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Page 3

by Katie Dowe

  “All because of me,” she said with a sigh. “I assure you that I'm paying attention to where I go now.”

  “Glad to hear it. We wouldn't want you to end up in a ditch, or worse,” he teased.

  “Definitely not! Well, see you on Saturday.”

  Timothy hung up the phone and sat there in contemplative silence. What he was thinking about doing was ludicrous and entirely against everything that was a part of him. What he was feeling was something he'd never felt before and no amount of chiding and derision could change it. He was attracted to her and the attraction wasn't dying but building up into a slow fire that increased each time he spoke to her. With that in mind he called Hillary and told her about the dinner plans.


  Robyn frowned as she realized that she hadn't asked Timothy how they dressed for dinner. It was a small town but she knew that Timothy McLaughlin was a self-made billionaire who owned most of the companies in town and sat on the board of many others. She frowned as she stared at the contents of her wardrobe. She was always in scrubs because in the past she'd practically slept at the hospital, only leaving reluctantly to go on dates with Sean or have a drink with her former best friend. She'd been dedicated to her craft and had spent a lot of time learning from the best. She took out a snug-fitting emerald green wool dress with a wraparound skirt and decided that it would do. She'd already taken a shower, so she hurriedly put on her underwear and put the dress on. She frowned as she realized that it had gotten a little loose and realized that it was due to the fact that she hadn't been eating much. She sat in front of the vanity mirror and stared at her face. Her large dark brown eyes looked haunted and there was this ethereal quality about her that spoke of extreme sadness. With a shake of her head she reached for the brush and made long strokes through the thick dark strands, not stopping until it drifted past her shoulders in dark lustrous waves. She added a little eye shadow and strawberry colored lip gloss and then she was ready. Grabbing a light jacket and her keys she headed for the door. The address was a few miles away and it was already six-thirty. She didn't want to be late.


  Hillary watched as her brother-in-law glanced at his watch every few minutes, the brandy in his hand forgotten. He'd called and told her about inviting the doctor for dinner and she'd told him it was no problem. He'd called back and asked what the cook was serving and had made a few suggestions. He'd then come by at six and had sat there with his nieces on the sofa, charming them as usual but somehow he didn't look as if they had all of his attention as usual. They'd gone into their playroom until dinner was ready and he looked as if he was on edge. She was about to say something to him when the doorbell rang. He straightened up immediately and put his glass down. “I'll get it.”

  Hillary looked up as her husband came in with the two girls. “I think the doctor made an impression,” she said with a wry smile. She nodded towards the front door and they made their way there just in time to see him taking her coat. Hillary stopped suddenly, causing her husband who was right behind her to almost bump into her. The look on Timothy's face as he looked down at the petite beauty was one that she'd only seen when he looked at her daughters! She felt a twinge of envy as she looked at the woman and realized that she hadn't noticed the way Timothy had stared at her. Introductions were quickly made and Robyn and the two little girls hit it off immediately. They bombarded her with questions about being a doctor and Madison then declared that she wanted to be a doctor as well when she grew up. They sat at the large dining table with both girls insisting on sitting next to Robyn, frustrating Timothy’s attempt to be seated next to her.

  “Robyn, you are from Long Island?” Hillary asked her as soon as the plates had been cleared away to make room for the rich chocolate soufflé that was dessert. It was Saturday night and the girls were able to stay up past their bed time, which delighted them very much!

  “Yes, born and bred.”

  “And you worked in Manhattan?”

  “Yes,” she responded briefly, turning her head to look at Madison. Timothy was quick to notice that she was trying to change the subject. “So how do you like school, Madison?”

  “I like it very much!” she declared enthusiastically. “My teacher is very nice and not only because she wants to find out about Uncle Timothy.”

  Robyn lifted her head and looked at the man seated across from her startled, catching the wry look on his handsome face.

  “Maddy has a vivid imagination,” he supplied.

  “I'm sure she does,” Robyn said in amusement.

  Hillary watched the exchange between them and felt a twinge of envy again. She wasn't in love with her brother-in-law but it irked her to see him paying so much attention to a woman he'd just met, so she probed. “It must be quite different to be working at a small practice when you're used to a big hospital?”

  “I think that’s enough questions for our guest for now,” Timothy’s tone was mild but the look he threw at Hillary wasn't

  “I want to show Robyn my room!” Madison declared as soon as they finished dessert.

  “Me too!” Holly piped in.

  “I'm not sure Robyn has time—” Malik began, but Robyn cut him off swiftly.

  “I would love to see their room.”

  “I'll go and make sure they don’t rope you into reading three bedtime stories,” Timothy said as he slid back his chair, coming around to lift Holly into his arms as he followed them out of the room.

  “She's hiding something,” Hillary commented as soon as they'd left.

  “And you were trying to get it out of her?” her husband asked her dryly as he sipped his wine.

  “Did you see the way he looked at her?”

  Her husband’s gaze was measured as he stared at his wife. “You seem more than a little concerned, Hillary. Do I detect a hint of jealousy?”

  Hillary finally realized that her husband was none too pleased and smiled to reassure him. “I just don't want to see him get hurt, darling.”

  “Timothy's a big boy and can take care of himself. The doc seems to be a nice person and a beautiful woman. I would hope that they hit it off for his sake. He needs someone in his life.”

  “Even though you don’t know anything about her?”

  “That’s not for us to find out,” he said firmly.


  He watched her with his nieces and couldn't take his eyes off her. As a matter of fact he found that he'd had a difficult time taking his eyes off her since she'd arrived at his brother’s home. She wasn't wearing much makeup but her skin was flawless and she was beautiful, with a warmth inside her that was hard to miss. Even now, seated on the side of Madison’s bed with the two girls looking at her eagerly as they showed her their collection of dolls and stuffed toys, he couldn't help but notice her genuine interest. Most people dismissed children and mentally put them into a corner to be ignored, but that was not her. She genuinely listened to their endless prattle, even making a contribution every now and then, but he could see that she was really listening to them. That had been one of the main reasons he hadn't been interested for long in the many women who wanted to be with them. As soon as they were introduced to his nieces, he could see that they became bored after a few minutes and couldn't be bothered with them anymore. Robyn was different in every way and he realized that the attraction was growing with every minute he spent with her. But there was a wall around her, he'd sensed it immediately. There was something about her that spoke of something tragic and he had to find out what it was! In order for him to breach the wall, he had to know what was behind it and how he was going to break it down. His breath caught in his throat as he watched her laugh at something Madison had said, and he had to quell the urge to pull her into his arms. He got up abruptly and she looked up at him, her dark brown eyes alive with merriment. “I think your uncle is trying to tell you that it's time for bed.”

  “Will you come back and visit us?” Madison pleaded.

  “As long as it's okay with you
r parents.”

  “I'm sure it will be,” Timothy told them. “How about we drop by to visit Robyn at the medical facility after school on Monday?” he turned to Robyn. “If that’s okay with you?”

  “I would love that.” She hugged the two girls swiftly and then got to her feet.

  “You're small,” Madison commented as she looked from Robyn to her uncle. “And Uncle Tim is so big!”

  Madison turned around and lifted her head to look up at him. “That he is,” she said with a slow smile. His dark blue eyes met hers for a moment before she turned to the girls again. “See you on Monday.”

  He let her precede him out of the room and closed the door behind him. “You were very good with them,” he murmured as they made their way along the passageway and down the spiral staircase.

  “I love children,” she told him. “At one point I thought about going into pediatrics but I changed my mind. I became fascinated with orthopedics and it made my mind up for me.”

  They had reached the end of the staircase and he took her arm to guide her towards the living room, where his brother and sister-in-law were seated.

  “Thank you for a very lovely evening,” she told them.

  “You're most welcome,” Hillary told her with a smile.

  “And we hope to have you over for dinner again soon,” Malik said.

  “I'll walk you out.” Timothy touched her arm to lead her out of the room. He helped her with her jacket and opened the door for her to go outside.

  “I smell jasmine,” she murmured, sniffing the air around them. The two story house was smack in the middle of a lush well-manicured lawn and the hedges surrounded by waving trees. Flowers were already in full bloom and their different scents vied with one another, sending off an exotic scent as the breeze stirred throughout the branches of the trees. “It’s lovely here, and so peaceful.”

  “Remind me to give you the tour on your next visit,” he told her as they went towards her car. He wished he could tell her to stay awhile, wished he could ask her out to dinner and then after to go to his apartment where he could be alone with her, but it was too soon and he was going to have to tread lightly.

  She turned to face him and her head lifted as she looked at him. She was wearing six-inch strappy sandals but only came to his chest. “Thank you for a lovely evening.”

  “You're welcome.” She had no way of knowing the immense control he had to exercise in order not to pull her into his arms and take her mouth. He stepped back swiftly and opened the door for her. “Drive safe.”

  She nodded and got in, securing her belt before driving away. He didn't move but continued to stare even after the lights of her car had disappeared. Shoving a hand in the pocket of his dark blue dress pants he smiled wryly as he realized that his life had now become very complicated.


  Robyn let herself into the darkened house and turned on the lights in the hallway before making her way into her bedroom. She took off her coat and hung it up inside her closet before slipping out of her shoes. She sat on the side of the bed and massaged her feet absently. For the first time since her life had been shattered she hadn't thought about what had happened to her or about them. She'd genuinely enjoyed the dinner and the two adorable girls had taken her mind off her problems. Children had a way of doing that, she thought with a smile. The smile faded as she remembered the conversation she'd had with Sean just two months ago. They'd gone out on a rare dinner date after he'd told her firmly that if she broke the date again he was never going to ask her again. Her schedule was hectic and so was his but she'd realized that they had to make time to be with each other. Sean was from a wealthy family of doctors and was a little spoiled. He'd confessed to her that he'd only become a doctor to please his parents and wasn't sure he would be in it for very long. Robyn had been concerned at that and had asked him what he wanted to do. He'd told her with a laugh that he wanted to travel the world. They'd just finished their meal when a couple with a three-year-old boy had come in and sat across the table from them. “I cannot wait to have children,” she'd said dreamily as she stared at the child’s cherubic face.

  Sean had glanced at the toddler with little interest before responding. “With your busy schedule, are you sure that's advisable?”

  She had looked at him in surprise. “You don’t want kids?’

  “Let’s face it, darling, we're both very busy and can never find the time to even go out and have dinner! Don’t you think it would be unfair to introduce children into our crazy schedule?”

  “I don't mean right now but in the near future—”

  “And you would be willing to give up your career to play mother?” he'd asked her ironically.

  “I won't have to give up my career if it means both of us working together, Sean.”

  He'd changed the subject, telling her that he hardly got the chance to be with her and would like to discuss something else.

  Robyn flopped back onto the bed and closed her eyes for a moment. Sean had been referred to as the dreamy doctor and she'd been told by nurses and doctors alike how lucky she was that he'd chosen her. The turn of phrase had bothered her and she'd told her best friend. Brianna had shrugged it off and had told her that Sean was the lucky one. “Honey, you're beautiful and smart and a rock star when it comes to orthopedics so don’t allow people to let you lose that confidence!”

  But in the end it had taken her and Sean to do the very thing that Brianna had warned her against. Both of them had broken her in such a way that it was going to take a while for her to recover. Turning onto her side, she curled her legs up to her chin and didn't bother to take off her clothes before she pulled the sheets over her and allowed the tears to fall.


  “Robyn is quite an improvement over Doc Herringbone,” Malik commented as he handed his brother the bourbon he usually partook of when they were together.

  “She is,” he said briefly. He didn't want to discuss Robyn with his brother or anyone else.

  “I have a feeling there's a story there,” Malik persisted.

  Timothy lifted his head and met his brother’s eyes in amusement. “You sound like your wife.”

  “I'm just looking out for you, and Hillary is doing the same.”

  Timothy’s eyebrows lifted. “How do you figure?”

  Malik shrugged as he sipped his whiskey. Hillary had retired for the night, leaving the brothers alone. “You seem interested.”

  Timothy tossed down the bourbon and put the glass down. “Stay out of my business,” he told his brother mildly. “I'll see you on Monday.”


  Timothy walked into the sunken living room of his apartment and headed straight for the liquor cabinet that was built into the wall. He touched the button and the partition slid out displaying glass shelves and alcoves with different kinds of liquor. He plucked a squat glass from one of the shelves and poured some whiskey, leaving off the ice cubes. He figured he needed to feel the full effect of the drink in order for it to dull his senses and his desire. Even now he was thinking of calling her to find out if she was okay, which was juvenile, considering that they barely'd met and she just left to go home. He sipped the drink and took it with him to one of the plush sofas strewn around the stark black and white living room. He toed off his shoes and propped his feet on shiny glass surface of the table within reach as he leaned his head back against the cushions. He'd looked her up because he wanted to know what he was dealing with and had seen that she'd been engaged to some doctor by the name of Sean Nicholson, just two months ago. He also read in the details about some deaths in the OR that had been tied to her. He could put two and two together and had a very good idea what had sent her to his town. There was a sadness about her that he'd picked up on the very first time he'd seen her and more so when he'd gone in to bandage his knee. He'd also noticed the way she avoided any personal discussions and knew that whatever it was in her past, it had damaged her enough that she didn't want to talk about it. He finished t
he drink and stopped wondering about the strange need he had to be with her and realized that he was going to do whatever it took to make her forget the past.

  Chapter 4

  “I hope we haven't come at an inopportune time.” Robyn turned as his deep voice sounded just inside the doorway of the medical center. It was a little after five in the afternoon. She'd just seen the last patient, a baby with colic, and was just standing and talking about the day with Clara.

  “Robyn!” Holly, who had been in her uncle’s arms, struggled to get free so that she could follow her sister as they both raced towards her. Robyn opened her arms and both girls came into them, hugging her tight, their fingers gripping her white lab coat. Robyn looked up at Timothy and smiled.

  “You timed it perfectly,” she told him softly. “I just saw my last patient and Clara and I were just finishing up.” She introduced the receptionist who handed both girls lollipops.

  “How about a tour?” Robyn asked the girls.

  “Can Uncle Timothy come as well?” Madison asked her.

  “Of course. As a matter of fact, Clara was just leaving, and we'll lock up after her.” Robyn looked at the woman who was taking up her pocketbook and her coat. “See you in the morning, Clara.”

  “Girls. Mr. McLaughlin.” Clara nodded as she left and closed the door behind her.

  Robyn took their hands in hers. “I'm sure you've seen all of this before, but I've done a little something extra for when children come for a visit.” She glanced behind her at Timothy, who had his hands in the pockets of his dark grey dress pants and was leaning against the closed door. He'd taken off his tie and his light pink shirt was opened at the neck, showing the strong column of his throat. His matching jacket was opened and gave him the look of careless elegance that came with having lots of money and power. “Want to come along?”

  “I wouldn't miss it for the world,” he told her with a slight smile. “Lead the way.”


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