by Nisid Hajari
Gandhi, Samaldas, 173, 206
Glancy, Bertrand, 46, 72–73
Gracey, Douglas, 194, 238–39, 264
Grady, Henry, 126, 133, 159, 170
Grafftey-Smith, Laurence, 168, 174–75, 229, 236, 239, 253
Great Britain: breakdown plan and, 7, 64–65, Cold War and, xvii 7–8, 47, compromise on Pakistan demand and, 47–49, 65–71, 92–95, Indian Independence Bill and, 112, 114, Kashmir and, 253, Labour Party in, 5–6, 45, 67, 145, “Operation Madhouse” and, 64–65, 274, n.65; Pakistan aid/loans from, 161, 168, 171, 174–75, 187, Pakistan demand and, ix, 37–39, 42–49, 79, 94, self-rule/independent India and, 2, 7–8, 23, Soviets and, xvii, 7–8, 47, Tory Party in, 38, 67–70, 95, 98–99, 104, 115, United Nations and, 227, World Wars and, 27, 35–36, 38, 86, 88. See also British Commonwealth; Raj
Great Calcutta Killing, 16–20, 168, n.43; 168, nn.58–59. See also Calcutta, Direct Action Day
Gurdaspur, 130–31, 137, 179, 181, 276, n.16
Gurgaon, 101, 156
Gurkhas, 18, 159, 268, n.55
Hall, J. T. S., 173
Haqqani, Hussain, 257–59
Hardwar, 109–10
Harington-Hawes, D. G., 136–37
Hindu Mahasabha, 54, 58–60, 66, 147. See also RSSS (Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh)
Hindus: Bihar riots and, 40, 59–64, 60–64, 66–67, 82, 134–35, 157, Churchill on, 67, Delhi and, 110–11, 223, 225, 226, Great Calcutta Killing and, 16–20, Hindu Mahasabha and, 54, 58–60, 66, 147, Hindu-Muslim divide and, 13, 24, 34–35, Hyderabad and, 115, 176, 233–34, 240–41, 248, 253–54, independence day and, 133–34, Indian Army and, 55, Jinnah on, 214, Kashmir and, 117, 144, 179, 209, Khilafat movement and, 28, Lahore and, 77–79, 110–11, multicultural states and, xvii–xviii, 10, 13, 35, 72, 127–28, 135, 157, 204, Muslims’ relationship with, 13, 24, 34–35, 58–59, Noakhali riots and, 51–60, 62, 64, 69–70, NWFP sectarian violence and, 95, political officials and, 34, population exchange and, 120–21, 147, 157, population statistics, xvi, Punjab and, 44–47, 51, 80, Punjab Boundary Force and, 124–25, Punjab sectarian violence and, 72, 76–78, 77, 98–99, 101, 108–11, 124, 132–33, 138, refugees and, 109–10, 164–65, 226, religious prejudice and, 13, Unionist coalition and, 44–47, 51, united India and, 95. See also RSSS (Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh)
Hoshiarpur, 137–38
Hussain, Zahid, 150, 159–60
Hyder, Mohammed, 234, 247–48, 254
Hyderabad, 253–54, air force and, 235, 241, 251, arms and supplies for, 172, 218, 234–35, 237, 241, 243–44, 248, Communists and, 234, 241, Hindus and, 115, 176, 233–34, 240–41, 248, 253–54, independence and, 115, Indian Army and, 240–42, 248, 250–51, 254, India’s accession of, xix, 172, 189, 193, 206–7, 233–35, 239–42, 244, 248–49, Jinnah and, 115–16, 193, 220, 235, 243–44, 247–48, Muslims and, 115, 176, 233–34, 240–41, 248, 253–54, Pakistan loan from, 218, 227, 233–34, Partition and, 96–97, 115–16, 172, 176, plebiscite in, 244, population statistics and, 115, 176, Razakars and, 233–34, 241, 244, 248, 254, Royal Indian Air Force and, 250, RSSS and, 253–54, sectarian violence in, 233–34, 240–41, 248, 253–54, standstill agreement and, 193, 206–7, 211, 233, United Nations and, 208, 235, 244, 248
Ibrahim Khan, Sardar Mohammad, 182–83, 215
India: Afghanistan and, 259, Boundary Commission and, 107, 122–23, 129–31, 137, 180–81, 211, 276, n.16; breakdown plan and, 7, 64–65, British compromise and, 47–49, 68–71, 94–95, Cold War and, xvii, 7–8, 47, Communists in, 8, coup threats and, 150, 227–28, as dominion, 87, 93, 103, economy of, xvii, 9, 24, 256, 260–61, governor-general and, 113, independence day and, 129–30, 133–34, Indian Independence Bill and, 112, 114, Kashmir accession and, 117–19, 179–81, 180, 192–93, 198–99, Kashmir emergency administration and, 204, 207, 217, Kashmir Line of Control and, 255, 260–61, Kashmir war, xix, 181, 184, 190–93, 195–96, 198–202, 204–11, 216, 222, 230–32, 254, 260, maps of, ix–xiii; as multicultural state, 10, 13, 35, 157, 169–70, 174–75, nationalism and, 59, 223, nuclear weapons and, xx, 259, 261, Pakistan distrust and, xix, xix–xxii, 105–6, 160–61, 164, 167, 211, 251–53, 255–57, 260–61, Pakistan’s wars with, xix–xx, 257, 261, Partition timetable and, 103, population statistics in, 9, 148, possible invasion of Pakistan and, 220–22, 251–52, princely states and, ix, 115–19, 149, 161–62, 171–74, 176, Quit India and, 40, 59, Royal Indian Air Force, 171, 174, RSSS and, 148–49, self-rule/independent, 1–2, 5–8, 21, 23, 31–32, 36, 38–40, 42, 90, Soviets and, xvii, 7–8, 47, 67, U.S. airbases in, 8, 39, World War II and, 35–36, 74. See also Partition
Indian Air Force (Royal Indian Air Force). See Royal Indian Air Force (Indian Air Force)
Indian Army: Bihar riots and, 61, British staff conflicts and, 171, 173, coup rumors and 95, 150–51, Delhi riots and, 155, 159, Great Calcutta Killing and, 16–18, 268, n.55; Gurkha troops in, 18, 159, 268, n.55; Hyderabad and, 240–42, 248, 250–51, 254, Kashmir and, 192, 195, 199–202, 208–11, 215, 217, 230–31, 230–33, 238, 242, 245–46, 253, Noakhali riots and, 55, overreach in Kashmir by, 210–11, Partition and, xviii, 99, 125–26, Punjab and, 45, 48, 78, 210, Punjab sectarian violence and, 101, 107–8, 110–11, 124–25, 150, 165, Quit India violence and, 40, Sikhs and, 74, 120–21, 165, 209, 217, Sikh soldiers in, 74, 120–21, 165, 209, 217, World War II and, 74, 80–81
Indian Independence Bill, 112, 114
Indian National Congress (Congress): Assam and, 68–69, 79–80, Bihar riots and, 62, Boundary Commission and, 130–31, British compromise and, 68–71, elections and, 30, 33, 47, Gandhi and, 28, Great Calcutta Killing and, 17, Hindu Mahasabha and, 59, independence day and, 134, India as dominion and, 93, interim government in India and, 51, 57–58, 111–12, Jinnah and, 23–24, 63, Nehru and, 2, 4, 10, 32, Kashmir and, 179, 181, 198, Muslims and, 13, 23, nationalism and, 28, 59, Noakhali riots and, 54–55, 57, 62, NWFP and, 68–69, 79–80, 85, Pakistan demand and, ix, 45–46, Partition and, 80, 96–97, 99, 103–6, Patel and, 66, princely states and, 115–16, 117, Punjab and, 78–79, 108, 122–23, Quit India and, 40, 59, Raj and, 23, 40, 111–14, self-rule/independent India and, 36, united India and, 46, 69, 71, 90, 99, 104, World War II and, 36
Indian Navy (Royal Indian Navy). See Royal Indian Navy (Indian Navy)
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), xx, 259–60. See also Pakistan Army
Ismay, Hastings Lionel “Pug,” 205–6, 212–13, Boundary Commission and, 130, British aid/loans and, 174–75, on Delhi refugee camps, 158–59, Delhi sectarian violence and, 154–55, 160, 163–64, on India as dominion, 87, Indian Army and, 125, on India overreach in Kashmir, 205–6, 208, Jinnah negotiations and, 92, 115, Joint Defence Council and, 198, on Junagadh, 170, Kashmir and, 192–93, 195, 198, 205–6, 208, 212–13, on negotiations with Nehru, 96, on Nehru’s personal courage, 157, 163–64, on India overreach in Kashmir, 205–6, 208, Partition and, 95–97, 100, Partition announcement and, 106–7, on Partition timetable, 102, on Patel and Nehru, 175, Punjab sectarian violence and, 108, 166, sectarian violence and, 89, 100, Sikhs and, 121
Ittehad. See Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen (Council for the Unity of Muslims, or Ittehad)
Jaisalmer, 162
Jammu: Hindus and, 144, 179, 209, Indian Army and, 220, 230–31, Muslims and, 198, 215, Partition and, 211, refugees and, 190, 208–9, RSSS and, 208–9, 222, sectarian violence in, 198, 209, 215, Sikhs and, 209, 215, as winter capital, 191
Jenkins, Evan: Indian Army and, 107–8, on Jinnah, 85, Partition and, 80, 92–93, 98–99, Partition timetable and, 103, Punjab Boundary Force and, 126, Punjab CID and, 123–24, sectarian violence and, 78–82, 84–85, 98–99, 107–8, 110–11, 119–20, 132, 139, on self-rule/independent Pakistan, 72–73, 85, Sikhs and, 120–21
Jinnah, Dina, 29–30, 34
Jinnah, Fatima, 11, 30, 34, 117, 214, 236, 244, 247
Jinnah, Mohammad Ali: assassination attempts on, 142, 213, Bihar riots and, 62–63, 67, Boundary Commission and, 129–31, 211, British
aid and, 161, 171, 174–75, British compromise and, 47–49, 65–71, 92–95, characteristics of, xxii, 8–9, 11, 23, 27, 49, 103–4, 128, 131, 213–14, 235–37, 249–50, children of, 29–30, 34, Churchill and, 68–70, 93, 95, 104, civil disobedience and, 27, 71–73, class and, 23, 27–28, Congress and, 23–24, 63, correspondence and, 94, death and funeral of, 249–51, Direct Action Day and, 12–14, 19–20, 49, elections and, 33, Gandhi and, 26–28, 57, 230, governor-generalship and, 113–14, Great Calcutta Killing and, 12–20, as head of state, 128, health of, 9, 34, 94, 202, 208, 213, 219, 245, 247–49, on Hindus, 214, homes of, 94, 161, Hyderabad and, 235, 237, 243, Indian Army and, 125–26, interim government in India and, 22, 50–53, 111–12, Joint Defence Council and, 197–98, Junagadh and, 161–63, Kashmir and, 117–19, 178–79, 184, 187, 194–98, 214, 237–39, Kashmir conferences with, 195–96, 208, 219–20, Kashmir partition and, 211, Kashmir plebiscite and, 195, 198, 214, Kashmir settlement terms and, 213–14, Khilafat movement and, 27–28, Khizar and, 44–45, lashkar in Kashmir and, 196, 199, 208, 238, as lawyer, 11, 23, Linlithgow and, 40–41, London and, 30, Lucknow Pact and, 25–26, 30–31, 269, n.14; marriages of, 24–26, 29, 65, Muslim League and, 9, 24, 28, 33, 35, 41, 48, nationalism and, 25, 29, negotiating tactics and, 48–49, 91–97, 104, 115, Nehru and, 10–12, 42–43, 83, 145–47, 250, Noakhali riots and, 57, on official languages, 237, pageantry by, 41–42, Pakistan as multicultural state and, xvii–xviii, 83, 128–29, Pakistan as Muslim homeland and, 9–10, 36–37, Pakistan demand and, ix, 37–39, 42–49, 79, 94, Partition announcement by, 106, Partition mechanics and, 111–15, Partition timetable and, 103–4, Patel and, 66–67, 95, 236, political decline of, 22, 26–30, 33–34, political rise of, 22–26, 41–43, on politics and religion, 27–28, 34–35, princely states and, 115–18, 170–71, Punjab and, 44–47, Punjab Boundary Force and, 146, Punjab sectarian violence and, 78–79, 81, 85, 110, Quaid-i-Azam honorific for, 41, sectarian violence suppression and, 142, 146, self-rule/independent India and, 36, self-rule/independent Pakistan and, 70–71, 99, 104, Sikh migration and, 166, Sikhs and, 82–83, 121–22, Unionist coalition and, 44–47, united India and, 71, 94–95, U.S. airbases and, 230, Wavell and, 50–53
Jinnah, Rattanbai “Ruttie,” 24–26, 29, 65
Jodhpur, 162
Joint Defence Council, 146, 176, 197–98, 212, 219
Jones, George E., 59, 61, 94
Jullundur, 131, 137–38, 176
Junagadh, 161–63, 170–74, 176, 179–81, 206, 208, 211, 227
Kak, Ram Chandra, 118
Kashmir: acronym “Pakistan” and, 36–37, 104, Baramulla, 199, 201–5, 207, Boundary Commission and, 130, Britain and, 253, ceasefire and agreements in, 254, 259–60, Christians and, 203–4, conferences on, 195–96, 208, 216–17, 219–20, Congress and, 179, 181, 198, cross-border warfare and, 220–22, economy of, 179, 214, 260–61, emergency administration in, 192, 207, 217, Gandhi and, 119, 180, 230, Gilgit, 195–96, 211, 218, Hindu population in, 117, 179, 188, 215, history of, xix–xx, 178–79, independence and, 180, 201, Indian Air Force and, 191–93, 197, 199–200, 205, 216, 230–31, 242, Indian Army and, 192, 195, 199–202, 208–11, 215–18, 220, 230–33, 238, 242, 245–46, 253–54, India’s accession of, 117–19, 179–81, 180, 192–93, 198–99, India’s fight for, 181, 184, 190–93, 195–96, 198–202, 204–7, 216, 222, 230–32, 254, 260, India’s overreach in, 205–6, 208–11, ISI and, xx, Kashmir Army and, 183, 210, Ladakh, 179–80, 211, 246, 253, lashkar in, 184–88, 196–97, 199–204, 206–8, 210–11, 214–15, 217–18, 220, 242, Line of Control in, 255, 260–61, as moral issue, 204–5, 219–20, 230, 250, as multicultural state, 204, 217, Muslim Conference and, 180, 216, Muslim population and, 117, 179, 183, 186, 188, 198, Muslims and, 117, 183–84, 186, 188, 198, 215, 238, National Conference and, 118, 180, 204, 207, 210, Pakistan and accession, 117–18, 179–82, 210, 214, Pakistan Army and, 196, 201, 212, 214–16, 231–32, 238–39, 244–46, 254, 257, Pakistan’s fight for, 109, 182–90, 193–97, 199–204, 206–8, 210–11, 214, 237–39, 253–54, 259, Partition and, 96–97, 104, 117–18, 176–77, partition of, 211, 216, 252, plebiscite in, 176, 195, 198, 207, 212, 214, 227, 239, 246, 256, population statistics and, 117, 179–80, proxy wars and, 196, 256, rebellions and discontent in, 181–82, 260, refugees and, 186, 188, 190, 199, 208–10, RSSS and, 183, 208–9, 222, sectarian violence and, 183, 186, 188, 195, 198, 203–4, 209–10, 216, 238, settlement terms and, 212–15, Sikhs and, 192, 195, 199, 209, 215, 217, Soviets and, 195–96, United Nations and, 208, 212, 217, 221, 227, 238–39, 245–47, Uri, 188, 207, 210, 217–18, 220–22, U.S. and, 230, 253, Vale of, 179–80, 206, 211, 252–53, West Punjab role in war in, 183, 188, 196, 209, 211, 221, 238. See also Jammu; Srinagar
Khan, Akbar, 182, 196–97, 199–200, 207–8, 214–15, 231, 242, 257
Khan, Ayub, 257–59
Khan, Liaquat Ali: British aid and, 161, British compromise and, 66, 69, civil disobedience in Punjab and, 71, health of, 187, 194–96, 198, 208, Joint Defence Council and, 176, 212, 219, Kashmir and, 176–77, 182–84, 187–88, 192–94, 196, 215, 238, Kashmir conferences with, 212, 216–17, Kashmir partition and, 252–53, Kashmir sectarian violence and, 216, Kashmir settlement terms and, 212–13, 215–17, lashkar and, 238, leadership after Jinnah’s death and, 251–52, Nehru and, 253, Pakistan demand and, 94, Pakistan Special and, 126, Partition mechanics and 105, 114, as prime minister, 135, 146, 176, 252, Raj financial reserves and, 212, 219–20, refugees and, 165, sectarian violence in Punjab and, 135–36, 176, on United Nations and Kashmir, 212, 217
Khan, Mohammad Zafarullah, 227, 246
Khan, Raja Ghazanfar Ali, 85
Khan, Sher, 231
Khilafat movement, 27–28
Khizar Hayat Khan Tiwana, Malik, 44–45, 47, 64, 71–72, 75–77, 87
Khurshid, K. H., 178–80
Korbel, Josef, 246
Kripalani, J. B., 54–55
Labour Party, 5–6, 45, 67, 145
Ladakh, 179–80, 211, 246, 253
Lahore: camps for refugees in, 202, civil disobedience in, 71–73, economy of, 79, Hindus and, 77–79, 110–11, Muslims and, 79, Muslim League and, 37, 42, 77–78, 87, Muslim League National Guards in, 71, refugees and, 131, 142, 145–46, 202, 208, sectarian violence in, 73, 77–79, 81–82, 84, 97–99, 108–11, 131–33, 135–36, 182, Shahalmi Gate fire in, 109–10, Sikhs and, 77, 79, 84, 87, 97–98, 167, Unionist coalition in, 44, 47. See also Punjab
Lahore Mental Hospital, 111, 123
Laik Ali, Mir, 235, 237, 239–43, 247–48, 251
Lambert, Richard D., 168, nn.58–59
Lashkar-e-Taiba, xx, 259–60
lashkar: arms and supplies from Pakistan for, 180, 196, 218, cross-border warfare and, 221, Jammu and, 230–31, as Pakistan proxies, 184–88, 196–97, 199–204, 207–8, 210–11, 214–15, 217–18, 220, 242
Leh, 246
Lewis, Charles W., 213, 252
Line of Control, 255, 260
Linlithgow, Victor Hope, 2nd Marquess of, 35–36, 39–41
Lockhart, Rob, 150–51, 171, 191, 220
Lucknow, 25–26, 30–31, 223
Lucknow Pact, 25–26, 30–31, 269, n.14
Lyallpur, 166, 168
MacNeice, Louis, 143
Mahajan, Mehr Chand, 180–81, 183, 187, 191–92
Mahsud tribe, 185, 203
Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen (Council for the Unity of Muslims, or Ittehad), 172, 193, 206–7, 233–35
Mamdot, Khan Iftikhar Hussain Khan, 77, 81, 85, 142
Mangrol, 170–71, 173, 206
Manki Sharif, Pir of, 52
Martin, Kingsley, 230
Matthai, John, 169–70
Mazhar, Ahmed, 245
Menon, V. K. Krishna, 145
Menon, V. P.: background, 96–97, Delhi riots and, 151–52, Hyderabad and, 234, 239, 248, India as dominion and, 96, Jungadh and, 172–73, Kashmir and, 191–93, Partition and, 96–97, 117, on Patel and Nehru, 170, princely states and, 162, 170–71, 173
r /> Meos, 101–2, 149, 156, 168
Merrell, George, 69, 71
Messervy, Frank, 80–82, 88, 167, 174, 187, 194, 197, 214–15
Mirza, Iskander, 184, 235, 237
Mohammad, Ghulam, 182, 216
Monckton, Walter, 115, 162, 172, 193, 206–7
Montagu, Edwin, 25–26
Montgomery, 166
Moon, Penderel, 121, 127, 140, 142
Morrison, Ian, 144
Mountbatten, Edwina, 90–91, 158, 205, 214, 244
Mountbatten, Louis: appointment as viceroy, 85–86, Boundary Commission and, 123, 129–31, 137, characteristics of, 86–87, cross-border warfare and, 221–22, Delhi riots and, 155, 158, dominion status for India and Pakistan and, 93, 96, as governor-general, 114, 151–52, 242, 244, Hyderabad and, 234, 239–40, 242–43, independence day and, 129–30, 134, Jinnah and, 91–93, 98, 129, 131, 214, Joint Defence Council and, 146, 176, 197–98, 212, 219–20, Kashmir and, 119, 190–91, 195–98, 205–6, 210, 211, 238–39, Kashmir conferences and, 195–96, 208, 212, 219–20, Kashmir plebiscite and, 198, Nehru and, 89–90, 96–97, 158, 173, 213, “Operation Madhouse” and, 65, 274, n.65; on overreach in Kashmir, 205, Partition announcement and, 106, Partition negotiations and, 89–98, 107, Partition timetable and, 102–6, 114, 119–23, Patel and, 169–71, 173, princely states and, 116–17, 162–63, 173, 176–77, Punjab sectarian violence and, 87–89, 99, Raj financial reserves and, 219–20, 224, Sikhs and, 88, 99, 107, 120–22, United Nations and, 217, 221, 230, World War II and, 86, 88
Mudie, Francis, 124, 135, 145, 167–68, 193–94, 211
Mughal Empire, 24, 74, 241