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Page 5

by Viola Grace

  "Nothing for you. You got me in this condition. Carser may have started it, but you finished it, so I blame you." She carefully made her way to the fire and threw some lumber into the coals.

  Her delicate waddling turned her back on Wayk complaining to Carser about the execution of their joint plan. "Why should I suffer for your idea?"

  She called back, "You guys can sort that out, but Carser is the only one getting sex tonight."

  The tremendous thud as they started slapping each other around made her smile. Perhaps she wouldn't be the only sore one tonight.

  Chapter Ten

  The week went by in a blinding rush and when the beacon announced the arrival of the first colony ships, they were in the shuttle and on their way to the official landing site in a matter of minutes.

  Zora was fully dressed for the occasion. Her men were wearing their own tunics, trousers and boots as well. "No more naked day."

  Carser looked back at her in the passenger seat. "We will arrange it as often as possible, Zora."

  Wayk concurred, "Don't think that just because there are witnesses, we won't take advantage of you whenever possible."

  "That is part comfort, part threat." She grumped.

  He grinned. "I know." The mischievous Wayk was back and he was excited to see his people again.

  The drop ships were on their way down. Zora could see them through the view screen. "Wow. That is a lot of people. I will miss it just being us three."

  Carser comforted her as he set the shuttle down in a safe spot. "Don't worry. They will make up for it with assistance with food and plumbing."

  "Ah. Plumbing. I am looking forward to running water." She released her harness and sashayed toward the door. An arm pulled her back.

  "You do not go out until we have checked the area first," Wayk muttered in her ear.

  "Fine. You know, you folks are being rather paranoid for people who only saw one attack on me." She was in full grumpy mode.

  "Yes, silly us for not wanting you to rush into an unknown situation." Carser gave Wayk a look that indicated that their mate was insane.

  She simmered, the bear in her temperament near the surface. She followed them out into the bright light of morning as the drop ships thudded to the surface of Pakrik. It took an hour for all twelve of the ships to strike the surface and Carser and Wayk started to simmer with anticipation.

  They are excited to see their people again, Zora. They are and will always be yours.

  But I want the silence, the privacy and the lack of clothing again.

  Think of it this way, they will have access to clothing for you that is more suited to your station. Ship suits are not flattering.

  They never have been. They are designed for practicality.

  They are still ugly. I want my avatar more gracefully attired.

  Don't you dare mention this to the Oefric elders.

  I will mention what I please, avatar. I will outline your needs and they will fulfill them or they will haul their colony off my surface.

  Zora closed her eyes. Her stubbornness seemed to be rubbing off on her planet.

  "What's wrong, Zora?" Carser stood at her side.

  "Shisala is going to make some demands. Feel free to cover my mouth and drag me away if I turn gold and start to dictate."

  He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her waist. "It will be fine. The elders are bringing some supplies with you in mind. That includes textiles."

  Zora felt the wave of smugness from Shisala. "Don't humour her."

  He laughed outright. "I will do whatever it takes to keep you happy and healthy and considering that Shisala is embedded in all of us, it means pleasing her when it will not embarrass or insult you."

  "That is too logical."

  Wayk nudged her with his arm. "And our little bear is back. I wondered where you were hiding."

  She gave him an evil look and he laughed.

  The drop ships started opening. The first few looked around in confusion and when Carser called out, relief filled their faces.

  "Let's go down and meet our new neighbours." Carser dragged her along and she was forced to be social.

  Three hours of smiling and introducing herself later, Zora was exhausted. She sat on the pile of logs that her Oefric had prepared for the colonists. The landing elders were slowly leading their folks out of chaos.

  Basic shelters were being set up, a foundry was in the early stages of assembly and a stockpile of supplies was being inventoried as they were unloaded. Everyone knew what to do and where to do it.

  Carser and Wayk were hauling and unloading with the others. Occasionally, they would stop and speak to the elders who were casting nervous looks toward Zora on the woodpile.

  After what seemed to be the ninth time, Carser called Wayk over and they brought the elders to her.

  She jumped to her feet and in that instant, Shasila took over.

  Elder Winx was a male of distinction. He bowed low as she extended her hand.

  "Hello, Elder. Welcome to my world. I have heard that it is named Pakrik and I have no reason to want it changed."

  "Thank you for the welcome, Shisala. General Carser and Captain Wayk speak very highly of you."

  Elder Vikar was a woman of middle age. Her black hair was woven with silver. "Thank you for your gracious hospitality. We request that you tell us where we may begin planting."

  "Do you have a map?"

  "We do."

  "Shall we look at it? Oh, by the way, this forest here has been cleared of all wildlife. You may take the trees for fuel and shelter if you wish it."

  Winx brightened. "That was my next question."

  "I have fields where you can begin a replacement planting with fast-growing species that will fulfill your needs. I can also keep you apprised of any deadfalls of hardwoods for furniture making."

  The quiet elder, Greenal, grinned at that. "You are making us welcome. Thank you very much."

  "Has General Carser mentioned the needs of my avatar?"

  Vikar smiled. "A seamstress is already working on something simple based on your old ship suits. She was too shy to approach you directly."

  "There is no need to be shy. Neither I nor my avatar will interfere in your colony unless you endanger the balance of the system around you."

  "We understand."

  "I also know that a certain amount of pollution is unavoidable, but as long as you take my recommendations to mitigate it, no sudden lava flows will erupt under your village."

  Her threat shifted their expressions for a moment.

  She smiled and forced more power into her eyes. "Do not worry. I will give fair warning. I want life to thrive here, but I don't want it done at the expense of the planet itself. In return, I will offer you healing provided by my avatar, using the waters of life."

  Greenal asked, "What kind of healing?"

  "Anything from minor ailments to broken bones and deadly viruses. No creature dies on my world unless I will it."

  Zora was suddenly back in control. "Pardon. She was being a little dramatic."

  Carser and Wayk each supported her as her knees buckled. The elders were looking at her in surprise.

  "Hello, I am Zora and I will be your avatar today." She stifled the yelp as both of her men pinched her ass. "Shall we have a look at that map?"

  They headed to the makeshift council hall and the map of the area was splayed on a series of crates.

  Zora pinpointed the areas for planting, those she had put aside for re-forestation and the best areas to drill for water in the basin of the colony, including the appropriate area for a sewage treatment swamp that would allow natural bacteria to rework the waste into a harmless substance.

  She started yawning as they showed her plans for the city they had planned for twenty years down the road. "I apologise. Channelling Shisala is tiring. Do you require anything else? I can have quarry locations for you tomorrow."

  They blinked in surprise. Vikar smiled. "Thank you, the planet is being
most generous, considering that we overlooked her on the first scans."

  "No one could have found her if she didn't want to be found. It was my blood that woke her in the first place, or you would be here and someone would be running into her at a later date." She smiled and stifled a yawn again.

  You are sleepy. Go and rest. Staying up isn't good for the baby.

  Zora's ass hit the floor with a thud. What?

  The elders were hovering in concern. Vikar helped her to her feet. "Are you all right?"

  "I am fine. I just got some information that surprised me."

  The woman smiled. "Your pregnancy?"

  Zora felt her mouth open in an unflattering way. "How could you know that?"

  "We are Oefric. Our sense of smell is the keenest of our gifts. I carried your ship suit to the seamstress and your scent has changed from there to here." She smiled and patted Zora on the shoulder.

  Zora suddenly felt a flare of suspicion. She whirled to see her men by the opening to the council hall. "You!"

  She stalked toward them and to everyone's amusement, the general and captain began backing away. "You knew!"

  "We weren't sure. I don't carry that test in my med kit. We were just guessing based on scent." Wayk stumbled and ended up on his ass.

  She stopped in front of him and glared at her general who was hiding behind his friend. "Why didn't you mention your suspicion?"

  "Well, it is very early days. If your cycle resumed it would miscarry and we wouldn't want to upset you." Wayk was trying to be logical but she wasn't in the mood.

  Zora started stalking away and Carser tried to stop her. She paused. "What?"

  "Where are you going?"

  "I am walking home. Shisala can heal just about anything, I am pretty sure this baby is fine right where it is." She waved him off and started the long hike home.

  The colonists she passed gave her a wide berth as she stomped toward her house, muttering the whole way.

  There were no wolves this time, but two bears came galloping up to her and she snarled at them.

  Wayk nudged her into getting on Carser's back. Still grumbling, she settled astride him and together they went home.

  She might not be letting either of them into her bed that night. At least they were together. Her mad would fade, it always did, but for now, she couldn't believe that they had kept this from her.

  She really hoped it was a little girl. She needed someone on her side.


  "Here they come."

  Their triad stood and watched the shuttle drop to the landing strip. Carser and Wayk were both fidgeting. It wasn't every day that their parents arrived on their new home world.

  There was a crowd of Oefric waiting for loved ones to arrive. The town had done wonders in the last three months and it was time to fill the empty homes.

  Her men were wearing their uniforms. Not the Oefric uniforms they used to wear, but the livery of the consorts of the avatar. Zora was wearing a matching gown that fell softly to the ground in swaying folds.

  The shuttle finished its landing rituals and the door opened to disgorge a stream of eager colonists.

  Wayk went on the alert as he spotted his parents and family. A moment later, Carser did the same.

  As a group, they walked toward the incoming crowd and when their families saw them, there was an incoming rush that left Zora standing back and waiting.

  Wayk recovered first. "Zora, this is my mother, Ahna, my father, Rikart, my sisters, Ren, Vish and Tala."

  Zora shook each hand in turn, smiling as she met each one. "I see where you get your looks, Wayk."

  His mother gave her a funny look, but she smiled. "I hear that you are the avatar of this planet. Does that mean I have no chance of grandchildren?"

  The question was blunt. "I am currently pregnant, Ahna. Shisala loves the idea of babies and there is no doubt that if your son is willing, there will be children."

  She turned to get a quick distraction. "Carser, introductions?"

  He looked up in surprise and flushed. "Mother, Father, this is Zora, the avatar of Shisala, and my mate. Zora, this is Yilia and Morhart."

  "Pleased to meet you." She extended her hand and Yilia's nostrils flared.

  "You are pregnant?"

  Zora scowled from Carser to Wayk. "Yes. About three months."

  "You are not happy about it?" Yilia looked concerned.

  "I am very happy about it, just not happy to be the last to know." She was back to being grumpy and fought it back.

  Yilia and Ahna stood near each other. "We have another question, Zora."

  "By all means, ask anything you wish."

  Ahna looked at her, curious. "Why do you call our sons' by their last names?"

  Carser and Wayk looked surprised and it was all Zora needed. Her black mood shattered and she started laughing. She laughed so hard, the flowers bloomed and animals mated all over the world.

  Two men had become the centre of her universe and she didn't even know their first names.

  Author's Note

  Carser's first name is Borhart and Wayk's first name is Vin. I thought it funny that she used their last names as soon as I realised I had never written their first names. It was halfway through the book at that point and I just kept going with the silent joke.

  Sue me. I thought it was funny.

  Thanks for joining the Terran Times.

  Viola Grace





  About the Author

  Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. She has no pets and can barely keep sea monkeys alive for a reasonable amount of time. Her line of day job tends to be analytical which leaves her mind hopping to weave stories. No co-worker is safe from her character analysis. In keeping with busy hands are happy hands, her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain mail, and a few others that have been forgotten. It is quite often that these hobbies make their way into her tales.

  Viola's fetishes include boots and corsetry, and her greatest weakness is her uncontrollable blush. Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature. It is an admirable thing and something that we should all strive for. To find one that we truly like, as well as love.

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