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Page 8

by Katie Dowe


  “Want, need and something more that I'm sure you're not ready for yet. So let’s just stick to want for now. Do you want me Robyn?”

  “I don’t know.” She sounded so confused that he almost felt sorry for her.

  “Do you want to find out?”

  She stared up at him for a moment and then nodded.

  “Then show me your bedroom,” he suggested. She nodded again and he let go of one of her hands, keeping the other one in his as she led the way to room. She still hadn't unpacked some of the boxes and when they got into the small bedroom he realized that there were boxes there as well. She dragged her hand away from his and walked into the middle of the room, just standing there with her back to him. He leaned against the closed door and watched her, waiting for her to make the next move. He was in her bedroom and that meant progress. She was nervous and frightened and he didn't want to make any sudden movements to frighten her even more.

  She turned around to face him as she took off her coat and slipped out of her shoes. “You aren't in a relationship?” The question threw him for a moment and then he laughed. His eyebrows lifted and he didn't answer, making her know that he wanted her to form her own opinion. “I guess not,” she said nervously.

  “Am I making you nervous, Robyn?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I don’t want you to be.”

  “I've only been with one person,” she blurted out.

  His eyes narrowed as he stared at her in surprise and he felt relief pouring through him. She wasn't experienced. This wonderful, amazingly beautiful woman, who appeared so vulnerable had in fact held out for the man she'd hoped to marry and the bastard hadn't had the sense to realize what he had in her! For that he was going to have to thank him. “So I guess I'll have to be the teacher then?” He injected a note of teasing into his voice as he made his way towards her. The more he delayed, the more nervous she was going to be.

  “I guess so.” She swallowed convulsively as he stood in front of her. She had to tilt her head up to look at him.

  “I know you'll be a very adept student.” One hand lifted and he tucked the hair behind her ear, his touch lingering on her cheek. He felt her tremor as he continued to run his thumb over her soft skin. “You're beautiful, the most beautiful woman I've ever met.”

  “That’s not true!” she whispered faintly.

  “Are you calling me a liar?” he asked her with a faint smile.

  “I've seen the pictures—”

  “Beauty isn't just physical, darling,” he told her roughly. He bent his head and saw when she stiffened even though his mouth hadn't touched hers yet. His breath fanned her face and she closed her eyes. “Open them,” he ordered roughly. He didn't want her thinking that he was the creep who'd broken her heart. He wanted her to see only him. “Please just see me,” he added as he brushed his lips over her mouth. They both felt the jolt at the same time.

  Timothy felt the shockwaves racing through his body at the simple touch of her mouth against his and his body hardened immediately. He had to slow things down or he was going to race her towards the bed and he didn't want that, not yet. But her mouth opened beneath his and all his resolve and careful planning flew out the window. Her tongue darted into his mouth tentatively, touching his and sending an explosion of fresh desire into his unsuspecting body. Her movements were hesitant, her mouth like particularly heady nectar and he had no choice but to deepen the kiss. He swallowed her gasp and felt the thrill when her body curved against his, her fingers flattened against his chest.

  His hands wandered down the curves of her body, with one hand coming up to tangle into her thick hair, his fingers twisting into the strands as he held her head still while his mouth devoured hers. The kiss was endless, potent and heady and for the life of him, Timothy couldn't stop. He felt as if he was drowning in liquid fire and had no way of reaching the surface. He had experience, more than enough because he'd taken more women to bed than he cared to count, but being with her, his lips tangles with hers, was causing such havoc inside his body that he was slowly and thoroughly spinning out of control. He finally managed to tear his mouth away from hers, his head lifting as he stared down at her, his eyes blazing and darkened with passion. “Christ!” he whispered. He still had his arms wrapped around her tightly and he was sure she could feel his erection, which was aching like an open sore throbbing inside his clothes, clothing that he had to get rid of as soon as possible. He lifted one hand and brushed back her hair, his hand trembling. “I'm in deep trouble,” he admitted with a shaky laugh.


  “Why?” Robyn was a mass of nerves, her body trembling, her heart racing. She wanted his lips on hers again, wanted to feel the giddy sensation of him kissing her and didn't want him to stop.

  “I'll tell you later,” he promised. She let out a gasp as he lifted her and took her to the bed, lowering her gently on top of the white cotton sheets. He took his shirt off while she watched him and toed off his shoes. Next came his pants but he hesitated at the waistband of his underwear, seeing her gaze drawn to his bulging erection. He came and sat at the edge of the bed and looked at her for a moment before he took the dress off. She had on a strapless black lace bra and matching panties that she really liked. He unhooked the material and she lifted her body so that he could take it off her. He stared at the bare flesh, his hands lifting to palm them, his thumbs circling the hardened buds, watching in fascination as they responded immediately to his touch.

  Robyn moved restlessly, her breath coming in gasps from her parted lips. His head bent and her body arched to his automatically, her fingers going to the short hairs at the nape of his neck as his mouth took a nipple.


  His tongue swirled around the tight bud, his body burning with the heat flowing through him. He vaguely heard her moans as he pulled the nipple inside his mouth sucking on it eagerly, his movements feverish, causing the desire to build up inside them, bursting to get out, the flame igniting every parts of their bodies, every fiber of their beings, their heart rates rising at an incredible high. He took off his underwear and came over her, hovering just a fraction, his eyes on hers, his hips circling slowly, inching towards her, his erection nestling just at the opening of her thighs. He guided himself inside her slowly, his eyes holding hers as he entered her an inch at a time until her wet warmth had wrapped around him, pulling him in, sending him on such an unparalleled height of passion and raging desire that he was in fear that it would be over before it really began. He eased out a little bit, his breathing harsh, his body rigid from the control he was trying to exert but not quite managing to do so, but she wasn't allowing that! She lifted her hips towards his, her hands going around the bunched muscles of his shoulders, her nails digging into his skin as she forced him to move inside her. With a tortured groan he claimed her lips with his, the kiss searing at the same moment he drove deep inside her, their bodies molding against each other, their movements becoming feverish from the passion surrounding them, driving at them and forcing them to increase their thrusts. Timothy’s fingers gripped her hips and the idea he'd entertained vaguely at the beginning to take it slow was lost in the swirl of fevered emotion that raged through their bodies. Never in his life and the vast experience he had with women had he ever felt anything like this incredible passion that came from his being with this wildly passionate woman beneath him. His heart thundered against hers, his body in tune with hers and their tongues battling each other’s. His darting inside the honeyed crevice of her mouth and hers so tentative and so wildly evocative, the pleasure so piercing that it was no surprise when the feelings culminated into the inevitable dizzying eclipse that had them both going rigid from the explosion about to come.

  Timothy lifted his head, his eyes blazing with passion as he looked at her. One trembling hand caressed the hairs from her face, his heart thundering inside his chest as he tried to delay what was about to happen. “I don’t want it to end, not just yet,�
�� he told her thickly, his fingers shoving at the hairs at the side of her head. “I want it to last and last—” He broke off with a startled groan as she circled her hips against his.

  “Robyn.” His large body trembled on top of hers and burying his lips on hers he captured her startled moans along with his groan as he poured himself into her at the same moment as she erupted against him.

  He had to wait a few minutes before he could move and when he could he shifted his body, still buried deep inside her, onto his side, pulling her into his arms. Her face was buried in his chest as he willed his heart to stop pounding. His hands wandered slowly down her hips and the small of her back, his eyes closed for a moment as he gloried in the feel of her in his arms. He didn't want to think about what had just happened between them, at least not just yet, but he had a feeling that it was going happen very soon. He felt her stir against him and shifting a little he looked at her. “Falling asleep on me?” he teased her. She refused to look at him and he used his fingers to tilt her chin up. Her long lashes drifted up and her dark brown eyes met his. “This—” She swallowed and tried again. “I've never—”

  “Neither have I,” he told her solemnly as she stopped talking. “So I guess that leaves just one question: how on earth are we going to keep our hands off each other?” She looked at him startled and then burst out laughing, effectively dispelling the tension. She rested her head against his chest again and he wrapped his arms around her, his expression tender. He was thinking longterm but he knew that he was going to have wait a little bit. He wanted to ask her to marry him, now while she was so emotionally vulnerable, but he knew that she wouldn't say yes and he wasn't going to take no for an answer so he was prepared to wait a little bit. She stirred against him again, subconsciously moving her hips against his. With a throaty laugh he bent his head and kissed the top of hers. “Unless you're ready for round two I recommend that you stop doing that.”

  She lifted her head to look at him. “What if I am?” she whispered.

  One thick brow lifted at her surprising boldness. “Then I would have to say that I am more than willing to accommodate you, darling.”

  He moved inside her to prove his point and Robyn arched her body in pleasure, her lips parting as the moan escaped her. She curled her fingers into his chest as she moved closer to him. He shifted so that she was lying beneath him, his body covering hers and his hips already circling against hers. He intended to take it slow this time, to savor the incredible giving warmth of her but when she started moving against him he wandered if that was at all possible!


  Much, much later that night after she'd fallen asleep in his arms after making love to her two more times he found himself contemplating the intricate pattern on the ceiling as he wondered what his next move should be. He could do the usual and start courting her with the intention of making her his fiancé and then on to marriage, which meant taking her out on dates and spending time together with her in bed afterwards. He'd deliberately not used any protection because for the first time in his life he'd found a woman he wanted to have children with, grown old with and be with for the rest of his life. He chuckled softly as he realized that he was being sentimental. The petite beauty in his arms stirred a little and he wrapped his arms protectively around her. He wanted to show the world that she belonged to him and he wanted to start right now.

  Chapter 9

  He was different. Being with her made him different and people noticed it immediately. He was still the same authoritative figure at work but his approach was milder and had his employees wondering if he'd had a life-altering experience... which of course he had! His life had meaning now. After that night he'd spent at her place he'd woke her up and made love to her before leaving reluctantly, promising to come by later. She'd followed him to the door wearing nothing but a thin robe and he'd pulled her into his arms and kissed her, pulling away slowly as if he couldn't bear to move out of her arms. She'd responded eagerly, standing on her toes and wrapping her arms around his neck. He was falling in love with her, not just in love but heading fast into adoration for the slip of a woman who'd captured his life. He was impatient to be with her and when he was in meetings he thought about her and couldn't wait to be with her. He called her during the day just to talk. That Monday when he reached the office he had told his assistant to hold his calls and he had called her. “I thought you would be sleeping,” he said huskily as soon as she responded.

  “I should be,” she said with a shaky laugh. “But I happen to have a practice and patients who will be coming in another half hour. I won't have time for my usual coffee.”

  “And whose fault is that?” he teased her.

  “The person talking to me on the phone.”

  “I miss you.”

  “You just left here not half an hour ago.”

  “That’s enough time to miss you. We could both ditch work and play hooky for the day.”

  “As tempting as that sounds I'm going to have to pass. I have a little girl coming here with a terrible cough and high fever and the mother would never forgive me if I bailed.”

  “I happen to be susceptible to children so I won’t push the issue. I'll see you later.”

  He'd cancelled a meeting in the evening so that he could go over and spend time with her and she'd been waiting for him. He'd taken her into the bedroom and made love to her, almost tearing off both their clothes in his eagerness to get to her skin. They'd ended up eating in bed.


  “You seem different,” Hillary commented as she sat in the examination room.

  Robyn glanced over at the woman as she made notations in her file. “I do? It must be the fresh spring day. I went outside a few minutes ago and was overwhelmed by the scent of the daisies along the side of the building.”

  “And it has nothing to do with my brother-in-law?”

  Robyn tried to appear nonchalant but knew she failed miserably “I have no idea what you mean.”

  “It’s a very small town, Robyn, and the town’s billionaire and the beautiful new doctor having a thing is going to be noticed. His car was seen parked outside your place all of Sunday night.”

  “Now I realize why I don't particularly like small towns,” she said dryly as she pulled her stool over to the bed. “The complete lack of privacy.”

  “So what's going on with you two?” Hillary persisted.

  “I'm afraid you're going to have to ask your brother-in-law that. Shall we get to your diagnosis?” Robyn asked, firmly deflecting the questions. She wasn't ready to talk about what it was between her and Timothy, not when she was still confused herself.

  “I already know what's wrong with me,” Hillary told her dejectedly. “I'm pregnant.”

  “You are,” Robyn searched her face. “I thought that the two weeks would have given you the chance to talk it over with your husband and come to grips with it.”

  “We talked, or rather I did most of the talking and vented about the iffy pleasures of motherhood. We've come to some sort of agreement but I'm afraid I gave him the impression that I'm not really on board. We've slept in the same bed but he hasn't touched me and I haven't made the effort to touch him either. It's my body and I don't see why he can't understand what I am going through.” Her voice had a hint of resentment to it.

  “What are you going to do?” Robyn asked her quietly. “You're carrying a life inside you Hillary, and in order for you to carry a happy, healthy fetus you have to be happy yourself.”

  “I can't pretend what I don't feel Robyn!”

  “I'm sure the feeling will grow as the months go by,” Robyn reassured her.

  “Did Timothy tell you that I thought I was in love with him at one time?”

  Robyn looked at her, startled. “No, he didn't.”

  “How could one not fall in love with him?” she said with a grim smile. “He's so handsome and arrogant and when he walks into a room you can't help but notice him immediately. I'd just started working there and
he came into the office where I was working as an administrator for the PR department and he barely noticed me but I noticed him and did my best to get him to notice me. He finally did but we never got far because I started asking him about a relationship and he retreated. His brother comforted me and I started to have feelings for him. Timothy tried to stop the relationship but Malik was determined that we would be together.”

  “Why did he try and stop the relationship?”

  “Because he had it in his head that I was after his money.” Hillary twisted the double platinum bands dotted with diamonds around her fingers restlessly.

  Robyn didn't comment on that but decided to take another route. “I think you should have someone babysit the girls so you and your husband can go out to dinner. Maybe try and rekindle the spark between the two of you. I could volunteer to babysit whenever you're ready.”

  Hillary stared at her for a moment. “I can see why Timothy is so interested,” she said moodily. She slid off the bed. “When's my next appointment?”

  “In June, and I would like I if your husband came in with you. I'm also going to recommend that you start seeing an OBGYN after that.”

  “There's one at the hospital.”

  “It's going to be fine Hillary, I'm sure of it.”


  She was quiet when he came to her that evening. He'd found the door open and her sitting at the counter, still in her scrubs and a glass of wine in her hands.

  “Hi,” she murmured as he walked over to her, placing a lingering kiss on her lips, tasting the flavor of the wine she was drinking before he sat opposite her, his dark blue eyes searching her face. She also looked tired and he felt guilty that he was monopolizing so much of her time when her demands as a doctor was so hectic.

  “What’s wrong?”


  “Try again.”

  “Were you in a relationship with your sister-in-law?’

  A frown drew his brows together. “Where did you hear that?”


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