Bright Horizons
Page 18
“Yes, A’nacal, I was able to get my sister back along with the rest of the crew of the Endeavor.”
“Wonderful, so glad to see stories with happy endings. Now, let’s get down to business. When we last spoke, I told you there would be another condition laid upon you at the conclusion of the Iltia’cor surrender.”
“Yes, I remember that.”
“I lied. There is a condition and then an extra request. But the request is honestly just a request. Not a request backed up by those who can enforce it.”
Kyle smiled at the re-assurance. “That is fair A’nacal. What is the condition first?”
“The condition is this. Since you have so seriously decimated the Iltia’cor’s military ability, Earth will take the Iltia system into their realm of responsibility. They will be your concern and you will protect them as surely as you protect your own system. Is that clear?”
“I don’t have the authority to approve that.”
“No you don’t,” said A’nacal. “Which is why every member of the Earth Council will be informed of this condition. I just wanted you to know of it before we informed your people’s leaders.”
“I appreciate the courtesy, A’nacal, but why should I be informed before the Earth Council?”
“Because it may affect how you respond to the request.”
“What is this request?”
“The Higher Council has determined that the Earth system should replace the Iltia system on the Lower Council, and I have determined that you should be seated as Earth’s representative. Will you accept this appointment?”
Kyle was at a loss for words.
“I can see you are not able to make this decision right now, General. The second communication device is for you. Please take it regardless of what choice you make.”
“How long would I have to be away from Earth if I accept?” Kyle asked.
“Oh no, General Martin,” A’nacal laughed. “You can represent Earth from anywhere with that device. We do ask that you wear the traditional robes when you appear to hear debate or when you vote, but you could stay on Earth or be travelling in warp if you wanted to.”
“I’ll do it,” said Kyle suddenly. “I think the Earth Council would have to approve of my appointment, but I want to represent Earth.”
“I want you to as well, General Martin. You have it in you to help us all reach a greater age, and I am truly glad to have you agree.”
Chapter 21
26 August 2044
Kyle was lying on his bunk on board the Enterprise holding the communicator A’nacal gave him above his face when Cindy came back in the room. He was staring at the little silver disc that would allow him to communicate across the galaxy at a touch.
“How are Mom and Dad?” he asked without moving.
“They are great! Bill was late, as usual, so I didn’t get to speak with him, but I will see him this weekend when we get back.” She sat on the bed next to Kyle’s and sighed.
“What’s wrong, sis?” he asked as he sat up and looked at her.
“So many things have changed, Kyle, and I don’t know where I fit in. When I was captured, I was an astronaut, one of a couple of dozen in space at any given moment. Now there are thousands of people in space all the time. I had an understanding of advanced engineering theories back then, and now I am like a child full of wonder every time I see something new. You don’t even blink an eye at any of it,” Cindy said as she fell back across the narrow mattress.
Kyle patted his sister’s leg as he stood up. “Don’t worry about it. In three months, I’ll be asking you about everything again.”
“Maybe. Probably,” she said as she sat back up. “How did General Kitch take it?”
“Pretty good. She’ll be fine without me, there are plenty of good officers for her to choose from to replace me. McKendree would be my recommendation.”
“I can’t believe you resigned your commission, Kyle. Isn’t that going to be weird for you?”
Kyle nodded. He had been a marine for twenty nine years since he graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy. It was the only life he had known, and to say it would be weird was just scratching the surface.
“I’ll get to spend time with Sara, and Mom and Dad could use my help around the house. Plus, I can travel and see you in Florida and Bill in New York whenever I want a change of scenery.” He held up the small silver disc. “Besides, I’ve already landed another job.”
The door to their room opened and Alex walked in. “Hey, just heard why you were in there with General Kitch. Is it true, sir?”
Kyle nodded. “Yep. Better start getting used to calling me Kyle.”
Alex shook his head. “I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that. What about the other part? Are you really going to be Earth’s rep?”
“As long as the Earth Council approves.”
“You are the most famous human in the galaxy and even India will be glad to let you have this job. I bet it’s going to be a ton of reading and a bunch of boring meetings. Glad that you will be there, though,” Alex said.
“Thanks… I think,” Kyle said. “What do you know about the dinner NASA is going to throw?”
“Yeah, I was going to tell you about that. They are setting up the exhibit at Kennedy for us. They are going to have busts put up of Donovan, Nestor, Greene and Jennings. They rest of us are going to have have our photos put up. The plan is that when each of us die, they will replace the photo with a bust. Maybe we should have a Tontine.”
“What would we put up?”
“A bottle of Cognac from 2042?”
“That might work, see what the others think,” said Kyle. “We need to have Lon included in the memorial. Maybe Firtulm and Giric as well.”
Alex nodded. “That’s something we could talk to NASA about. If we have an exhibit for Earth’s first contact, we should have the aliens that were there as part of it.”
“Do you know what they are going to do with the Fletcher?”
“As far as I know it’s going to be kept in service until we can design our own short transports. After that, maybe they will put it as part of the exhibit at Kennedy.”
Kyle walked over to the display console in the room and looked up the itinerary for launch. He had nothing to do with it, but it was a habit after so many years of command. “How are you doing, Alex? Are you going to take some time off when you get back?”
Alex shrugged uncomfortably. “Williams is going to put in for retirement when he gets back and K-man is looking forward to having his own command. I don’t know what I will do.”
“Command?” Kyle turned quickly. “How is he getting a command?”
“General Davies gave him a commission last night after he read the reports from Salazar. K-Man is now Lieutenant Colonel Kiskaliski, or will be once he has Senate confirmation.”
“Definitely the right time to get out,” muttered Kyle. “But back to my original question, what about you?”
“I don’t know. I have a couple of weeks of leave coming, so I might head up to an old cabin in Montana that my Dad owned. Guess I own it now. Fishing always relaxes me. I still have three years until I can retire, so I guess I can serve out the rest of the time quietly, unless you plan on starting any wars in the near future.”
“No more wars, Alex. No more wars.”
The door to the room opened again and Williams stuck his head in. “Sir, we have about an hour before we go to warp. A bunch of us are heading to the bridge to do ‘Kirk’ poses in the Captain’s chair. Come on.”
Cindy jumped to her feet with a little squeal and Alex started out the door. Kyle stood still and watched them leave. A few seconds later, Alex stuck his head back in the door and looked at Kyle. “Are you coming, sir?”
“No, I think I’ll try to grab a quick nap.”
Alex walked back in the room and looked at him silently for a few seconds. “You already have pictures of you in the captain’s chair of the Enterprise, don’t you?”
e smiled and shrugged. “About a dozen or so the day before she was commissioned.”
Alex laughed and turned back to catch up with the others.
Kyle walked to his bunk and sat down on it. He reached down and undid his boots and put them out of the way so Cindy wouldn’t trip on them when she came back. He thought briefly about heading down to the mess and seeing if they had something to eat, but dismissed it as he realized he was more tired than hungry.
Tired. He had been tired for a long time. Since Hyderabad, maybe earlier. He was good at his job, but he hated it. He hated that it had to be done and he hated that someone had to do it. But he had a duty, and he had honored that responsibility.
He pulled the small silver disc back out and looked at it again. This was a new duty, and he would carry it out just as devoutly. He hoped if he were as good at this assignment as he was at being a marine, he would be able to prevent Alex from being in any more wars.
He turned the disc over in his hand as he thought back to what A’nacal had said to him after he had accepted the position: “The Junniji testified before the Higher Council about you. Their considered opinion was that while Ambassador James Thomas was a thoughtful and wise man, you were better suited to sit on the Lower Council. They said you showed mercy in your judgments, both low and high. This element, mercy, is rare among Earthmen; rarer still among most other races. It is mercy that empowers your actions; which allows you to make judgments that others would run from. It is mercy that we need on the Council. You will lead us into a merciful age. That is what I believe and why we need you on the Council.”
A heavy burden.
A sober responsibility.
Kyle realized at that point he would have to resign his commission. He could not in good conscious represent all of Earth while carrying the flag of an individual Nation. He loved the United States and would defend her with his life. He already had. He could also not care for and guide an entire planet when he had a daughter at home that needed him. He had neglected that part of his life for too long and would not accept that behavior any longer.
When he got back home he would have a party with his family to welcome Cindy back from the dead. He would then travel to Kennedy in Florida for the unveiling of the first contact exhibit. Afterwards, his parents and Cindy would join him and Sara hitting the parks in Central Florida. Then off for a trip to Sicily and the ruins of Syracuse. It wasn’t fair to think that he could make up for twenty years of lost time in just one quick burst, but he was going to try. And never again would he fail to be there for her.
He put the silver disc in his pocket as he felt the ship’s main generators kick in. It would be thirty minutes before they warped out and he still needed a nap. He didn’t know what his future held, but he knew that he would face it with more integrity and more honor than he had so far. Kyle closed his eyes and slept peacefully.
Look for Bright Horizons on Audiobook!
A Word From the Author
Thank you for reading Bright Horizons. This was my first novel and the start of this amazing time I have had as a full time novelist. In the last several years, I have had encouragement from all over the world as people have discovered my books. I am proud to have entertained you and look forward to giving you hours and hours of more great adventures.
If you really enjoyed this, I encourage you to leave a review where you got this book. It will let others know that this is a book worth spending a few dollars on and will be of great benefit to me.
The adventure doesn’t end with Earth’s victory over the Iltia’cor. Humanity is now destined to take on a role of power and influence in the galaxy. What comes next, though, is a shock to everyone. Pick up a copy of Eclipse today.
I would also invite you to join my VIP Fan Club. This club is free to join and you will be kept up to date with two e-mails a month concerning new releases, what I am planning in the future, giveaways and promotions. You can head over to my website as well, but the easiest way to stay in touch is through my VIP Fan Club.
Once again, thank you for sharing this adventure with Kyle and his team. It was a great joy for me to get to know these people, and I hope you feel the same. Have fun and keep reading!
Wilson Harp
Continue the adventure with the second book in the Bright Horizons series!
From the day Earth first made contact with aliens, the Otina have been a thorn in their side. It was the Otina who ambushed the treaty ceremony with the Hedali. It was the Otina who disrupted Earth's war effort against the Iltia'cor. And in the year since Earth stood victorious over its powerful enemy, it's become obvious that the Otina have infested the Earth system more than anyone realized.
To make matters worse, Alex Ramirez has been captured by the Otina. The unpredictable and always combative marine has been put in an alien prison. But no prison can hold Alex unless he wants to stay. And he does not want to stay.
As Alex looks for ways of escape, Earth forces are scouring the system looking for clues to where he might be. What they find, however, changes the way that humans will look at the galaxy forever. Mosar, that crucial element that Earth lacks, turns from the answer to the riddle. Humanity will have to set aside the rescue of one of its heroes in order to solve a mystery that threatens their entire race.
Other Novels by Wilson Harp
In a flash of searing light, the world changed. A massive solar flare has crippled the modern world and brought chaos and destruction. David Hartsman is stuck in the remote farm town of his youth on what was expected to be a short visit to check on his ailing parents. While his wife and his daughter are hundreds of miles away at home in Chicago, David must face the dangers associated with his own survival and the pressures of not being with his family. In a worldwide catastrophe, every struggle is personal.
EMP is the dramatic story of one man and his struggle for survival in a world that is falling apart.
The Ghost of Sherwood
King Richard is dead.
The theft of his taxes prompts the newly crowned King John to dispatch Sir Guy to Nottingham in order to retrieve his taxes and hang the bandits of Sherwood Forest.
The Sheriff of Nottingham feels the noose tighten around his own neck as word arrives of King John's orders. The lawman of Nottingham has the king's missing taxes in his lockbox and worse, there are no bandits in the Sherwood. He must survive long enough to escape with the stolen money. The only way he can do that is to play villain in the hunt for the mysterious outlaw, Robin Hood.