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Shameless Desire (The Outlawed Realm)

Page 21

by Tina Donahue

  “Regina,” he repeated, enjoying the sound of her name. He glanced at her fiery red hair, gold earrings—the color of stars on his side—soft gray sweater and black pants.

  Gently, she squeezed his hand, her expression soft with arousal. “And you are?”

  There was no need to lie. Tonight would be their only time together. Tomorrow, Regina would be safe, and he would surely be dead. Even if he escaped harm from Sazaar, Andris and the others, death awaited him on his return to E2. Fear or sorrow should have overwhelmed Nikoli. Instead, gratitude for this small slice of time, this moment of unrestricted joy, quickened his answer. “Nikoli Zorr.”

  Regina moved her lips as though testing his name. Her resultant smile said she liked it. “Nikoli.” Her iris’s green tint was darker now, lushly verdant in the room’s scant light. She studied his features. “It sounds Russian. Were you born there?”

  Prepared for her questions, he continued to lie. “My parents emigrated from a small isolated village in Romania. They brought me over when I was twelve. I’m afraid our accent is quite unique.”

  “It fits you,” she said. “Do you work here?” She glimpsed at his shoulders. “Are you on your way home?”


  Nikoli glanced over at the young woman who had waited on him. She regarded Regina’s hand in his, then flashed him a hungry smile.

  Unmoved by her seduction, growing cautious, he said, “Yes?”

  “You forgot your change.” She rested a series of bills and circular coins near his cup, then regarded him, her expression expectant.

  Nikoli wasn’t certain how to respond. Of the currency he’d stolen, he hadn’t known how much to offer for the drink. Overwhelmed at seeing Regina, at being close enough to hear her speak, he’d watched her hand over a bill for her order but hadn’t noticed if she’d received anything back.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  Brows drawn together, the girl glanced at the bills.

  Nikoli sensed she wanted them back. Why, he didn’t know. Taking a chance, he slid the one on top toward her to see what would happen.

  “Thank you,” she said, pocketing it. Ponytail swinging, she hurried back to her station.

  “Wow. You’re a good tipper,” Regina said, arching one brow.

  Nikoli wasn’t certain what she meant. His only answer was the truth. “I wanted her to leave.” He smiled. “It was the only way I knew to get rid of her.”

  Regina laughed.

  The carefree, tinkling sound stroked Nikoli’s soul. With great care, he squeezed her fingers.

  Regina’s expression grew distracted, her smile fading as she glanced at their hands, her fingers hugging his. Not caring if he acted recklessly, Nikoli held on to her for a few seconds more.

  After he released her, Regina wrapped her fingers around her cup. She asked again, “Do you work in this building?”

  “On the third floor,” he offered, lying easily, giving her the name of one of the companies he’d passed on the way down here.

  Nodding, Regina captured a bit of the drink’s whipped cream on her fingertip, then brought it to her mouth, licking it off.

  The back of his neck tingled.

  “Do you own the company?” she asked.

  His attention remained on her mouth, the promise of its wet heat beyond her plump bottom lip. He imagined his tongue stroking her lips, parting them, seeking entrance. Once claimed, he pictured Regina offering even more of herself. On her knees, she’d take his cock into her velvety palms, lifting it to her mouth, drawing it inside, providing shelter, elation, completion. Sounding distracted, he said, “Yes.”

  “What business are you in, Nikoli?”

  The shameless images in his mind evaporated with her question. Stalling for an answer, his knowledge of this realm, he peeled off the white circular cover on the top of his cup and placed it to the side. A word popped in his mind, one he’d seen quite a few times on this plane. “Consulting.”

  “On what?”

  His pulse pounded. He thought back to things he’d seen here. “Computer software designs.”

  Regina’s quick nod told Nikoli he hadn’t said anything strange.

  She smiled. “My system could certainly use some expert help. Carly’s always complaining about how we need to move my accounting and other files into the twenty-first century. Sad to say, I’ve let her whine without really doing anything to fix the problem. I figured she could just live with it since she’s my only employee, kind of a combination bookkeeper-receptionist-secretary. But hey, if you know software, maybe you can give me a couple of tips on what I need to do.”

  Sweat trickled down Nikoli’s back. He had no idea what to suggest. The systems on this side were centuries behind the advancements on his. “Of course, but I generally work with large firms with hundreds of employees.” To take the focus off himself, he asked, “What business are you in, Regina?”

  “I’m a psychologist.” She ran her fingertip over the food she’d been eating. Small, delicate flakes fell from it onto the countertop. “I deal with anxiety disorders.”

  He offered a nod of encouragement. “I admire anyone who helps others with their problems. Your work must be very rewarding.”

  Appreciation for his comment radiated from her. “I certainly try to help all that I can. Unfortunately, I’m not always successful.”

  He thought of Sazaar and was careful to keep himself from sounding worried. “It’s understandable that some can’t be helped.”

  Regina offered a rueful smile. “I’ll have to remember that when I’m feeling badly about a failure. Now that I know you work here, perhaps I can ask you for a pep talk from time to time.”

  He spoke without thinking. “A pep talk?”

  “A word of support,” she amended.

  “Of course.” With his full attention on her, he spoke from the heart, offering a future they didn’t have. “Always.”

  A soft heat emanated from her, the kind a woman on this side showed when she wanted a man. “Are you on your way home, Nikoli?”

  Surprised at her question, not knowing why she asked, he shook his head.

  She glanced at his coat, confusion sparking in her expression as though she’d expected him to leave.

  “There’s a matter I have to attend to,” he said, being deliberately vague, “but I still have work to do and planned to return shortly.”

  Naked pleasure shone on her face.

  It pleased him as nothing else ever had. “Are you going home?” he asked.

  “I have one last patient in a few minutes.” She nibbled on the edge of her food, then returned it to the white square it had rested on—what her people called a napkin. Brushing crumbs from the side of her mouth, she said, “The appointment will be over in an hour. If you don’t have to work past seven fifteen or so, would you care to have dinner with me?” She lowered her hand to the table, waiting for his answer.

  His mouth had already gone dry. Her words rang in his mind.

  I have one last patient.

  Sazaar. For weeks, he’d watched his mate arrive at Regina’s office, then struggle to disclose her abominable secrets. Thus far, Sazaar hadn’t revealed anything about Andris and the others. Tonight, she would. Nikoli sensed it. Feared it.

  Once Regina learned what no human was meant to know, Sazaar would destroy her. She’d have no other choice.

  It’s easy to fall in love. Destiny requires tooth and claw.


  © 2013 Lacy Danes

  Dragon’s Fate, Book 1

  Curses are designed to be cruel, but the one afflicting Jordan and his brothers is almost beyond bearing. A dragon born by blood magic, he is an immortal trapped in human form, with only one hope of finding his eternal mate. He must bite her—and pray she lives.

  One dark night, he senses the wounded heartbeat of a woman in the shadows, begging him to end her life. Ever the gentleman, he chivalrously obliges her wish. Only to discover three days later that she lives. And has
married another.

  Celeste always dreamed of marrying for love, but the nightmare of living in her father’s home drives her to wed the Duke of Hudson. Yet on her wedding eve, she is compelled to follow a mysterious man who professes to know her secret. A man with curious blue scales on his muscular arms—whose shadowed eyes reflect a dangerous mix of destiny and desire…

  Warning: Explicit sex, sex in water, four super-hot dragon brothers, and a curse born from magical power that has left them wondering who they are all their lives.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Waterfall:

  Jordan’s vision hazed and warped in a colorful wave, heightening details at the center of his focus. He shook his head and looked down to the highly polished wood floor. His sight returned to normal.

  What just happened? His vision never colored except after he had bitten. He locked his jaw, and his chest labored. He slowly raised his gaze back up at the duke and the woman who stood the same height beside him. A rainbow of colors radiated out from her.

  He choked.

  The woman… He closed his eyes, and the image from the beach came back to him…

  Golden hair lit up with the sun. The pearls of her aristocratic dress played against the tips of his fingers as he gently laid her on the grass for dead.

  His throat tightened. He had bitten her three days past, and she…lived.

  Oh, bloody hell.

  His body shook.

  She was his mate.

  Heat coursed through his flesh and burned through his cock, which swelled and pressed painfully against his trousers. His mate. He shifted his stance and placed his hand at an angle to disguise his engorged erection. Damn. He glanced about the room. This couldn’t be possible. His attention snapped back to her.

  “Lords and ladies, I present to you my new wife, Her Grace, the Duchess of Hudson!” His Grace raised her fingers to his lips and kissed her gloved knuckles.

  It was her. It really was the same woman. Jordan had touched that wrist. Had taken her bracelet. His treasure of her death. His fingers fisted, and he stumbled forward, seeing nothing but her golden hair, slender nose, full, angelic lips and noble cheekbones. All held the color of life. Not death.

  She had wed Hudson.

  He bumped into the gentleman who stood before him.

  “Mind your step.”

  How could she? He continued forward without pause. After five hundred years of frustration and loneliness, he had found his lifemate, and Cupid had poisoned the arrow.

  She had married another, and tonight would bed her husband.

  Not him.

  His feet moved as if he glided, pulled by a rope to her. This was wretched! His vision streaked, danced and swirled in blue and gold ripples, making his stomach flip.

  Yet he’d found her!

  The room hummed and dropped away. He stepped in front of her, shaking. He stared down at eyes so green they reminded him of a serene, moss-covered pond. A shiver raced from the tip of his toes to the white streak in his hair.

  “You survived.” His deep and raspy words barely left his mouth.

  Her eyes widened, and her skin paled, accentuating the freckles across her nose. “Pardon? Do I know you, sir?”

  She had freckles… His lips turned up into a genuine smile. Freckles. He wanted to know every tiny detail about her.

  A weighty force pressed upon his shoulders, buckling his knees.


  He knelt before her, bent low, and stared up at her like a peasant in awe before a goddess.

  The image of her as he had dragged her from the water—blood and seawater trailing over him and staining his clothes—slid through him.

  Now this distortion stained his soul.

  He had left her…

  Left his mate for dead.

  How could he not have known? He licked his lips with a tongue that held no moisture. The scent of orange blossoms and cherries filled his flaring nostrils. Her scent. The scent of her blood.

  She’d had no wedding ring on her finger that night. He opened his mouth and grasped her hand. She needed to know she was his mate, a love for all time…

  Thick-gloved fingers wrapped about his forearm, and his scales prickled in familiar warning. Ilmir.

  “Please excuse him, Your Grace. He is truly in his cups.” Ilmir’s calm, deep voice slashed through his beautiful rainbow fog.

  The censure of the room came crashing back to Jordan’s senses.

  Ilmir’s breath pressed to his ear. “You are making a dangerous spectacle.”

  Jordan turned his head toward Ilmir and narrowed his eyes. How dare he? The man had done everything against all mores his entire life.

  “Jordan.” Ilmir glanced at the woman before them. “Is this…” His gray eyebrows rose over his pale, ice-blue eyes in question.

  Jordan remained silent and continued to glare at his brother. Beyond his grayish-white hair, his well-tailored evening attire made him appear the perfect, elegant young gentleman. Appear… Jordan frowned and ground his teeth together. How dare he act noble? Here. Now. He wanted to grab Ilmir by the ear and drag him outside, but nothing was as it should be tonight, and this act too had strings.

  Hudson stepped before them, blocking his new duchess from view. A deep frown scarred his face. “I suggest you listen to your brother. Your family is in enough of a public tumble, which I will help you out of, but this…” His brow arched, and dreaminess glazed his eyes. An odd smile flashed across his lips, then disappeared.

  Ilmir wrapped his arm under Jordan’s and pulled him to his feet. His breath warmed Jordan’s ear. “Don’t fret. If she is yours, no one can deny the fact. Not even her.” Ilmir slowly turned him from his beauty.

  Jordan wobbled and swayed, his shaking legs unable to support him. He floated as if he was a bloody cork in water…water so unfamiliar and deadly. Deadly? He mentally jarred himself. He was water. Water could never kill him. He’d found her, and he would not leave her here for Hudson’s use.

  “Act inebriated.” Ilmir gripped him hard and almost dragged him through the crowd.

  Like the devil he would! Jordan glanced back. Her eyes, huge emerald pools that spoke of a deep soul, watched him as she talked to an older woman at her side. He pulled against Ilmir’s grasp. “Release me.”

  Ilmir’s fingers tightened. “No, brother. This is not how we untangle this.”

  “This is not yours to untangle.” He could not leave without saying more to her.

  She needed to know. Know what had happened.

  She needed to know she was his mate.

  Not Hudson’s.

  “Release your fingers,” he ground out, and the sacs in his mouth swelled. He jerked his head back—that was not supposed to happen unless he prepared to bite—and clenched his teeth, holding his lips closed on the poisons that swelled in his glands.

  He glanced around the room. Bloody hell! His body changed against his will, and he did not know what those changes encompassed. The room watched them. What was happening to him? He firmly planted the soles of his shoes on the marble floor.

  “No!” Ilmir’s fingers dug into his flesh. “Not until I have you in a carriage. She will not disappear, Jordan. I assure you.” He laughed a mocking chuckle and yanked him through an open door. “She is a duchess.” He kicked the door closed with the heel of his boot.

  “To hell, Ilmir.” His angry words smoked out of his mouth and singed the fabric on Ilmir’s coat. Damn smoke. He’d just breathed smoke. He stared at the lightly glowing spot on Ilmir’s sleeve, and his eyes widened. He had never done that before.

  “Quite so. Hell has had me and enjoys my flavor.” The sleeve of Ilmir’s coat puffed, smoldering. “Now listen and listen well, brother. That there”—Ilmir pointed back into the ballroom—“is the Duke of Hudson. This is his home. If we slight him, we have no remaining allies in London. Do you understand?” Ilmir brushed at the singed fabric and continued to stare at him as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.

Of course Jordan knew where they were. But— Bloody hell! She was his! His! “Ilmir.”

  “Control yourself. You cannot do this badly.”

  Jordan’s fists shook in anger. “As if you should give that guidance. You have never thought of anyone but yourself!”

  Ilmir nodded. “Correctly stated. And you have seen the consequences. Be the good whelp you always are. Or go your own path and we all fall.”

  “Fall? We can’t fall.” But Ilmir was correct about one thing. Confronting her here in front of a room full of people when he was uncertain of his body’s changes was a poor plan. He sighed and rolled his shoulders. He needed her alone. And now.

  Shameless Desire

  Tina Donahue

  Passion without limit. Carnal hunger that knows no bounds.

  Outlawed Realm, Book 3

  Within Earth’s five dimensions, nothing is as it seems…and desire is never far away.

  In E4’s jungle, Kuma was the Alpha werewolf, bent on revenge against the hated guards. Swept with them into the E1 dimension, now he prowls Seattle at night, stopping the thugs from abducting women for use as sex slaves in E4’s Pleasure Palace.

  On her way home from her nursing job, Gwen senses danger in the night’s shadows—an instant before a stranger attacks. Clinging to consciousness, she watches the impossible, a wolf fighting him off…protecting her. She wakes in her own bed, convinced it must have been a dream until she sees Kuma in human form. Virile, intense. A man like no other.

  Within his powerful embrace, Gwen experiences rapture she didn’t believe existed. His unrestrained lust and burning need end her loneliness, though not the menace they face. The guards are a constant threat in their hunt for women and their determination to see Kuma dead. Together, he and Gwen must fight—for his life, her freedom, their future.

  Warning: Out-of-this-world sex and a romance to die for. Features a hunk whose inner beast won’t be tamed, and the woman who craves his most shameless desire.

  eBooks are not transferable.


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