Book Read Free

Something MORE for Santa

Page 12

by AKM Miles

  “What about you? Max, the same goes for you. If someone took you, or hurt you, I’d do anything they asked to get you back or to protect you. I can’t figure out why they’re doing this? What did I do to them? I even asked him.”

  “Okay, Mr. Campbell, can we get back to your statement now?” Officer Purcell said. Derek could see his name tag now and he looked over at the other one to see his. His name was Officer Day.

  “Yes, I’m sorry. Uh, where were we? Oh, yeah, I was telling you that no way had I come onto that man. That could not be the reason he was after me.”

  Max looked like he was ready to let loose on them for even suggesting it, but Purcell said, “I only thought of it since you said he called you ‘faggy boy’. I can see now that is not the case. But he had to have some reason for calling you that, and you said he said he was here to finish what he’d started, right?”

  “Yes, I was trying to remember what all he’d said. I asked who he was and why he was there and he thought I was making it up, not knowing. I told him I thought I had fallen. Wait a minute. I said that because he asked if I really didn’t remember what I’d heard. That’s when I told him I thought I’d just fallen. I knew I was beaten up, but when I first got here I did think I must have fallen. He said not to tell him I’d forgotten the other day and how did I think I got here? He’s definitely the man who beat me up. But what did I hear that would make him do that? And what does me being gay have to do with it?” Derek’s head was pounding, pain radiating from his shoulder all the way up.

  “Is that all you remember, sir? If so, we’ll go, write this up, and see about getting any security camera feeds we can. I’m not sure what they have here in the way of security, but we’ll be in touch. We’ll have a man cover the door here until you get your guards on it, Mr. Martin. I don’t have to tell you to get in touch with us if anything else happens, do I? Don’t try to handle a situation yourself and end up in jail. You don’t want to leave Mr. Campbell and your son without you in their life. I know the instinct is to get even with whoever hurt Mr. Campbell, but…well, just think about it.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to kill them, but you damn well better find them. I mean that. I’ll be in my office later today and I expect to see one of you there. Evidently, whoever this is works for Martin’s.” Max looked at Derek and said, “I’ve already got someone coming in to add more security cameras in several areas, including that one.”

  “We’ll go now, and see you later, Mr. Martin. Take care and let us know if you find out anything. Here’s our contact information.” Officer Purcell stepped over and handed Max a card. He handed one to Derek, too.

  As they walked out, in came Dr. Singer, who looked like he’d just gotten up.

  “I’m sorry they called you back in, Doctor,” Derek said.

  “I’m not, young man. Now let’s get a good look and see if you have any new injuries. The nurses have told me what happened and how you were thrashing around trying to get away from that pillow. I don’t blame you one bit, but I bet it hurts like hell, huh?” The doctor eased up on the other side of the bed from Max and started his poking and prodding, which was unpleasant, but didn’t hurt any more that everything that happened earlier. Derek frowned and Max used his index finger to smooth across his forehead, easing him as much as he could. He stood silent and still by Derek, touching him, grounding him. Derek sighed and again moved his head a little, wanting to feel Max cupping his face again. That loving touch went such a long way in calming his shaking and his fear.

  After answering the doctor’s questions and moving as he asked, Derek was told that with his concussion better, he would be allowed a little more for pain. Derek couldn’t decide if that was good news. He needed sleep, rest, but if he was completely out of it, someone could get to him and he wouldn’t be prepared. Who was he kidding? He couldn’t do anything if he was so he decided to embrace the idea of sleep.

  “Don’t worry. There will be two guards on you until you come home. Speaking of which, Dr. Singer, when can he come home? Can I do for him there what you’re doing here?”

  “I don’t want to come home,” Derek said.

  Max almost got whiplash, he turned his head so quickly back to Derek.


  “Max, someone honest-to-God tried to kill me, twice. And he might work at Martin’s. What if he does come after Michael, or you? I can’t be the cause of that. I’d rather go somewhere by myself and not worry about you all being hurt.”

  Dr. Singer spoke up, “I’d say one more day here and we’ll look at you being released tomorrow. I’ll prescribe something for pain that you can decrease as you need less. You all will decide where you’ll be going. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

  Max was very calm and very serious when he said, “When he’s released, is there a secret way we can get him out of here, in case someone is watching?”

  “Well, there’s the helipad on the roof, but—” Dr. Singer started, but Max interrupted.

  “That’ll be perfect. I’ll make arrangements and you don’t tell anyone about discharging him or how he’ll be leaving. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Max, what are you talking about? You don’t have a helicopter, and where would it take me? I told you I don’t want you to take the chance of—”

  “Shh, I got this. I have friends in high places, no pun intended. You let me worry about it. I’ve got some plans to make. Thank you for coming in, Dr. Singer.”

  The doctor nodded, patted Derek’s foot on the way out.

  Immediately Derek turned to Max, saying, “I can’t, Max. I can’t take a chance.”

  “Derek, do you think I would take a chance on letting anything hurt Michael, or for that matter, taking a chance on leaving the two of you alone? Relax and listen to me, okay?”

  Derek answered, “Okay. I’m sorry. I know you’d never take any chances with Michael’s safety.”

  “Or yours, now that I know just how determined this person is. Now, here’s the thing. I’ve been thinking about getting a helicopter for the company. With the eight stores spread out over Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee, it would make it a lot easier to get around for meetings. I could go to more of them, knowing I could get back easier, too. I have some friends who travel this way and I thought about it as a way to be able to spend more time with you and Michael. I’m going to rent one for the time being and we’re going to have a little vacation. I will take Michael out of school for a while. Safety is more important until we get to the bottom of this. I can’t stand the thought of you being hurt again, Derek.”

  “I kind of hate the idea myself, you know?” Derek teased.

  “Don’t make light of it. I almost lost you tonight and I realize that if something hadn’t scared that person off the other day you might have been killed then. It makes me sick to think of you not being in our lives. I feel like Michael. I want to crawl up on there with you and hold you.”

  “Oh, you must have read my thoughts. I was wishing the same thing earlier. If you were really careful, you could try to get in on my left side. My God, I need to be held, Max.”

  That was all it took. Max went to the door and looked out, spoke to an officer that was there, and closed the door again. He took off his shoes and went to Derek’s right side. He reached under Derek to the pad that was under him and very carefully pulled it until Derek was on the edge of the bed, with enough room for his arm to rest. Then he moved around to the left side and pulled the cover up and slid in. It was a tight fit, but he moved very slowly, until he could put his arm over the top of the pillow and lean in so that Derek was close to him, head to toe.

  Derek figured it couldn’t be comfortable for Max, but he chose to be selfish and turned his head, resting it on Max’s shoulder. Max’s left hand settled on Derek’s chest, right over his heart, and they both sighed as they settled down into the bed.

  “I love you, Derek. I’m not going to let anything happen to you. You go to sleep now. I’ll be here unti
l you do. I’ll be gone when you wake up, but I’ll be back. Just know that you will be safe until we can get you out of here and then we’ll figure this out together. That’s how we do things, together, all right?” Max’s lips were moving against the top of Derek’s head as he talked.

  “Yes, together. I love you so much, Max. I’ll try to remember what happened, but every time I try my head hurts so bad. Maybe when I can relax it’ll come back to me. I’ll keep trying. You promise you’ll be careful?” Derek asked, his voice slurring a little as the drugs began to take effect.

  “I promise.” Had he heard that? Yeah, his Max had promised, so he could go to sleep now.

  Derek woke up twice in a panic, gasping for breath, thankful that Max was still there to calm his fears and whisper him back to sleep, stroking his chest, and murmuring in his ear. The next time he woke it was to find that Max had gone and he was alone. Well, it was nice that there was not an intruder in with him, but he missed Max and he wasn’t sure he liked alone anymore. He wondered if he’d be scared the rest of his life.

  “No, stupid, it’s just until we figure out who wants me dead. What did I hear that would make someone want to kill me to keep me quiet?” He realized he was talking to himself and stopped, a little embarrassed. But, again, there was no one around so who cared?

  He did try to think back, though, and try to figure out what had happened the day he was attacked. Michael was at school, thank God, and he was working as usual. He remembered going into Max’s office to get his order for lunch, which he was used to going down to the cafe for instead of having it delivered. It gave him a chance to get out and move around and he wasn’t crazy about being served like he was in a hotel and ordering room service.

  Derek could even remember what he’d ordered from the waiter that day. Max did love his BLTs. He always sat in the little alcove that was between the restaurant and the door to the kitchen. Then what? What happened after that? Did he get the order or not? If he was at the elevator, surely he did. He had to be on his way back up the office. So what happened between ordering and going to the elevator?

  Dr. Singer came in, checked him over, nurses came and did their thing, all while Derek wracked his brain for what had happened in that time frame. It was like a blank. He didn’t even remember walking back to the elevator. As one of the nurses left he asked her who was outside his door, a police officer or someone who worked for Max.

  “He has a uniform so I’d say policeman,” she answered. “Do you want to speak to him?”

  Did he? What would he say? Maybe he’d try to find out how the investigation was going.

  “Yes, ask him to come in for a moment, please,” he said.

  The door opened after she left and a middle-aged officer stood there.

  “Is there something you need, Mr. Campbell?”

  “Just some information. I’d like to try to help figure out who wants me dead.”

  Derek saw him moving his head right to left and then to him. He looked like his head swiveled. He knew what the man was doing. He didn’t want any surprises like the other man had gotten while out there.

  “I’m not sure how I can help you, sir.”

  “Can you get in touch with the two officers who are on the case, um, Purcell and Day, I think? I want to see how they’re going about investigating and if there is anything I can do from here. I’m kind of tired of lying here just waiting to see if that man is going to try again. I have to find out why,” Derek said to the officer.

  “I can call dispatch and tell them you want to see the officers in question. I’ll let you know what I find out.” With those words the officer went back out to his post.

  Derek thought and thought but he could only get to the time of ordering their meals. Was there something about the kitchen, the staff? He was getting pretty frustrated when the door opened again and the officer said,

  “I was put through to Officer Purcell. They’re at your office talking to your, uh, partner, Mr. Martin. He asked if you’d remembered anything but I didn’t know what to tell him. He said they’d come here as soon as their meeting was over there. I believe they’re looking at the area where you were first beat up, checking again for clues.”

  Derek thanked him and returned to thinking, just thinking. He wondered if he’d bled all over the floor. Was Max able to have it cleaned up? He didn’t want Michael to see that and be scared for him. He wondered what Max was telling Michael about why he wasn’t home and why Michael couldn’t come see him again. Because, he knew Michael, and Michael would want to be with his Daddy Derek. He sighed, suddenly sad that he wasn’t able to get on with his life, the life that had become so wonderful after meeting Michael and then Max. He tried not to give in to the depression, but eventually he ended up sleeping, just to get away from his negative thoughts.

  “Mr. Campbell? Excuse me for waking you, but we need to talk with you.” Those were the words that woke him next. He opened his eyes to see the two officers standing beside his bed.

  “Oh, hello. Thanks for coming back. Is Max here?” He tried to straighten up in the bed, but that hurt too much. He pushed the button and let the bed do the work so he could talk to them better.

  “No, sir. He was making plans when we left. He said he was coming in soon, though. The officer on duty said you wanted to speak to us. Do you remember something else?”

  “Not a lot,” he admitted, “but I remember up to the time I put in the order for our lunch at the cafe. I always go down and get it. I wait in a little alcove for it and take it back up for Max and me to eat together. Do you know if I had that with me when he beat me up?”

  “Yes, sir. There was food thrown over the floor by the elevator. It looked like sandwiches and some salads.”

  “Okay, so I got lunch and headed back upstairs. Was there anything else there? I was afraid that I bled a lot and that would scare Michael.”

  “There was a good bit of blood, but I think Mr. Martin said that he had told the boy to close his eyes as they went up the elevator. We have that hallway taped off for the time being.”

  “Maybe if I saw it, if I stood there, I would remember being there and what was said. I don’t know if there was a conversation or if I was just attacked. Was it one man, two, more? I don’t know and it’s driving me crazy. I do know there was only one man in here.”

  Officer Day was looking at him with his head tilted, as if trying to figure something out.

  “What?” Derek asked him.

  “You can remember ordering and being in that space waiting for the food. So do you think you heard something then? You said you don’t remember going to the elevator so whatever happened to you, it must have been right before that. Do you remember the waiter’s name that you ordered from?” The officer took out a notebook and a pen, waiting for Derek’s answer.

  Derek thought back to that day. He knew most of the cafe staff there since he was in so often. Who had waited on him that day? He closed his eyes, trying to picture it.

  “Mark, it was Mark. He’s a nice guy, working and going to school. He’s always cheerful. I ordered from Mark. Maybe he saw something,” Derek said, getting excited at the thought.

  “We’ll certainly go and question him to see if he did. We could also see if we could find out who was sitting close to where you were, who you might have overheard,” Day said.

  “That’s a good idea. I used to work in a bar so I know he would have receipts from then, or someone would, telling who was at those tables. If they paid by credit card, it would have their names and if they work at Martin’s the staff would know them. It’s just if the waiter who had those close tables remembers.”

  “This is a good start, Mr. Campbell. We’ve got something to go on now. Good thinking,” Officer Purcell said.

  “It wasn’t me, it was him,” Derek said, pointing to Officer Day. “He thought about who was at the other tables that I might have overheard. That’s if what I heard was while I was in the cafe. What if it was when I was on my way to the
elevator?” He was afraid to believe they had a lead.

  “Let’s take it one thing at a time, why don’t we? We’re going to go to the cafe now and see who’s working. Do you know what time you went down to order, early lunch, late?” Purcell asked.

  “It was noon when I went down so probably about twelve thirty or so when I was headed back. It was just sandwiches and they have the salads already so it wouldn’t have taken long. You’ll let me know what you find out, won’t you? It’s hard being here and not able to help with this,” he said, sighing deeply.

  “Your job is to get better. We’ll make sure you’re made aware of our findings. I believe the men that Mr. Martin hired are coming here after lunch today and you’ll be safe here. We’ll be in touch.”

  Derek felt a little better when they left. When Dr. Singer had been in earlier he’d said that Derek hadn’t done more damage to his injuries, they would just hurt. That was oh so true. He also said that when Max had made arrangements, he would release him, but since they were keeping it quiet, he wasn’t letting that information out just yet.

  About an hour later, the door opened and there stood Max, smiling at him, love in his eyes, and looking so damn good. Derek smiled back.

  “That’s what I like to see,” Max said, “Look at those beautiful eyes shining and that smile that makes me melt every time.”

  “Wow, aren’t you in a romantic mood,” Derek teased. “What kind of news do you have for me? Did you see the two officers again? They were going to talk to Mark, the waiter that took my order that day.”

  “Yes, I talked to them and I was with them when they first talked to Mark. They’re with him now while he’s going back through all the receipts to see if he can remember who was near you. They may have to talk to other servers, but it’s a good lead. That was a good idea, Derek.”

  “It wasn’t mine, it was Officer Day who brought it up when I was saying the last thing I remembered was ordering. Since I didn’t even remember going to the elevator he thinks I must have heard something while in the cafe. Why can’t I remember?”


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