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Needing Him

Page 8

by Kennedy Fox

  Before Emily was hired, I was given a rundown of her history, how she graduated from the top of her class, received her residency at one of the busiest hospitals in Houston, and how she just happens to be the daughter of the famous Dr. Jason Bell. She’s more than qualified for the position here, but I’ve learned over the years that being tough teaches people to be better. It’s the number one reason I’ve been successful.

  The silent treatment continues for hours, and when she’s forced to speak, it’s short and to the point. If we’re able to keep this up, I might actually be able to work with her without any issues. She’s so quiet as we check on patients it’s as if she’s not even there, which I like. Maybe she’ll actually learn her place in this hospital after all.

  As we’re standing at the nurses’ station, Dr. Creevey stops me with a smile. She’s older and knows the family, but she works up in the Dialysis Unit, so I hardly see her. She was one of the first people Mama called when I announced I was going to medical school. If it weren’t for her talking my parents off the ledge, I don’t know if they would've been so supportive of me moving away.

  “Evan. It’s been so long since we’ve crossed paths. How’re things going?” she asks, then politely says hello to Emily.

  “Great. Still the same ole stuff. Work, ranch life, more work.”

  “You’re still helping at the ranch on your days off? How’s your mama? I need to give her a call one of these days.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Dad needs all the extra hands he can get. Plus, it shows them I still care. Mama’s doing really good. Getting ready for the big fundraiser for the food bank.”

  “Oh yeah, you’ll be there?” she asks, already knowing the answer to that question. I don’t think I could even pay my way out of participating at this point.

  Before we can finish our conversation, we’re interrupted by a nurse. We quickly say our goodbyes, and once Dr. Creevey is out of sight, I glance over at Emily and watch the scowl return on her face.

  She’s so pissed at me that I have to hold back laughter. I’ve somehow already lodged myself under her skin. She’s been under mine since the moment I woke up without clothes or a clue to what the fuck happened. Considering I’m going to have to pay hundreds of dollars for that tuxedo, which, by the way, I want to fucking know about.

  Before the shift is over, I make it my goal to find out regardless if she’s giving me the silent treatment. As we’re finishing paperwork at the nurses' station, I notice we’re alone, which creates the perfect time to mention it.

  “Question.” I glance over at her. “Where the fuck is my tuxedo?”

  “Oh, now you want to talk?” She rolls her eyes.

  “Not really but considering my credit card is going to be charged for a tux and shoes that I’m currently unable to return because a crazy person stole them, I’d like to know where the hell they are.”

  Emily finally looks up from a chart she’s been studying for way too long to avoid me and gives me a death stare. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”

  She looks directly into my eyes, and the air between us stills. I can’t deny the attraction between us, but I push it back to the depths of hell where it belongs. If I would’ve known who she really was, this would’ve never happened. Maybe if we were two different people who didn’t work together, things could be different between us, but the reality is, we aren’t, and there’s no avoiding her. Considering our night together was based on lies, I’m not even sure being friends is in our future. Sure, she’s tried to explain herself, but nothing she could say would excuse the fact she lied or stole my fucking clothes.

  “Actually, I would like to know,” I finally say, breaking the silence.

  “That’s just too damn bad, isn’t it?” There’s venom in her tone, and I know she’s still pissed from earlier. She walks away, shaking her head, and with that, she single-handedly started World War III.

  If she thought today was bad, well I have news for her: it’s going to get a lot worse.

  Chapter Eight


  I’m ready to get this day over and soak in the tub for an hour. I’m used to being on my feet, but that’s not the issue. A certain Dr. Asshole has been fueling my agitation all damn day.

  When I return to my locker, I finally check my phone for the first time in hours and see I have a few from Kiera.

  Kiera: I returned the tux this morning and did a little digging to find out who the mystery man was…

  * * *

  Kiera: God, I hope you see this in time. The tux was Evan’s…Alex’s oldest brother. Single, not married, DOCTOR.

  * * *

  Kiera: He works at the same hospital as you…so just beware.

  I groan, wishing I had looked at my phone earlier to see her messages. However, it probably wouldn’t have helped much, considering Evan loathes my very existence and plans to make my life a living hell.

  I hang up my lab coat and grab my bag before heading out. Avoiding Evan at all costs, I double-check the hallway before leaving. Swinging my purse over my shoulder, I focus on my phone, and just as I’m about to text Kiera back, I walk straight into a wall.

  “Shit,” I mutter as soon as strong hands land on my shoulders, and by the way his nails dig into my arms and the musky scent that fills my senses, I know who it is before I even look.

  “I know you’re eager to get out of here and all, but you should still watch where you’re going so you don’t end up being the patient, and I’m forced to admit you.” I hear the amusement in his tone, but when I look up, his expression is stone.

  “Yeah, well, that won’t be necessary, Dr. Bishop.” His hands are still on my shoulders, and when he notices my eyes glancing over at the contact, he removes them.

  Without a response, he shifts out of the way and starts walking away. I finally exhale, trying to get my bearings together when I hear him call out my name.

  “Dr. Bell.”

  Turning around, I study him for a moment as he speaks over his shoulder. “See you tomorrow.”

  Licking my lips, remembering how his mouth felt on me, I push those thoughts back and stand straighter.

  “Good night, Dr. Bishop.” I walk away before I can say or do anything stupid. The man infuriates me, but that doesn’t mean the attraction to him isn’t there. Which I fucking hate.

  Once I’m in my car, I pull up Kiera’s number and call her.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake, I’ve been waitin’ all day.” Her voice is breathy when she answers. “So I’m guessing you didn’t get my messages in time?”

  “Nope.” I sigh. “Was a real nice surprise on my first day.”

  “God. I’m sorry, Em. Had I thought Evan was really a possibility, I would’ve warned ya sooner, but honestly, I never suspected him to be the hook up kind.”

  “Well, I’m not either,” I remind her. “We were drunk and stupid. I’m sure he’s thinking the same thing, or rather… I’m certain that’s what he’s thinking.”

  “So I take it things didn’t go well?” I can hear the cringing in her tone, and I replay moments of our day together.

  “You could say that. He was pissed, to say the least, wouldn’t let me explain, and basically treated me like I had the Ebola virus. And what’s worse is that River was there, too, and witnessed the whole thing.”

  “Oh fuck. I forgot she works there now too.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yeah. She heard all about it too. She called me his ‘mystery woman’ and then laughed when Evan gave her the stink eye.”

  Kiera releases a small chuckle of her own, and I groan again. “I’m sorry, Em. I know it’s not funny, but considering the circumstances of how it all went down, and then him being the same doctor you work with, it’s a little comical.”

  “He’s my boss until the supervisor returns,” I inform her with bitterness to my tone. “And he’s training me on all their protocols, so I’m literally stuck with him until they think I’m fine on my own.”

  “Seriously? This just keeps
getting better and better.” She’s full-on laughing now, and I want to reach through the phone and smack her.

  “You’re the worst best friend ever,” I deadpan. “How am I supposed to prove myself in a brand-new town and job while my one-night stand works at the same hospital as me?”

  “Well I’d say small town perks, but…”

  I roll my eyes again, hating that I got myself into this mess.

  “Maybe it’s not as bad as you’re thinking. Once the shock has worn off, you can both work together like nothing happened. Or… you could just take advantage of the situation and make out in the on-call rooms instead.” Her voice is light, but I know she’s serious right now.

  “He hates me,” I explain. “He’s not going to forget that I stole his clothes anytime soon or that I lied about my name.”

  “You lied about your name?” she asks, remembering I forgot to tell her that part.

  “Of course, I did! I didn’t know who he was and wasn’t planning on letting him know much about me.”

  “Except your body.” She chuckles. “Evan is a hardass most days, but I’m sure he’ll warm up to you in no time. He’s probably just pissed about the tux and that he was embarrassed in front of his brothers, but I’m sure he’ll get over it sooner than later.” I know she’s trying to reassure me, but I’m still not so sure.

  “His brothers gave him shit, huh?” I should’ve suspected.

  “Oh yeah.” She laughs. “Apparently, he called John for some clothes, but Jackson’s the one who delivered them, which were all ranch work clothes he would never wear, then when he tried to leave, the entire family was downstairs of the B&B.”

  “Oh my God.” My cheeks redden. Now I feel worse than before. “No wonder he fucking hates me!” I groan, trying to inhale a deep breath.

  “I texted Jackson this morning once I figured out it was Evan, and he told me the story. He was cracking up the whole time, and by the sound of it, I’m pretty sure Evan wanted to put him in his place for it.”

  “That’s it. I’m going to make him hear me out, so I can at least apologize and tell him it was a misunderstanding. It’s the only way he’ll stop treating me like shit.” Even though he asked me about it before I left, I was too busy being upset with him to say anything.

  “Just explain what happened with Justin and why you took his clothes when you thought he was a cheating bastard.”

  “I am not telling him about my ex or anything personal.”

  “Why not? You’re going to be working with him almost every day. It’s not like personal things aren’t going to come up.”

  I scoff. “They won’t if we don’t talk.”

  “There are lots of things you guys can do that don’t require talking.”

  I try to hold in my laughter but fail miserably. “Damn you.”

  She chuckles, and the sound brings a smile to my face.

  “Evan isn’t an easy egg to crack, but he’s a good guy. He works long hours at the hospital, volunteers for charity and helps host fundraisers, and on his rare days off, he’s at the ranch helping anywhere he can. Probably why he doesn’t have much of a social life, but I’m willing to bet there’s a deeper side to him. He’s witnessed a lot of shit in that ER I’m sure. Mama Bishop has told me some here and there, but I have a feeling it’s just the tip of the iceberg of what he’s been through.”

  “Well maybe if he wasn’t such an ass, I’d want to get to know him, but right now, he’s dead set on pissing me off and being a jerk.”

  “Sounds like sexual tension to me,” she teases.

  “Okay, I’m done talking to you now.”

  Laughing, she ignores me. “You’re the one who has to work with him every day, so you might as well make the most of it.”

  “I would if he wouldn’t treat me like I’m an idiot.”

  “Guess you’ll just have to show him instead.”

  “He knows about my father,” I murmur sadly. “I didn’t want anyone to know, or at least not right away, so they wouldn’t assume I only got to where I am because of him.”

  “They’d be stupid to think that because you’re brilliant.” Her kind words make me smile for a moment.

  “Evan had no problem rubbing it in my face the first chance he got. Said he got where he is because of working his ass off and not because of someone else’s hard work. That really struck a nerve.” I grind my teeth just thinking about it.

  “Oh my God!” she shrieks, taking me off guard. “That’s a dick move. Wow.”

  “Told you! He hates me.” I groan.

  “Well, fuck him then.”

  I chuckle at her change of heart.

  “Oh wait, you already did that!” She laughs so loud I have to pull the phone away from my ear.

  “I’m seriously done with you,” I retort dryly.

  “No, you’re not.”

  “Wait. You gotta tell me about your lunch date with Trent,” I say, remembering her text from early this morning.

  “Oohhh…” She releases a dreamy sigh, and I take that as a good sign. “I think I’m in love.”

  “Really?” My brow arches surprised to hear her talk about another guy like that. “That’s all it took to get over the infamous Jackson Bishop?” I tease.

  She groans in response. “Shut up. Trent is so sweet. And hot. We have a lot in common, too, which makes for easy conversation. We talked all through lunch, and he made me laugh and smile the whole time.”

  “That’s awesome, Kiera.” I smile wide.

  “Then he started texting me, and we’ve been texting all afternoon and night.”

  “Wow, sounds like things are moving fast then.”

  “Well, we’re just getting to know each other on a more personal level. He’s been our vet for a while, but I never gave him a second thought until he asked me to have a drink with him at the wedding. Then it was like sparks just flew.”

  “I’m so happy for you, babe. Truly. You deserve it.”

  She releases a short sigh. “I just hope it’s not one-sided, ya know? I’ve been on that side for way too long, and it’s no fun.” She’s talking about Jackson, and it makes me sad to think about how she’s been waiting for him to open his damn eyes and see what’s been right in front of him this whole time.

  “Well, I can’t say for sure, but from the sound of what you’re telling me, it absolutely isn’t one-sided. Most guys don’t want to text for hours with chicks they aren’t into.”

  “That’s true. Jackson sucks at texting.”

  “Well, Jackson is an idiot.” I chuckle.

  “Don’t I know it? Ha!”

  “Okay, well I’m pulling into my driveway now. Text me tomorrow?”

  “I will! I want updates.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see.” I snort, thinking of how I plan to kick ass tomorrow.

  After hanging up, I enter my condo and immediately get into the bath. The hot water soaks my sore muscles from wearing heels all day, but I’ll be in scrubs tomorrow and plan to show Evan Bishop just who he’s messing with.

  “Good morning.” Veronica greets me with a warm smile as soon as I walk in. She’s a nurse I’d guess to be in her mid-thirties. Her blonde hair is pulled back into a French braid, and her green eyes sparkle in the light.

  “Morning.” I smile back sweetly. “How are things?”

  “They’re crazy as always.” She shrugs, holding a cluster of charts in her arm. “Dr. Bishop wanted me to tell you to meet him in trauma room two.”

  The corner of my lips tilts up in amusement. “Well you can tell Dr. Bishop I’ll be at my locker, and he can come find me when he’s ready.”

  “Oh, um, okay.” She looks flustered, and I feel bad for putting her in this position, but I will not let Evan boss me around and relay messages to me from a nurse. If he wants me to meet him somewhere, he should’ve paged me and told me himself.

  Once I’m at my locker, I change my shoes and adjust my hair. I unpack the items in my duffel and start shoving them all inside. I grab my
bag of black licorice and tear it open, taking a piece before I set the rest on top.

  “Dr. Bell.” I hear Evan’s clipped voice behind me. His tone is deep and unfriendly. I decide I can handle him in two ways: give attitude right back so he has a taste of his own medicine or I can be super sweet and pretend his brooding demeanor doesn’t faze me.

  I go for the latter, and if that doesn’t work, I’ll try plan B.

  “Well, good morning, Dr. Bishop. It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?” I turn around and flash a bright smile at him as I wrap my stethoscope around my neck. When his expression softens, I can tell he’s taken aback by my kindness. When he realizes he broke character and showed some real emotion, Evan purses his lips and continues toward me in long strides.

  “Another day in paradise,” he grunts, looking down at me and my bag of licorice. “What the fuck are you eating?”

  I hold up the bag and offer it to him. “Black licorice. Want one?”

  The face he gives me makes me burst out laughing. “I’ll take that as a no.”

  “You should know that shit is no good for you. Not to mention it smells and looks awful.”

  “Well, not everything we put in our mouths is good for us, yet many people do anyway.” I flash him a smug grin, and when he groans, I know he gets exactly what I’m talking about.

  He clears his throat and shoves his hands in the pocket of his lab coat. “You were supposed to meet me this morning.”

  “Yet here you are.”

  He releases a frustrated breath. “You need to learn to follow the rules, Dr. Bell. When I tell you to meet me somewhere, I expect your ass to be there.”

  “Relaying a message to me through a nurse is not the same as telling me. You can page or text me yourself if you need me to meet you somewhere. I’m not going to relay messages to you through someone else. This isn’t first grade.”


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