Book Read Free

Needing Him

Page 11

by Kennedy Fox

  Reaching for the remote, I click on the TV and start scrolling through my long list of recordings. While trying to decide what show to start, my phone goes off with a text.

  Kiera: You better not be spending your day off moping in bed.

  I roll my eyes at her message.

  Emily: For your information, I’m not moping because there’s nothing for me to mope about but celebrating my day off is another story.

  * * *

  Kiera: Let me guess…you’re flipping through the TV and contemplating on even moving from the bed all damn day.

  Damn. She’s good.

  Emily: So? I need some old-fashioned R&R. Leave me alone.

  * * *

  Kiera: Nope. Get your ass in the shower and meet me at the ranch in an hour.

  I furrow my brows, groaning.

  Emily: And why would I want to do that?

  * * *

  Kiera: Because I have a horse to run out today, and Trent will be there, so if you want to meet him, this will be your chance.

  Damn her again.

  Emily: That’s not fair. You play to my weaknesses.

  She knows I’ve been dying to meet him, but with my work schedule, it was starting to look like it wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.

  Kiera: See you in an hour! :)

  Reluctantly, I get out of bed and take a shower. Knowing I’ll be at the ranch and running errands with her, I search through my closet for something appropriate but end up coming up short. I rarely wear jeans since it’s always hot, and I wear scrubs ninety percent of the time. Five percent is yoga pants and leggings, and the other five is dressy clothes for fancy occasions.

  After some intense digging, I finally find a pair of jean shorts that are way too short, but with no other option, I slide them on. They’re ripped in random places, and the inside of the front pockets hangs lower than the actual jean fabric. God. I look like a desperate housewife. Fuck it. I’m going with it and make a mental note to go clothes shopping at some point this decade.

  Once that’s settled, I grab an old college T-shirt. It’s a tad snug, but I make it work anyway. After blow-drying my hair, I throw it up into a high ponytail and brush a light layer of foundation over my face. I’m presentable at the bare minimum, but it’ll have to do because knowing her, she’ll put my ass to work.

  Slipping on my worn cowboy boots, I grab my purse and keys and head out. I blare my music and am excited about spending the afternoon with Kiera. It’s been a while since I’ve been to her ranch, and it’ll be a nice change of pace.

  Slowing down to turtle speed, I drive under a large sign that reads WHISPERING TRAILS RANCH and head down the gravel road to her parents’ massive farmhouse. Kiera moved back home after we graduated, which makes sense considering she eats, sleeps, and breathes the ranch. I smile knowing how much she loved growing up here. Such a different lifestyle than the city, but regardless of our differences, I knew we’d be friends for life when we first met.

  “It’s about damn time!” Kiera squeals when I step out of my car. I barely have time to register her presence before she’s full-on running toward me.

  “Jesus, Kiera.” I laugh as she collides into me. “We saw each other two weeks ago,” I remind her. Two weeks ago, on the night I met he who shall not be named.

  “Hot damn. Look at you.” Her eyes bug out of her head when she takes in my appearance. “You come to help or work the pole?”

  “You’re such a bitch,” I mutter, laughing. “My closet isn’t filled with Levi’s and tank tops.”

  “Well, that’s an easy fix.” She winks. “Come on,” she says, grabbing my hand and pulling me with her. “I’m loading up the horse now, and then we can get going and hopefully see Trent.”

  I can practically hear the lust oozing from her voice. She’s been texting me updates every time they meet for lunch or dinner, and last weekend he even took her out for their first official date. It’s been nice seeing her this happy, even if it seems to be happening quickly. No one deserves it more than her.

  “I can’t wait to meet the infamous Trent Laken,” I mock.

  “He’s perfect, Em. So sweet and charming with a good head on his shoulders. Runs his own vet business and is just everything I could ever imagine wanting.”

  “Damn.” I fan my face when I see the dreamy look in her eyes. “Does he have a brother?”

  “As a matter of fact, he does, but he’s forty and married to his high school sweetheart.”

  “Of course.” I snort. My damned luck.

  “How old is Trent?”

  “Thirty-six,” she replies shyly as if him being that much older is something to be embarrassed about. “But he honestly doesn’t look it. He’s so damn sexy.”

  “He’s older and established,” I say. “Nothing wrong with that.”

  “You’re right. And it’s only five years, so it’s not that big of a deal.”

  I follow her to the barn and watch her round up the horse we’re dropping off at another ranch. Before leading him out of the stall, she sneaks him a carrot. I have to stifle a laugh when she tells him not to tell the other horses.

  Kiera is one of the best horse trainers in the area and has made a career doing it. She was passionate about training and had clients as a teen, and the only reason she stopped was to go to college for ranch management to learn the ins and outs of running a business. She’s been mentored by her parents since she was a kid, but she wanted a degree and to prove she could do it. She was the first in three generations of Youngs to go to college and actually graduate.

  “Come on, Spirit. Stop being a stubborn ass.” She finally gets him loaded in the trailer and locks it up. “That’s my boy. You’ll be back home before ya know it.”

  I sit in the passenger seat as we make our way down the gravel driveway.

  “So what else should I know about this Trent guy?”

  “Well, he’s a really good kisser.”

  “I didn’t need to know that, but either way, I’m glad to hear it. For your sake, at least.” I chuckle, watching her cheeks flush. “Is he one of those bossy types or a real gentleman?”

  “He’s a sweetheart down to a T. Finds any reason to touch me even if it’s just my hand or arm, but I love that about him. It really cements his feelings for me are mutual, and there’s no second-guessing.”

  “And the sex?” I arch a brow, wondering. “Lots of chemistry and heat, I’d imagine?”

  “We’ve been on one date, Em!” Her cheeks flame brighter.

  “Okay, sorry.” I chuckle. “I just assumed with all this swoony goodness, there was some action happening between the sheets.”

  “We’re waiting, okay? Taking things slow while getting to know each other, but every time I see him, it gets harder and harder to resist ripping his clothes off.” She groans as if it physically pains her to think about waiting.

  “Fuck. You’ve got it bad.”

  “Shut up.”

  I chuckle as she makes a turn and another gravel driveway comes into view. Recognition overwhelms me when I realize this is the same ranch where the wedding was held. Then I notice the big sign that reads CIRCLE B BED & BREAKFAST, and I know for sure this is the Bishop ranch.

  “Why the hell are we here?” I ask in a panic, looking around the pastures.

  “I told you. I have a horse to drop off, and I wanted to see Trent. What’s wrong?”

  “What do you mean, what’s wrong? How could you not tell me this was the ranch you were going to?”

  “Em, stop worrying. Evan only works here on his days off.”

  “Today is his day off!” I shriek, my voice growing louder.

  “It is?” she asks, and when I turn to face her, I see the corner of her lips tilt up into a devilish smile.

  “You sneaky asshole,” I mutter. “I should’ve known.” I cross my arms over my chest and pout like a child. “He hates me and will be even more pissed that he has to see me on his day off.” Not to mention I don’t want to see his mo
ody face on my day off.

  “Nah. We’re on the north side, and he’s probably working in the pasture across the property already.” She tries to comfort me, but I know better. I don’t get the chance to respond because as soon as she pulls up to the barn, she sees Trent and squeals. Barely putting the truck into park, she jumps out and runs toward him.

  Scanning the area to make sure it’s safe to come out, I open the door and walk toward Kiera who’s giggling at something Trent said.

  “Em, come here!” She waves her hand eagerly. “Trent, this is my best friend, Emily.”

  “Howdy, ma’am.” He tips his hat toward me with a charming smile. “I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s nice to finally meet you.” His arm is wrapped around Kiera’s waist as she stands flush against his side. She’s eyeing him like he’s the best thing since chocolate cake.

  “I’ve heard a lot about you too.” I chuckle, making Kiera blush.

  “It’s probably all lies,” he teases, looking down at her as if she’s the reason the sun rose this morning. Fuck. After two weeks and not even sleeping together yet, you can feel the attraction between these two. It’s thick and evident, and I feel like I’m intruding on their intimate moment just by standing here.

  “Mostly good things; don’t worry.” I wink, flashing a teasing smile.

  “Want help with Spirit?” he asks when Kiera walks toward the trailer.

  “Sure, that’d be great!”

  I continue looking around, making sure a specific Bishop doesn’t pop out, and when I make my way around the trailer, I see a very irritated Jackson walking up.

  “Don’t touch my horse, Laken.” His tone is harsh and unnecessary, but it barely fazes Kiera.

  “Jackson,” Kiera warns, putting a hand on his chest. “What’s your deal?”

  There’s rage in his eyes as he sends a silent threat to Trent. My guess is he had no idea the two were seeing each other, and it’s evident he’s not happy about it.

  “Nothing,” he finally says between gritted teeth. “I’ll get him out. Trent has work to do.” Without another look, he unhooks the trailer door and rips it open.

  “I can help,” I blurt out, wanting to defuse the situation. Jackson’s face jerks toward me, his eyes widening when he watches me walk toward them.

  “And who are you?” His brows rise, the corner of his lips tilting up. Great.

  “This is Emily,” Kiera introduces. “She came with me to the wedding…”

  Please don’t say it, please don’t say it. I chant in my mind as Kiera speaks.

  “She’s Evan’s mystery girl from the other weekend.”

  I’m going to murder her.

  “No shit!” Jackson releases a low belly laugh, and I want to die of shame. “Well fuck. I can see why he’s been more of an asshole than usual.”

  What’s that supposed to mean?

  “Nice to meet you, Mystery Girl.” Jackson holds out his hand for me.

  “You too. It’s Emily for short.” I wink, taking his hand and getting another smile out of him.

  Whew. Situation defused, even if it was at my expense.

  “So does my brother know you’re here?” he asks with an amused grin, which worries me he’s up to something.

  “No, and he doesn’t need to, Jackson Bishop!” Kiera responds for me in a low warning tone. “Just help me get Spirit out, and we’ll be on our way.”

  Trent holds the trailer door open as Kiera and Jackson step inside and coax Spirit out. I hear Jackson mumbling to Kiera, and she gives him an eye roll in response. By the way he’s shooting daggers at Trent, I can only assume it’s some snarky comment about him.

  “That’s my good boy,” Kiera praises Spirit, rubbing her palm down his nose as Jackson holds the rope. “You be on your best behavior now, ya hear me?”

  He lets out a huff and nibbles along Kiera’s shoulder. She laughs, and when I look up at Jackson, I catch him watching her with admiration in his eyes. His jaw is tight, and he swallows hard when Kiera kisses the top of Spirit’s nose. It’s so obvious he has feelings for her, but he chooses to be an idiot and not do anything about it. Instead, he pushes Kiera away until another guy comes along and realizes what a catch she truly is.

  Go figure. He’s not happy about it either.

  “He’ll be good. Won’t cha, boy?” Jackson tugs on the rope and starts leading him into the barn. Trent helps Kiera shut the trailer door, and once it’s locked, he wraps his arm around her waist and presses a sweet kiss to her smiling lips.

  I grin as I watch the two of them and am really happy she’s found someone like Trent who worships the ground she walks on. I’ve known Kiera for most of my childhood, and she’s like a little sister to me, so if Jackson’s going to be a moron and let her get away, then he deserves to feel the anguish.

  Jackson returns moments later, his strides long and his expression hard as stone. His eyes flicker to Trent’s hand that has slid down to Kiera’s ass, and he looks like he might murder him. Before he loses his temper, I step in and walk straight into Jackson’s path.

  “Any chance you’d show me around the barn? I haven’t been on a ranch in a really long time, and I’d love a tour.”

  His jaw tightens, and when he looks at me, his face finally softens. “Sure.”

  I follow him back into the barn, and when we walk down the path of stalls, he’s listing off all their names. I hear Kiera and Trent walk in moments later and brace for an altercation.

  “Laken, can you finish your job, so I can put Shadow back out into the pasture?” He doesn’t look over his shoulder as he shouts the question.

  “I’ll call you later, babe.” I hear Trent say to Kiera before he kisses her.

  “Okay, we’ll let you guys get back to work.” She pops up on her tiptoes and presses a chaste kiss to Trent’s cheek. “Bye, Jackson,” she says and flicks her head toward me, telling me it’s time to go.

  He grunts in response, waving a hand over his shoulder.

  “Nice meeting you both,” I call out before we walk back down the path and out to Kiera’s truck.

  “Well, that was brutal.” I snort the moment we shut our doors. “I thought Jackson was going to rip Trent’s head off.”

  “I’m goin’ to junk punch him for that,” she hisses, her body tense as she puts the truck into drive. “I swear, he’s bipolar. One minute he’s completely normal and everything’s fine. Then all of a sudden, he’s this overbearing, protective asshole.”

  “You know why that is, right?”

  “Because he’s a guy.” She pauses before continuing. “A stupid one.”

  I chuckle, shaking my head at her. “He’s protective because he doesn’t like seeing you with someone else. Now meeting the infamous Jackson Bishop, my suspicions are confirmed. He wants you the same way you’ve always wanted him.”

  She inhales a sharp breath and chokes when I finish my sentence. “You really can’t see it?” I ask. “He has feelings for you but keeps you in the friend zone and doesn’t want anyone else to have you. Seeing you with another guy makes him realize what he doesn’t have—which is you.”

  Slowly, she turns her head and furrows her brows at me, and the intense look in her eyes tells me she thinks I’ve gone crazy.

  “I’m serious!” I throw my arms up. “After hearing all the stories you’ve told me and witnessing his behavior back there, there’s no doubt in my mind he’s jealous as fuck.”

  “If he’s so jealous, then why the hell hasn’t he done anythin’ about it all these years?” The aggravation spews from her tone. “It’s not like I haven’t given him hints. I’ve basically thrown myself at him only to be rejected. So what the hell?”

  “Maybe he thinks he’s not good enough for you. Or that you’d reject him? Or he doesn’t want to ruin your friendship by taking things to the next level and worries he’ll lose you for good if it doesn’t work out.”

  “Geez, how long have you been thinking about this?”

  “Sadly, too much. I h
ave no life.” I shrug. “You’ve been talking about Jackson since the day we met, and after all these years, I feel like I know him personally and now officially meeting him has sealed the deal.”

  “I’ve dated before, and he’s never really liked them, which I just figured was because they ended up being idiots, but the way he acted with Trent is something I’ve never seen him do before. Considering he knows him and knows that he’s a decent guy, there’s no reason he wouldn’t like him.”

  “It’s because he wants you, Kiera,” I state the obvious.

  “Well, too fucking bad. He’s too late then. I really like Trent, and I’m not going to let Jackson ruin this. Trent’s the first guy in a really long time who’s made me feel this way, and Jackson’s just gonna have to learn to be my friend and suck it up.” She nods her head in affirmation. The serious look on her face makes me giggle.

  “Where are we going?” I ask when she turns onto another gravel driveway toward a large farmhouse.

  “I want to go see Mama Bishop quick and say hello. Is that okay?”

  “Sure, if you think it’s safe for me.”

  Now she’s the one chuckling. “Don’t worry. The men are all out working.”

  She better be right.

  Once she parks, I take in the view and admire how gorgeous the house looks with the land surrounding it. It goes on for miles and is completely breathtaking.

  “What a gorgeous sight,” I say as we walk toward the house.

  “It sure is.”

  Kiera doesn’t even bother knocking and walks right in. I follow her and take in the beautiful, rustic detail of the house decor. “Mama Bishop?” she calls out.

  “Who is that gorgeous woman coming to visit me?” Mrs. Bishop asks as soon as she sees us come through the kitchen. “Kiera Young! It’s about time you came to visit me!”

  Mrs. Bishop is wearing an apron, and her blonde hair is pinned up. She was stunning at the wedding, but even in the kitchen working and baking, she looks exquisite.


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