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Ultimate Curves

Page 3

by Miranda Forbes

  She led him by the hand up the stairs, wiggling her bottom as she walked. He couldn’t resist giving her another gentle smack, and he was almost tempted to push her down on the stairs and make love to her there and then.

  When they reached the bedroom she kissed him passionately and started to remove his clothes. She knelt down in front of him, removing his boxer shorts, and his cock sprung free. She kissed it gently and ran her tongue along the length of it, then pushed him down onto the bed. His head was spinning and he desperately wanted to take her now, but she left the room and told him to wait.

  A few minutes later the music started up again, this time coming from the stereo beside the bed. The room was in darkness but he could see the silhouette of his wife standing in the doorway. Using the dimmer switch she again turned the lights on halfway and started to dance in front of him. Now she was wearing a bright pink bra covered in sequins with long tassels hanging from the nipples. She was also wearing a sarong which matched the bra, with even longer tassels.

  She started to do a belly dance and her breasts and tummy wobbled in time to the music. He was mesmerised by the sight of his beautiful wife and he moved forward to sit on the edge of the bed.

  She moved her hips and the tassels on her sarong danced. Her breasts bounced and the tassels from her nipples spun round and round, almost hypnotically. He reached out to her and she took his hand, letting him pull her towards him. He put his hands on her bottom, enjoying the feel of her satin knickers and delighting in the feel of her large bottom cheeks. He squeezed them and ran his hands up her body. She still swayed in time to the music and her tassels brushed against him.

  Allison’s hands reached between her breasts and unhooked the front fastener on her bra, letting her enormous breasts spring free. Wanting to show her what her dancing was doing to him, James took her hand and placed it on his hard cock. She smiled and kissed him, bringing his hands up to her breasts and encouraging him to play with them.

  He squeezed her nipples then covered her breasts with kisses, gently pinching her nipples between his teeth, rolling them in his mouth and sucking until she gasped with pleasure.

  Kneeling down between his legs, she started to wank him slowly. He was desperate for relief and begged her to go faster. But she slowed down and started to kiss the end of his cock, taking it into her mouth and sucking gently. When he was fit to burst, she stopped and moved away. She threw aside her bra and continued her dance, her breasts jiggling around as her hips swayed and the tassels on her sarong doing their own dance.

  She cast aside the sarong and continued to dance in only her panties. James gazed at her huge breasts, the natural curve of her waist and the fullness of her hips and thighs. He watched her tummy wobble gently to the music and her breasts jiggle enticingly. He was more turned on than he’d ever been and he needed to take her now, but he didn’t want to spoil what had obviously been very well planned.

  She turned her back to him and bent forward. She grasped her ankles and spread her legs, letting him see that her new panties were crotchless. He gasped and reached his hand out towards her. She moved away, turned to face him and slowed her dance down, caressing her body as she moved, pushing her breasts together and gasping with pleasure as her nipples hardened and swelled.

  She moved her hands away and her breasts continued to sway, despite the slower pace of the dance, and when she turned her back to him and wiggled her bottom, her buttocks bounced seductively. He reached out to her again and simply said, ‘Please.’

  His voice was filled with so much desperation that she relented. His wife was normally quite submissive and shy, so she shocked him by pushing him backwards onto the bed and straddling across him. She was so wet that his cock slipped easily inside, and she continued to tease him by sliding slowly up and down his shaft.

  He grasped her hips and kneaded the soft flesh in his hands. He squeezed her buttocks and pulled her cheeks apart, pulling the flimsy material of her crotchless panties as much out of the way as he could. He reached around and slipped the end of his finger into her bottom, and she gasped loudly. She continued to ride him, trying desperately not to let his finger slip out. It was slightly awkward, though, and she again concentrated on giving him pleasure.

  Leaning forward and letting her breasts brush across his face, she cried out with her own pleasure as he caught her nipple between his teeth and started to nibble gently, then sucked it not quite as gently. She tried desperately to seduce him for as long as possible but they were both frantic by now.

  He rolled her on to her back, ripped off her panties and plunged his cock deep inside her. Within seconds his cock twitched and his body tensed as he had the best orgasm he could ever remember.

  Rolling on to his back, he lay gasping for breath and sweating as he wondered if this was really happening to him or if he was about to wake up. His wife kissed him gently on the mouth and asked if he was OK.

  He pulled her into his arms and kissed her, running his hands up and down her body, enjoying the feel of her soft skin and delighting in her curves. ‘I love you, thank you so much.’ Realising he’d been selfish and not satisfied her, he rolled her on to her back and went down on her, flicking at her clit with his tongue and plunging his fingers deep inside her.

  She was close to orgasm when she begged him to hold her. With one arm around her shoulders he held her close, kissing her passionately, as his other hand stayed at her pussy, fingers thrusting in and out of her then stopping to rub her clit. It didn’t take long for her to reach her own orgasm and, after she’d calmed down, she lay breathless in his arms, thanking him over and over again.

  When they’d both got their breath back she asked if she was anywhere near as good as the dancers in the bar. Sitting up he looked at her, stunned. ‘You’re joking. They’re truly awful. You’re a million times better than they could ever be, and you’re so sexy. I’d rather watch you any day.’

  Smiling, he promised to put a good word in for her with the management of the club if she ever fancied a part-time job.

  Laughing and shaking her head, she told him this performance was for his eyes only, and that next time he was sitting in the club longing to go home, all he had to do was think about his own private dancer, and he never knew what might be waiting when he got back.

  Love at First Light

  by Harriet Hamblin

  Rum and raspberry, lavender and spice – the enticing aromas encouraged Cassie to pause in the doorway of the little shop. Handmade candles of every hue and shape lined wooden shelves against the walls.

  Her gaze fixed on the glowing wicks of a cluster of lilac and cream. The pale flames flickered in the draught as Cassie took a step forward. She glanced across to the counter and the male assistant acknowledged her with a friendly greeting.

  “May I help?”

  “I’m just browsing,” she said.

  He reached to a shelf behind him. “I have what you’re looking for.” He placed on the counter a fat, round candle, the colour of beeswax.

  Intrigued that he presumed to know her taste, she said, “But how do you know what I want?” She lifted the candle to inhale the exotic perfume and glimpsed his smile from the corner of her eye.

  “Ginger: clears the mind for decision-making.”

  How did he know that she found shopping such a trial? Most women loved it. She held the ginger candle to her nose for a touch longer than necessary while she gave him a quick once-over.

  He stepped from behind the counter, and she followed his lean-hipped body over to the group of candles that had first caught her eye. His hand hovered for a second, and he sent her a thoughtful glance before picking up a square, cream one.

  As she took it, his fingers brushed briefly against hers. “Imagine a tropical island.”

  She imagined his long fingers smoothing vanilla and coconut oil over her naked body. This made her smile. “Mmmm. Palm trees, sand and sun.”

  “Light this for an hour or two before bed and you’ll sleep
as if you’re on holiday.”

  How could he know that sleep eluded her most nights? She’d tried everything and anything to relax. A scented candle wouldn’t make any difference.

  “I’ll take it.” The words were out. Too late to change her mind.

  As she reached the door, he called out, “Come back next week. I’ll have exactly what you need.”

  But needing another candle was as likely as taking time off work for a holiday in Fiji. As if.

  Next week, she was back at the shop. The same man greeted her warmly. “You’re looking very refreshed.”

  “I am sleeping better,” Cassie admitted, as a flush of heat crimsoned her cheeks.

  “That’s good. It’s great to see you again.” His smile made her heart flip. “Hey, I’m sure you won’t be able to resist this new candle I have in stock. Lemon and lime – guaranteed to stimulate your … er,” his sage-green eyes held hers, “… love life.”

  Cheeky bastard. “There’s nothing wrong with my love life!” But then, in a fit of conscience at her bare-faced lie, she bought the darn candle anyway.

  A few days later, she called in to choose an engagement gift for a friend. He asked some relevant questions about the betrothed couple which led to further questions, irrelevant, about herself. Now he knew her name and she’d learnt that his was Stefan. And that his former girlfriend had moved away up north.

  Half an hour had gone by before it dawned on her that she’d virtually told him her whole life story. She’d been unable to resist his flattering attention. This had never happened to her before, but, she thought ruefully, he was simply so easy to talk to.

  She’d led him to believe that she was ‘between boyfriends’ but the truth was that, actually, she’d sworn off guys for the foreseeable future. Her teasing work colleagues crudely described her as ‘gun shy’. They were right. Men were just too much effort for too little return, in her unlucky experience.

  Except for the most eligible ones, of course, and they seemed to be squeezed and snatched off the shelf as quickly as loaves of freshly baked bread.

  “How about a box of these as a romantic gift for your friend?” suggested Stefan, as he floated several flaming, glossy, heart-shaped candles in a wide, shallow bowl of water.

  Cassie, breathing in the heavenly, rich chocolate fragrance, glimpsed his face reflected in the small pool. She wondered why Stefan was still single. He was gorgeous, self-assured, caring and, as she caught his eye, practically psychic where she was concerned.

  “That’s so right for her. She’ll love it!” Laughing, she turned to face him. “Are you this successful with all your customers?”

  Inclining his head close to her ear, he whispered, “Only the sexy ones.”

  In that instant, as if she herself were made of candle wax, her sensitive inner core melted into liquid heat. When he turned away to answer the phone, she took full advantage of the opportunity for a dignified exit.

  For the next three weeks, Cassie went to the shop and, each time, purchased a candle that was exactly what she needed, even though she often didn’t know she needed it until she was there.

  She liked Stefan, liked his personality, enjoyed his company, but was in serious danger of becoming curiously addicted to his candles. She, who hated cluttering up her furniture with stuff, began to envisage candles eventually taking over every spare inch of available surface. Enough was enough, she decided. Her next visit to the shop would be her last.

  Stefan was busy with customers when she arrived. After a short time, he excused himself and strode towards her.

  “Cassie, today I have a very special one for you.” His eyes sparkled as if he’d discovered a winning Lotto ticket down the back of the sofa.

  Butterflies fluttered against her ribs as she allowed herself to be led through the door into the private staff room at the back. Her eyes widened as he offered her the tall, elegant candle, patterned in deep swirls of crimson and black, topped with a golden wick.

  A deep scent of dusky red roses possessed her as she held it in her hands. Cassie closed her eyes and gave a sigh of pleasure.

  “You like it?” Stefan enquired gently.

  She opened her eyes to meet his intense gaze and the butterflies ran wild, like children on a windy day.

  “I …” Her throat went dry. “I have enough candles.”

  “Keep it,” he urged, “as a gift. Now I’ll tell you why it’s special.” He paused, making sure he had her full attention. “Don’t light it until you’re ready for love because the flame has the power to attract your most secret heart’s desire.”

  The shop bell jangled. She blinked and he was gone.

  Cassie, once home, put the candle in her spare bedroom, firmly out of temptation’s way. She didn’t really believe in all that mumbo jumbo, but, until she knew in her own mind what her true heart’s desire was, she dared not leave it up to fate. This time, she’dbe in charge.

  The following night, a storm blew up. Rain thundered on the roof and wind gusts shook the house. Cassie ran to each room, snatching the windows shut. Just as she closed the curtains in the spare room, the lights went out and the house was plunged into darkness. She opened the curtains a chink to let in the street light, but all was a smothering pitch black.

  A power cut.

  Disoriented by her sudden blindness, Cassie stretched her arms out and felt her way around the wall. Her bare toe stubbed against the dressing table as her stumbling fingers closed around a smooth wax shape. A box of matches lay in a dish nearby. Scattering the thin sticks in her fumbling haste, she struck a light and put it to the wick.

  A thin flame sizzled into life. Uh oh.

  She waited for a week for something to happen, but, as she’d expected, no handsome stranger crossed her path, no lover swept her off her feet. She was surprised that she felt vaguely disappointed, somewhat disillusioned, and was even a little bit angry with herself for feeling anything at all.

  She waited another week.

  Same dull routine.

  Unaccountably incensed, teased beyond endurance, she threw the candle back into her bag.

  “You promised me passion!”

  She thunked the candle down onto the shop counter. But as a slow smile spread across Stefan’s face, Cassie felt suddenly mortified by her words. Her skin burned, prickles crawled along her neck. She hadn’t known that she had wanted passion, let alone voiced it out loud. She’d thought she was happy enough, had everything she needed. Till now.

  “You lit the candle,” Stefan murmured, his eyes seeking hers.

  Cassie’s heart beat a painful tattoo against her ribs.

  “I hoped you would.” He reached for her hand. “You didn’t know what you needed.”

  Perceiving that, for once, he wasn’t referring to candles, she raised a sceptical eyebrow. “And you did?”

  “Oh yes.” His face grew serious. “From the moment I met you I wanted you. And I knew that, someday, you’d discover you wanted me, too.”

  Desire sizzled all the way down to her toes. Mesmerised by his beautiful eyes, she forgot to breathe. Fire fanned across her skin. She gasped and pressed her free hand to the cleavage of her pale pink soft angora jumper.

  “Hey, don’t hide those plumpalicious babes,” he growled softly.

  “Plump?” Her eyes narrowed. Did he mean fat?

  He reached out to trail one finger along the back of her hand, sending a bolt of pleasure between her thighs. “Just like creamy ripe peaches.”

  Mmmm. Her favourite summer fruit. He wrapped his fingers around hers to lift her hand away. His lips parted and she caught a flash of teeth. A wild image of him sucking and nipping her tingling nipples leapt into her mind. Her heart thumped as he pressed his lips to her hand, his gaze burning with a come-hither smile.

  Stepping out from behind the counter he flipped the sign on the door to ‘Closed’ and murmured, “Are you sure you’re ready for passion, Cassie?”

  Oh God. She closed her eyes. Was she? He wants he
r, she wants him … but now it was only a matter of time before he noticed her other ultra curvy bits … She sucked in her stomach. Oh God!

  Her eyes opened as he drew her into his arms.

  “Are you?” she countered, despite the rock-hard evidence pressing against her thigh. She moistened her dry lips with her tongue.

  His head bent forward as if to kiss her. But instead his whisper against her ear took her breath away. “Hell, lovely, my wick’s aching for the touch of your flame.”

  She gulped. Oh God, he was ready, all right.

  But this man was different from any other she’d ever met. So she shouldn’t have been so shocked when Stefan grasped her by the shoulders and stepped back, stooping to peer into her face. “You find it hard to trust men, don’t you.”

  He made it a statement, not a question. Oh God, he must have felt her knees shaking.She stared at him. How did he understand her so well?

  “I’m not surprised after what you told me of that last boyfriend of yours.” He shook his head as if disgusted. “My old man was a lot like him; charming one minute and in a foul temper the next.” He shot her a lopsided grin. “Fortunately, I only inherited the charming bit.”

  Cassie grinned. “Makes you a good salesman.”

  He shrugged. “Sometimes.” His hands slipped down her arms in a firm caress. “But work is the last thing on my mind right now.”

  A throb of pleasure quivered deep in her vagina at the naked intention in his gaze. She squeezed her thighs against the sweet ache but it was useless to resist. He was her true desire and they both knew it. She grasped his hand and led him to the back room.

  “You’re so lovable,” Stefan breathed as they both sank down to the floor. Cassie giggled and playfully pushed him on to his back on the cherry red carpet.

  His eyebrows shot up. “So you want to be in control, do you?”

  She poked her tongue at him and he groaned, burrowing his hands under her top. He pulled her full length on top of him, capturing her in a kiss that took her breath away. She threaded her hands through his silky black curls as he covered her cheeks, her brow, her nose and her neck with feverish kisses. She drew his lips back to hers, opening her mouth for him, their slick tongues entwining in an exquisitely torturous man-woman dance.


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