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Indulge Page 23

by Liv Morris

  “Come on, Charley. Let’s go see Tony the tiger.”

  “You hate it when I’m right, huh?”

  “Nah, it’s cute, but nothing can compare to you and Zoe. I can totally see you working with animals.”

  “Well, I hate to burst you bubble, but I’ve been around animals all my life. I figure I’ll be back at the farm in four years working for my dad if I tell the truth.”

  “Why’s that? You don’t want to live somewhere else?”

  “I just always thought that’s what I’m supposed to do. I love our farm. I’m actually studying business at Southern so I can take over the bookkeeping for my parents.”

  “That’s great that you know what you want to do, but what if you decided to stay here or go to a different city?”

  “I don’t see that in my future. I need my family, Joe. I can’t just leave them. I can promise you that my sis Tessa isn’t going to take over. She barely does her chores now.”

  Joe takes me into the gift shop before leaving. We’ve had a great day. There is a stuffed elephant. He grabs it and puts it on the counter. I look and see a pic of Tony the tiger. He is so getting this to put in his dorm room. We make our purchases and walk back to the Jeep. On the way, I send Cash the pic of Zoe and me.

  We arrive at Southern with time to place our drink order with Lucas. We grab a bite to eat in the café, so we can get ready for another night at Hank’s. Once we reach my door, there is a little awkward silence.

  “Hey, Squirrel. I had a great time today. I’ll see you at Hank’s.” He pulls me in for a hug and looks me in the eyes. Hell, I’m a goner with those make ya wanna melt eyes. He gives a half-smile and then closes the distance between our lips. His lips touch mine, and it is all I can do not to pull him into my room and forget Hank’s tonight. I pull away from him first, place my hand on his chest, and tell him I’ll see him after while.

  As he is about to leave, he says, “Squirrel, it’s you and me tonight on the dance floor.”

  Eeeeeeekkkk! That boy’s got moves, and I can’t wait to dance with him tonight!

  The Kluft girls have our Saturday night ritual of drinkin’, getting dressed up, and going to Hank’s. I am not the DD tonight, and I plan on having fun.

  We arrive at Hank’s; it is still redneck meets ghetto fabulous as usual. The only difference tonight is that I feel a little giddy and am ready to dance my ass off with Joe. All the girls make our way to the dance floor, and by the time three songs have played, I feel a very familiar body behind me. I know exactly who it is, and I know exactly what I want to do.

  I lift my arms above my head and place them around his neck. I immediately know that Joe likes this because he puts a few kisses on my neck before whispering into my ear, “You know if you keep this up all night, you’re not going to your room alone.” I look and smile seductively at him. I would love for him to hold me in his arms all night, but I’m sure that is not what he is expecting.

  “Just so you know, Joe, I’m not that kinda girl.”

  “Um hum, if you say so.” This makes me nervous. I don’t do well alone with guys the way that he is thinking. Cash is different, but other guys, I just can’t do it.

  We dance the night away, and before I know it, it is time to go back to Southern. Joe holds onto me even after the house lights are up. I can see the hunger in his eyes. I feel the need too, but I’m just not ready. Even with the alcohol, I know this isn’t what I need. Not yet.

  Joe and I walk outside hand in hand. I try to go to Tori’s Explorer, but Joe asks me to ride with him and a few other people from school. I ask him if he’d rather just ride with me. He agrees within a second. We hurry to the Explorer and get in the back. There aren’t enough seats, so we make our own. Jenny is the DD tonight; I feel safe with her, the Kluft girls, and Joe in this car. I know where it is going. I have control.

  We arrive back at Southern, and Joe asks me to come back to his room. I agree only because I know I have the choice of when I leave. I honestly do not feel that he would push me to do things that I don’t want to do. We make our way to Irvin. His roommate has gone home for the weekend. He has the bottom bunk, and we get comfortable. I take off my shoes and cuddle up to him.

  We turn on the TV, but don’t bother to watch it. Our hands are all over each other, and I can’t get enough of his lips on mine. He begins to unbutton my shorts. I realize what he is doing, and I can’t go there. I won’t. I pull away from him.

  “Joe, I can’t do that with you.”

  He looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

  “I’m sorry, Joe. I can’t. I will make out with you all night long, but you’re not taking my clothes off,” I say it sternly. He has to know I mean business.

  “Okay, I won’t take your clothes off. I promise you; I respect you more than that.”

  I don’t say a word. I just grab his shirt and pull him to me. I haven’t had this much action in a while, and I plan on enjoying it!

  I wake up the next morning and decide to make the walk of shame from Irvin to Kluft. Not that I’ve done anything to be embarrassed about, but people will assume I’m sure. I mean, I am walking across campus in the same outfit from last night.

  I make it to Kluft, get a shower and relax the reminder of the day. This week is going to be a rough one— practice, class, and going home. I can’t wait till Friday. I also can’t wait to get my lips on Joe’s again, and that is exactly what we do when we have to meet for Freshman Seminar on Wednesday.

  Coach has been kicking our ass this week at practice, but I’m getting back into shape. We have our first meet in a little over a month. I’ve spent so much time out of the water; I’ve got to get where I used to be. I don’t talk to Cash much this week because of everything I’ve got going on.

  On Thursday, I decide to text him and Piper. I know Piper said she isn’t coming home, but I just want to double check. I miss her.

  Me: Piper u decide to come home?

  Piper: I’m going to pass. Huge party here this weekend

  Me: K have fun :)

  Well dang! I have to admit now that Joe and I had such a great week, I’m beyond nervous about seeing Cash. I don’t have a choice. He knows all my secrets, and it’s time to let one out of the envelope.

  Me: I’ll b home by 3 2morrow

  Cash: Sweet! Can’t wait!

  I grab my duffle bag and pack for the weekend. I grab a variety of clothes. I’m not sure what we will do, but I know it will involve mud and trucks. The thought of that gets me excited to go home.

  Friday morning I go to Bio and meet Joe. He looks sad when I tell him I’ll see him Monday.

  “Don’t forget about me this weekend. I’m sure Cash is going to be waiting on you. Just remember I want to get to know you, too. He’s had eighteen years and has an advantage. Just don’t mark me off the list yet, okay?”

  “Okay.” I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and go to my room. I get my bag and tell Georgia that I’m heading home. I’m about to walk down the stairs when I realize I left the envelope in the closet. I turn around, grab it, and head to the Honda. Just the thought of carrying that envelope with me makes me sick. I don’t know what the hell is in there, and I’m not sure if I want to know.

  I throw my bags into the trunk, put on my shades, open the sunroof, and head home. Traffic isn’t near as bad as I thought. The worst part is when I get close to Grassy Pond. I don’t know why the Department of Transportation wants to put a stoplight every 100 feet. I begin to get excited as I drive through what little bit of town we have. I can’t wait to see Tessa, Mama, Dad, Blue, and Cash.

  When the Honda hits the gravel road heading to our farm, I grin from ear to ear. As I pull onto the dirt road, I can see my dad on the tractor in the field. Mama must be at work, and Tessa must not be home from school yet. I start to grab my bags when Blue rubs up against me. I give him some good lovin.’ Oh, how I’ve missed this dog. I rub his ears and give him a kiss on his head.

  “Come on, boy. Let’s go unpack.”r />
  Blue and I go into the house, and I take it all in. I have only been gone for a couple of weeks, but I feel like it has been forever. As I walk inside, I can smell the familiarity of home, the smell of cows outside, the sound of my dad’s tractor, Blue’s touch as he nudges me, and the smell of my mama’s cookin’. I make my way to my room. I unpack my bag and decide the safest place for that god awful envelope is inside my purse. I don’t know when I’m going to open it, but I do know I will be with Cash when I do.

  Me: I’m home :)

  Cash: :) I’m fixin the fence by the club u can come help if u want

  Me: c u n min

  I better change really quickly. I know better than to go help on the farm in “good” clothes. I throw on a pair of old cut-offs, a ratty t-shirt and my old Ariats. I start to walk out the door when I see Tessa making a beeline straight for me. Oh shit, I think she’s gonna run me over.

  “Char! Char!”

  “Tess, I’m right here.”

  She greets me with a big ol’ hug, and then starts being Chatty Kathy. She tells me everything that has been going on, what’s expected at the game tonight, how she went to the pool hall and Cash went too, and then she finally looks at me. “Sorry, Char. I just got so excited! I haven’t seen you in like forever, and I miss your face!”

  “I miss you, too.”

  “What are you about to do, Char? ‘Cause I know that wasn’t what you wore home. I know you better than that.”

  “I’m ‘bout to go see Cash. He’s fixin’ the fence by the club. Wanna go?”

  “Hell no, I’m gonna leave that to you two alone.” She giggles.

  “Shut up! It’s not like he’s gonna attack my face or anything.”

  “Yeah, whatever!” She smiles and walks inside the house.

  I walk to the shed to grab my four-wheeler. I can’t wait to get on it and punch the gas. I know I better see Dad before going to the club. As I get close to him, he stops the tractor and jumps down.

  “Hey, Char!” He gives me a hug and asks how I am.

  “I’m good, Dad. Just about to help Cash fix the fence by the club.”

  “Okay, you’re going to the game tonight, right?”

  “Yeah. I should be back at the house soon.”

  Dad gets back on the tractor, and I take off. As I approach the club, I can see Cash. I know he hasn’t noticed me because he hasn’t looked up. Damn! I feel like my heart is about to jump outta my chest! Cash is squatted down with a 2x4, hammer, and nails. He is shirtless with a perfect tan and pair of Carhartts. He stands up to wipe the sweat from his head. There is just something about a hot, sweaty country boy. All I can think about is getting in those arms. He looks up and does a double take. He puts down the hammer and jumps over the fence with little effort. He walks toward me with that half- grin of his. Oh lawd! Maybe Tessa was right! I put the brake on the four-wheeler and hop off.

  Cash and I continue to approach each other. After about three seconds of me trying to act like I’m not excited, I take off in a full-out sprint. Cash starts to laugh, and when I reach him, I jump into his arms. Cash holds onto me for dear life and spins us around. He hugs me like he will never let go.

  “Well, Char-coal, that’s one way to know you’re glad to see me!”

  “Cash Money, I’ve missed you so much! It’s just not the same not seeing your face every day.” I smile.

  He looks into my eyes and shakes his head. He gives me several quick pecks on the lips before putting me down.

  “So, you gonna help me or not?”

  I shrug my shoulders, “I guess.”

  “Well, that damn Joker is the reason I’m out here, anyways. Last time he jumped the fence he took part of it with him.”

  I just laugh. That damn goat. He has the perfect name. I walk with Cash to the fence. Cash holds the 2x4 while I hammer it in place. We have always made a great team.

  Once the fence is fixed, we take just a minute to sit there and take everything in. The farm is gorgeous today. The sky is clear, I can hear the pigs in the distance, Dad is on the tractor, and I have Cash beside me. It doesn’t get any better than this.

  Around 4:30, I decide to head back to the house to get ready for the game and visit with Mama and Tessa.

  “All right, Cash, I gotta head back to the house to see Mama and Tessa before the game. You riding with me to the game?”

  “Um, no, you’re riding with me,” he says with a wink. I get up to head toward the house. Cash stands up as well. He pulls me into his arms, looks me in the eyes, and brings those lips toward mine. He starts out soft and sweet, but before it’s over, he is devouring my lips with his. I can feel my insides begin to heat up. At this rate, we aren’t going to make it to the game. That thought makes me giggle like a little girl.

  “What’s so funny?” Cash asks while he is still kissing me.

  “Nothing, just thinking we might not make it to the game at this rate.”

  He starts to grin and slows his kisses.

  “All right, I get your point. I’ll pick ya up at six.”

  “Okay, I’ll see ya then.” I kiss him quickly once more and ride back to the house.

  I walk into the house, and Mama’s in the kitchen. It smells like heaven. There is nothing better than the smell of country cookin’. She has my favorite meal in the works, country style steak, mashed potatoes, corn, and homemade rolls. Yum!

  “Hey, Mama!”

  “Hey, sweet girl!” Mama wipes her hands on the dish towel before walking over to give me a hug. “You hungry?”

  “Yup! Nothing like doing a little work on the farm to give ya an appetite.”

  She walks back to the stove to finish supper, and I sit down at the bar. We talk about school, swimming, and what has been going on at home.

  “Charley, hun, if you’re going to the game, you better get ready while I finish supper.” I look at my watch. Oh crap. I go upstairs to get a shower and get ready for the game.

  The Dixon-West game is the biggest rivalry game of the season in Grassy Pond. It’s been that way since the schools were built. Tonight, every store will close, every person in town, and those that are from West High will arrive in our little rinky dink town to watch two great teams go head-to-head to see who comes out on top. After the game, we all hope to celebrate a win at someone’s farm or the pool hall. But regardless of a win or loss, there will be a party somewhere.

  I get ready and decide that I’m going to wear my old Dixon High Tigers t-shirt that I have totally cut up, added ribbons and made original. I grab my favorite pair of Miss Me jeans and my boots. I leave my hair down, add makeup, and I’m ready to cheer on the Tigers.

  I go downstairs with about ten minutes to spare before Cash gets here. Tessa comes down about two minutes after me.

  “Dang, Char! I love that shirt! You’re gonna have to do mine like that!”

  “Thanks, Tessa, and you know I will. Are you riding with Cash and me?”

  She gives me the are you crazy look.

  “Nah, I’m going to pick up Sally, and we’re going to go together.”

  “Oh, okay. Do you know where the post-game party is tonight?”

  “Yeah, there’s a bonfire at the McCracken farm. Y'all going?” Tessa smiles.

  “Not sure, but I’d guess so. Cash never misses a good ol’ country party.”

  “I’ll see you at the game, Charley. Y'all be careful.”

  “You too, Tessa. Call me if you need me later.”

  Tessa makes her way out of the house and tells Mama and Dad bye, but not before grabbing a bite to eat and inhaling it. Tessa is very different from me. I always went to parties but rarely drank until I started dating Dylan. Tessa loves to party. I know she is smart enough to call me or stay put rather than drive.

  Mama has supper ready, and I fix a plate. I text Cash that supper is ready when he gets here. We didn’t discuss supper, but it’s kinda a well-known fact that if we’re going to do something and my mama has cooked, he’s always welcome.
/>   Cash knocks and then opens the screen door. He comes into the kitchen, and his mouth hits the floor when he sees me. He quickly picks it up before my parents notice. We eat quickly, and out the door we go. Mama and Dad aren’t far behind us. Like I said, this game shuts down the entire town.

  I climb into the cab of Cash’s truck, and he looks at me like, really? I slide over, sitting right next to him. He puts his arm around me, and I place my hand on his leg. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek, and we’re at Dixon High before we know it.

  Walking back into Dixon High is kinda an eerie feeling. I both loved and hated the school at the same time. There were so many great memories, but also my worst nightmare. We approach the gate, and it’s like Cash can sense what I am thinking. He grabs my hand, interlocks our fingers, and squeezes, reassuring me that everything will be fine.

  Once we are inside the gate, we see our entire graduating class, except for Piper and Dylan. Thank God! We talk and catch up on what is going on. We also make plans to go to the McCrackens’ tonight after the game.

  At seven on the dot, the band begins to play the well-known beat before the Tigers come out and pile up. That is a tradition that goes back to before my dad played. All the players pile on top of each other, and by the end of the team, they are jumping and flipping. It’s freakin’ fantastic. The game starts, and Dixon has control of the ball first. There isn’t much headway in the game. Both teams aren’t giving up any yards, which is exactly why this game is such a big deal. You never know who will win.

  At halftime, the score is still 0-0. When the Tigers come back onto the field, there is a difference in the atmosphere, and that’s when the Tigers get the break they were looking for. Crawford #45 gets an opening and that’s all she wrote. TOUCHDOWN Tigers! We are all screaming. The field goal is good, and now West has the ball. They get a little more yardage, but not enough to make a difference. We hold them the rest of the game. With thirty seconds to go, the band starts to play the well-known tune… “Nah, Nah, Nah Nah… Hey, Hey, Hey … Goodbye!”

  After the game, we walk back to the truck and see Tessa and Sally on the way.“Hey, Char, we’ll see you at the McCrackens’. I’m staying with Sally tonight.”


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