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BUY ME - The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions Book 4)

Page 32

by Alexa Riley

  I’ll get those words from her soon enough.

  Chapter 2


  I watch as Leo’s sexy, jean-covered ass walks away from me and out of the bedroom. I have the sudden urge to chase after him and pull him back into bed and under the covers with me.

  He would stay here all day if I asked him to. If I wanted him naked and tangled in the sheets with me, there wouldn’t be a second of hesitation from him.

  Closing my eyes, I lie back on the pillow and think about him. How his forest-green eyes see right through me, and still he doesn’t push me away. I think about his short dark beard and shaggy dark hair that hits almost to his shoulders. How his big body is utter perfection, and all I want to do is cling to him. His strong rough hands hold on to me but never hold me back.

  He’s too good for me, and I know it.

  The first time I saw him was across a crowded room at a work function. I’d been invited by a member and wanted to see if there was some potential business there. I’d heard of Leo Ramsey through the years, but I’d heard that he was reclusive and not known to venture out too much socially. From the descriptions everyone gave me, I expected a hunchback. What I saw was a goddamn thoroughbred stud. I knew the second our eyes locked that I wanted him under me. I never imagined what could have happened after that first time.

  I slipped him my card that night with the intention of having a little fun and letting him crawl back to his cave. But the day he walked into my office and those dark green eyes landed on me, I knew I had finally bitten off more than I could chew. There I was, thirty-four-years old, and a man had finally managed to not only break down my shield but did it in a way I never saw coming.

  The first time he came to my office downtown, I didn’t play coy. I made my move thinking I would lead the show and he would disappear after I was finished. I’ve rarely been surprised by people in my life, but Leo surprised me. Not only did he give me the best orgasms of my life that day, but when I tried to brush off the experience and pretend like it was nothing, he wouldn’t let me. Those dark-green eyes have seen my game from day one.

  I may have had a rough life to begin with, but I’ve earned every dollar and every favor since I started the Auction. I’ve told Leo a little about my past, but there are some things even I can’t admit out loud. There are a lot of things I’d rather forget, and bringing them up won’t change them. I’ve shared with him more than I’ve ever shared with anyone, and I think he knows enough to assume what I leave out.

  My father was in the mob in Vegas and had his hands in all kinds of dirty shit. He ran a brothel, and my mother was one of his whores. When I came along, she had no choice but to keep working the house and raise me there in the back of it. I give her credit for trying to shield me as much as she could, but my father was her pimp, and he was a piece of shit.

  By the time I was seventeen, I was ready to leave Vegas. I’d saved up the money I made cleaning rooms at the brothel and had a bus ticket to California. But the night I planned to leave, everything went wrong. My father showed up high as a kite looking for my mom. This wasn’t anything new. He was constantly beating on the girls and letting whoever had twenty bucks come in and do what they wanted to them. But on this night, though, he seemed crazier than usual, and he picked my mom. It was as if he knew I was on the way out the door.

  At first he had tried to make her put me to work, but she convinced him that I made a better maid than a whore. It was one of the kindest things she ever did for me.

  The brothel was pretty much empty that night, so when he took my mother out back and started beating on her, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. By the time I got to her, it was too late. He had gone too far, and I wasn’t there to save her. The one thing I was able to do was make sure that he never did it to another woman again.

  When the cops showed up, they didn’t ask a lot of questions. My father was a wanted man and was in and out of jail for years. The brothel was registered in Nevada, so it was all legal, and after the dust settled, I was declared the owner.

  Becoming at madame at eighteen wasn’t my first goal in life, but it turned out to be something I was good at. After a few years, I sold the place and made a good profit, getting into the high-end business, which paid much more.

  I’ve spend the last ten years building my empire, and now I rule the world. If you’re anyone who is anyone, I know you and you know me. If you’ve got more money than you know what to do with, I’m the woman to help you spend it. I deal only with women who are willing, ready, and discreet. But above all else, I keep them safe. I give them safety nets, security, and a way to do what they want, while making a killing. Some women enter into one contract and are set for life. Those are the success stories I love to make. Sex is natural, and women love it. If they can get paid millions to do it, then why not? I’m in the business of providing the elite to the elite, and I don’t make mistakes.

  I roll over and bury my face in the pillow. How could anyone love someone like me? Leo tells me he loves me, and I desperately want to say it back to him. But I feel like if I give him that last piece of me, then I’ll have given him everything. What will I hold on to when he leaves me? What will be left of me when he realizes that I’m not worth the effort and he’s out the door?

  Things are changing between him and me, and it’s time to come clean.

  I push myself from the bed, go to the shower, and try to wash away my fears. I’ve got an Auction tonight, and it’s a big one. I try not to think about the event and instead focus on what I can control. Like shaving my legs and washing my hair.

  I also think about how fucking sexy Leo’s body is and rub my pussy while I’m in the shower. I picture him in here like the other night when I came home and joined him. How he fucked me up against the tile and made me cum three times before he would let me out of the shower. The water was ice cold by the time I gave him what he wanted, but he got it.

  I touch myself as I think about Leo’s mouth and what it felt like last night. His warm tongue on my clit and how I came on his face. Then I eventually cum thinking about his long thick cock inside of me, fucking me hard and deep.

  When I’m out of the shower, I get ready for work. All of my things are here, and I wonder why I even bother going by my place downtown. I know I keep it as insurance, in case Leo decides that a high-paid madame isn’t what he wants after all.

  Tying my hair back, I make sure no strand is out of place. I apply my make-up and then slip on a black dress suit with black heels. It’s pretty much the same thing I wear every day, and I feel as if it’s my armor. Once I’m dressed and ready to go, I mentally pull my shields up and head out the door.

  This is a big night for the Mistress Auction, and I need all the strength I can muster.

  Chapter 3


  I nod to the guard as I make my way into the Mistress Auction. He immediately recognizes me and opens the thick metal door, granting me entry.

  “She’s not in her office,” he tells me as I pass, knowing where I was headed. It’s always the first place I go when I arrive, hoping to catch her before the Auction starts. I like her knowing I’m here. I know she’s been doing this for years and has security so thick nothing could ever happen to her, but I need her to know.

  I need her to know that someone is here, not because they owe her something or they’re paid to be here. I want her to know I’m here simply to look out for her. To show that, even though I might not want her doing this anymore, I still support her.

  I look down at my watch, double-checking the time.

  “Thanks,” I say, and make my way straight to the auction area. I want to get a table in the back. Hopefully, this will go fast. I’ve had an unsettled feeling all day, and it doesn’t help that Samantha’s texts today have been short.

  No teasing, none of the nicknames she likes to give me. Simple yeses and nos, and it’s eating me up inside.

  When I hit the auction area, I stop in my tracks. The r
oom is packed full of people. There isn't a person in the room I don’t recognize. From politicians to casino owners to CFOs of some the largest companies in the world.


  Charles, the owner of the Snake Eyes casino, turns, and his eyes lock on me. His wife, Mandy, does the same. I nod politely. If anyone knows why I’m here, it’s Charles. I like to keep my life private, but he once caught me and Samantha in an intimate moment at an Auction. I’m sure he remembers, because a man like Charles remembers everything, just in case he might need to use it against you one day. But word is he seems to have softened up since Mandy’s gotten a hold of him. I know he bought Mandy from this very auction house. In fact, if I recall right, he was bidding against himself before anyone could even make their own bid.

  The thought makes me smile, and they take it as an invitation to come over towards me. I’d rather just head to the back, but maybe he knows what’s going on.

  “Not surprised to see you here tonight,” Charles says, pulling his tall wife into his body so she’s snug against him. The hand on her hip tightens in a possessive grip. I feel a small trace of jealousy bite at me.

  I’d love to do those things with my Samantha, but I know she likes to keep things looking professional to the outside world. She doesn’t want anyone to see her as anything other than a cutthroat ice queen, impervious to men’s charms.

  “Mrs. Townsend.” I greet Charles’s wife with a small nod, and she gives me a soft smile in return. “I’m a little shocked at your being here. Seeing as you're married.” I’ve heard whispers, and if the tone of Charles’s casino and the collar around his wife’s neck are any indication, they’re into some kind of kink.

  I never thought I was into a kink until my Samantha. I don’t know what drives me to take such control of her when we have sex, but I can’t seem to help myself. I can start to see why Charles might do the same thing with his wife. He just might use a few more toys and names than I do.

  Even after knowing that about them, I can’t imagine Charles is here to get a Mistress, even with his wife’s approval. He’s seems extremely possessive. I don’t think he’d want another male or female to ever see his wife in the buff.

  “Sam called in one of her notorious favors.” He glances towards the stage like he expects her to be there. She doesn’t even do the Auctions. Most of the time she just works backstage, wrapping up contracts and such.

  I glance around the room again. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this many people in here at once. She must have a long line up.

  “Oh. There are the Cortezes. I didn’t know they’d be here, too,” Mandy says, trying to pull from his grip but getting nowhere. She lets out a little huff before giving Charles a look.

  “I’ll take you over there, kitten. Retract the claws before they get you more than you bargained for.”

  She pushes into his body. “Promises, promises.”

  He smiles down at her before giving her a kiss.

  I use the opportunity to try to slip away.

  “Join us.”

  I look around and see that every table is full, so I take Charles up on his offer, not wanting to be rude. Some manners are so deeply ingrained in me I can’t seem to kick them.

  When we reach the table, I see Justin Cortez and his brother, Aaron, with their very pregnant wife, Stella, in his lap. She jumps up when she sees us and wobbles over to give Mandy a hug. Charles reluctantly lets her go.

  “You’re about to pop,” Mandy says, hugging her back.

  “I know.”

  They both take their seats in their husbands’ laps. I take one of the vacant chairs, trying not to let the sight eat me up too much.

  “Wait until you meet Don’s wife. You’re going to die,” Stella says excitedly while Aaron absently rubs her stomach, making the bite of jealousy hit me again.

  “They’re married?” Mandy half-squeals, almost coming out of her chair, but Charles locks his arm around her waist. “I just thought they were shacking up at the moment. I knew it was serious, I just didn’t know he put a ring on it.”

  “Oh, yeah, he did. You should see that rock.” Stella lifts her hand in an approximation of the ring’s size. It has to be an exaggeration because I’m not sure they even make rings that big. Or how someone would walk around with one that size on their hand.

  “Men,” Mandy sighs. “They just have to mark us. To let the whole world know we’re taken.” Her eyes roll, contradicting the dreamy tone of her words as her hand goes to the chain around her neck, making Stella smile.

  “Oh, there they are.” Stella tries to jump from Aaron’s lap, but this time he holds firm.

  “Calm down, or you’re going to go into labor.”

  More hugs are exchanged before Don and his new wife, Peaches, join us at the table. Don eyes me knowingly as his wife, too, sits in his lap. He probably remembers seeing me out to dinner with Samantha a little while back at his casino’s steakhouse.

  Everyone chitchats idly about babies and weddings. I try to ignore it, hating how I want the things they have, but I’ll only ever want them with one person. I can’t seem to get through to her, but I’ll keep trying. Even if she doesn’t want marriage and babies and all that, I just want all of her. Every piece.

  It isn’t long before another couple is joining us.

  “Aren’t you on the wrong side of the curtain, Kim?” Peaches asks the tall woman who joins us. She looks familiar, and it’s then I realize she’s one of the top lawyers in Vegas.

  “He tricked me! That last contract I filled out had a marriage license in it.”

  Peaches’ mouth falls open. “You, too?! These sneaky bastards. You have to watch out for those city boys. They’re slicker than snot on a doorknob.”

  Kim settles in next to her husband, who wraps an arm around her.

  “Guess you can only run for so long before you get caught,” Kim says, clearly not upset about being caught.

  “It really is the best part,” Peaches agrees.

  I silently agree, too. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to finally really catch Samantha.

  “I wonder what Sam is up to. This place is crazy packed. I’ve never seen it like this before.” Kim looks around the room, voicing my thoughts.

  I pull out my phone to check to see if Samantha has texted me. Nothing since I asked if she wanted me to bring her lunch today, which I’d gotten a “no” to.

  The lights flicker, making everyone go quiet as they turn to look at the stage. I don’t see Ben, the regular announcer at his stand, but moments later, Samantha comes out from behind the curtains to stand on the stage, a microphone in hand.

  She’s in a form-fitting black dress and heels, her blonde hair pulled back. She’s dressed like she is every day when she leaves to go to her office. Everything perfect and in place. Always. I think about how I’m going to get some answers from her tonight. I’ll wipe away that polished look she has right now. I’m going to leave her spent and smelling of me.

  Samantha smiles and starts to speak. “Tonight is going to be the last Auction.” A few whispers break out, but I stay stock still. She’s quitting? Maybe that’s why this place is so packed. A last round of contracts to be had?

  “Thank you all for coming. Everyone I’ve invited here tonight has been a part of the Mistress Auction in some way.” She smiles and raises an eyebrow as she looks around the room. “And as you all know, I have a few favors that I called in. Don’t worry, your secrets are still safe with me.”

  There are a few laughs, but I just feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up. What is happening?

  “A lot of lovely ladies have graced this stage, and I have to say they’re a hard act to follow. But the reason I’ve asked you all to come here is so that you can help me end the Mistress Auction in the way I thought best.”

  You could hear a pin drop in the room with the way everyone is holding on to every word she’s saying.

  “There will only be one Mistress up for grabs,” she continu
es, and I feel the earth start to shake. What the fuck is going on? I can feel it, but I don’t want to believe it. I can see the unease in Samantha as she says the words. Something is wrong, and I start to rise from my chair.

  She looks at the crowd and takes a deep breath. “Tonight, I hope that the winner will be kind enough to honor our agreement. The bidding starts at ten million for the Madame of the House.”

  I’m out of my chair before she’s said the last word.

  “If one motherfucker bids on her,” I bellow as I make my way towards the stage, not giving a shit, “I’ll burn this place to the motherfucking ground.”

  Chapter 4


  Well, that happened quicker than expected.

  I watch as Leo storms through the crowd of tables and makes his way to the front of the stage, hopping up and standing in front of me. For the first time, I can’t really read his face. This isn't like him. Leo may not be shy, but he also does not cause scenes. I thought at most he might bid on me. Not go all caveman and charge the stage. Before him I would have hated that, but I have to admit I like him like this. I feel safe with him.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Samantha? No way I’m letting you do this.” I see the panic in his eyes now, and my heart starts to race.

  “Everyone here who is eligible to bid has an agreement to not honor a thirty-day contract,” I say, trying to explain the situation, wanting to see his reaction. I know I’m pushing him. He’s made it very clear from the first day he took me in my office that he wouldn't share me. I told him he didn't own me and I'd do whatever I wanted, knowing I wouldn't. He'd ruined me. No one had ever touched me or made love to me like he did. With such caring possession. He’d told me to test him and see what happens. I’d always thought that meant he’d walk away from me. So I didn’t test him until now.


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