Munich agreement, 131, 161, 163, 229, 240
Munich crisis (September 1938), 111
Münstereifel, 209–210
Murmansk, 348, 352, 353
Murrow, Edward R., 301
Mussolini, Benito, x, 100
alignment of Albania with, 198
Ciano and, 199–200
demands for Zog, 200–201
fall of, 203, 330, 363, 367
Hitler and, 199, 324–325, 363
protection of Italian bullion, 363–364
rescue of, 363, 367
Spanish Civil War and, 10
takeover of Austria and, 89, 94, 96–97
as undecided, 261
war objective of, 251
Mussolini, Stefiono, 371
Mutual assistance pacts, 152
Nagy-Appony, Géraldine Apponyi de, 200
Napoleon, 67, 227, 368
invasion of Russia, 339
Napoleonic wars, 289, 369
Napoleon III, 243
Narodowy Bank Polski, 135–136
Narvik, 174, 177
Nassau, Hubert, 234
protection of Belgian assets, 229–230
National Bank of Albania, 198–199
National Bank of Greece, shipment of gold and, 328
National Bank of Hungary, gold traffic and, 167
National Bank of Yugoslavia, 368
conversion of accounts into dollars and, 329–330
National Defense Council of Yugoslavia, 319
Nationale Bank van België, 228
National Front, 9
Nationalists in Spanish Civil War, 8, 9, 10–11, 12
National Redoubt, 419
National self-determination, 198
National self-sufficiency, 26
National Swiss Bank, Nazi gold traffic and, 378
NATO, 432
Naval Quartermaster Corps, 48
Nazi gold
laundering of, 387
statistics of, 439–440
Nazi Gold (Sayer and Botting), 427
Nazi Gold trade, 444
belief in autarky, 37
gold as centerpiece of economic policy and war strategy, 6
military spending levels by, 87
racial policies, 71
Nefertiti, value of bust of, xvi
Negrin, Juan, x, 16, 17, 18, 19–20, 21
bullion standard of, 83
bullion storage at New York Federal Reserve, 207
demands for restitution, 430
DSK confiscation of gold in, 70
fall of, 204–225, 242
gold of, 312
Hitler’s nonrespect for neutrality of, 377–378
Nazi objective of conquering, 173
sale off of bullion, 438
shipment of gold to U.S., 164, 170, 207–208, 289
smelting of gold, 378–379
stolen gold of, 440
The Netherlands National Bank, 206
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 179
Neuhauser, Hans, 424, 425
Neumann, Erich, 68
Neurath, Konstantin von, 11, 87, 89–90
Neutrality Acts (1935, 1936, 1937), 159–160, 166
Neva (Soviet ship), 21
New Deal, Supreme Court and, 59
Newton, Sir Isaac, 3–4
New York State Agricultural Commission, 51
New York Tribune, 25
Nicholas II, czar of Russia, 334, 336
Nickel, German need for, 165
Niemeyer, Otto Ernst, 114
Niemöller, Martin, 356
Nieuwe Waterweg, 222, 223, 224
Night of the Long Knives (June 1934), 62
Nikolayev, Léon, 14
Nikolsky, Lev, 14, 15
Nikši, 330, 331, 332
Nixon, Richard, closing of gold window, 437
Nixon Shock, 437
Noël, Léon, 140–141
Non-agression treaty, signing of between Germany and Soviet Union, 133
Noordeinde Palace, 213
Norman, Montagu, x, 4–5, 286
Bank of England under, 77, 80–81, 82, 84, 163
fixing of gold prices and, 57
Harrison, George L., and, 55
Schacht, Hjalmar, and, 29, 120, 124, 127
shipping of Belgian gold to Britain and, 230
transfer of Czech assets and, 113, 114
North Africa, Allied invasion of, 361
North Tirol Alps, 421
German invasion of, 174–175, 180–196
golden inheritance and, 176
gold of, 312
move of gold and, 182–203
sending of bullion to U.S., 164
storage of gold at, 177
Novikov, Fedor, 411
Novsibirsk, 343, 344
Nuremberg, September 1938 Nazi party rally in, 108
Nuremberg Party Festival, announcement of Four Year Plan at, 66
Nuremberg trials
interrogation of Schacht, Hjalmar, at, 43
postwar studies done for, 354
Nygaardsvold, Johan, 179–180
Odessa, as destination for Spanish gold, 20, 22
Ogilvie-Forbes, George, 26
Ohrdruf death camp, tour of, 405
Oil, 40
German need for, 165
in Romania, 40, 326, 376, 384
U.S. buy up of, 165
Olathe, E. J. van, 217
Olav, Crown-Prince, 180
Oliveira Salazar, António, 9
Ollive, Emmanuel, 283
meeting with Moreton, Charles, 308–311
Omsk, 335
Operation Barbarossa, 326–327, 334, 351
Operation Dynamo, 294
Operation Fish, 297
Operation Lucid, 295
Operation Mercury, 327
Operation Sea Lion, 193, 322
Operation Sichelschnitt (Cut of the Sickle), 206
Operation Typhoon, 350
Operation X, 13, 16
Oran, Algeria, movement of French gold to, 315
Orczykowski, Stanisław, 137, 140, 148
Organisation Todt, 418
Orgera, Giovanni, 372
Orlov, Alexander, x, 14, 15, 18–19
as representative of the Bank of America, 19
transfer of gold to Soviet Union and, 19–23
Orlov, Maria, 15
Orlov, Veronika, 15
Osborne, Sir D’Arcy, 261, 262
Oscarborg Fortress, 181
Oslo Fjord, 182
Ostend, 228, 232, 233
Oster, Hans, 209
Ostmesse, 46
Ostrog Monastery, 330–332
Otnosovo, 346
Ottawa, movement of gold to, 287, 291, 310
Ottoman Empire, Morganthau, Henry, Sr., as ambassador to, 48, 159
Oven, Wilfred, 330–331
Oyer, 183
Pacelli, Eugenio, 260. See also Pius XII
Paget, P.G. T., 187–188
Papal States, fall of, 259
Papen, Franz von, 33, 35
recall of, 91
Paris. See also France
Popular Front government in, 229
Paris Conference on Reparations (1945), 429
Parr, Edith, 285
Pascua, Marcelino, 16–17, 23
Paserewski Park, 138
Patton, George, Jr., 402
arrival of Third Army in Spital am Pyrhn, 415
discovery of German gold and paintings and, xv, xvi
memoirs of, 405
movement of Third Army of, across Germany, xiii
responsibility for gold and, 401
tour of death camp by, 405
tour of Room #8, 404–405
Pearl Harbor, Japanese attack on, 351
Pearson, Frank, 52
Peiβenberg, 421
Pellegrini Giampietro, Domenico, xi, 369–370, 371, 372r />
Penfentanyo, Hervé de, 273, 274–275
Perkins, Sidney, 297, 298
Pescatore, J. P., Fund, 228
Pétain, Philippe
government of, 236–237, 253, 256, 271, 307, 315
meeting with Hitler, 324
Peter II of Yugoslavia, 327, 330
Peter the Great, 342
Petrograd, 335
Pfeiffer, Franz, 422, 423, 426
Philby, Kim (code-named Söhnchen), 15
Philip, Prince of Hesse, 96–97
Philippstal mine, discovery of valuables in, 404
Phillips, Sir Frederick, xi, 287, 288, 291–292, 293, 300, 302
Phony War, 205, 270
Pierlot, Herbert, 233
Pilot Boat 19, 220, 221–222, 225
Pilotti, Rafaelie, 366
Piłsudski, Józef, 135, 138
Pius XI, 259
Pius XII, xi, 9, 209, 260, 261, 262, 268, 374
meeting with Taylor, Myron, 263
Place des Quinconces, 237
Plan R4, 177
Plant No. 171, 344
Plauen, gold in, 410
Pohl, Oswald, 357, 359–360
Poison gas, British cabinet approval of, 322
Poitiers, 234
close of border with Romania, 143
demands for restitution, 430
fall of, 163, 173
German invasion of, 128, 129–149, 151, 155, 176–177, 241, 288, 300, 384
gold of, 312
fate of, 318–319
German demands for, 136–149
movement of, 136, 137–138, 176–177, 272
in Hitler’s mind, 130
inferior people in, 130
military spending by, 135
mutual defense treaty with France, 133, 134
partitioning of, 130
reestablishment of, by Versailles Treaty, 130
Soviet control of, 429
Polish Central Bank, gold ownership of, 136
Polish National Bank, board members of, 273
Polish National Railway, 138
Pontaniou prison, 272
Popular Front, 9, 11
formation of, 9
Portes, Helène de, 5
Port Etienne, 309
Port Lyautey, 309
gold transfers from, 170
Nazi gold and, 432, 442
negotiations with the Allies, 432
raw materials in, 39, 376, 383
Salazar, António de Oliveira in, 9
U.S. receipt of gold from, 170
wartime activities of, 431
Posey, Robert, 411
Potenza, 366–367
Potsdam meeting, 429
The Power of Gold (Bernstein), 1
PQ 11, 353
Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets, 432
The Price of Glory (Schirach), 427
Prices (Pearson and Warren), 52
Prieto, Indalecio, 20
Primauguet, 282–283
Prior, William, 178
Program to Prevent Germany from Starting a World War, 389
Promontory Summit, 4
Prussian Mint, 359, 397
Prussian State Opera, 396
Puaux, Gabriel, 146
Puhl, Emil, xi
attempt to sell Nazi gold, 418–419
Bank for International Settlements and, 356
gold deals with the Swiss, 379, 441
on McKittrick, 380, 441
running of Reichsbank and, 127, 169, 305, 356–357, 359–360, 370, 373
as Schacht’s protégé, 121
secret memo written by, 102–103
visit to Sweden, 382
Purvis, Arthur B., 162
Pyrite, 383
Qemali, Ismail, 198
Quai de Laninon, 247
Quai d’Orsay, 245
Queen Mary, 165
RADAR, 323
Radio Corporation of America, 78
Radstadt, 418
Raeder, Erich, 87
invasion of low countries and, 173–174
Rahn, Rudolf, xi, 364, 365, 366, 371
Rajchman, Henryk, 139
Rašín, Alois, 105
Rauch, Friedrich Josef, xi, 419, 421, 423, 426
Rave, Paul, xvi, 403
Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 51
purchase of gold mined in U.S. and, 54
Reed, John, 336
Reed, Robert, 400
Reichenau, Walter von, 236
Reichsbank, 118–128
absorption of Austrian National Bank, 100–101
Allied bombing of, 395, 397
Czech National Bank turnover of gold reserves to, 111
emptying of account in London, 113
Funk, Walther, as president of, 394–395, 400, 401, 410
gold holdings at the end of World War II, 443
gold policy of, 36
hiding of gold in, 69
Precious Metal Department of, 101, 398
Puhl and, 101, 121, 123, 127, 169, 305, 356–357, 359–360, 370, 373
rumors on movement of gold, xiv
under Schacht, Hjalmar, 77, 78–79, 81, 82
Schacht’s desire to exit, 121–122
Soviet interest in getting gold left at, 394
as tempting bombing target, 394
valuables left in vaults of, 411–412
Reichsbank gold train, 420–421
Reichskonkordat agreement, 260
Reichsmark, value of, 28
Reichstag, Göring election as president of, 62
Reichswerke Hermann Göring, 68
Reimer, Otto, 398, 402
Reinberger, Hellmuth, 173
Rennes, German capture of, 271
Renoir, paintings by, 397
Rentenmark, introduction of, 28–29
Renthe-Fink, Cecil von, conquest of Denmark and, 178–179
“Report on Recovery of Reichsbank Precious Metals,” 411
Republicans in Spanish Civil War, 8, 9
Reynaud, Paul, xi, 5
Churchill, Winston, and, 177, 244–245
French government of, 236–237
German invasion of France and, 279
purchase of American planes and, 163–164
resignation of, 253
Rheims, 401
Rheinstahl, start of dummy company and, 42
Rhineland, postwar control of, 389
Rhine River, Allied army crossing of, xiii
Rhodes, 367
Ribbentrop, Joachim von
desire for gold, 370, 372
as Foreign Minister, xi, 40, 90, 95, 106, 110, 132, 145, 163
Italian gold and, 364–365, 368
on McKittrick, 380
meeting with Pius XII, 261
Stalin and, 151
stolen gold and, 396, 410, 417
Ribbentrop-Molotov Treaty (1939), 151–152
Ricardo, David, 26
Richelieu, 314
Riga, 153
Riyak, 146
Robert, George, 256, 307
Robles, José María Gil, 10
Rohatyn, Felix, 5
Röhm, Ernst, 62
Roman Catholic Church, 259. See also Vatican
in Spanish Civil War, 8–9, 10
Belgian gold in, 316
close of border with Poland, 143
fate of, 316
move of Polish gold and, 142–143, 145
Nazi development of natural resources of, 384
oil in, 40, 326, 376, 384
sales of Nazi gold and, 442
sending of bullion to U.S., 164
Soviet control of, 429
wartime activities of, 431
Romanian National Bank, Nazi gold at, 384
Allied invasion of, 363
as open city, 364
Rommel, Erwin, 242–243
p; Romsdalshorn, 186
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 392
FDR’s affair with Mercer, Lucy, and, 54–55
friendship with Morganthau, Elinor, 49
Roosevelt, Franklin D., xi, 47–59, 251
affair with Mercer, Lucy, 54–55
arms sales and, 160, 241
as assistant secretary of the navy, 48
blocking of gold transfer by, 154
on buy up of raw materials, 165–166
cabinet of, 159
campaigns for NY governor, 49
Cash and Carry program and, 166
Chamberlain and, 288
Churchill, Winston, and, 300, 301–302
death of, 392, 406
decline in health of, 389
disdain for gold and international financial cooperation, 52–53
in election of 1932, 50
fireside chats of, 54
Foreign Economic Administration of, 389
French war effort and, 279
friendship with Morganthau, Henry, Jr., 47, 49, 50, 159
German attack on Russia and, 339
gold policy of, 54
gold standard and, 52
hundred-day program of, 54
inauguration of, in 1933, 52
luncheons with Morgenthau and, 336–337
meeting with Churchill in Quebec, 389–390
Morgenthau’s concerns over international issues, 161
New Deal of, 44, 153
personality of, 47
post-war policy toward Germany, 389
purchase of gold and, 55–56
on reason for having gold, 438
Russia and, 336
sale of American weapons and, 241
Schacht and, 41
sending of Lend-Lease into law, 305
stabilization of dollar and, 53–54
unhappiness of, with Bank for International Settlement, 380–381
Vatican and, 259–268
voice recording system used by, 57
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Presidential Library, 57
Roosevelt, Theodore, administration of, 50
Rooth, Ivar, 167–168, 381
Rosenberg, Marcel, 13–14, 18–19
Rosenberg-Lipinsky, Hans Alfred von, 4250
Rosenburg Island, 220
Rostock, storage of records in Merkers, 396
Rotterdam, 210, 211–212
gold bullion in central bank at, 207, 208
Rouyer, Rear Admiral, 247–248
Royal Air Force, 322, 323
Royal Bank of Canada, 250
Royal Dutch Steamboat Company (KNSM), 214
Royal Palace of Laeken, 236
Royan, 276
Rubber, German need for, 165
Rueff, Jacques, 293–294, 436
Ruge, Otto, 183, 187–188
Rüger, Heinz, 425
Ruhr, postwar control of, 389
Rundstedt, Gerd von, 205, 242, 248
Russell, Lt. Col., discovery of German gold and paintings and, xiv–xvi
Russia. See also Soviet Union
civil war in, 335–336
gold production in, 334, 437
Napoleon’s invasion of, 339
natural resources in, 334–335
Russian Revolution, 14, 131, 335, 337, 342
Russo-Polish war, guerilla operations during, 14
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