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Rising Thunder (Dynasty of Storms Book 1)

Page 14

by Brandon Cornwell

  “I'm... I'm sorry. I did not mean to stare. ”

  Marl chuckled, clapping Elias on the shoulder. “If I were to be upset at someone for appreciating her beauty, then I would be doing my daughter a disservice. She is beautiful, and you are young. The gods do not frown on us for recognizing the beauty they bless us with.” He gestured towards the wooden building. “Come. I wish to introduce you to the members of our tribe. ”

  Elias walked across the sand, irritated with himself. He hated feeling like he had done something to embarrass himself, and he felt that way now. Blushing always made him embarrassed, which caused him to blush more, which made him more embarrassed. A vicious cycle, to be sure.

  Inside the building, the floor was covered with bamboo and reed mats, with woven chairs here and there that were padded with sheepskin. The front doors were left wide open, as well as the doors on the inland side of the building, allowing a pleasant breeze to flow through, enough to keep the air fresh and cool. Rope and bamboo ladders hung on either side of the room, giving access to the levels above. Thankfully, the ceiling in this room was tall enough for Elias to stand fully upright; not many rooms outside of the Northlands had given him that luxury.

  Most of the elves in the room stopped talking and looked at him as he entered behind Marl. He stood awkwardly in the door frame for a moment before half a dozen young children pushed past him, playing some game or other. Marl was talking to a few other older elves, his arm wrapped around a woman who was slightly shorter than he was. He waved to Elias with his free hand and beckoned for him to come over.

  As he approached, Marl held a hand out to him. “This is Elias. I met him on my way back from the mainland. ”

  The woman Marl had his arm wrapped around looked him up and down. “This one is Elias? He is bigger than I had heard.”

  Elias nodded. “I am. How is it that you know of me? I only landed on Greenreef yesterday morning. ”

  The woman smirked. “It is not every day one can rally slaves into fighters and overthrow a pirate ship. Though I must say, the account I heard sold you short. “

  Elias frowned slightly at the reference to his height. “How do you mean?”

  “They said you were tall. You're also the size of three of our warriors. That wasn't mentioned at all. ”

  Marl interrupted the exchange with introductions. “Elias, this is my wife, Jayd. She manages the tribe while I am away. While I am here, she oversees hunting and fishing parties for the tribe. ”

  Jayd took Elias's hand when he offered it. “The pleasure is all mine, I am sure. ” There seemed to be a smile or a laugh just behind her eyes.

  Marl set his hand on the shoulder of another elf, a lean, scarred man with white streaks through his black hair. “This is Tao. He trains all of the warriors here and leads them to battle if and when they are needed. ”

  Tao shook Elias's hand firmly, not saying a word. His eyes were an almost white blue, contrasting with his darker, tattooed blue skin. He held Elias's eyes the entire time, and Elias could see the fierceness in them. This was definitely not an elf to be trifled with. Black and red spirals and patterns covered his arms and shoulders, but his chest was decorated with what looked like bear or alligator claws. There were dozens across his upper chest and more on his stomach. His cheeks were decorated with dots arranged in groups of three, forming small triangles.

  Marl's daughter came jogging towards them, a woven shawl of white feathers covering her shoulders and chest. “Father! Shall I start the preparations for the celebration tonight?”

  Marl nodded. “Yes, Coral. Draw wood from the salvage pile, get your friends to help you. Do we have any salted pork?”

  “No, but there are several hogs fit to slaughter. ”

  “Good. Have the herdsmen prepare one for this evening. We'll start the fire an hour before sunset. Our guest prefers pork over fish. ”

  ~ ~ ~

  The sun was setting to the west, framed on one side by the mountains, freed on the other by the sea. The flames crackled and roared at the slight breeze that was able to make its way into the protected cove, dancing through the pile of timbers that filled the firepit, high enough that Elias had to stand to see over it.

  The members of the tribe of sea elves danced around the fire, singing songs, beating drums, playing flutes, and making merry. Elias sat on a low bench, several large abalone shells in his lap, each piled with different delicacies; pork, dried and fresh fruit, and toasted grains each took their places in various shells. Bread studded with fruits and drizzled with different juices or wines sat on wide, sanded wooden platters, sliced and arranged in a way that pleased the eye.

  It seemed that the only real utensils that were used by the tribe were the ceramic cups and goblets that were passed around. Shells were used in place of bowls, and flat, smooth pieces of wood were used as plates and platters.

  The food and dancing lasted until well past sundown, when the villagers started winding down. Elias had drunk his share of wine and was feeling very relaxed, laughing and talking with many of the tribe members, learning about their islands and people. Coral, in particular, paid him a lot of attention, laughing at his jokes, bringing him food and keeping his cup full of wine. She answered every question he asked her enthusiastically, delighting in his curiosity.

  He did not mind the attention at all; in fact, as the night wore on, he found himself more and more comfortable with her. As the night wound down, he found her at his side, sitting close to him, sharing the heat of the fire and their bodies. She had changed to a white leather halter and a skirt made of braided grass. The strands of beads and shells around her neck sparkled in the firelight, the polished surfaces reflecting the flames at irregular angles.

  The whole tribe hushed suddenly as a figure approached the fire. It was covered in furs and had a large bear's head. In one hand, it held a long staff with a curving, hooked end, and in the other, it held a short sword.

  When the figure drew close enough to the fire, it drew back the bear's head, revealing Marl. He held his arms wide, signaling for quiet, though the people gathered around the fire were already silently watching him. The flames illuminated his face eerily as he looked at the gathered elves. When he spoke, his voice echoed powerfully off of the walls of the cove, the gentle, calm tone that he had spoken with before replaced by a deep intonation.

  “I have been across the sea, searching the breadth and length of foreign shores. I have returned, and been to the meeting place of the gods. I have asked for their guidance, and I have received an answer. ”

  Elias watched, riveted, as Marl reached into the furs and cast a handful of powder into the flames. With a green flash and an abrupt, metallic scent, the fire roared back to life, blue, red, orange and purple tendrils licking towards the stars overhead.

  Marl stretched his hand out, as if he was gathering the attention of the crowd before him. “Long I searched for the one of prophecy, for the warrior from across the sea who would bring the fury of the gods to the vile intruders that lurk through our islands. I was set upon by the kin of those that have stolen the Hollow Island, and keep our loved ones prisoner on Kanga Motu!”

  He cast another fistful of powder into the fire, making the flames reach up again. Elias's head swam with wine, mesmerized by the many colored flames.

  Marl clenched his staff like the handle of an oar. “For six months, I was chained in the belly of the pirate ship, being forced to row them from place to place. I watched as my fellow slaves were beaten and starved and whipped, and I too was subjected to the cruelty of these monsters in human flesh.”

  He stalked around the fire, recounting his tale to the crowd. Elias was impressed with his storytelling abilities; he was both informative and interesting to watch. Every set of eyes was locked on Marl as he spoke. “As we grew nearer to Rapa Matomato, our guest, Elias, broke free and led us all to overthrow our oppressors, killing or capturing them all! We sailed into Port Greenreef victorious and free! As soon as I was ashore, I wen
t to commune with the gods atop our great island.”

  Marl extended his hand to the mountain behind him. “As I lay under the holy water of the caldera, I received a vision from the sea. A vision of Greenreef, free of the oppressors that steal our lives from us! Free from fear, from loss! That our brothers and sisters in other villages can live in peace, not fearing that their children will never be able to count their years as we have!”

  The murmur that ran through the crowd went all but unnoticed. Somewhere, the rhythm of a drum had started keeping time with Marl's words and gestures. “In this vision, a great ship, carved from the bones of slaves, sailed across the sea. As I watched, a red light passed over it, and it was changed from blackened bones into a ship carved from trees that touch the sky, flying a standard with a red field with a rainbow star in the center. The sails shone silver in the sunlight, blinding her enemies. ”

  The drumbeat quickened as Marl moved around the fire, recounting his vision to the assembled villagers. “This ship devoured or destroyed those that plague us, growing larger and more powerful with every ship it consumed. It sailed to the Hollow Island, and flushed out the pirates there, cleansing the island beneath the waves. The sails unleashed a cyclone that stripped away the buildings, and the ship let out a cry that shattered stone. “

  Elias was fascinated. A ship carved from a single redwood tree would not be the largest ship ever made, by any means, but it would be enormous. Did the vision mean that the ship would be made of redwood, because then it could definitely be larger than any ship he had ever seen, since a ship could be as large as it was built. Or did the vision mean that someone would carve a ship out of a redwood in the same way the sea elves carved their canoes out of smaller logs? In that case, the ship would be much smaller, but it would be the largest canoe ever made.

  Elias's scattered musings were interrupted as Marl continued.

  “This vision is not without calamity. As I watched the great Red Ship cleanse the Hollow Island, I saw Greenreef burning. I heard the cries of our people as they held their young in their arms, as they buried their elders. The gods demand a price for our freedom, retribution for allowing the Mainlanders to defile their paradise. We have grown soft, complacent, and this angers the gods of the storms and the mountain's fire. It saddens the goddesses of the sea and the jungle.”

  Marl cast a hand towards the fire again, causing it to roar and rise up, forming a mushroom of flame rolling into the sky. The heat caused Elias to put up an arm, shielding his face. As the flames subsided, he was somewhat surprised to find his left arm wrapped around Coral's slender waist as she all but sat in his lap. She was just as riveted by her father's words as he was.

  “There is one among us who will lead us into redemption. He is of the sea, but not of Greenreef. He was born amongst strangers and born again amongst blood. I was told I would meet him across the sea, and it has been so.“

  Uh oh.

  All eyes were on Elias now, and the murmuring had come to a complete silence. Despite the wine haze, he suddenly understood that Marl was talking about him. It should have been obvious, but he'd been far too caught up in the story, the wine, and the warm beauty pressed against his side.

  Marl gestured at Elias, confirming his thoughts. “Elias, the gods have brought you to us to cleanse their islands of the plague of men that has infested them. Will you help us?”

  Before Elias could answer, Coral slipped a leg over his lap, facing him. She draped her arms around his neck, her emerald eyes glittering in the light of the torches, her back to the fire. He could feel her breasts pressing against his chest as she breathed, gazing into his eyes, into his soul. “You cannot refuse the will of the gods, Elias, ” she breathed, running her hands down his shoulders, to his massive chest. “You were brought here for this time. ”

  The feel of her stomach against his skin was electric. Though he did not know what he was supposed to do, at this moment, he had no will to resist. Any objections he had felt melted under her gaze. “I will. I will do what I can. Nobody deserves to live under the whip. ”

  The villagers cheered as Coral threw her arms around his neck, her lips finding his in the flickering light. He had no idea what he had gotten himself into, but at this moment, all that mattered was that he was not only needed, he was wanted. His hands wrapped around Coral's waist, and he lost himself in the passion of her kiss.

  After all, who was he to deny the will of the gods?

  Chapter Twelve

  New Grain Moon, Year 4368

  Elias lay on his back on a mat of woven reeds, sheepskins padding the ground under him. His head swam with wine and the events of the evening. The stars twinkled at him through the gaps in the thatch, and a very slight breeze penetrated the woven walls. Was he really some sort of ordained, chosen liberator? He didn't feel like a hero, but at the same time, the thought of these people being attacked and harassed by pirates made his blood boil.

  He laced his fingers behind his head. If Delain agreed, they could resupply and retrofit the ship, and use it to hunt pirates. If they happened to capture any alive, they could turn them in at Port Greenreef for a bounty. Jonas would likely be on board enough for that, as would most of the rest of the mercenaries. That would finance their mission, along with the aid they would get from the sea elves.

  A noise at the open end of the lean-to caused him to halfway sit up. “Who's there?“

  “I am.“ It was Coral.

  He sat all the way up. “Is something wrong?”

  She moved in the darkness, a barely visible shadow crossing the distance between them. “Nothing is wrong. I came to keep you warm this night. The sea breeze can be chilling to those not accustomed to our islands.“

  “Oh, that's alright, I'm not cold-”

  Coral's lips cut him off, her tongue playing against the tip of his. Her soft hand caressed his chest, fingertips running from his sternum to circle his navel, causing him to jump slightly at the sensation.

  She broke the kiss, and he could hear the smile in her voice. “Is something wrong?”

  He shook his head. “No, nothing's wrong. I'm just a little ticklish. ”

  Coral giggled. “Is that so?” Her left hand found his cheek as her lips moved to his neck, kissing and running the tip of her tongue over the pulsing vein under his jaw, her fingertips tracing circles against his cheek. Her kisses moved down, tracing a path from his neck to his chest.

  He felt frozen in place, unable to do much but lay back and witness what she was doing. His quickening pulse thundered in his veins as he set his right hand on her thigh, running it back to her lower back. She was back in her loincloth; he could feel the woven cord holding it in place over her hips.

  As his fingertips ran over the dimples at the base of her spine, her lips found his left nipple at the same time her hand found his right. He gasped as she pinched and suckled at the same time, sitting back up. “Coral-”

  She sat up with him. “Is something wrong?” she asked again, her low voice seductive in the darkness.

  “Coral, I don't think... uh... you don't have to do this.“

  She sat back. “Do you not want me? Do you wish me to leave?”

  Elias shook his head emphatically. “No, that is not it at all.“

  “Then why do you stop me?”

  Elias was torn. In the one hand, his body was responding, and responding in full force. On the other hand, should he really be doing this with a girl he'd just met? “I don't know if this is right to do.“

  She moved to straddle him, sitting on his lap, her hands on his chest again. “My father is not the only one who receives visions from the gods. All of those from our line are gifted in that way. My father, his father, and his father's mother. I am no different.“

  She caressed his shoulders, running her fingers along his collarbones. “It was foretold that my promised would be the one to free the tribes, and I would bear his son.“ Gently, she kissed him again. “That would be you, Rapa Whero.“

lias quirked a brow, puzzled. “Rapa Whero?”

  She giggled again, wrapping her arms around his neck. “It means Red Giant.“

  Elias could feel her bare chest pressing against his, and his objections crumbled even faster. He set both hands on her hips, pushing her back slightly. “I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do.“

  She moved her hands to his cheeks, moving his head to face her eye to eye, despite the darkness. “Then I won't.“ She rose to her knees then, pressing his face to her breasts.

  All of his resistance disappeared then. The heat rose in him, a type of adrenal urgency as he took her breast into his mouth, flicking her nipple with his tongue. She gasped, her hands running through his blonde hair, pressing him in harder before running down to his shoulders and pushing him back down onto the sheepskins.

  She straddled his torso, the leather of her loincloth between her legs hot against his skin. She guided his hand to the knot that held her loincloth in place, and he pulled on one of the strings. Obediently, the soft leather fell away. She sat up for a moment to pull it from them and toss it aside, then leaned back down, her lips tracing a path from his chin down to his navel.

  His breath came quickly, a low rumble in his chest every time one of her fingers flicked or lightly pinched one of his nipples or traced over a sensitive area. She nipped the bottom of his navel lightly, making him jump. He could feel her smile against his skin, as her breath came in a quiet chuckle. She was certainly enjoying herself.

  He felt her hands on the waist of his trousers, pulling on the tied drawstring. He reached down and tugged on the knot, loosening it. As soon as it gave, her fingers slipped into his waistband, drawing them down to his mid thighs. He bucked his hips to help her get them out from under him, causing his manhood to spring forth in front of her.

  He jumped again as he felt her soft fingers run up his length, from the base to the tip, then back down again. “Rapa Whero is right!” she breathed, the sensation of her breath against his skin making him shudder slightly. She straddled his knees now, leaving his trousers only partly down, pressing his legs together with her own.


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