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Page 132

by Liv Morris

  Angel pats my chest. “We will finish this later.”

  I lift up her skirt and smack her ass. Hard. “Yes, we will.”

  Angel opens the door to a very happy looking Josh and Courtney. They both have huge smiles on their face as Courtney giggles.

  “Kitty.” Angel gives her a look I don’t quite get. Must be a girl thing.

  Josh laughs. “Kitty?”

  “Yes I call her Kitty. You know how I’m obsessed with high heels? Well, she’s obsessed with Hello Kitty.”

  We all laugh.

  “Ready to go get our drink on?” Courtney wraps an arm around Angel and they start walking to the elevator. As we trail behind them like little puppies.

  “Can I help you?” the man at the podium asks when we enter the hotel’s restaurant.

  “Four please,” I answer. I hold Angel’s hand as the man leads us to a table.

  “Thank you,” she says as he seats us in a booth.

  “How did you two meet?” Josh asks as he leans back in the booth, placing an arm around Courtney.

  The girls laugh. “Well. I was six, so first grade?” She tilts her head, then nods. “Yeah. Anyway, there was this boy in second grade who asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said no, so he started throwing rocks at me while I yelled at him. This pink blob runs towards us and jumps on his back, taking him to the ground.”

  She gives Angel a huge smile. “After the boy ran off crying, Sam stood up, her pink shirt and pigtails covered in dirt, and introduced herself. We’ve been best friends ever since.”

  “That… explains a lot,” Josh says. Making us all laugh.

  “She got grounded for that one.”

  “I stayed grounded,” Angel shrugs.

  “But every time you got grounded we would call your dad and he would come and pick us up and take us to a movie.”

  Angel nods her head and smiles like she’s remembering a fond memory. “Yeah, he was always fighting with my mom because it seemed like I got grounded at least once a week, and he always defended me. I felt sorry for him, though. He had watched every chick flick there was to see.” She shakes her head.

  “Remember the first time we cried while at the movies?” They both laugh. “We were bawling, so he ran out of the theater and came back with two handfuls of napkins. He looked terrified, trying to figure out what he could do to cheer us up. After that, he took us for ice cream and started keeping tissues in his pockets.”

  “He was a great dad,” Angel sighs.

  “Yes he was. He was like my dad. He always let me tag along.” Courtney looks over at me, then to Josh. “My mom didn’t know who my dad was.” She shrugs.

  We all got quiet for a few minutes.

  “Enough with all this. Let’s start drinking and telling embarrassing stories about one another,” Courtney says, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Oh no,” Angel shakes her head. “No embarrassing stories.”

  “What are you worried about? You don’t have anything to be embarrassed about,” she laughs.

  “I don’t know about that.” She looks over at me.

  “I’m sure I could tell a few.” I lean up, placing my elbows on the table like I have some juicy gossip on her.

  “Oh no. Don’t you dare.” She pulls on my arm as she laughs.

  Josh starts telling Courtney how drunk Angel got from the tequila on her birthday. I tune them out and lean back, watching Angel. I feel sorry for both of them. I can’t imagine not having a family. I have to keep reminding myself that Angel is very strong willed.

  The rest of dinner goes by in a blur as I continue to think of a way I can get her to once again open up to me without running off scared afterwards.

  “You want to have our usual?” Courtney asks Sam as we all sit down at the bar.

  “I haven’t been to many of the bars here in town, but the ones I have been to don’t have tequila rose.” Angel frowns.

  “We have it,” the bartender says, overhearing the girl’s conversation.

  “Do you have butterscotch schnapps?” Angel sounds hopeful.

  “We do,” he nods his bleach blonde spiked tips, giving her a big smile. I don’t like this guy very much. He looks like he wants to take her home. I saddle up closer to her and wrap an arm around her shoulders. She gives me a look that says she knows exactly what I’m doing. I just shrug and give her a light peck on her lips. I pull back, giving her a wink. She laughs.

  “Okay, then. We will take four Wet Pussies,” Angel says to the bartender. I lift an eyebrow at her while I hear Josh choking.

  “You okay?” Courtney pats him on the back.

  “Yeah.” He clears his throat. “What are we drinking?”

  “Wet Pussies,” Angel repeats deadpan.

  I pull her close to me as I whisper in her ear, “I bet you have a wet pussy.”

  “Always ready for you, baby.” She smiles, and it makes my dick stand up. She’s right. She is always wet and ready.

  “Here you go.” The bartender places the shots in front of us.

  “To old friends and new friends,” Courtney says as she raises her glass. We all nod our heads and down the shot.

  “Shit! That is good,” Josh says as he puts his shot glass down. “A little girly tasting, but good.”

  “Girly?” Angel laughs. “It tastes like strawberry milk. There’s nothing girly about strawberry milk.”

  “That was good. What made you start drinking that?” I look to the bartender to single another round as he nods his head.

  “A month after my dad had passed, I got into a huge fight with my mother, so I left and picked up Court. We went to hang out at my dad’s house, and decided to go through all of his liquor. He wasn’t much of a drinker, but he was always throwing parties for all his employees or Christmas parties for companies, so he had a huge wet bar. Anyway, we just started mixing things together and ended up liking it.” She shrugs “Three years later I was in a bar, and when I asked for that he told me it was a Wet Pussy.” The girls laugh. “I was disappointed. All those years we thought we had come up with it ourselves.”

  We all laugh.

  The bartender places our second round in front of us. “Do any of you want a beer or a mixed drink?” I ask them as I pull out my wallet to start a tab.

  “No thanks,” they all say at the same time.

  “I don’t want to get too drunk tonight,” Angel replies.

  I pull her to me. “You? Not get too drunk?” I lift an eyebrow.

  “Hey, hey.” She pushes me away. “I can drink but not get drunk.” She sounds offended.

  I just smile to myself as I look at the bartender and order her a Long Island. I know she loves those.

  And I know she’s going to get drunk tonight.

  I’m leaning up against the bar on my forearms, trying to keep my butt on the barstool.

  And I’m mad.

  How could he let me get this drunk? How did I let myself get this drunk? I can barely see anything. Everything is so blurry.

  I hear giggling. I look to my left to see Court leaning on Josh as she laughs at him. She’s not nearly as drunk as I am which isn’t fair. Josh didn’t buy her drink after drink. Slade is going to be in so much trouble, and I know just the way to get him back. No sex for him tonight.



  That means no sex for me either.

  Maybe I should kick him with these heels on.

  I prop my head up in my hand, and sit there watching Court and Josh. In the time I’ve known Josh, I have never seen him laugh or smile as much as I have since he saw Court. It makes me smile, but my smile feels sloppy because my mouth feels numb.

  “Ready for another one?”

  I look at the bartender like he’s crazy. I shake my head. “No. Quit giving me drinks. I’ve had enough,” I snap.

  He smiles.

  And it annoys me.

  How long does it take Slade to go to the restroom? He’s going to be in trouble for leaving me here w
ith this creepy bartender. He’s been gone like an hour.


  Probably more like a minute.

  “Angel is a pretty name.” He places his tatted up arms on the bar and leans over, getting closer to my face.

  I remove my elbow from the bar and sit back in my seat, raising my eyebrows. “My name is Sam,” I say with my best bitchy voice.

  He continues to smile that annoying smile. “That guy keeps calling you Angel.”

  “Well that guy is my boyfriend. To you, I’m Sam.” I cross my hands over my chest.

  “Well, I want to call you Angel.”

  “Well, you can’t.”

  “I can do whatever I want, Angel.” He leans even further over the bar.

  “Don’t call me that!” My voice rises.

  “Is there a problem?” Josh and Courtney are looking at us. I keep my head facing them while I slide my eyes to look over at the bartender, then back to Josh. I really don’t want to get in a fight tonight, I just want to have fun, but this guy is starting to creep me out. Josh gets up from his seat on the other side of Courtney and moves to stand between Courtney and I.

  “There’s no problem,” the creepy bartender finally responds.

  Josh places his hand on my shoulder. “You okay?”

  I nod. “Thanks. I think I need to go to the room. I don’t feel so well.” Everything is getting pretty damn dizzy.

  “Come on, Courtney. We are going to take Sam back to her room.” He grabs Courtney’s hand.

  “No.” I shake my head. “I can make it. I’m okay.” I don’t want them to have to leave the bar. They are having fun.

  “No. We’ll take you,” Josh replies.

  “Really, Josh. Please, stay here. You two have fun. I have a key in my purse. Just tell Slade I went to our room to lie down.” I stand up off the barstool and have to grip the counter with everything I have so that I don’t fall over.

  “No. we’ll walk you to your room,” he says, grabbing Courtney’s hand.

  I nod, not wanting to argue. It won’t do any good. I turn and start to walk very slowly to the bar entrance as they walk behind me. I feel like a snail trying to cross a street while traffic is coming. I’m trying to walk extra careful so that Josh can’t see how drunk I am. If he knew I could barely stand, he’d be carrying my ass to the room.

  We finally make it to the elevator, and I lean up against the back wall to keep myself from falling to the floor.

  What the hell was Slade thinking?

  I’m going to kill him. I kept telling him I didn’t want anymore, but he didn’t listen; the drinks just kept coming. Courtney presses the correct floor for us then she turns to look at me. I give her a smile trying to reassure her I’m fine. Although, my lips are numb.

  The elevator rings and the doors open. An older couple gets on as I try to get off. I turn to face Courtney and Josh, and give them a smile. “I’ll see you guys in the morning.” Josh goes to step off the elevator, but I hold my hand up. “I can make it to my room.”

  Courtney hugs me. “Okay, Sis. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I say good night as the elevator closes.

  I have to place my hand on the wall to make it to our room. As soon as I make it the room, I fall onto the bed, still dressed and clenching my purse to my side. I close my eyes, trying to stop all the spinning.

  I pry my eyes open and look around slowly. I feel awful. My body is so tired and sluggish. I’m naked and under the covers. It takes everything I have to roll over. Slade is soundly sleeping next to me. He must have undressed me when he came to bed.

  I roll to my back and put an arm over my head. Ugh, I feel awful. My throat is sore, and it feels raw. My head is pounding. I need to take something. I think I have some Tylenol in my purse. Do I really want to get up, though? My pounding head is telling me yes. My body, however, is telling me no.

  I sigh as I take my arm off my face and push the covers off of my body. I sit up and place my head in my hands, taking a couple of deep breaths. Didn’t I tell myself a few weeks ago I was never drinking again? Well, I need to stick to that plan from now on.

  I place my hands on the bed and scoot so that my feet are on the floor. I get myself to stand and feel dizzy, so I wait until it passes. I have to remind myself to place one foot in front of the other as I look around for my purse.

  Where the hell is it?

  If I knew it was going to be this hard to find, I would have stayed in bed. I give up and walk to use the restroom where I find my purse lying on the floor.

  Huh. How did it end up in here?

  I shrug, and bend down to pick it up. I stand up too fast, and it causes me to go off balance and fall into the counter.

  “Shit!” I whisper, holding my right hip. I try rubbing it to get the sting to go away. Man that really hurt.

  I throw my purse on the counter and pull out the Tylenol. I need to take this and get my butt back to bed before I kill myself.

  I fill the glass with a bit of water, down the pill, and take my time crawling back in bed.

  I crawl in and face away from Slade.

  He is in trouble.

  I groan in discomfort as I open my eyes. I don’t feel as bad as I did last night, but I still feel like shit.

  I sit up and look around to see I’m in here alone. I rub my head. Where is Slade? I look over to see a note on the dresser. I get up and walk over to it as my body screams in protest.

  Angel- went to have breakfast with Josh in the hotel lobby. You stay in bed. I will bring you breakfast back.

  I crinkle up the note and throw it on the floor. Even though my body is telling me to do what he says and lay back down in bed, my mind is telling me to get my butt in the shower and get my ass down to the lobby to eat breakfast.

  I go to the bathroom to find my purse, and pull out my phone to text Courtney.

  Me: be ready in fifteen minutes.

  I close the bathroom door and lock it, then turn on the shower until it is almost scalding, and get in.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Are you sure she’s going to be okay?” Josh asks as he picks up some eggs.

  “Yeah. I don’t know how she got that drunk.” I shake my head. “I mean, yeah, she had a few shots and a Long Island, but she had more than that on her birthday and she didn’t get sick then.” I put some pancakes on my plate.

  “She got sick?” he asks, surprised.

  “Yeah. I walked in to our room to find her on our bed passed out. I went to undress her and she woke up. Told me she didn’t feel well, so I carried her to the bathroom. I didn’t think she was going to stop.” It was awful. I hated seeing her like that. She was so out of it, I don’t even think she knew what was going on.

  “Maybe that bartender slipped something in her drink.”

  I set my plate down and look over at him.

  “What? It could happen.”

  My jaw clenches. “Why would he do that?” I will hunt him down and kick his ass if that is what happened. “He knew she was with me. I was right there with her. I wasn’t gone to the bathroom three minutes but when I came back, she’d already left.” And as soon as I came back to the bar and found out she had left, I went right to our room to be with her.

  “I don’t know. I could be wrong. Maybe she just didn’t eat much yesterday.” He walks off to go find a seat. I pick up my plate and follow after him.

  That’s probably the case. “So what’s up with you and Courtney?” I take a drink of my orange juice.

  “I like her. Not only is she hot, but she’s funny.” I’m glad he likes her, but I’m afraid he will go back to his old self when she leaves for Tulsa.

  “That’s’ good. Glad you two are getting along.” I take a bite of hash browns.

  “Oh shit! You are in trouble.”

  “What are you talking about?” I put my head back down to pick through my food.

  “Sam and Courtney are behind you walking this way, and Sam looks pissed.” He laughs.

/>   I spin around to see her and my heart stops as my dick start to grow. She always looks gorgeous all dressed up and in heels with her hair down and curled, but right now she looks so fucking hot that it should be illegal.

  She has her hair pulled up in a high ponytail, and her pink Rams shirt hugs her body tightly, showing off her full chest. She is wearing a faded pair of blue jeans that have tears in them, sitting extremely low on her hips, letting me see a hint of her tanned stomach with a bright pink belt on.


  She makes my mouth water. I can literally feel her eyes burning holes in my body through her sunglasses, and it’s turning me on. I smile to myself. Today is going to be so much fun. She comes and sits down next to me, taking my fork out of my hand without saying a word to me.

  “Hello, Angel.” I push my plate over to her and place my elbows on the table, putting my chin in my hands.

  I hear Courtney laugh. I’m glad I’m not the only one to find this funny. Her annoyance makes me want to pounce on her. I don’t even think she knows that it drives me wild. If she had the slightest clue, she would never get mad at me.

  “How do you feel?” I ask as sweetly as I can.

  She cuts a piece of pancake with her fork then sticks it in her mouth. She still has her sunglasses on, and I can’t get over how cute she is. “You look like you feel good.” I take an elbow off the table and place a hand on her thigh. She stiffens as I glide my hand up her leg, finding the hole that sets just below her pockets. I stick a finger in it and let it travel upwards until I feel her lace panties.

  I snatch my hand back. “Ow!” I screech. She stabbed me with her plastic fork! “You stabbed me,” I laugh. It didn’t hurt; I just wasn’t expecting it.

  Josh and Courtney are laughing so hard they can’t breathe. Angel is biting her bottom lip, and I can tell she’s trying not to smile. I reach up and remove her sunglasses. Those gorgeous green eyes lock on mine, and I can see she’s trying very hard to stay mad at me but it’s not working.


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