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ROMANCE_A Tempting Bride

Page 3

by Vanessa Rose

  “So here’s Hawkes,” the older of the pair said below a chrome dome with just a few stray strands of thinning, silver hair. “The man that refuses to get on board.”

  “He prefers a sinking ship.”

  The duo shared a laugh at Christopher’s expense, and Jeri took note of the wave of pink coloring his cheeks as she clutched the stem of the empty glass in her sweating hand.

  “Parsons. Mulgrew. Don’t have to get with your flow to make it work.”

  “Is that a fact?” Parsons asked as the would-be silver fox glanced at one of the blondes, the girl’s eyes only on Jeri as he slowly spoke.

  “My Amy tells a different story,” Parsons said. “But no matter. Not when you have to bring the help around decked out like some ballerina’s nightmare.”

  Now the men’s laughter was meant for her. She could shed some tears and run back into the night; maybe Christopher would follow, but as his eyes bulged and she imagined him doing something that he would regret, Jeri squared her shoulders and flashed a smirk.

  “All I had the time to put together,” Jeri said. “Some of us worked all day. But you wouldn’t know what that’s like.”

  She leaned forward and took hold of Parsons’ wrinkled hand.

  “But then how could you?” she continued. “Even gloves wouldn’t make these hands work. I can only imagine what you have to choke down to get the other parts of you in something close to working order.”

  The blondes tittered, and Parsons looked to them with rage in his eyes as his teeth chattered. Maybe it was the brandy followed by the healthy helping of champagne, but it felt good to hit someone where it hurt most. Soon there was only one peal of laughter bouncing off the walls.

  “Nice,” Christopher said. “Should have thought of that one myself.”

  His smiled warmed her soul, and Jeri was ready to bear the brunt of any insult when Christopher snatched the glass from her hand and tossed it to the ground with a swift sneer.

  “What do you say, Miss Foster? Air’s getting kind of rank in here. Let’s say we find a better party anywhere else.”

  Liking the sound of that, Jeri stood tall and felt proud to be on his arm in a sea of soft hands. Give her his brand of gruffness and the whisper of wonder passing through his lips any day of the week, month or year.

  Chapter 6: The Road Ahead

  As they drove back to the ranch, Christopher spoke a mile a minute, his hands quickly turning around the steering wheel as he shot her sideways glances and kept ignoring the road ahead.

  “I just can’t get over it,” he mused excitedly. “No one but no one puts Parsons in his place. And you? You knocked it out of the park!”

  “Don’t get too worked up,” Jeri said even as her heart raced in her chest and she couldn’t help but return his smile. “Maybe more of an inside the park homerun, but I guess I still crossed home plate ---”

  “And took down the catcher along the way!” Christopher beamed. “Mulgrew looked like he wanted to die on the spot! Don’t have to get me one more thing for Christmas.”

  The idea of getting him any kind of a present had barely crossed her mind. But when his gaze left the road altogether and she started to fall into the depths of his stare, Jeri wanted to keep the smile on his face. Leaning closer to his side across the supple leather between, she started to bring her hand to his face when a flash of white light blazed through the window and captured her entire attention.

  “Mr. Hawkes! Watch where you’re---?”

  At the sound of Jeri’s voice, Christopher turned the wheel sharply in his hands and edged his truck to the other side of the road just in time to avoid the oncoming crash. His truck came to rest near a ditch, and Jeri shifted to her knees as she glanced out the back window and just made out a furious fist flying into the air, the other driver cursing and honking his horn. Fearing that the unseen man would come back and want to exact something close to a pound of flesh, she felt relief wash over her when the other vehicle’s taillights disappeared into the distance, her breath coming even harder as Christopher touched her shoulder, causing her to flinch.

  “Sorry,” he muttered. “Are you alright?”

  Jeri should join in the chorus of cursing and slap his face hard. So what if she had scored at the banquet? There seemed no point in celebrating if he wasn’t going to get them back to the main house in one piece. She was ready to lay into him when Christopher pushed the truck into park and firmly took hold of her hand.

  “Rookie mistake,” he said with a bashful smile. “But can you really blame me for wanting to keep my eyes on you?”

  She said nothing as she settled back into the seat and pointed towards the road, thankfully wide open again.

  “Don’t do it again,” Jeri said. “It’s been a long day. Longer night.”

  He breathed into her hair, and Jeri felt the rage cooling in her soul as he turned the truck back to the path home, his eyes straight ahead as he kept both hands on the wheel, maneuvering around the corners like his tires were crossing a minefield. What would he have done had they crushed into the oncoming headlights? She started to picture her body broken and bruised, his hands frantic, his voice more so as he tried to pull her from the cab. But the image of her injuries was swiftly replaced by the idea of the roles reversed. If something had happened to him, if she had his blood on her almost-forgotten dress, Jeri would have given no thought to the job or a missed opportunity.

  Accept when it came to knowing him better and seeing more of his smile.

  She let her head fall to his shoulder, and Jeri smiled slightly as he shivered into her cheek and carefully drove to their destination. Parking the tuck, he pressed two fingers under her chin, unafraid to seek out her eyes as the smile returned to his face.

  “I don’t know about you, but I could do with another drink.”

  Jeri nodded as he helped her inside. Almost as soon as the door closed, he snatched two sifters from the cabinet and poured out two splashes of brandy.

  “You want some ice or something?” he asked.

  “I’ll take it neat,” Jeri said. “Better to calm my nerves.”

  “Jeri, I am---”

  “I know,” she said. “Everyone just wanted to get back home.”

  “That go for you, too?” he asked. “Last I heard, it wasn’t the nicest place for you.”

  Jeri swallowed the brandy dry and motioned for another. Christopher obliged, topping her off so she could sip again, and when the booze started to swirl around her brain, she let the glass fall into his waiting hand as he pushed an arm around her back.

  “You seem happy here,” he said. “And tonight made it stick. Bartlett---”

  “Did he tell you that I was so desperate that I would go for anything?”

  Jeri felt his hand against her cheek and watched his eyes dance as he his lips lifted into a smile and he tugged at the ribbon just holding her dress in place.

  “Not at all,” he said. “You know. Only told me that I would be a raving lunatic to pass up a chance to be with you.”

  She started to fall into his arms when he stopped and studied her visage in the pale light.

  “One should never trust a salesman,” he said. “But when it comes to you, the man is on point.”

  “Do… do you really think so?” she asked. Christopher fondled her face, and Jeri forgot the feel of dirt and the aching muscles and even the definition of shame as he lowered the dress and lifted her into his arms.

  “I want… I’m going to take care of you,” he whispered into her hair. “Whatever yesterday was, you need to forget it right now.”

  His hands were everywhere as he pushed into her sides and furiously kissed her lips. Jeri reached around for his neck, wanting to mirror his moves as she worked his belt free.

  “Touch my heart, Jerilyn,” he pleaded. “Here. Let me… let me just…”

  Christopher moved to free his arms from his shirt, and she sighed at the sight of his heaving chest as she followed his lead… his orders…
  “Right here, Jerilyn.”

  She splayed her fingers against his flesh and lowered her lids at the feel of his pounding. He leaned into her hand, moving deeper as he kissed her hair and lightly nibbled at her neck.

  “You always smell like a new day,” he said.

  “Why… don’t say that.”

  Turning away and wanting nothing more than to run, Christopher caught her in his hold and pressed her close to his side.

  “Why is that wrong?” he asked. “It’s fresh and different. You’re like no girl I’ve ever known.”

  Jeri felt the heat rising in her cheeks as she moved to meet his stare.

  “So much better,” he purred.

  “Have there been lots of other girls?”

  Christopher took a small step back even as he kept her hand tightly locked in his. How were his eyes so blue? Why did he look at her like she held the keys to some unknown kingdom?

  “Enough,” he confessed. “I don’t… I can’t remember even one of their names.”

  “That doesn’t make me feel special,” she said. “Like you’ll forget me as soon as you---”

  “But I remember their scents.”

  She felt her throat tighten as he guided her towards through an open door into a dark room. Jeri could just make out the patchwork quilt and the mass of pillows that seemed more than inviting as he pushed her into the mattress and slid up her legs. He kissed her thighs and started to free her breast from the wire and lace as he licked her nipples and moaned. Jeri flung one arm around his neck, silently begging him to dive deeper.

  “God you feel so good,” he muttered.

  Jeri let him rest between her mounds, and she arched her back as he kissed her skin and held her closer. His teeth pressed into her, and she almost wanted him to draw blood when he backed off and cradled her face in his hands.

  “And you smell like tomorrow.”

  Christopher traced the outline of her face and laid a soft kiss on her cheek as he lowered his pants and came to rest at her side.

  “What… what is that like?” she asked. He smiled into her hair and kissed her nose as he wrapped one leg around her body.

  “Like maple syrup at the start and a good cigar at the end of all things,” he said. “Like a woman and a man all at once.”

  Jeri smiled and blinked back a few tears as she writhed into his body and reached past the silk still lining his waist.

  “I want the former,” she whispered. “With you.”

  He tugged her panties away and tore off his boxers and he moved to straddle her and gaze down into her eyes.

  “Then you shall have it,” he purred with a quick kiss. Christopher pushed his hands into her shoulders as he lifted up and left her with nothing but the tip of his lust. Jeri whimpered and tried to claw his body back to her breasts when he fell into her, his eyes wide as she tried to suppress her own moan. He held her tighter and kissed her eyes.

  “I will take care of you,” he promised. “Tell me… tell me that you’d like that. Tell me that you want---”

  “I want you!” she screamed, hardly recognizing the strength of her own voice as she pushed him to the other end of the bed and let her muscles tighten around his length. As their flesh melded together, Jeri stroked his cheek and leaned down to kiss his brow as the force of his thrust seemed like it would send her into the sky. Gripping his arms, needing to stay close to him at all costs, Jeri let him push up.

  “I… is it always like this?” she desperately asked.

  “Like it’s really your first time,” he teased as he played with her hair and flashed the most brilliant of smiles.

  “Yes,” she confessed. “I… I dreamed of this. With someone like you. But…”

  Her voice trailed off as he exploded and sent her hands flying in every direction. His arms. The rumpled sheets. Jeri only exhaled when she breathed hard into Christopher’s neck and wrapped her arms around his damp back.

  “Does that… does that spoil it?” she asked. “Does it make me weak?”

  “Never,” he swore. “It makes you mine.”

  Settling into the crook of his neck, Jeri let him hold her, his hands smoothing her back as he kissed the top of her head.

  “And now you smell like forever,” he said. “Can I… I’m going to take care of you.”

  She burrowed into his chest and kissed his taut muscles.

  “Whatever you want,” she said. “This is bliss.”

  “I get that,” he said. “Stay with me. Please.”

  He didn’t have to ask. Jeri listened to his breath rising and falling, and she moved to his lips and tapped his chin.

  “Does that mean that I get more of this?” she asked. Christopher laughed and dangled is fingers about the ends of her hair as he sat her up, his arms staying strong around through in the wake of a new dance.

  “Means that you get everything,” he said. “Do you want that?”


  Jeri searched for the strength to nod when he drew her in for another kiss and moved up into the pillows.

  “Don’t talk so much,” he said. “Just come here.”

  She obeyed. Christopher’s fingers drizzled about her arms, and he kept kissing her hair as his hands claimed every inch of her bare flesh.

  “I am going to take care of you,” he promised. “Show you how much you mean to me.”

  “Sounds nice,” she whispered, starting to fall asleep and wanting nothing more than to live on this dream.

  “Your eyes,” he said. “Look at me.”

  “No,” she moaned. “It’ll just spoil---”

  “You can trust me,” he swore. “I’m going to make this right.”

  He covered them with the blankets and hung close as he kissed her cheek and nestled at her side under the sheets.

  “Tomorrow’s going to be the start of forever,” he said. “Time you got all the attention that you deserve.”

  “I… I think I like the sound of that.”

  He tightened his hold as he stroked her back and sighed into her hair.

  “Sounds right to me, Jerilyn. Let’s make it happen.”

  Chapter 7: A Brand New Girl

  Jeri’s eyes caught the light flickering through the windows, and she started to curl deeper under the warm blankets. This was not her room above the bar, and she struggled to remember how she had come to fall asleep in a strange bed, her body bare and sore in all the right places…

  And then the memories of loving Christopher flooded her mind. She could still taste him on her lips, almost feel him inside her as she reached for the pillow at the other side of her head.

  It was cold and vacant and the last thing that she wanted to find.

  Bolting up and throwing off the blankets, Jeri started to call out his name when she paused and drifted back into bed. He was probably already out in the field, kicking himself for saying too much. Even before the brandy, the man was buzzed; no doubt he had woken with a hundred regrets when he realized that he had bedded the help. Jeri wondered how she could make this work and keep her job when the door cracked open, and she peered over the edge of the sheets.


  His whisper was like a roar as he stood in the doorway wearing only his boxers and a smile. Jeri kept the blankets close as she sat up and narrowed her eyes.

  “Where did you get to?” she asked.

  “Thought you might like a cup of coffee.” He pulled a mug from behind his back, and Jeri’s nose quivered at the aroma as he sauntered back to the bed and pressed the steaming cup into her waiting hands.

  “That was sweet,” she said. “And here I am thinking that your second thoughts got the better of you.”

  Jeri sipped and swallowed and he plucked the cup from her hands and set it softly on the bedside table.

  “About last night?” he asked. “Not a chance. I should send Bartlett a bonus for sending you my way.”

  She blushed, and Christopher slipped back to her side under the sheets, dragged he
r close to the fine hairs of his chest, and smoothed his hard hand down her back.

  “You were a revelation, Jerilyn,” he continued. “In more ways than one.”

  “So this isn’t just about me rocking the dress and standing up to the man?” she asked.

  “That was cute,” he said as he kissed her brow and snuggled into her neck. “I think we both had more fun than we bargained for. Nice surprise. Just like you, Jerilyn.”

  He leaned into claim her lips when she held him back, her fingers playing with the hair dotting his chest as she sighed.

  “Why do you keep saying my name like that?” she asked. “Thought you said that I would have used it in the first place if I wasn’t trying to get one over on you.”

  “I really said that?” he asked.

  “Something to that effect,” she said. “Like you don’t make a mental note of every time that you think you have the upper hand.”

  “Don’t I?”

  He kept one arm around her shoulders as he shifted his free set of fingers between her thighs, teasing her tender flesh as inched inside her, moving his ear nearer to the moans leaving her mouth.

  “Maybe I do,” he said. “But your name is like music. Can’t blame me for wanting to be a part of the song.”

  Jeri… Jerilyn. Even her mother had stopped using all three syllables unless her only child dared disobey. And that was something that Jeri hadn’t even attempted in too long.

  At least not until Bartlett and his offer made their way into her life.

  “Christopher…” The moan stuck in the back of her throat as he pushed deeper, his fingers swirling around her clitoris. Every few turns, he stopped to push down. Jeri’s eyes rolled back in her head as she sank into the pillow, and when she was ready to climax without the benefit of his cock, Christopher paused in his pursuit and leaned close to the silent scream on the precipice of her lips.

  “Do you want this every morning?” he asked, the question in his voice sure and strong as Jeri struggled to even nod her head. His smile expanded, his kiss was gentle, and as he sent her over the edge with a final thrust, Jeri summoned the strength to lift her body from the bed. She threw her arms around his broad shoulders, inhaling the sweet sweat lining his skin and the faint waves of coffee still drifting through his hair. It wasn’t a question when he touched her like that. Christopher let her linger, one set of fingers still wet with her lust as he caressed her trembling back and brought her back to the rest under the blankets.


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