silence of, on Yugoslav gold, 416
Taylor, Myron, as Roosevelt’s representative to, 259–268
Vauban, 148
Vauquois, 272
Veick, Werner, 398, 399, 402
interrogation of, on German gold, xv
Veit, Josef, 425
Vereinigte Stahlwerke, 34
Versailles Treaty (1919), 24, 163
as anti-German, 130
demand for reparations in, 30
unpopularity of, with German public, 30
Vesting Holland (Fortress Holland), 210
Vian, Philip, 185, 296
Vichy France, 307, 312, 318, 368
Victor Emmanuel, resume of rule by, 363
Victor Schoelcher, 270, 273, 274, 275, 276, 309
Ville d’Alger, 270, 308, 309
Ville-de-Namur, 277
Ville d’Oran, 270, 308
Vilnius, Lithuania, Soviet capture of, 152
Viner, Jacob, belief in balanced budget, 58
Virgil, 1
Visnes, 190
Vitebsk, 346
Vladivostok, 338
arrival of gold in, 354
Vocke, Wilhelm, service on the Reichsbank board, 32
Vögler, Albert, 34
Volgoles (Soviet ship), 20, 21, 22
von Strauss, Emil Georg, 31
Voronov, Marshall Nikolai, 156, 157
Vucht, Belgium, 173
Vyazma, 346
Waffen-SS, 421
Wages of Destruction (Tooze), 103
Walchensee (Lake Walchen), 423, 424, 426, 427
Walker, Archibald V., 146
Wallace, Henry, as Secretary of Agriculure, 50
Wallonia, 227
Wall Street crash (October 1929), 82
Warfare, doggerel verse about, xiii
Warren, George F., 51–52
ideas of, 53
mending of U.S. economy and, 59
return to Cornell, 59
theories on farm goods, 56
U.S. prices for gold and, 54
Warsaw. See also Poland
fall of, 173
Waterloo, 227
Webb, Geoffrey, 403
Weimar, 409
Welles, Sumner, 303
Wellington, 227
Weserbung Nord, 175, 179
Weserbung Süd, 175
Western Zones of Germany, 429
West German Bundesbank, Blessing as president of, 82
Westrap, Gisele von, 417
Whitcomb, Colonel, discovery of German gold and paintings and, xiv–xvi
White, Harry Dexter, xi, 116, 325
as author of Germany Is Our Problem, 392
as co-chair of Bretton Woods conference, 381
collaboration with Morganthau, Henry, Jr. on handling Germany’s postwar economy, 388, 389
as financial advisor to Morganthau, 58–59, 165
international monetary system and, 435–436
plan on waging economic warfare on Gemany and, 165, 166
study on future of gold, 168–169, 171
ties to Moscow, 349
Whitsun, 208–209
Wiedemann, Hans, 97
Wiehl, Emil, 325
Wiesbaden Commission, 311, 314–315
Wilfred, 177
Wilhelm, Karl Friedrich, 98
Wilhelmina, Queen (Netherlands), xi, 211, 212, 213, 217
desire for exile in Britain, 222
Willems Bridge, 212
William the Conqueror, 322
Wilson, Woodrow, 57, 159
administration of, 48, 50
commitment to national self-determination of ethnic groups, 105
Fourteen Points of, 105
League of Nations and, 79
self-determination and, 151, 198
Winkelman, Henri Gerard, 213
Wintershall, 397
Winter War, 155–156, 157
Winzer (Soviet Trade Attaché), 18
Witold, 138
Witte, Dr., 397–398
Wolff, Karl, 357, 394
Wolfram, 39
Wolfsberg, 415–416
Wood, Sir Kingsley, xi, 265, 293, 301
Woodin, William, 53, 56
World Economic Conference (London 1933), 52–53
World economic crisis (1931), 33
World financial system, control of, by central bankers, 77–85
World War I
anger in Germany after defeat in, 24
causes of, 159
U.S. entrance into, 48
World War II, start of, 240
Worms, Allied seizure of, xiii
Würzburg, 225
Xavier 337, 253
Yagoda, Genrikh, 15
Yalta meeting, 391, 402–403
Yanarville, 277
Yekaterinburg, 342
Yezhov, Nikolai, 22–23
Young, Owen, 78–79
Schacht and, 78–79
Younghusband, John, 219–220, 222
Young Plan, 30, 79
Yugoslavia, 327
aluminum in, 325
demands for restitution, 430
gold of, 329, 415–416, 440
Polish gold in, 141, 142
regional bank office in, 136
Zeeland, German attack on, 178
Zhukov, Georgy, 340, 345, 350, 351, 411
Soviet offensive against Germany, 394
Ziegler, Jean, 377, 432
Zinc, 383
Zoepffel, Kurt, 182
Zog, King of the Albanians, xi, 202–203
Mussolini’s demands for, 200–201
Zogu, Ahmed Bey, 198, 200
Zolski, Ryszard, 138
Zwickau, gold in, 409
Pegasus Books LLC
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Copyright © 2014 by George M. Taber
First Pegasus Books cloth edition December 2014
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ISBN: 978-1-60598-655-5
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Chasing Gold: The Incredible Story of How the Nazis Stole Europe's Bullion Page 61