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The Successor (The Holbrook Cousins Saga Book 1)

Page 6

by Alina Jacobs

  She let out high breathless gasps every time he slammed into her.

  “You like that,” he growled as he thrust into her. “You like letting me take you.”

  “Yes,” she moaned. It was quick and dirty, and she felt Grant come in her, and then she too was pushed over the edge.

  “That was amazing,” she said. “I think I came so hard I almost blacked out.”

  “Kate, you make me so fucking hard,” he said, pulling her face around and kissing her, his tongue running along her lips. She felt his member, hard again, slide into her, and she moaned as he took her slowly. She gasped as the feel of him made her come again. She felt raw from the pleasure as it cascaded over her in waves.

  Grant said, “Fuck,” then she felt his body shudder, and he fell on top of her, panting. They lay there as the sheets cooled.

  “Am I the best fuck you’ve ever had or what,” Grant said after a moment, still slightly out of breath.

  Kate hit him lightly.

  “You’re addictive.” She turned over and flopped on top of him. “You’re going to destroy my life, but I can’t quit you.” Grant ran his fingers up and down her thigh. She felt the echoes of pleasure but didn’t act on them; she lay on top of the most perfect man she had ever known and stared into his eyes.

  “Any word from my father?” Grant asked her after a moment, breaking the spell. Kate’s stomach sank.

  “Oh, no, let me check,” she said as she hurriedly grabbed her phone.

  On my way to the apt

  The text from Walter showed on her phone. Kate panicked until she saw the time.

  “Okay, phew, he sent that five minutes ago. Hurry and shower. With traffic, he’ll be here shortly,” she told Grant.

  Kate cleaned up as best she could. She didn’t want to get her hair wet and give anything away. She took an ice-cold sponge bath and pulled her clothes back on. She was sitting in the kitchen, gulping down a sparkling water, as the doorbell rang, and she hurried to open it.

  “Hi, Walter,” she said, a little more frantic than she had wanted.

  “Everything all right?” he asked her.

  “Yes,” she replied. “I just got bubbles in my nose.” She held up the glass, hoping he would take that as an excuse.

  “Where’s Grant?” Walter asked. “I want us to go to the foundation headquarters before Jack leaves. Did you tell his assistant we wanted to swing by?”

  “Yes, they know. I sent out a calendar invite in the car on the way over here.”

  Grant came down the stairs as she was talking to Walter.

  “Ah, there you are, Grant. All set? Were you able to rest?” Walter asked. Grant didn’t look like someone who had just been in a marathon sexcapade with his father’s employee, and Kate hoped Walter didn’t sense anything amiss.

  “What types of activities do you think Grant should be engaging in with the foundation?” Kate asked Walter in the elevator.

  He was thoughtful for a moment. “I was thinking something to do with veterans. That seems like the obvious solution.”

  “The Holbrook Foundation mission is to develop data-driven results for the problems we face in the world,” she reminded Walter. “Your brother, Jack, won’t let Grant simply run around begging money off of people; he needs to use data to solve a big problem. I was thinking he could do research into the types of programs that are most likely to help with PTSD and which are most effective at helping veterans reintegrate into society. That’s data-driven enough that Jack can’t nitpick it, but still feels relevant.”

  “Perfect,” Walter said. “Did you hear that, Grant?”

  Grant gave a grunt in response. As they walked toward the car, Grant bent down and whispered in Kate’s ear, “I’d rather just research the best way to make you come.”

  Kate felt wet between her legs, and her mouth went dry. She hoped she wasn’t flushed as Grant helped her into the car.

  Chapter 14


  The ride to the foundation was bumpy as they were caught in stop-and-go traffic. Grant tried to pretend he wasn’t in a car. He kept expecting it to be ambushed. He also wasn’t sure he wanted to think about what he and Kate had just done in his biological father’s penthouse condo. He wondered if she felt anything for him. She kept saying she didn’t want to ruin her life. Did she just not want to be with a no-count marine? Was he too lowbrow for her? Was he just going to be her dirty secret?

  It figured. He found the perfect woman, and she didn’t want to have a real relationship with him.

  No, he told himself, think positive. Maybe she had had a bad experience. He needed to convince her that they should be together. He felt for the first time in a long time that she was the only good thing in his life—her and Gus. It couldn’t be a coincidence that they had come into his life within a few hours. Maybe it was all in his head. It wasn’t too late to reenlist. The Marine Corps still wanted him to, even with the black marks on his record.

  He shook his head, earning a look from his father. Grant wondered if he knew what he was thinking. He felt suddenly trapped in the car and fought an ugly battle with himself not to throw open the door and dive out onto the pavement.

  Finally, they pulled up in front of a sparking glass building. Grant wrenched open the car door and stumbled on the sidewalk.

  “Are you all right?” Kate asked.

  Grant nodded. His mouth felt dry, and he tried to control his breathing. Kate looked at him, concerned.

  “Come inside,” she said. Her hand was cool and steady on his back, and it grounded him.

  Grant barely registered the warm woods and colorful artwork in the lobby. A secretary met them at the elevators, and they followed her to the twentieth floor to a glass-enclosed conference room. His uncle Jack and a kind-looking woman sat inside.

  “Cheri, hi! Great to see you!”

  She and Kate hugged. Walter shook Cheri’s hand and introduced Grant.

  “Hi, Grant,” said Cheri. “I’m the chief operating officer of the Holbrook Foundation. It’s so wonderful to meet you!”

  Walter and Jack looked coolly at one another. As they all sat down, Cheri pulled out her notepad.

  “Tell me, Grant, have you thought of what you would like your advocacy focus to be?”

  “He probably needs to do something veteran related,” Walter said before Grant had a chance to speak.

  Jack interjected, “Perhaps Grant has an idea of what he wants to focus on, since this will be Grant’s project.”

  “Veteran advocacy makes the most sense,” Walter shot back.

  Cheri said smoothly, “Perhaps, Grant, you would like to think on it?”

  Grant shrugged, still looking out the window.

  Cheri smiled sympathetically. “You know, you’ve been through a rough ordeal…”

  “You have no idea what I’ve been through.” Grant turned on her and snarled.

  She jumped in her seat. Kate looked at Grant, alarmed.

  Jack jumped up, yelling, “Do not speak to her like that!”

  “Let’s all calm down,” Kate pleaded.

  “Look,” Cheri said. “He’s recently returned, and he hasn’t even had a chance to decompress. Since he’s still legally a member of the armed forces, he can’t do anything such as fundraising or anything even remotely political. So let’s table this discussion until then. When are you out?”

  Grant shrugged. “Maybe six weeks.”

  “Let’s revisit this then. Grant can take some time to think about what direction he wants his life to take. You may want to go to college or travel or do consulting. No need to rush into anything.”

  In the car, Grant could feel the frustration wafting off of his father.

  “This has not progressed like I thought it would,” Walter said.

  “I’m sorry I’m such a disappointment,” Grant spat. “Maybe if you hadn’t abandoned me with those… never mind. It doesn’t matter. I shouldn’t be here, anyways.” Grant just wanted to go back to his room, lie in bed, and
snuggle with Kate. She was the only person he felt safe around. He didn’t want to call it love. It was more like an obsession.

  “I didn’t mean it like that.” Walter sighed.

  Grant didn’t look at him. He stared out the window as they started on the long drive back to the estate. It was raining, and they were stuck in heavy traffic. The raindrops running down the window reflected the light from the traffic lights, making it look as if the car were drenched in blood. Grant suddenly punched his fist against the window, and it cracked. Then he pushed the door open and let it slam against the side of the car.

  Kate and his father yelled at him as he sprinted through the traffic to the side of the road. Feeling suddenly nauseous, he puked. He had barely eaten anything that day, and only a frothy yellow liquid came out. Wiping the vomit-flecked spittle from his mouth, Grant wandered into the woods that flanked the road. He thought he heard Kate, but he wasn’t sure, and he pushed to increase his pace until he was flat-out sprinting.

  As his adrenaline and panic subsided, Grant looked around. He was in someone’s backyard. He fought through the English ivy to the road. His phone was still in the car. He didn’t have any numbers programmed into it, in any event. He picked a direction and started walking. Soon, he came to a larger road that had a sign pointing to New Cardiff; it was several miles. He squared his shoulders and set off.

  Chapter 15


  “Grant! Grant!” Kate tried to jump out of the car after him, but Walter grabbed her and pulled her back.

  “A car will hit you,” he told her. “We’ll drive around and look for him. He can’t have gotten far.”

  “We should call the police,” she told him frantically.

  “Can we not involve the police in our family business anymore, please?”

  Walter had the car turn off the main road. They cruised around several upscale neighborhoods but saw no sign of Grant.

  Walter swore. “What am I doing, Kate?” he asked his assistant.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s too much like his mother. This was a mistake.”

  “Don’t write him off!” she pleaded. “He recently came back from the Middle East; not even a week has gone by. He needs to do calming things. We tried to push him to do too much. He’s overwhelmed, and I don’t think he’s been sleeping.”

  “You’re right, you’re right. It’s just…” Walter sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I just thought he would be the answer to all my problems.”

  “That’s a lot to put on one person’s shoulders,” Kate said.

  “I know, but he couldn’t even put Jack in his place. I wanted to show off Grant. The way Jack goes on and on about his sons… well, the oldest, anyways… I wanted to be able to proudly parade my kid in front of him. But Jack was the same as he usually is.”

  “He’s still grieving,” Kate reminded him. “He lost two nieces and a nephew.”

  “I know, it’s just, for all Danielle’s faults, she could cut Jack down to size.” Walter smiled bitterly.

  “He’s not like his mother at all,” Kate said. “He’s very sweet to his dog. Danielle hates animals, remember?”

  “Yes, I know. I’ll be easier on him. I promise, Kate.”

  “I’ll cancel the other appearances I had for him. We’ll only keep the low-key ones. My grandmother wanted to spend time with him, too. Maybe we can play cards or something.”

  Walter gave her a soft smile. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Kate. You always know how to handle things. We’ll give him until tonight to show up. He’s not stupid. He can probably find his way back.”

  When they arrived back at the estate, there was no sign of Grant. Gus ran to greet them at the door, and he barked sharply at Kate.

  “You wonder where Grant went, don’t you?” she said to the puppy, picking him up. He wiggled in her arms, and she set him back down, and he immediately ran to sit in front of the door expectantly.

  “Maybe we should call the police,” Walter fretted. “I don’t—”

  The doorbell rang.

  “Maybe that’s him?” Kate said hopefully. Stefan opened the door.

  “Where is my granddaughter, Walter Holbrook?” said a sharp voice as an elderly woman barged into the foyer, waving around an umbrella.

  Kate resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “Gram, what are you doing here?”

  “It’s late,” Margaret said. “I’m very concerned about you, especially since what happened yesterday.” She gave Walter the evil eye. “Where is that hellion marine, anyway? Don’t worry!” She waved away Kate’s protestations. “I’m not going to yell at him. I’ve never met a sane marine, and I didn’t expect him to be any different. I tell you, those boys who used to come off the ships after Vietnam, Lord have mercy, they could take you for a wild ride!”

  “Grandma, hush,” Kate said.

  “Don’t you shush me, young lady! I’ll have you know—”

  Their argument was cut off by red lights flashing through the window. Stefan hurried to open the door, and Gus yipped and wagged his stubby tail.

  “I bet I know who that is!” Kate said, smiling in relief. Stefan swung the large door open. There was Grant, covered in mud and flanked by two firemen.

  “Grant!” Kate ran to him and jumped up, wrapping her arms around his neck. “You’re freezing! Come inside.”

  “We found him wandering along Presidential Parkway,” one of the firemen said to Walter. “Recognized him from our last trip over here.”

  “Thank you so much for bringing him back,” Walter said, shaking their hands.

  “You need to keep a better eye on him,” the other fireman said. “We already had two suicides of veterans this month. There’s nothing wrong with getting mental health care. There are resources available.” He pulled out a pamphlet and handed it to Walter. “The longer you wait, the worse it gets.” He patted Grant on the shoulder. “Just take it one day at a time, son, all right?”

  “Okay,” Grant mumbled.

  “Draw him a bath, please, Stefan,” Kate’s grandmother said to the butler. “He’s half frozen.”

  Kate moved to help Grant upstairs. “I have it. Thank you, Stefan. Maybe you could make him a tray?”

  Her grandmother sniffed dramatically.

  “I’ll be right back,” Kate told her.

  When they got to Grant’s suite, Kate started a bath and helped peel off his muddy, sopping clothes. Gus hopped around as Grant stood naked in front of Kate. He was still dirty, and she pushed him into the shower to rinse off the worst of the mud. He gasped as the water hit his skin. His flesh was rippling with muscles, and Kate couldn’t help but run her hands over the planes of his chest and around his back to cup his chiseled buttocks.

  “You’re so perfect,” she whispered to him. And toxic, her mind whispered. Remember what happened last time. You promised you wouldn’t do this again. She ignored the voice.

  Grant stepped out of the shower and into the tub, sinking down into the warm water. Kate sat on the edge of the tub, drawing circles on Grant’s chest with her hands. She could feel his body relax, and his eyes were heavy lidded when he looked at her.

  “What were you thinking?” she asked him.

  “I just needed some air,” he said.

  He pulled her hand lower, and she stroked his shaft. She felt him grow hard in her hand as he talked to her.

  “I couldn’t sit in that car anymore. I had to run. Then I got lost. I found a sign, though, and started heading back this way. I got absolutely creamed by a truck and this mud puddle. Thankfully, the fire department picked me up, or I’d still be out there.” He bit his lip as she ran her nail over the tip of his member.

  “I need you,” he said to her, his voice husky from the cold walk. She kissed his full mouth and rubbed her face on his cheek. She could feel the stubble coming in.

  She slowly stripped off her clothes. She let her panties fall to the floor then stepped into the tub and straddled Grant. S
he ran her fingers through his damp hair as she settled into his lap. She gasped as the tips of her nipples made contact with the water, and she felt his large hands around her waist. Grant ran his hands up and down the length of her body. She gave a small shiver.

  “You’re insatiable.” He grinned at her.

  She could tell when he was genuinely feeling playful because he bit his lower lip and smiled at the same time. She flicked her hips and let the length of him be enveloped inside of her.

  She moaned, and Grant propped her up as she half floated in the large tub. She felt warm and relaxed as he slowly took her. The slight waves created by their lovemaking lapped up against the curves of her thighs and her breasts, heightening the sensation of him inside of her.

  “This is perfect,” Grant said as he moved from suckling her nipples to nibbling the side of her jaw under her ear. “You’re perfect.”

  His member was warm inside of her. He let one hand trail down her body between her legs and ran two calloused fingers around her pleasure. She let out a high-pitched gasp, arching over him. The sensations of his thrusting, slowly but forcefully, and the friction and heat of his fingers brought her over the edge. Grant wasn’t done, and he continued to let his hard length slide in and out of her. She felt too raw and overheated from the steam and the heat of his body as he came too with a burst of quick, powerful thrusts.

  “Oh my.” She sighed and draped herself over him. “That was amazing.”

  He nuzzled and kissed her for a bit then stood up, bringing her with him. “I think I’m ready to sleep now,” he said, still kissing her mouth.

  They stepped carefully out of the tub, letting the signs of their lovemaking rush down the drain.

  Grant pulled down the enormous fluffy towel and wrapped them both in it. She wrapped her arms around his waist and let him pepper her with small kisses.

  “Stay with me,” he said.

  “Of course,” she told him, smiling up at him.

  She snuggled with him in the large bed, with Gus curled up on his other side. She stroked her finger along his jaw, tracing the bones on his face until his breathing steadied and he fell asleep.


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