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Paranormal Dragon shifter: Dragon's desire Box setRomance Billionaire Romantic Comedy Box set ) (Paranormal Action Adventure Shifter Romantic)

Page 123

by Tina Johnson

  Sie sah ihm in die Küche verschwinden aus über das Geländer vor dem Fuß in das Badezimmer. Diagnose die Box mit den Testkits, Sie lesen sie die Richtungen und zog ein rosa Test. Sie nahmen die Kappe ab und setzte sich auf die Toilette. Peeing, sie zog ihn zurück, nach ein paar Sekunden auf und setzen Sie die Kappe auf. Sie setzte es auf die Theke und wartete. Spülen der Toilette, stand sie auf und wusch seine Hände und Gesicht. Sie hob es auf und schlüpfte sie in ihre Umhangtasche, wollen nicht noch Gesicht Sie ging zurück zu dem Schlafzimmer und ihre Zähne gebürstet und trug es runter in die Küche.

  "Hast du test?" fragte Hunter, als er einige gebratenen Speck und Eier. Er beschäftigt war, indem in den Toaster, Toast, Saft und Teller und Tassen.

  "Ich wollte, aber ich habe nicht auf die Test dennoch, es ist in meiner Tasche. Sie können sehen, wenn Sie bereit sind und mir die Antwort. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, ich möchte es alleine." Misty sagte und ging zu ihm hinüber. Ihre Arme um seine Taille, sie lehnte ihren Kopf gegen ihn für einen Moment und schloss ihre Augen.

  "Dieser Test nicht nichts ändern Misty, wissen Sie, dass Recht?" Jäger erklärte ihr sanft wie er suchte ihre Taschen für den Test.

  Sie nickte und dann schüttelte sie den Kopf Nr. "Es könnte viel ändern." verwirrt, sie war sich nicht sicher, ob sie wissen wollten die Testergebnisse an allen, Gefühl einer vorübergehenden Moment wollen Aufenthalt in Denial entweder Weg, sie fast fragte ihn nicht zu ihr sagen die Wahrheit.

  "Ich meinte zwischen uns. Ich liebe sie, schätzen Sie, haben Sie Ihren Rücken und sich von Ihrer Seite, auch wenn sie geschwollene Knöchel und ein Bauch mit meinem Kind. Ich werde noch finden sie schön, egal was, und unsere Beziehung überleben können den Wandel. Unsere Beziehung wird ewig sein. Nur ein Kind braucht uns für ein paar Jahre. Es wird alles gut." Jäger sagte, beruhigend. Er hatte keine Angst, ein Kind mit ihr, in der Tat war er fast hoffen, daß sie schwanger war. Er hatte Zeit zum Aufwärmen auf die Idee über Nacht und war begeistert von der Möglichkeit.

  "Ich bin mehr beunruhigt, wie ich das Handhaben der ändern, anstatt unsere Beziehung. Ich war schon immer so auf mich, wo ich versuchte zu gehen. Ich habe nie aufgehört zu denken und zusehen, wie jemand anderes wachsen." gab sie zu und dann schuldig gefühlt. Es ist nicht so, dass Sie nicht wollen würde, aber manchmal fragte sie sich, ob Sie würde wissen, wie. Sie hatte nie eine Mama wirklich um ihr zu zeigen, was Sie zu tun haben.

  "Du wirst eine fantastische Mama entweder Weg, Misty, das verspreche ich und was wir nicht wissen, können wir lernen, wie wir gehen. Ich bin sicher, dass alle Kinder, die wir haben werden, wenn wir uns vergeben sind nicht perfekt." Er erzählte ihr grinsend. Ziehen den Stick aus dem zurück, er schaute sie an und sah dann zurück an Misty. "Sie wollen mich, um Ihnen zu zeigen, oder sagen Sie, oder lassen Sie sie nicht wissen?"

  "Man könnte genauso gut sagen Sie mir", Seufzen sie geistig verspannt für die zwei Wahlmöglichkeiten, unsicher, wie sie sich fühlte. Teil von ihr fast dachte, sie wäre enttäuscht, wenn sie negativ war. Sie hatte Zeit zum Träumen es letzte Nacht, und während es war gruselig und überwältigend, die Idee hatte begonnen zu wachsen auf ihr.

  Hunter drehte den Test um, damit sie sehen konnte, die beiden rosa Linien auf dem Test. "Ich nehme an, dass dies positiv?"

  "Ja.", flüsterte sie und starrte ihn und brachten ihre Hand instinktiv bis zu ihrem Bauch, wie Sie dachte über ihre Zukunft. "Oh mein Gott, es ist real."

  "Es ist real." Hunter begann zu lachen und dann umarmte sie fest. "Das wird ein ganz neues Abenteuer."

  "Das ist die Untertreibung des Jahrhunderts.", murmelte die nebligen Test aus der Hand und starrte er unter Schock. Nur weil Sie es gesehen, bedeutet nicht, dass es mehr real zu Ihrem automatisch. "Sieht so aus, als ob wir für ganze Menge neues Leben Erfahrungen."

  "I can handle it." Hunter versprochen hatte.

  Misty schaute ihn an und lächelte dann, Ihren Körper zu entspannen. "Ich weiß. Sie scheinen zu handhaben können fast alles. Mit dir an meiner Seite, ich weiß, dass wir durch diese zusammen."

  "Gut, jetzt lassen Sie uns frühstücken, und ich verspreche, nicht meiner Mama zu sagen, dass sie Recht hatte, zumindest für eine Weile, bis sie bereit sind." Jäger sagte, während er das Essen auf den Tisch und absetzen.

  "Ich schätze, dass. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass ihre Mutter würde biegen Sie rechts wieder um und nicht verlassen, bis das Kind zur Hochschule ausgingen." gab sie als setzte sie sich Frühstück zu essen.

  "Wage es nicht jinx uns." Erklärte er ihr und dann pausiert seine Gabel auf halbem Weg zu seinem Mund. "Sie braucht nur ein Freund, sie zu halten besetzt. Das würde halten Sie aus Ärger."

  Misty grinste ihn an. "Klingt nach einem Plan, sollten Sie sich direkt an das."

  Jäger nickte und aß sein Frühstück. Er war glücklich. Er begann, die nicht wissen, wo er gehen wollte mit seinem Leben, und jetzt ist er gefunden hatte seinen Plan, seine Zukunft, seine schönen Gehilfen.

  Er hatte keine Reue.


  Hunter heard his doorbell and sat listening for a few minutes, he heard someone yelling and debated on going up there and answering them or staying down here and protecting his stash. When it registered as a female’s voice, he got curious and decided to go see why someone late in the evening was knocking on his door, especially when he hadn't heard a car.

  He was in the middle of the mountains, there was no hiking or camping places anywhere near his house and he owned all the land behind his house and down into the valley. He rented the farm land out in the valley to families who wanted a small farm operation, and they wouldn't dare to come knocking on his door without setting an appointment up first, especially since he had a property manager take care of most of the details and they usually talked to her.

  He shifted back into human form and grabbed his shorts and put his white t-shirt over his head and headed towards his house. It was about a half mile climb through winding cave stairs to get to the cellar that held the entrance to his underground cavern and treasure. You also had to pass through a underground hot springs to get there, which is why he wore shorts. Pants always got wet.

  It took him about fifteen minutes to walk up to his cellar, he wasn't in a big hurry, if it was important, the person would stay. He locked and sealed the doorway to his treasure before heading to the kitchen to go find out what the person wanted.

  He locked the cellar door on the kitchen side and slid it into his pocket before jogging through his house. He sniffed the entry way and could smell a delicate vanilla scent, along with a subtle hint of blood and mud.

  Someone was bleeding? He felt puzzled and headed upstairs to figure out what was going on.

  He paused to listen and heard someone in his study, he wondered if he could get away with eating them if it was a burglar. No one would miss a burglar, right?

  The lady sounded like she was going to cry and was very agitated, he listened outside the door for a moment then realized she was using his phone. He opened the door and peeked through, she had her back to him looking out the window to the trees and didn't notice him come in.

  "I understand, but I need you to bring me a rental car, and get my car. That's why we pay for triple A." She sounded frustrated. "What do you mean the account wasn't paid and the service isn't valid? It just turned the beginning of the.... never mind, I'll call someone else."

  She let the phone drop of out her hand and didn't bother to turn around. She stared out the window and he could hear her taking deep breaths, and talk to herself. She was muttering.

  "Stupid, stupid, why didn't I think to check my triple A account before I left? I should have known that with him dying before the start of the month that all future accounts or monthly payments would have been halted while they sorted out the finances. Crap, now what am I going to do." She leaned forward and banged her head on the window, letting it rest there, and Hunter wasn't quite sure if she was deranged enough to jump out of it. It was a three story fall down the side to the patio below. It might not kill her, but it would definitel
y hurt, and cause a lot of unwanted police attention to his house.

  Started to get the picture that something must have happened to her car, why else would she have been on the phone with triple A. But, she was also talking to herself, which could also make her an unhinged loony.

  She squeaked loudly as she turned around, and tripped over the phone she'd let fall to the ground and landed on her hands and knees behind his desk. She landed with a loud thud and curse word.

  Hunter blinked and then walked around to the corner of his desk and looked down at her. "Are you all right?"

  He noticed her blond hair, in the darkened room with just the lamp on, the light caught her highlights and it shined like gold. He then noticed her curves, the jeans left little to the imagination of her rear end and he coughed and yanked his gaze up.

  "Do you need a hand?" He repeated and then put his hand out to help her up.

  She grabbed his hand and yanked hard to pull herself to her feet, her movements were stiff, and she acted like she was sore. He got a good look at her face and saw blood in her hair and bruising on her right cheek and collarbone. She was more injured than she looked.

  "Thanks." She told him as she let go of his hand and stood up and brushed herself off. "Sorry about the mud."

  "What happened to you?" He asked her. "Don't worry about my floors, a little mud never harmed anything, but you have a nasty cut on your head."

  "I didn't even notice." She reached up and touched her head, and then collapsed. He barely caught her before she went down.

  "Now what am I going to do with you?" He sighed as he looked down at her face, gentle features, feminine cheek bones that had scrapes all over her face and neck. She had glass in her hair and some embedded into her shoulder and neck.

  Hunter stared down at the sleeping woman in his bed. Despite the bruises to her face, she was a healthy looking woman, he'd taken out the elastic band in her hair to examine her head more carefully. He'd cleaned her scrapes and bruises and while the cut on her head had bled a lot into her blond hair, it didn't seem to need stitches.

  He had woke her every hour for the entire night to check on her, she didn't seem to have a concussion, but he just wanted to make sure, having her die at his house wasn't something he wanted to explain to the authorities, and it's not like he could eat her to hide the evidence.

  Well, he could since he was a dragon, but he didn't like the taste of humans, give him a good old fat cow any day. He smirked at his own joke. He was funny, or at least he thought he was.

  Her blond hair had caught his attention, it reminded him of his gold. He had the urge to run his fingers through it and touch it. Once he'd managed to wipe most of the blood out of it, he realized how shiny her hair actually was. She appeared to be a natural blond. Her eyebrows were slightly darker gold than her long hair, and her eye lashes were brown instead of black. He noticed these details, all dragons would, it's how they located treasure. They could spot a glint of a diamond a mile away.

  She stirred next to him, he was sitting on the edge of the bed watching her. While he'd roused her from sleep, she hadn't woken up completely when he'd poked her, just alerted her enough to stir and make sure she was still alive.

  Her arm came over his leg and she snuggled against him and he stiffened. He wasn't used to being touched, let alone having a human wedge their soft curves into him.

  She was soft, he decided. He stared down at her and realized she was half naked in his bed. He'd taken off her jeans, they were muddy and wet, but had left her t-shirt and panties on. She had his comforter covering most of her, but he could feel the fullness of her breasts pushing against his leg and realized it was causing an unusual reaction in him.

  He'd never been attracted to a human before. Dragons mate for life, they didn't usually mess around randomly, it went against their nature. He wondered if his attraction to her was a bad sign.

  He was still pondering this and didn't realize she'd woken up and was staring at him.

  "Where the hell am I?" She said as she pushed herself away from him and sat up, pulling the blankets all the way to her chin. She looked fearful and he had the odd urge to reassure her everything was okay.

  "You are in my home. I don't know what happened to you, but you collapsed in my study. It was late, I cleaned you up and let you sleep. I was just in here checking on you again. I apologize if I startled you." Hunter told her and stood up, thinking a little space was probably the best way to reassure her he meant no harm.

  She blinked at him for a moment, then looked like she relaxed a little. "I crashed my car."

  "I figured. You had glass in your hair, none of your wounds are too serious and you don't appear to be suffering from a concussion. Would you like something to eat, or a shower?"

  "What is your name?" She asked him.

  "My name is Hunter. What's yours?" He cocked his head sideways and looked at her, thinking it was odd how he had this urge to go over there and kiss her. It made him feel awkward and he took another step back from her. The last thing he wanted to do was completely frighten her off if she was indeed his mate. Not that he wanted a mate mind you, but if she was his, he would claim her, just not while she's sitting there all injured and scared looking.

  "Misty." She replied, and brought a hand up to her head and touched it. "Ow. That hurts."

  "You have a pretty good gash on your head, but it's not deep enough to need stitches." Hunter shrugged. "Do you want some food or a shower?"

  "Both?" She looked at him hopefully.

  "Done." Hunter pointed to the other side of the room where a heavy wooden door was shut. "Shower's through there, the towels on the rack are clean, shampoo and conditioner are under the sink, a new bar of soap should be under there too, unless you don't care if you use my soap."

  "Thank you." Misty replied to him.

  When she didn't get out of bed, Hunter realized he should probably leave. "I'll go to the kitchen and fix you some breakfast while you shower. There's a robe in there on a hook on the back of the door, that should tide you over while I wash your clothes or find you something else to wear."

  He left her sitting in the bed and was humming as he headed to the kitchen. He didn't want to over think it right now, because finding a mate could be an incredibly frustrating experience if his youngest sister's story hold true. She had whined nonstop about going between wanting to chew on her mate for irritating her, to jumping him every other minute. He wondered if he should call his sisters for advice.

  He went to the fridge and pulled out some eggs and bacon and decided talking to his sisters probably would be the worst thing he could do in this situation. What he really needed to do was figure out a way to convince her to stay long enough to figure out if she was really his mate or not.

  He definitely was attracted to her. He pictured her naked up in his shower and had an immediate physical reaction. Yep, his parts definitely thought she was his mate, now he just had to decide how his heart and brain felt about the situation. Dragons could choose to reject a mate if they were completely incompatible, but when you go a few hundred years alone, besides nagging sisters and a controlling mother, sometimes it's best not to look the other way when a mate falls in your lap.

  He hummed while he cooked.


  Misty was in the shower, cleaning off the dirt and dried blood. She hadn't realized how injured she was when she came here yesterday, but the fatigue had caught up to her. She didn't think she had a concussion, but her head definitely hurt now, even though she hadn't felt it yesterday. She must have been running on pure adrenaline without knowing it.

  His house looked like a castle on the inside of his bathroom too, stone walls, high wooden beams, big mirrors and a sunken tub with stairs stepping down into it, it was big enough for two people. The shower was a walk in shower made out of stone, it had two shower heads with separate nozzles to control the sprays at opposite ends of the shower, with a stone seat in the middle. It seemed like over kill to her, but sh
e also didn't see the need for an castle in the middle of nowhere.

  She finished soaping up and rinsed off. After she turned the water off she toweled herself dry and found the bathrobe he mentioned and put it on. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt that the bathrobe didn't really give her much protection if the man downstairs wanted to harm her. She didn't know anything about him, other than he'd apparently put her in a bed and cleaned most of her scrapes and cuts.

  Misty sniffed and could smell the bacon cooking all the way upstairs, she shut her eyes for a minute and realized how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten since yesterday at lunch, and her mouth started to water.

  She forgot about everything else for a minute and let herself think about food. She headed downstairs to find the kitchen.

  When the smell of the bacon downstairs finally got stronger, she walked through a double door entry to a professional looking kitchen that looked almost bigger than her entire condo.

  "Wow." Misty said. Even her dad's mansion hadn't been quite this fancy. His had been large and big enough for entertaining, but he hadn't cared how fancy the kitchen was, he had been more about utility. He also did more catering than cooking.

  "Smells good." Misty told him as she walked through the kitchen to stand near him where he was frying up the rest of the bacon. He had a plate with a paper towel on the counter that he was setting the pieces on to collect grease.

  "I hope you like it crispy." He told her. "There's toast in the oven, it should be done any second if you'd take it out." He pointed a oven a few feet away and tossed her a hand-mitt.

  "Uh, sure, I can do that." Misty told him and slipped her hand into the mitten. Normally she just used a toaster, this seemed a little much for breakfast, but since she wasn't cooking, she decided to just smile and nod. She noticed as she set the pan of toast down on the island in the middle that there didn't seem to be a toaster or a microwave anywhere in the kitchen. If he had one, it was hiding.


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