I like you excited. Why don’t you and Michael shop in the store this afternoon? Put everything on our account. We leave on that Saturday morning and return on Sunday afternoon. We’ll spend one night in Florida before we come back. I think it’ll be great to get away and I can’t wait to see all that blue water,” Max said, grinning happily.

  “What about you? Do you need summer clothes for the trip? I can shop for you if you tell me what you like,” Derek offered.

  “You don’t have to do that. I’ll find time to grab some things.”

  “How about I find time in your schedule this week and we’ll do our shopping together and I’ll take Michael a little closer to the date so his will fit perfectly? Besides, I wouldn’t want to make decisions for you about your wardrobe.” Derek wasn’t quite sure about his role. He knew that he was a member of the family and a respected member of the work force at Martin’s, but he still was unsure of himself as far as taking things for granted.

  “That sounds like a good idea. We’ll do it this week if I have time. You let me know, okay?” Max said, opening a file on his desk. Derek took that as his time to exit and get to his own work.

  They did find time and laughed and teased as they shopped for the items they needed. Derek wasn’t surprised when Max went for baggy, longer shorts and cotton shirts. They both picked up trunks and shoes for the pool area. They didn’t bother to try them on as they could just bring them back downstairs if they didn’t fit. It was kind of cool living above a huge department store like Martin’s.

fter taking the items upstairs, Derek headed back down to pick up some lunch for them. He still felt funny having meals brought up to him, especially in the middle of the day. He turned in their orders. He’d gotten into the habit of waiting for their meals in a little alcove between the kitchen and the main area of the dining area. As he sat there with his phone out checking on some notes he’d made earlier in the week he heard Max’s name. His ears, of course, tuned right in.

  “Guess who I saw buying things for his boy toy today? Yep, Mad Max himself. They were sickening, laughing and holding up things to each other like a couple of girls at the mall. Of course, you know the little faggot is bought and paid for. I can’t believe that Max Martin is queer.”

  “Why do you care?” Another voice asked.

  It was all Derek could do to stay silent but he wanted to hear more. He turned on his phone’s video app. He couldn’t see them but maybe it would pick up their voices. He knew he had about ten minutes before his orders came out. He was literally holding his breath. He wanted to know who was talking.

  “I hate faggots. I’m from this small town and let me tell you we knew what to do to people like that. The idea that they have that little boy, the one the quote assistant unquote is always walking around here with is just gross. There’s no telling what that boy has seen. I should call some of my buddies up here and teach him a lesson about how a real man should act.” The first guy’s voice was full of venom.

  “I had no idea you felt that way about the boss. Is that why you’re skimming? I know you’re near your goal, right? You said another year and you’d be able to retire. I can’t believe that he hasn’t caught on yet.”

  “He’s too busy with his boyfriend. I’m skimming so I don’t have to work anymore. The fact that I get to bilk someone like that makes it so much better. If the rest of the accounting department is too stupid to pick up the differences, well, it’s their loss, my gain. It’s worked for close to five years. Hell, they make so much money they don’t even notice, thank God.” The evil glee in the man’s voice was grating on Derek’s nerves. He couldn’t wait to tell Max about this. He just wanted more information.


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