Book Read Free

Something MORE for Santa

Page 14

by AKM Miles

  “I hear you. That cruise is sounding really good right now, huh? Tropical weather, being waited on, enjoying being together, skimming over the open sea.” Max stopped when he saw Derek’s face.

  Derek was freaking out. Something that Max said had his head pounding. He held his breath, hoping the nebulous thought would make itself clear in his mind.

  “What’s the matter? What did I say, Derek? Are you okay? Breathe, hon. What’s going on?” Max put his hands over Derek’s, concern in his voice.

  “Something you said. I don’t know. It made me think of something, something dark, bad.” Derek tried to go back over what Max had said.

  “Tropical weather,” Max said, waiting a few seconds and Derek could see him trying to remember exactly what he’d said. “Being waited on,” he said, waiting again, watching Derek’s face. “Enjoying being together.” Again he waited for some response. “Skimming over the open sea.” This time Derek gasped.

  “That’s it? Skimming over the sea? What would be, oh shit.”

  “Daddy! You said a bad word,” Michael said from the doorway.

  “I’m sorry, Michael. Can you go play with Betsy and Sara for a little while? Daddy Derek and I need to talk some more.”

  “Are you mad at him, Daddy?”

  “Not at all, I just thought of something. It’s okay, go on now. I promise Derek will be in soon to help you with your work. It’s fine. You trust me, don’t you?”

  “Of course, Daddy,” Michael said, sounding like Max was being silly.

  When he left Max looked back at Derek. He sat down beside him. “I don’t think it’s the sea that would have you freaking out, so it was the word skimming. Have you heard that word before?”

  Derek nodded his head. He took a big breath. “The word makes me feel scared. Why would that be? Skimming means cheating the company and you know I would never do—”

  “Okay, you can stop right there. Someone else is skimming and you heard them talking about it. When they realized it, they had to shut you up before you could tell me. Does that make sense to you?”

  “I guess. It would explain why the word distresses me, but who? I don’t know who said it.” Derek felt sick about not being able to remember.

  “Don’t worry. Let’s think about this. Since whoever it was failed in both attempts to shut you up, then I’d bet they’re scrambling to get out of here. If someone is skimming, if that is indeed what this is about, then in my mind it has to be someone in the Accounting Department. Since this is the headquarters for Martin’s, we have a very large Accounting Department here. I’m going to look over all the names, look at everyone. I’ll have to do it without them knowing, of course. If you remember anything else, call out to me. I’ll be close.”

  “I’m supposed to just go and help Michael while you take chances?” Derek was feeling helpless.

  “You remembered something important. I’m not going to go charging into the Accounting Department and ask who’s ripping off the company. I’m going to go check from my computer and see if I can figure it out.”

  “Okay. Um, maybe whoever it is has left while I was in the hospital. Well, after he tried to kill me and failed, maybe he thought he better get out of here before he was caught. If I heard names, maybe I would remember. I know some of the people in that department, but not all of them. They don’t report to me.”

  “Hey, you did a good job. Let me take it from here. I’ll keep you in the loop. I’m going to call the police on the case and tell them what we think. They can ask Mark if he remembers seeing anyone from Accounting sitting close to you. He may not have had those tables, but he was close to you for a bit so he might have seen them leave, not thinking there was anything wrong with it.”

  “That’s a good idea.” Derek was proud of Max’s mind and how quickly he was moving through with ideas.

  “I just had another thought. Do you remember what the order was that day? I swear I can’t.”

  Derek told him and Max saw him headed to Michael in the living room before he headed to his office, closing the door. Derek hated that, but he understood that Michael didn’t need to hear anything that was going on. His heart lifted a little thinking that he remembered something important.

  Just as he sat down he had a thought that he just couldn’t wait to tell Max. He told Michael to pull out what he liked the least and they would do that first and get it out of the way.

  He knocked on the door and pushed it open. Max looked up, phone in hand, a question in his eyes.

  “We’ve been thinking about one man, because of the hospital, but there has to be two. I doubt if I heard him talking to himself. That means there were two of them who came after me, two who know I heard something. I just wanted you to know that I’d had that thought. Look for two men in that department. Okay, bye.” Derek, after dropping his bomb, which he now realized they should have thought of before, duh, he went back to Michael.

  He saw that Michael had pulled out a sheet that had letters on it that he had to practice writing.

  “So you don’t like penmanship, huh?”

  “It’s okay, it’s just boring. I don’t feel like I’m learning anything just writing these over and over.”

  “So, make it fun Sing while you do it, or make sounds. Here, when you draw the S make the sound of a snake, sssss, and when you make a B you can buzz like a bee. We’ll see who can come up with the most sounds for each letter.” They were off, Derek trying his hardest to make it fun for Michael and not be stressed over not knowing what was going on in the office.

  Someone knocked on the door at about eleven thirty and Derek’s heart jumped. Michael looked at him with panic in his eyes. They’d told him that no one was allowed to come up to their floor while the police were looking into what happened to Derek.

  Max yelled for Derek to please get the door, it was okay. Derek wondered what was going on, but he slowly and painfully got off the low, soft couch and headed for the door. He figured it was either one or both of the officers, Purcell and Day. When he opened the door he was surprised to see Mark, the waiter, there with a bag in his hand, which he held out towards Derek.

  “Here you go, Mr. Campbell, hot and delicious. You and Mr. Martin enjoy your lunch.”

  Derek stepped back, wondering why Mark was there. He recognized the words, though. He felt sure that was what Mark had said that day he got hurt. Mark looked confused when Derek didn’t take the bag. Derek looked around and saw that Max had come out of his office and was watching, Michael standing by him.

  “What’s going on? Max?” Derek didn’t know if this was supposed to make him remember more or what, but he felt a little blindsided.

  “I’m sorry, Derek. I thought seeing Mark and hearing the same words he said to you might spark a memory. I trust Mark and he agreed to help. Come in, Mark.”

  Derek stood out of the way as Mark came in and set the bag down on a table by the door. He looked hesitant, like he was afraid he’d done something wrong.

  “I’m sorry, Mark. I’ve been having a problem remembering what happened that day. You know what happened to me?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m so sorry. I wish I could help more. Some officers came by and asked me if I knew who was seated near you, or if I saw someone leaving, but I was paying more attention to you. I was surprised when you hopped up and said you wanted to go out through the cafe to the back. There’s a hallway that goes right, to the door for the dock where we get our shipments, and left to the hall that has the elevator to your offices and here. That day I just held the door for you and didn’t pay attention to anyone else.”

  Max came over and stood by Derek.

  “We didn’t know that he went out the back way. Derek,” he said, looking at him, “do you remember going out that way instead of through the store? I guess you don’t usually go that way or Mark wouldn’t have been surprised by it.”

  “No, I usually go through the store to our hallway with the elevators. I don’t remember going through the kitchen and
connecting to the hall that way. It must have been because I was scared of what I’d heard.”

  “Probably,” Max said, putting his hand on Derek’s back, comfort and encouragement, before saying to Mark, “Do you know anything about the server who had the tables near where Derek sat? The police haven’t been able to find him.”

  “Oh, that’s Gary James. He quit. He didn’t even tell management. I heard later that he decided to leave school and go back to his hometown. I was surprised because he was always excited about his classes and his job. I wondered what made him change his mind.” Mark looked puzzled, but didn’t seem to think anything about it.

  “Thanks for the information, Mark, and thanks for bringing lunch up here. We’re going to ask you not to talk about any of this. Can we continue to trust you?”

  “Absolutely, sir. Not a word. An officer escorted me to the elevator and said he’d be waiting for me to return. I love working here and I would never do anything to hurt either of you.”

  Mark left and Max shut the door, looking at Derek.

  “I’m sorry for surprising you like that, but I thought about it and wanted to see if it helped at all. At least we got the information that you went out the back, so we know it was definitely something you heard in the cafe that had you worried.”

  “Yes, a little more information. I wish I could remember more.”

  “It’ll come to you. I’m working on looking into the computer files. I can’t just go down to Accounting to get information since I don’t want to alert anyone there to what I’m doing.”

  “What about a woman? We know it was a man who came after me in the hospital and I can’t see a woman helping beat me up at the elevator. Well, after knowing Tawna, I guess I should take that back.” Derek thought he’d had a good idea. “Is there anyone in particular in Accounting that you know well enough to push them for information without letting anyone else there know?”

  It looked like a light bulb went off over Max’s head and he said, “Roxie.”


  “Roxanne Rule. I told her it sounded like a stripper name and we’ve been buddies ever since. Why didn’t I think of her? There’s no way that woman would be cheating the company. I’m going to have one of my security guys meet her, out of her office, and bring her here. Come into my office and you can listen as I call her.”

  “What about me?” Michael asked from behind them and you could have knocked them both over with a feather. How had they forgotten he was listening to all that?

  “You, young man, can go wash up for lunch. Well, play with the kittens for a little while and then wash your hands. If you do, I’ll explain things after we make a couple of calls, I promise. You were a good boy, being so quiet while we worked on the problem. Thank you, buddy,” Max said, picking him up and nuzzling his neck, making him laugh. Michael looked over at Derek.

  “Are we done with school?”

  “Yes, sir, we are. You did well. Instead of giving you a gold star, I’ll help you make cookies myself this afternoon. How’s that?”

  Michael’s eyes lit up, big beautiful blue eyes, and he smiled and nodded, reaching out to pat Derek’s left cheek. “Okay.” Max put him down and he went to his room to see Betsy Ross and Sara Lee.

  Derek followed Max to his office while Max told one of his security detail that he was to meet Roxie Rule at one thirty by the perfume counter and bring her up to the penthouse. Then he called Roxie and put the phone on speaker so Derek could hear.

  “Accounting, Roxie.”

  “Roxie, it’s Max Martin. Please don’t let anyone know you’re talking with me, okay?”

  “Um, okay, fine. What’s up?”

  “I need for you to meet one of my security guys at one thirty by the perfume counter. He will bring you up to the penthouse so we can talk without anyone knowing it. Can you do that and keep it secret? It’s very important, Roxie. I’m counting on you.”

  “Well, counting is my thing, silly.”

  “Okay, I’m going to assume someone is there with you since you don’t usually call me silly,” Max said, grinning.

  “You got it in one,” she said. “See how it always comes back to numbers? I’ll get right on that. Thanks for calling, bye.”

  Derek looked at Max and they both grinned. “I’m going to like her, aren’t I?”

  “Yeah, she’s the best. She got fired from the job she had before she came here because her supervisor didn’t like her appearance, told her she was too fat. I mean, seriously? Is she overweight? Yes. Is it to the point of being unhealthy? Not at all. I think she’s lovely and has the best attitude and is great fun to talk to. Yeah, you’re gonna love her. She’ll help us any way she can. While we have lunch with Michael, you be thinking of any questions we can ask that might help us out? Are there two men in the department who hang out together a lot? Is there anyone she wouldn’t trust with her money? Has she heard anyone say anything negative about gays? I mean, he did call you ‘faggy boy’. We’ll have a list for her.”

  They headed out, Max to the kitchen and Derek in search of Michael. Lunch was good with the same sandwiches they’d ordered that day with chicken fingers added for Michael with some home fries. As soon as they finished Michael leaned toward Derek and asked, “Do you still feel like makin’ cookies with me? If you don’t, it’s okay. I see you frowning some and I think that means that you hurt. We don’t have to do it now if you don’t feel like it.”

  “I’ll tell you what. You’re a smart young man. I do hurt and it’s time for my medicine and since I just ate it would be a good time to take it. Your daddy and I have a meeting in a few minutes that we really need to do together. How about I go with you to your room and we can play with the kittens. I’ll set up a movie for you and when our meeting is over, we’ll come get you. I think it would be fun if we all worked on them. Let’s see if we can get Max to join us. What do you think?”

  Michael looked at Max and Derek knew there was no way Max could say not to those eyes.

  “Daddy, I think Derek wants you to help us make cookies after your meeting. Do you think you can?” Yeah, smart young man.


  When Max let Roxie Rule into the penthouse, Derek fell in love with a woman for the first time. She was tall and shapely, with gorgeous deep red hair and stunning green eyes. Derek felt that he saw both mischief and strength in those eyes. She kissed Max on the cheek and walked right over to Derek and said, “Oh, you poor baby.” She was tall enough to cup his cheeks very gently, avoiding the cut, and pressed her lips to his in the smallest of busses.

  Max said, “Hey!”

  “Oh, shut up. I’m not after your man, but he needs some love. I don’t know what’s going on, but clearly someone beat him and I don’t like that. Everybody knows how much you love him, so you just let me at ’em.”

  Max chuckled and came over to hug her. “That’s my girl. Derek, meet Roxie Rule, one of my very favorite employees.”

  “Flattery will get you anywhere, Max. Now, come sit down and let this young man rest. Tell me what you need from me.”

  Between them, going back and forth on details, they told her the whole story. When they got to the skimming part, her eyes began to gleam and by the time they got to the attempt on his life in the hospital she was livid. When they finished, they waited for her to speak. She blew them away.

  “Does it make me seem harsh and evil to say this makes me very happy? No, wait, let me explain. I know exactly who’s doing this and I will be so very happy to help you take them down. Ooh, didn’t that sound like a TV cop show?”

  “You know who’s behind all this? Can you prove it? Should I call the officers in charge of the investigation? Who is it? How do you know so quickly?”

  “Slow down there, big guy. You gave me enough information about their characters and their words are familiar. I’ve watched these two men for the last two years. Yeah, they’re a team all right. I’ve been the butt of a lot of their jokes and have heard them talk about
gays exactly as you mention. No one else thinks it’s funny, but they seem to get by with it. With me, it’s always about my weight, snide comments, almost like bullies on the playground. I just don’t engage.”

  “Why didn’t you report it?” Max asked, his need to know the names momentarily overridden by his anger at her being verbally abused in his offices.

  “Don’t worry about that right now. I’m a big girl and I can handle it, especially now that I’ll get to see the shits brought to justice. I’m so going to help you. I’m sure the leader, the big one you mentioned is Jack Gilbert and his buddy is Edward Richmond. They’re practically joined at the hip. I can tell you that Jack is the ringleader. He’s the one that makes the rude comments and Ed just goes along, laughs on cue, and they backslap and laugh like idiots. Now, let’s decide how we can get them,” she said, rubbing her hands.

  “First, are they here today, in the office? Have you seen them?” Max asked.

  She thought a moment and said she saw them first thing this morning and they went into Jack’s office, closing the door. She said she hadn’t seen them since, adding, “That’s odd, too, because I usually see them go down for lunch. They take long lunches, something that has been commented on a lot, but no one has called them on it. What do you want me to do?” She seemed to be eager to be a part of any plan they came up with.

  “I’m going to call the officers and ask them to come here. I’m going to call Cindy and see if she can come and watch Michael for us. Derek might need to go to the police station to give a statement and I want Michael covered.”

  “Derek is going with you if you are confronting them, Max. Don’t even try to stop me. I deserve to see this, be a part of it. All that stuff about closure, you know?” Derek was dead serious and wasn’t going to argue the point.

  Max looked at him a moment and said, “You’re right. We’ve got to be quick, though. We don’t want them leaving. They’re bound to either be planning another attempt or getting ready to gather their stuff and get the hell out. Let’s get this started?”


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