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Hart’s Desires (Volume One – The First Day) (Hart's Desires)

Page 2

by Vela, Ana

  “I know.” Samantha’s bitchy tone was gone.

  “He is so hot.”

  “He is, but he’s dating some model now. Before that some movie actress starlet.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Have you heard of Crystal Struss?”

  “I don’t think so.” I could picture Samantha staying up late, reading Vogue and other fashion magazines, looking for tips and getting jealous about the beauty of the women on the pages. I skimmed through Vogue once at the doctor’s office and quickly realized it wasn’t for me. I liked looking good and I tried to stay fashionable, but the models and their outfits in that magazine just seemed to be from another world.

  “She’s done magazine spreads for just about every major fashion magazine and runway shows for just about every designer who is worth anything.” The way she said made it sound like I should know these facts already, but I didn’t. I could hear her bitchy tone creeping back into her voice. “Anyways, she was here a month ago, then again last week. Both times, she spent hours up in his office, and then they went to dinner together afterward. Just the two of them, no staff. Other models have been here before, but this time I saw tabloid pictures of Crystal and Paul together outside of the office too.”

  “So, were they just rumors?”

  “Yeah, but before that it was a starlet named Chloe Britt. Tabloid pictures and photos on the Internet of the two of them together all over the country. He took her to dinner in Japan one night because she said she had never tasted good sushi.”

  “What I would do to have a boyfriend like that…” I felt my body temperature falling back to normal. I remembered my ex; he wouldn’t go anywhere near sushi, even though I loved it. He wanted a burger and preferably a restaurant with the game on a big screen television.

  “I’ll second that.” The friendly tone came back.

  “So, who do I call about my computer?”

  “I’ll take care of it”, she said, with a hint of a smile this time.

  She did take care of it and from then on I felt more like she was on my side, trying to help me out on my first day. She may be a blonde goddess with perfect looks and a model-like body, but we had something in common now. We were both on the outside, looking in at Paul.

  By lunch, I had most of my basic responsibilities down and I hadn’t even hung up on anyone else. I didn’t even have any major problems when I was all by myself while Samantha took her lunch.

  When it was my turn, I drove a few blocks away to a sandwich shop. On my way back to the office, I called back Jenny.

  “Hey, how’s the first day?”

  “Good.” I didn’t want to come right out and blab about my newfound crush.


  “So far, so good. It’s nothing too hard. The biggest stress is just how busy it gets. It’s just me and another girl and it seems like a million visitors and phone calls every hour.”


  I looked around to make sure no one could hear me, finally ready to spill the beans. “And I met him.”

  “Paul Hart?”


  “I thought I could hear it in your voice.”

  “He looked even better in person and get this; he checked me out.”

  “You’re joking.”

  “Nope.” I said, beaming to myself.

  “Weren’t we just talking about that last night?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t think anything will ever come out of it. I heard he’s dating some model.”

  “That’s probably a good thing?”

  “Why, would you get jealous?”

  “I was talking to my coworker this morning, I told her about where you were working. Of course, we ended up talking about Paul Hart. She had a friend that dated him a few years ago.”

  “And?” I pulled into the parking lot and found a spot; however I didn’t get out of my car yet. I wanted to hear what she had to say.

  “He’s into some…interesting stuff.”

  “Drugs? Couldn’t be worse than Brian. He never smoked around me, but he smoked weed all the time when he was with his friends.”

  “Not that kind of stuff.”

  “What do you mean? Come out and say it.”

  She lowered her voice. “He’s into some certain spicier things in the bedroom.”

  “What?” My voice sounded offended, but between my legs, I wanted to know what she was talking about.

  “It’s all hearsay, but my coworker said regular sex is just too boring for him.”

  I felt a heat developing between my legs, the nylon fabric of my thong becoming moist. I looked around the parking lot, just to be on the safe side and make sure no one could somehow hear my conversation. “If regular is too boring, what’s he into?”

  “She said one woman was never enough.”

  “If I was a guy with his looks and his money, I would be the same way. I’m sure women line up to drop their panties for him.” I thought of Samantha, pulling off her underwear for him and bending over our desk for Paul. I imagined pulling up my skirt, sliding off my thong and bending over the desk too. Thinking of Paul taking me from behind reminded me how long it had been since I broke up with Brian and how long it was before that when we last had last sex.

  “He’s not just a player. He’ll go out and take two women back to his place but treat them both very, very well.”

  “I’m not really surprised.” I didn’t know exactly how much I believed the word of a friend of a friend. However, I could see an extremely good looking man indulging in every man’s fantasy every once in a while. Brian always wanted me to arrange something with Jenny or one of my other friends, but I never did. One night in college, after a few too many beers at a frat party, I fooled around with a girlfriend. I was just curious, she was just curious, so we explored our options. It was fun, but not really my thing. Definitely a one-time thing. I craved cock too much to be bisexual.

  “This may surprise you. He’s into some pretty kinky things too.”

  “Like what?” The naughty ideas ran through my head. I pictured him bored with just plain, old sex. Maybe he liked to have sex outdoors. Or voyeurism? That was something that simply thinking about turned me on. The risk of getting caught just made things more exciting. Or maybe he was into anal sex. That was another thing that Brian wanted to try when our sex life went from bland to boring. However, I heard about how painful it could be and I closed that option. But, just maybe, I thought, for Paul I might open that option back up. What was wrong with me? I shouldn’t be having thoughts like this, especially not in the employee parking lot. I had to admit though, I didn’t want the conversation to end.

  “Are you sure you want to know?” I could tell she was grinning on the other side of the line, eager to tell me what she knew.

  “Tell me.” I smiled into the phone like a high school girl talking on the phone to her first boyfriend.

  “Okay, I warned you, but rumor has it that he’s really into bondage, like as in BDSM.”

  “No way.” I wanted my voice to sound shocked, and to hide just how much our conversation and my imagination were turning me on. I wanted to spread my legs and slide my hands into my skirt. It wasn’t just the conversation; simply meeting Paul earlier had been enough to create an excitement inside of me, the kind of excitement that I never felt with Brian, even when our relationship was brand new.

  “Yes! I guess he really liked to handcuff her or tie her up. He’d spank her and whip her too.”

  “No way.” I worried that Hart Technologies had the technology to hear my conversation somehow. I looked around; no one was looking at me or watching me, but still I felt paranoid. I knew I should’ve waited until after work for this kind of conversation, but I couldn’t help myself.

  “Yeah and he had my friend wear blindfolds and some other things along those lines.”

  “I would never let a guy do that.” I said. But I was lying. I would never let a guy other than Paul do that, is what I really meant. I w
anted to touch myself, to fondle my breasts, to slide my hand between my legs and feel my wetness. If I didn’t have to get back to work and my car had tinted windows, I may have been tempted to do so right then and there. I hadn’t been this turned on in a long time.

  “You’re lying. I can hear it in your voice. I don’t blame you. I would let him do whatever he wanted to me, too.”

  “You’re such a dirty girl.”

  We giggled together, then I looked at the clock on my dashboard again. I had to go back to reality, one where Paul Hart was just the owner of the company that employed me, and I was just a lowly secretary. “I have to go.”

  “Me too, my boss has walked by twice now and I have a feeling she knows I’m not on the phone with a client. Call me later with more details, like an explicit, kinky affair with the richest man in the city.”

  “Yeah, right. I’ll be sure to do that!”

  We said our good byes, and then I got out of the car. I patted down my skirt, and then fixed my blouse. I hoped that nobody would notice how hot and bothered I was when I got back inside, but I wasn’t completely sure that I could hide it well enough.

  That afternoon, I wouldn’t say Samantha and I became friends, but I would say that she at least accepted me as a coworker. However, that didn’t stop her from giving me the dirty jobs. The UPS man dropped off a stack of packages earlier in the day, and then the mail staff claimed the packages and delivered them to the offices where they were supposed to go. The UPS man had just dropped off another stack of packages to the front desk. Since it was late in the afternoon now, no one from the mailroom was going to stop by again to pick up any packages. This meant that one of us had to deliver them. Of course, Samantha looked at me and I knew it would be my duty.

  It was six fairly big packages, but luckily they were light. The hardest part was pressing the elevator button while cradling them all in my arms. I dropped off the first package on the second floor and when the elevator door opened again, Paul stood in the middle of the elevator. I was momentarily stunned.

  He smiled at me and moved to the side to make room for me and my stack of packages. “What floor?” His voice resonated, so calm, yet so powerful.

  I tried to regain my bearings and act professional. I looked at the top package, trying to read the label. I looked at it while I waited for the other elevator, but Paul’s imposing figure caused me to instantly forget. “Sixth floor, please.”

  He hit the button, and then asked, “Do you need help with that?”

  “No, thank you, they’re pretty light.”

  The elevator took off and he looked down at his smart phone. He scrolled through his emails. “How is your first day going so far?” I was surprised that he remembered me, let alone that he remembered that it was my first day.

  “A little rough at first, but now it’s going great. I love it here.” I hoped that I didn’t sound too overly enthusiastic.

  “I’m glad to hear that. You don’t seem like a receptionist. What’s your long term goal?”

  Was this a test? Did he want to see if I would just work there for a few months, then move on to a better position in some other company? I had to admit, that thought had occurred to me after they hired me. I would still send out resumes and if I found a better paying position that was more in my field, I would probably take it. I decided to go with an answer that made it sound as though I really liked my position, but was eager to climb the corporate ladder, wherever that could take me. An answer I hoped would be safe. “I like the job so far, but I do have a marketing degree. Down the road, I would like to see if the marketing department has a position for me.”

  “I thought you might be destined for something more than the front desk.” He smiled at me and I felt my knees get weak.

  The elevator stopped at the sixth floor and the doors opened. I didn’t want to get off the elevator. I wanted to keep talking to him, but I didn’t want to seem too into him. Not that I had to worry; he would never be into a girl like me.

  He held the door open. “If things go well for a few months, come see me. I’ll see if the marketing department has a spot for you.”

  “That would be great, thank you very much.” I smiled.

  The elevator doors closed and I wanted to fan myself. It would take some time to get used to working with him and being around him every day.

  By the time I made it back to the front desk, it was nearly five o’clock. Samantha had already gone and I started to gather up my stuff when I saw a yellow post it note with my name on it and a stack of papers from the H.R. department.

  I probably could’ve waited until the morning to fill them out, but I didn’t mind working late and showing that I was an asset to the company. I didn’t have a boyfriend to race home to or anyone besides my roommate and she wouldn’t notice if I came home late. Plus, I hoped that while I filled out the paperwork, I might get another chance to see Paul as he walked out.

  No such luck. It took me twenty minutes to fill out the forms and I would estimate that most of the building emptied out past me, but there was no sign of the C.E.O.

  I was about to leave a second time when a FedEx man came rushing in. He handed me the small box and the electronic keypad to sign my name.

  “Last minute emergency package. Sorry for the late delivery. Thanks,” he said then rushed back out.

  The package had Paul’s name on it and a stick-on labeled ‘Same Day Delivery’. I thought about leaving it there and taking it up to him in the morning. Or just giving it to the mail staff, which was probably the right thing to do. But, I justified to myself, what if it was something he needed right away? In reality, it was just another chance to possibly see Mr. Hart, and I couldn’t turn that down.

  I looked at the package as I waited for the elevator. Curiosity was getting to me. About the size of a shoebox, with no return label. Inside the elevator, I shook it. It didn’t make a sound and nothing moved around inside of it. I imagined it was papers, making the purchase of another company official. Or maybe some sort of computer piece that would lead to Paul’s next billion dollars.

  The top floor were all of the executive offices were located was completely empty and quiet. My heels clicked on the tile floor and echoed off the walls.

  An empty receptionist desk greeted me. I debated leaving it there, but I decided to make sure it got delivered. I grinned with dumb-pride as I walked past the desk.

  On the right was a large glass conference room with a view of the city’s skyline beyond its windows. A large oak desk filled the room, surrounded by plush black leather chairs. I imagined Paul at the head of it, meeting with the management staff as they plotted their next moves. I then imagined myself spread out on the table, completely naked, with Paul hovering above me. I couldn’t help but smile at the dirty thought.

  On the left were a number of desks. I pictured his entourage of staff filling them earlier, phones ringing, papers bustling. This was where the real action took pace, I imagined.

  At the far end stood two dark colored oak doors with his name on the door in brass lettering. The door was closed, but unlocked.

  Maybe I should’ve left it at the desk. The next room was also empty. I pictured security watching the video cameras and sending someone up after me.

  “Hello? I have a package for Mr. Hart.” I said, raising my voice slightly, in the hopes that someone may be around. No one answered me.

  At first I thought the vast room was his office, but then I saw another set of doors. This time they were unmarked.

  I knew I should just have left the package on this desk, but I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to see what his office looked like.

  I heard voices on the other side of the door and I grinned. One a male voice, definitely Paul. The other female, probably his secretary. I would get one more chance to see Paul today after all. My little journey was worth it.

  I pushed open the door, knocking as I did. “I have a same day delivery package for Mr. Hart. I thought it might be import
ant, so I brought it up.”

  I expected to see Paul giving directions to his secretary. Instead, I saw Samantha on her knees. Her dress lay on the floor between them and me. Her bra half on, her perky breasts and light pink nipples pointed at him. Her bright pink, almost neon colored lips attached to his cock. Paul stood in front of her. It didn’t take me long to figure out what she was doing. They froze. I froze. I didn’t know what to say or do. Was this real?

  “What are you doing here??” Samantha jumped back and screeched.

  “I, I um. I was just dropping off this.” I held the package up for everyone to see. “I’m. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” My heart pounded. My cheeks turned red. Between my legs, a desire developed. I had never felt so much fear and sensual excitement at the same time. I wanted to run away and pretend I had never been in this office. Yet at the same time, I wanted to get on my knees and join Samantha. I couldn’t help but to look at his thick, swollen manhood, glistening with her saliva. What was I thinking? I wasn’t that kind of girl, especially not with a man I just met; a man who I never even had a chance of dating. I started to back up.


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