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Page 8

by Lisa Carlisle


  He played her until she was panting hard. An utter mess on the verge of imploding.

  “On the bed,” he said.

  “No!” she cried. She couldn’t move; he couldn’t stop now. “Right here.” He’d driven her to the point where she couldn’t stop. She reached for him to show him what she wanted and found him stiff as stone. His feral growl excited her, encouraging her to continue. Up and down she stroked his shaft until he was on the frantic edge with her, breathless with need.

  The vivid blue of his tartan contrasted against her champagne-colored dress. He pulled up her dress and pushed his kilt up.

  When he stroked the head in between her folds, she cried out. “Aye, Bryce. I’m ready.”

  She did a quick mental calculation to make sure the birth control elixir she took would still be effective. What did it matter anyway? One of them would likely not make it through the battle tomorrow. Maybe both. Why bring up consequences of a future with only the bleakest of existing possibilities?

  Bryce glided into her inch by precious inch, crushing her back against the wall. She clung to his massive shoulder blades as he drove deeper in. She raised a leg to ease the way. He lifted it and then both legs, cupping her cheeks as he pressed her harder against the wall impaling her. The size of his shaft pressing into her, against the unyielding force of the stone, created pain that flowed into waves of pleasure. One she would happily die from.

  The friction built, and her breathy pants grew louder. With each successive thrust, he pounded deeper into her. She moaned, grabbing at his back as the intensity built. The stirring of an orgasm deep within had her grasping to reach it. She rose higher, losing herself in the powerful grip. Once he hit her sensitive spot, she was done for. The buildup escalated without warning; consuming her with its intensity. She rode against him, frantic and hard, pressed between him and the stone wall. She reached her peak and crashed over with a throaty cry. She clawed at his hard shoulders as her muscles stiffened, and she surfed over waves of pleasure. After the crest subsided, she fell against his hot, sweaty body.

  He gave her only a moment to recover before he resumed drilling into her. His pace quickened with frantic need, making her yelp. His wild, animalistic grunts grew louder. Everyone in the castle might hear them, but she didn’t care; she couldn’t stop if she tried.

  With a few deep thrusts, he stiffened. “Fuck,” he exclaimed as he emptied his release into her.

  For several moments, neither spoke as their breathing returned to a normal pace. Their hot, sweaty bodies clung to each other. The cool stone wall felt refreshing against her back. She ran her fingers through his damp hair as she came down from the intense orgasm.

  After several minutes, he pulled away. When she stood, wetness trickled down her inner thigh so she quickly cleaned herself up with a rag. Bryce scooped her up in his muscular arms, making her yelp with surprise.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got you.” His voice had dropped to a low, smoky burr that rippled through her.

  “Relax. Let me take care of you.”

  For a moment, she stiffened, her wariness returning. He’d never given her a reason to doubt him. She searched his eyes, sensing his earnestness.

  “All right,” she said.

  She exhaled and let him take the lead. She sighed from how relaxing it was. He’d taken care of her since they’d met, but tonight on a wonderful, new level.

  Bryce carried her to the bed and lowered her onto it. He crawled to her with a predatory look; leaving her no doubt she was the prey. “I promise to make you feel good.”

  He nudged her dress up her thigh. “Can you make this disappear like when you shift?” He raised a brow in question.

  Damn, she wished. Anything to have their bodies naked and joined as quick as possible. It was insane they still had any clothes on the way they’d gone at it against the wall. “Don’t think so. We’ll have to go the old fashioned route.”

  When she maneuvered up, he slowly pulled the dress over her head. “I like it this way. Reveals your skin inch by delicious inch.”

  She fell back on the bed naked and waiting, watching his every move as he bent down with a savage glint in his eyes. They were so stark and full of raw need, she almost grabbed him and kissed him senseless. He touched her neck, trailed his fingers over her shoulder and between her breasts. Stroking her inner fire with such deliberate slowness, she whimpered.

  “Patience, beautiful,” he uttered in a low tone.

  With each hand, he feathered over her breasts, tweaking her sensitive nipples. She held her breath, desperate for more. He bent down and licked one. The heat of his mouth on her had her begging, yearning for this moment to never end, yet impatient to have him touch every part of her.

  When he pulled away, she almost cried out in protest. As his tongue danced further south, she clamped her lips shut. The wet heat of his tongue stoked a thousand nerves, making her shiver beneath him. His mouth was at her sex, hovering there. How could he stoke her fires again so quickly? A shallow gasp escaped her, the anticipation all too much.

  Then Bryce licked her, as if savoring every inch. The sudden pressure on her sensitive nub almost overwhelmed her, but then she grasped his broad shoulders, wanting more.

  “You taste so good,” he murmured. “I love this.”

  With his mouth and fingers, he teased her. Probing her with increasing intensity that left her without words, just need. She couldn’t take it. He didn’t relent, but pushed her beyond her limits. She soared to the peak and shattered, fiery colors exploding behind her eyes.

  Her heart pounded as she recovered, her flesh still tingling. While she found her breath, he pulled back and crouched over her, sliding back into her heat. She was so wet and primed, he pushed in without much resistance.

  They joined together in rhythm of this sensual dance, quickly picking up speed. She dropped her hands to his lower back as he drove into her like an untamed beast, the intensity increasing with each thrust. She bucked beneath him, matching his pace, as they chased what they desperately needed.

  Her muscles clenched as she shot back to the peak. She broke as she exploded, holding on to him so she wouldn’t drown in the overpowering sensations. He gripped her hips tight as he followed, emitting a throaty growl as he unleashed his release into her and fell on top of her body.

  After several moments while they stroked each other’s skin as they recovered, he pulled his head back and gave her a lopsided grin. “So that’s what sex at the end of the world feels like.”

  She laughed out at his unexpected observation. “Guess so.” With a twinge of regret, she added, “Almost makes what we’re facing tomorrow worth it in itself.”

  He fell beside her and draped an arm across her. “Or maybe it’s more than that.”

  She furrowed her brows. “Meaning?”

  “Maybe that’s how good it is when you find the right match.”

  She searched his eyes, overwhelmed with emotion and unable to find words. Perhaps he was right. If so, fate was utterly cruel to them both. Giving them the briefest of time together before being torn apart from each other forever. Even if they both lived through the next day, they lived in separate worlds. They had this one moment together.

  One she’d carry close to her heart.


  Bryce shifted into a fully wakeful state. He didn’t loosen his hold, however, and Mairi didn’t rush to move from his embrace. Instead, he pulled her closer, sniffing her jasmine scent one last time.

  “You ready for this?” Bryce asked when it was time to meet with the others.

  Her body tensed in his arms. “Aye.”

  Despite spending the last several hours with Mairi engaged in intense physical activity, he felt invigorated. Being with her was unlike any of those meaningless encounters he’d had. Something about her had captured a part of him deep inside, wrapping around him like a warm embrace.

  After another moment, she dragged herself away and
climbed out of the bed. While she pulled on the dress, he stared at her, imprinting every soft curve to memory before it was covered by the gold fabric. He’d never forget her scent. Nor the satin touch of her skin. Nor her taste…

  With a low groan, he followed suit and dressed.

  Outside the castle, a half a dozen gargoyles had already gathered, each donning additional layers of battle gear over their kilts.

  Mairi shifted into gargoyle form, entrancing him with the shift from beautiful woman with hair like fire to a tough-skinned warrior with skin the color of slate. Her features distorted, increasing in size, and muscles swelled. The gold of her dress was the last color to fade. And vanish.

  After staring for a long pause, Bryce blinked. He wasn’t prepared to lose the human appearance he’d grown accustomed to. “Will they recognize you in this form?”

  “It’s how they last saw me,” she said, her voice dark and smoky, but still recognizable as hers. “After they caught me, I shifted.”

  Of course. It was preferable for battle.

  Icy shivers rippled over his flesh. He breathed through the tightness in his chest. He needed a lighter tone; a way to reduce the simmering tension reminding them of what lay ahead. Sex always worked. It would help keep her mind off what she was about to do. It would help keep his mind off of it as well.

  He flashed a lopsided grin. “Lose the dress first next time. So you don’t deprive me of the chance to see you naked, again.”

  If there was a next time. Odds against that. He shoved away the negative thoughts.

  “Ah, an ulterior motive.” She narrowed her eyes at him, yet they twinkled with amusement.

  “At least I’m being honest.” He winked.

  Duncan and his enforcers strode forward in gargoyle form and hoisted their weapons, snapping Bryce’s attention back to the upcoming endeavor. His brothers followed suit and shifted. He was the last to change, knowing what it meant. They prepared for battle, one they might not all survive.

  He pulled a leather baldric over his head. He stuffed a sword into the sheath and attached it and smaller weapons to his belt. Mairi followed suit with knives fastened to her belt and strapped to her calf.

  By the time they were all dressed and armed, a dozen gargoyles had lined up. His parents came to bid them luck. Aileen clutched at her chest several times. “Be careful. Don’t take any unnecessary chances.”

  “Mum, of course we won’t.”

  “No, listen to her,” Da said. “We know how—theatrical—you can be on stage. This is battle. Real. Not a time to be flashy.”

  Gavin blew out an exasperated breath. “Do you really think we’d go into battle like it was a concert?”

  “No, but I’m your mother.” She walked past each of them. “I’m wired to worry about you boys. I know this isn’t your first fight, but it’s your first battle with such dangerous beings. Just do the job, and come home, safely.”

  This wasn’t their home, but Bryce wasn’t about to bring that up, now. Not with the worried look in her eyes. “We’ll be careful.”

  Mairi remained silent as she observed his family’s interaction, but her face showed her conflict.

  His mum’s eyes flickered with unease. “Take care of each other.”

  Lachlan replied. “Always.”

  His da stepped forward. “I must go. Can’t let my boys go off like this.”

  Duncan said, “We’ve already discussed this. We need you here to protect those who remain. Let’s not complicate our plans. Battles often do that enough on their own.”

  His da nodded, somber. When was the last time he’d faced such a grave task? Bryce had been young during the great battle on the Isle of Stone but his father had fought in it. He’d returned with wounds his mother had tended while they whispered out of earshot, likely to protect their sons from the horrors he’d seen.

  His mum hugged each of them while other gargoyle families bid farewell to their loved ones. She hugged Mairi, as well. “You are so brave, dear. But don’t take unnecessary risks.”

  Mairi froze when his mother first hugged her, as if unsure what to do with the unexpected show of affection. Then she returned the embrace. “I won’t.”

  The moment tugged at Bryce’s emotions. Mairi’s mother was dead, courtesy of those bloody demons they sought. Of course, Mairi was willing to sacrifice herself in retaliation for what they’d done to her parents, her clan. He would do the same. He swallowed the lump in his throat with hardened resolve.

  In twos and threes, the gargoyles shielded themselves before they ascended into the night sky, maneuvering into a V-formation. All were silent as they flew over the serene lands of the Highlands. Over mountains and verdant valleys, vast moors and shimmering lochs, rolling meadows and craggy cliffs. The area appeared peaceful, yet tragedies of the past had left an impression in the stillness. A mourning seemed to echo around them, a warning of what may happen once again.

  Mairi led them to the seaside cliffs, hovering over one blanketed with green growth. This is it. A number of small cottages stood in a clearing in the dense woodland at the base of the cliff.

  Watching for signs of danger, Malcolm gave them an all clear before they descended.

  She glanced around the remains of her former home, her expression grim. Some of the small white homes appeared decimated—black edges and smoke stains marring what was likely once pristine.

  Witnessing the destruction must have brought her memories rushing forth, making her relive the horror. Bryce had to say something. “This must be difficult for you.”

  “Aye.” She blinked slowly and inhaled audibly. When she exhaled, her eyes shined with determination.

  “You know where you’re to take cover,” Duncan addressed the warriors before him. “Do so now, and watch for Mairi.”

  The gargoyles slipped through the darkness of night to move into their positions. Bryce remained with her. He hadn’t been lying, earlier. He’d keep his eyes on her, never let a demon touch her with its horrid claws.

  “Ready?” Duncan nodded to Mairi.

  “I am.”

  Bryce stepped closer to her, glacial panic pulsing through his veins. He’d never faced this before—with a loved one in such a dangerous situation.

  A loved one?

  “Be careful.” He squeezed her hand. The skin wasn’t as soft as her human flesh, but it was still her, the connection still giving him the sparkle of heat that happened when he touched her.

  “I will.” She glanced at him through her slate-gray eyes and paused. Then she nodded and soared into the air over her former home.

  Bryce hadn’t realized he’d been holding his breath until his lungs compelled him to take a gasp for air.

  Mason sidled beside him. You’ve developed feelings for her.

  Was it so visible how he’d come to care for her? He didn’t reply.

  “Funny, isn’t it?” Mason said aloud with a noise in between a snort and chortle. “Mum and Da have been bugging us for years to settle down. Now, that they’ve left the isle, you go and fancy a gargoyle. In essence, doing what they’ve always wanted.”

  Bryce’s stomach churned. Nobody was making any commitments. Especially with the challenge that awaited them. “Let’s not jump ahead. I don’t even know if we’ll make it through the night.”

  “True.” In a serious tone, Mason added, “If you do, don’t let her slip away.”

  Bryce exhaled with a heavy whoosh. Mairi’s silhouette diminished as she ascended, increasing the space between them. A heavy ache weighed on him. “I don’t intend to.”

  Thick fog misted the sheltered forest where her clan had lived. Mairi flew below the canopy of dense woodland, a tight mix of spruce, pine, silver fir, and beech trees. The shimmer of moonlight cast an ethereal glow through their wispy fingers.

  The stench of damp moss near the billowing stream filled her nose. Before she’d found the scent refreshing, now it was marred by all the blood of her clan, whose lives had spilled into the soil. She hadn�
�t been back since she’d burned their remains. The odor of their burning flesh stung her nostrils. The ominous reminder made her recoil.

  Or was she imagining she scented it?

  She steeled her already tense muscles to prepare for the next step. She couldn’t stay hidden all night. Not conducive to the mission—which she’d volunteered for. Time to follow up with her promise.

  Taking a fortifying breath, she soared above the cover of the forests and over the homes of her clan. Now still and devoid of life. A graveyard that mocked her with a morbid reminder of all the boisterousness that it once had. She’d grown up there. Played with her friends. Lived with her parents. Gone, all were gone…

  Her breathing quickened. Terror crept up her spine.

  She couldn’t do this. Had to get out of there. Escape all the memories of death that surrounded her.

  Realigning herself to fly back down, she aimed for cover. To find a temporary refuge under the trees, once again.

  She paused in flight. What was she doing? Taking the cowardly way out. The gargoyles were all down there, counting on her. She was the reason they were here. They’d come to help her. Sure they came to protect against further attacks, yet they also were helping her in her mission to avenge the annihilation of her clan.

  The demons’ eyes were on her. Their soulless glare crept along her flesh, even without her spotting them. Bryce was down there. He’d done so much for her. Left his home and convinced others to help.

  And now she was going to give up as a failure because she was scared?

  She forced herself to halt her descent and inched back in the open air over the forests. Setting herself up like a lone rabbit circled by rabid wolves. A tantalizing morsel to tempt the demons out of hiding. Minutes ticked by, as slow as months, as she soared far from her former home, inviting the darkness to claim her in the pitch sky.

  “Well, look at this. The orphaned gargoyle has returned?”

  The low, slithering voice. She recognized it. A chill rippled through her, making her freeze. A quick glance over her shoulder revealed it was indeed the same two demons—or sluaghs—who’d captured her.


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