Trusted by You

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Trusted by You Page 8

by Amy Muscat

  After a second, I heard her say, “I’m coming!”

  The door opens and, looking gorgeous in her pyjamas and her silky blond hair up in a messy knot on top of her head, Lottie was holding her purse and said, “How much is that?”

  But when she looks up and sees me, shock covers her beautiful face.

  “Blake… what are you doing here? Did you not get my message?” She asked me, frowning, a furrow pops out in her brow that I find cute.

  “Hey. Yeah, I got your message: did you not get mine back?” I wanted to know if she had seen the preview on her phone, but not opened it 'cause she didn’t want to answer me back.

  “No, I haven’t. I've been busy,” she explains looking back into her apartment.

  “Oh, well, I just wanted to come over and see if everything was alright.”

  “Yeah, everything is fi–” she starts to say but is interrupted when I hear my name being called. Loudly.

  “Uncle Blake!!” I look away from Lottie's killer navy blue eyes and down to the little girl running down the hallway, her arms spread wide.

  Lottie thinking quickly, pushed the door all the way open, and I bent down to Ivy's level and within a second: I was knocked onto my back and Ivy had wrapped herself around me.

  I chuckled at her while she stated over and over that she had missed me.

  “I've missed you too, little miss,” I tell her, looking up into her pretty face.

  My best friends little girl was a little stunner. They were going to have a huge problem with fending the boys off when she got older. Poor bastards.

  “Are you having dinner with me and Aunty Lottie?” She asks innocently, tilting her head and making her long, curly brown hair fall over one shoulder.

  “Erm… well, I don’t know if I'm invited, sweetheart. Why don’t we ask Aunty Lottie, yeah?” I say to her, but look up over her shoulder to Lottie, and see her smiling at us.

  I sit up just as Ivy spins around in my arms and asks if I could stay with them.

  “Yeah, okay Munchkin.”


  “Thank you,” I say.

  “You're welcome, handsome, now come on; get in here,” she said picking Ivy up and placing her on her hip.

  I stand up and dust off my jeans before I shut the door behind me. When we get to the living room, I ask them what was on the agenda for tonight.

  With a smirk and a twinkle in her eye, Lottie says, “Oh, we’re having pizza, junk food, and a movie night.”


  I loved that Lottie actually ate food. Not all that rabbit shit woman tended to eat– especially around men. I always wondered if they went home and stuffed their faces with junk food after a date; because surely they couldn’t survive on lettuce and water. Surely not…

  “Sounds awesome!” I say to Ivy when she starts jumping up and down on the couch saying it was gonna be ‘so much fun,’

  “Yeah, totally awesome. You'll love the film too.” Lottie said, and I look up at her when I hear the smugness in her voice. I become instantly suspicious.

  “What film?” I ask cautiously.

  Please, please, don’t be that ice film that everyone’s been going on about… please!


  Fuck my life.

  I’VE LEARNT THREE THINGS about Lottie in the last two hours:

  1. Lottie adores Ivy.

  2. Lottie knew every fucking lyric to the movie Frozen, and she likes to sing it very loudly.

  3. Lottie is even more beautiful than I thought.

  I WAS STANDING IN the kitchen making coffee while Lottie was putting Ivy to bed.

  That little girl sure had some energy. Jesus.

  The film had not long finished, and I was singing that fucking song in my head now.

  I started to chuckle as I remember how Lottie had stood up and started singing and acting out to the song Let It Go.

  She had started spinning and prancing around like a fairy, singing so loud (and so bad), but I couldn’t help but like this side I was seeing of her.

  Dressed down in her checked pj bottoms and a plain white top, her hair bunched up and not a scrap of make-up on her face; I had so say that I have never seen her look so relaxed and beautiful. She was stunning.

  She had stopped mid-spin and smiled at me before grabbing Ivy and pulling her into her arms and carried on dancing around like a woman on speed. Both Ivy and Lottie had giggle/sung through the rest of the song and I had found myself laughing along with them.

  It had been a fun night, and it wasn’t over yet… well hopefully.

  Light footsteps interrupt my thoughts and I turn around to see Lottie walk in the kitchen. She smiles at me and says, “I'll have a cup of coffee too, please.”

  Grabbing an extra mug from the metal mug holder, I pour her coffee, too.

  “How do you like it?”

  “Milk, one sugar please.” She said.

  After adding her milk and sugar, I give her the mug of coffee and follow her into the living room.

  I sit down at one end of the couch and Lottie at the other. She pulls her feet up and places them in my lap.

  I look down at her feet and then back up at her with a raised brow.

  “By all means, just use me as a footstool,” I say sarcastically.

  “Thanks, I will.” She says smugly, blowing the steam away from her coffee.

  Her pursed lips made me think of how they felt on mine, and when she wrapped her lips around the rim of the coffee mug, I thought of what else could be slipping in-between those pale, plump lips, instead of a hot drink.

  I shifted in my seat uncomfortably at the thought.

  Don’t get a hard on Blake; I silently scold myself, not over her drinking a fucking drink.

  “So, what brought you here tonight, Blake?”

  “I told you; I wanted to come check to see if you were okay,” I tell her, omitting to tell her the truth about my crazy jealous thoughts.

  Now she raised an eyebrow at me. “Please. You don’t think I fell for that bullshit do you?”

  “What? It's the truth!” Okay, well sort of.

  “Uh huh, of course, it is. If you don’t want to tell me, then don’t. It’s fine, Blake. I would like to know more about you, however.”

  “Like what?” I ask hesitantly. What could she possibly want to know?

  “I don’t know, the normal stuff like… do you have any siblings?” She asks.

  I chuckle at her question. “Yes, I do.”

  “Could you elaborate for me, please?” she asks sarcastically.

  “I have two siblings; one brother, one sister.”

  “Do you get on with them?” she asks taking another sip of her drink. I do too.

  “Yeah, we get along just fine. My brother is older than me and my sister is younger.” I tell her. Why she wanted to know, this stuff was beyond me.

  “What are their names? And how old are they?”

  “Frankie and Melody,” I tell her amused at her questioning. “Frankie is twenty-nine, and Melody is twenty-one. What is this, twenty questions?”

  “Well, sort of. I just thought I don’t really know that much about you, and I thought we should get to know each other better,” she shrugs her dainty shoulders at me.

  “Okay, fair enough. My turn.”

  “Okay, go.” She said taking a last sip of her coffee before she places her empty mug down on her cream coffee table.

  “Same question as yours, siblings?”

  “Nope. I'm an only child.”

  “Oh, okay. Do you wish you had any?”

  “Erm no, not really. I mean sure, when I was growing up, I'd wanted a sister to play dress up with or an older brother. But then I always had my cousins; they only lived around the corner from my house, and I had my cousin Calum, so he sort of compensated for the older, overprotective brother. But I think of Peyton as my sister and Ivy as my niece, so to me– I haven’t missed out on much.”

  “I never did hear the story of how you and
Peyton met,” I say with a hint. She lightly chuckles. “What? What’s funny?”

  “We met in a coffee shop Peyton was working in.” She started, her eyes glossing over as she reminisced. “I’d been having a pretty bad day. There had been this absolute arsehole at work that day, and I was not happy with him– he’d said something to me, and for the life of me; I can't remember what it was. But it was something to really piss me off. Anyway, so I'm in the coffee shop– I always went there after work. They made just the best coffee– and I'm on my phone ranting and then this little redhead comes over with another cup of coffee for me and says, ‘this will help’ or something like that. I told her thank you and introduced myself. I'd seen her around, and she always looked like she had the weight of the world on her small shoulders. I asked if she wanted to sit and have a chat me with– the place was quiet, so she sat down next to me and we just started talking. We spoke about how I had come to move to America, and all that.” She says this with a nostalgic smile on her face.

  I loved listening to her speak, her distinctive British accent, the way she pronounced things so differently to me, the way her lips moved and shaped the words that were tumbling out of her mouth. I liked the way she got so animated when she spoke also; she liked to use her hands as she spoke.

  She suddenly got a sad expression on her face and I was instantly worried.

  “What’s wrong, Beauty?” I ask her, rubbing her leg trying to sooth her.

  “Nothing, I was just remembering the rest of the conversation we’d had that day,” she told me, twisting her lips.

  “Go on,” I encourage her.

  “Peyton told me about herself. About how her childhood sweetheart had gone off to war and when she had fallen pregnant, he wanted nothing to do with the baby. I remember how she broke down. The sounds she made as she cried, those haunting sobs that had ripped from her chest; they will always stay with me. I hated Keller for what he had done to my best friend.”

  “Yeah, I understand what you're saying. I was with Keller when he received the letter that ‘Peyton’ had sent him.” I tell her, using quotation marks with my fingers as I said Peyton, 'cause we now knew it wasn’t either of them who had sent the letters, but Keller’s step-mom. “He was fucking devastated. It killed him. He couldn’t believe what had just happened. We became really close in the army, and it had hurt me to see him like that. It didn’t help that I had been burnt from an ex before, so I really didn’t like Peyton at the time neither.”

  “Well, thankfully the truth came out, and they're now fine.” She says.


  I was silent for a while before Lottie breaks it and says, “Err, Blake?”


  “Can I have my leg back, please?” She says and looks pointedly down at her leg.

  I look down too, and I realize that I've been rubbing her calf. I didn’t even know I'd been doing it. I quickly lift my hands up and say sorry.

  She chuckles. “It’s fine, but I just really need to go to the loo, and I sort of need my legs to get me there.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “What do you mean, no I don’t? Of course, I need my leg– ahh! What’re you doing?” She shrieked when I lift her into my arms and start walking in the direction of her room.

  “Carrying you to your toilet; proving that you don’t need your legs. I'll happily pick you up and take you there,” I grin down at her shocked face.

  She shakes her head grinning up at me, and I can’t resist; I lean down and kiss her smiling lips.

  She gasps, and I run my tongue over the seam of her lips before I nip the bottom and pull it with my teeth.

  “Blake,” she groans.

  I lift my head up and look at her. Eyes glazed over in lust, cheeks flushed, and pinks lips puffy. Oh God, that face right there was every man’s fantasy.

  “Blake, let me down so I can go pee, and we’ll carry this on as soon as I come back out,” she says squirming in my arms.

  I place her on her feet.

  “Did you know that when you have to pee you cum harder while you're having sex?” I ask her, saucily.

  With a glint in her navy-blue eyes, she said, “Yes, I did, actually. But, I'm not doing that, you dirty fucker. I'm going to pee, wash up, and then I'm going to fuck the life outta you.” She winks at me and struts inside her en-suite.

  At her words, my dick was instantly alert; it was like it knew it was going to be played with soon. It was as happy as its owner.

  Just the thought of being inside Lottie again made me silently groan.

  I stripped off my top and leant down to take my socks and my jeans off.

  Just as I stood up, the door to the en-suite opened. I looked up to see Lottie standing in just her bra and panties. An erection-inducing sheer red bra and panty set.

  With her hair down, she looked like an Angel. Albeit a half-naked, very sexy Angel– but an Angel nonetheless.

  “Fuck me, Beauty, you look… you look absolutely ravishing.” I tell her, my voice husky.

  “Oh… thank you. And yes, I will be fucking you,” she says lustfully.

  I groan out loud. I loved it when she spoke dirty to me. I walk over to her and stop when I'm standing a hairs breath away. Beautiful. That was the only word that I would use to describe her.

  Lifting my hand, I ghost it over her arm, satisfied when she shivers. Once I reach her shoulder, I skim over the skin with the tips of my fingers. Tracing over her collarbone, up her slim neck, around her jaw line, and when I reach her plump lips; I run my thumb over the bottom one– watching them part under my touch.

  Her hot breath blew over my thumb as she says my name before I felt her lick, and then bite the pad of my thumb.

  The feeling shoots straight to my dick, and I felt it twitch excitedly.

  “I wanna suck your cock,” she husks, licking my thumb again.

  I growl, wrap my fingers around the back of her neck, and smash my lips on to hers.

  She opens when I ask, and she battles with my tongue until she gives up and lets me take over. My hand moves from her neck and into her hair, where I entwin the soft, silky strands in my fingers and pull her head back so I could control the kiss easier.

  The only sounds that could be heard in the room was our panting, our moans, and I'm pretty sure she could hear my heart thumping a mile a minute.

  I removed my lips from hers. “On your knees,” I tell her demandingly.

  “Mmm…” She purrs, as she starts kissing down my neck. Sucking my Adam’s apple making me groan, before she licks her way down my chest, down my stomach and over my abs, before she reached my left hip bone. Slowly, so very, very slowly, she licks, sucks and nips her way over to my opposite hip bone, tracing the lines and grooves of my body.

  I feel her fingers trace their way up my thighs. My hips reflectively jerked, and finally, finally, her small dainty hand wraps itself around the shaft of my cock and she gives it a slow, measured pump.

  “Don’t tease,” I growl down to her, wrapping my hands in her hair and pulling the strands away, so I could see her face properly.

  She giggles softly before she opens her mouth and sticks her tongue out and runs it around the head of my dick.

  “Fuck,” I growl in pleasure. “That’s it, take me deeper, Lottie.”

  She takes me deeper, her hand joining in as she twists her hand on the shaft of my cock pulling and tugging. Then she does something no woman had ever done; she takes me all the way.

  “Holy fuck!” I shout out, hearing her gag, but the sound just spurs on my lust for her.

  Oh, God. That felt fucking fantastic.

  “Oh yeah. I love your cock, Blake.” Her dirty words, combined with her mouth and tongue, almost make me come undone.

  “Beauty, you're gonna have to stop that; I'm gonna come in that pretty mouth of yours otherwise,” I tell her, but she just applies more pressure with her hand and starts sucking like a trooper.

  “Lottie… Angel, I'm going to com
e. Stop, I want to come when I'm inside you,” I say this, but I would really love to finish in her mouth.

  She carries on sucking– like a fucking trooper– for a couple of seconds before she says, “I want you to come in my mouth, Blake.”

  Who was I to deny her? I wasn’t a selfish man after all…

  After a few more tugs of her hand and one more deep throat, I feel myself tense and my balls rise up before I let go and come in her mouth.

  I throw my head back as I come, chanting her name. “Lottie. Oh fuck, Lott's; that was fucking mind blowing.”

  I look down at her just as she was licking the last bit of cum from her lips and I thought I was gonna blow again. That was a sight to behold.

  I help her up before I grip her shoulders and pull her to me, bending my head down and give her a hard kiss. I pant as I pull back from the kiss, watching as our chests heave together. “Your turn,” I grin at her and push her down on the bed.

  As she lands on the bed, her hair spread out above her, making the golden locks fan out like a halo. With the sexy grin and the flush on her cheeks, she looked absolutely beautiful.

  “Spread them legs for me, Angel,” I commanded. She opened her thighs just a little, a coy smile playing on her lips. “Don’t act innocent with me Beauty, spread them.”

  She runs her hands down her thighs, and when she gets to her knees, she takes a hold of them and spreads those sexy ass legs of hers. What I see has my dick jumping for joy.

  Her panties might have been sheer on top, but they were silk in the crotch, and I can see the huge damp patch there. It makes me groan out load.

  “You wet for me, Lottie?” I ask rhetorically.

  “Yep. Soaking big boy,” she murmurs licking her pink lips, making my body jerk in response.

  I dived in between her legs, feeling like a lion pouncing on their prey. I pluck at the barely there panties and with a quick tug, they were off and thrown over my shoulder.

  I look up at her face as I press kisses up her leg. Starting from the inside of her left thigh, all the way up to where her leg meets her pussy, I lightly skim over said pussy and onto the other leg. Starting the whole thing again, teasing her.


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