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Ultimate Curves

Page 12

by Miranda Forbes

  Another reason I adore my lady’s figure so is that it is strong. Feminine, and yet solid. I know that we can play rough and she can take it. She loves it as much as I do, if not more. I’ll grab her hips and force myself up into her. My cock sandwiched between her engorged folds, her juices sliding out and smearing over my lower abdomen, her clit brushing against me.

  We are on the verge of a frenzy. Once we cross the line, there’s no going back. It’s a race to the finish line, except we aim to cross it together. I’ll reach between her legs and stroke her clit – it doesn’t take much. Soon she is crying out and her pussy is driving me to my own climax, its tight squeezing and releasing causing me to spurt my own violent release.

  I’ll pull her down for a kiss as we ride out our orgasms, my hand tangling in her thick mane, our tongues deeply caressing one another’s mouths. Her arms will come to rest on either side of my head, her tits squashing against my chest. Then I’ll roll her gently off me onto the bed and position myself so my head rests on her shoulder, her arm around me. From here, I can continue to caress her; my fingertips drift across her breasts, her stomach, an aimless pattern that relaxes us both.

  This is a blissful ending to a perfect session. We have both enjoyed each other’s bodies, and now we are taking comfort from one another in a companionable silence. I reach over her with my free arm and crush her tightly to me, silently expressing my affection and love for everything that she is. My love, my rock, my passionate and beautiful woman.

  And after all that exploration, I still can’t decide. Leg, breast or bum? My lady has all three, and they’re all mine. I’m a lucky man.

  The Beautiful Move in Curves

  by Elizabeth Black

  The more Olivia Taylor read, the angrier she felt. Who the hell was this clown?She felt the heat rise in her face as her indignation grew. Since Kevin was the only person within fifty feet of her, she dealt him a blast of her wrath. Kevin didn’t mind. He was used to Liv’s spirited tirades. She leaned on Kevin a lot. He was her favourite ‘friend with benefits’. He was her trusty sounding board, and today he would hear how she felt very sore about such a moronic article. This is not the sort of thing I should be reading only a few hours before speaking on a panel about how fat women are sexy.

  Liv was taking a break from packing their gear for the science fiction and fantasy convention they were attending. She and Kevin were manning their sex toys and erotic books table. When she was not scheduled to speak on panels, Liv would work the table with him.

  Liv poked one manicured finger at the computer screen. ‘Can you fucking believe this crap? This idiot wrote an article trashing women he thinks are too fat by calling them “butterbodies”.’ As Liv continued to read the article, her blood pressure rose with each word. ‘You’ve heard of “butterface”, right? She has a hot bod, butterface is so homely she could stop a sundial? Well, this is the reverse. Her face is smoking hot, butterbody is dumpy. He put Salma Hayek on his list of “butterbodies”. Are you fucking kidding me? What guy in his right mind would think that Salma Hayeklooks like a slag? He says she has a beer gut? She just had a baby, moron!’

  Kevin dropped an armload of jelly butt plugs and thrusting rabbit vibrators into a box. ‘Stop getting all worked up. You’ll give yourself a stroke, and you aren’t even fifty yet. This idiot is not worth it. He probably hasn’t had a date in years, lives in his mother’s basement and writes on his blog while stuffing his face with bags of crisps.’

  ‘I can’t help it. You do make me feel better, though. But I can’t possibly feel good about my weight if some cretin thinks that Salma Hayek is too fat.’

  ‘You look beautiful. Really, Liv. You are gorgeous, and you know it. Stop feeling so insecure. Remember – you’re speaking on a panel about sexiness in a few hours. Do I need to give you a confidence boost? You look like you live on more than a bowl of lettuce every day. You’re healthy and you glow. You know that.’

  ‘Yes, I do, but I feel so insecure when I see all the thin, toned bodies out there, and here I am, close to 200 pounds, and I am too scared to go out in public because I think I look like a carpet whale.’

  ‘Will you stop it? A whale should look so good.’ She felt Kevin’s strong hands work the taut muscles in her shoulders. She melted at his touch. He knew just what spots to press to relax her when she was tense. He was right, though. She wassexy. It was just articles like this idiotic ‘butterbody’ one that poked her most insecure spots.

  ‘My, you are a bundle of tension. Do I have to put you over my knee and spank you?’

  ‘I’m afraid Jeremy is going to take one look at me and scream.’

  ‘Why would he? He knows you aren’t one of those stick-figure models.’ His hands travelled down until they moulded her large, firm breasts, one after the other. He lifted them and held them together until she stared down a well of cleavage. His thumbs and forefingers pinched her nipples until they stood erect and purple. The ensuing jolt travelled from her nipples to her crotch. I feel a little warm down there …‘For one thing, you have the most amazing breasts. Your ass is round and gorgeous. Remember you sent Jeremy a picture? He even told you he thinks you’re gorgeous. I can see he’s right.’

  ‘It’s just this stupid web page that has me upset. You never see web sites trashing how famous men look. When men age, they become “seasoned”. When women age, they are “butterbodies”.’

  ‘I don’t know … have you seen Clint Eastwood lately? Besides, you never liked the pretty boys anyway. You like brainiacs. Smart is sexy, after all. When most women melt over Hugh Jackman, you get weak-kneed over Gil Grissom on CSI. Grissom is a big, cuddly teddy bear. You tell me that all the time.’

  ‘He’s smart and eccentric. A lethal combination in my book.’

  He stood behind her and placed his large hands on her shoulders again. She felt the electric shock of his touch, anticipating his next move. His mere touch drives me wild! ‘Is it time to play our little game? Let me say the brainiac words that turn you on …’

  She giggled as his hands massaged away the tension in her shoulders. What would Jeremy think when he finally got a good look at her? Would he look at her in disgust and turn away? Of course not!He told her he didn’t care how much she weighed. She was the sexiest woman he ever met, and they hadn’t even met in person yet. He loved the pictures she sent him. He wanted a woman with meat on her bones.

  She met Jeremy online at an Internet fetish group. An accomplished scientist, he worked for the National Institute of Health as a biologist. As soon as Liv learned he was a scientist, she was hooked. She lusted after smart men, and scientists were at the top of her ‘fuck me’ list. Then, they discovered that they had erotic fiction and sensation play in common, and they quickly learned that they were both polyamorous. He was only 31 to Liv’s 48. Kevin called Liv his ‘Sexy Cougar’, and she couldn’t get enough of it. At 28, Kevin was quite a bit younger than Liv. I collect younger men the way some women collect porcelain dolls. But my men are not for show. I give them a workout!

  Jeremy said he thought Liv was the sexiest woman he had seen in years. Plus her open attitude and blunt way of talking about sex turned him on even more.

  Kevin liked her that way, too. More to love. And he was about to give her just what she needed, all with a few well-placed scientific terms from her favourite television show that turned her on every time they played this silly game.

  ‘I know just what to say to drive you wild …’ He leaned over and whispered in her ear, his deep voice growing gruff with desire. ‘Gas chromatograph …’

  She giggled as his tongue flicked her ear. ‘Now you’re being silly.’


  As the fingers on his right hand pinched her nipple through her T-shirt, his left hand reached beneath the flimsy cotton and grasped her bare breast. Liv never wore a bra. She liked the loose feeling she had as her large breasts bounced against her shirt. They sagged a little with age, but they were as firm and as large as they had b
een when she was twenty years younger. He gave her breast a quick squeeze, and the powerful stimulating sensation travelled down through her stomach and slammed into her pussy. God, I want him, and I want him now …

  ‘Did you lock the front door? I don’t want people walking in the store with us carrying on like this.’

  ‘Yes, the door is locked.’

  ‘But the blinds aren’t pulled. People can see in!’

  ‘Can they? Good! A little exhibitionism turns me on. Now how about some more sexy words?’ His lips blew butterfly kisses down her neck. As his tongue licked her warm, sweaty skin, she shivered in ecstasy.

  ‘Luminol. Oh, baby, let me turn you on. Petechial hemorrhaging.’

  Kevin pulled her leggings and black briefs to her knees. She smelled the sweat and juices from her moist pussy as soon as it was exposed to the air. My, but I love that heady smell. It’s MY smell!Kevin slipped his fingers into her waiting crevice.

  ‘How about a fish sandwich before we go?’

  Before she could answer, Kevin’s face dived into her pussy. He pushed her leggings and briefs past her ankles until they sat in a pile on the floor.

  ‘Jump up on the table. I want to eat you.’

  Eagerly awaiting his talented tongue, she leaped upon the table and spread her legs. His strong hands held her legs apart, and his face nuzzled her pussy. Within seconds his tongue lapped at her erect clit, driving her to an erotic frenzy. His lips sucked against her clit, pulling at it, making her feel so very weak in the knees. His index and middle fingers slid into her wet pussy, probing and massaging her G-spot. He didn’t waste any time. My G-spot was just waiting for him.She arched her back, pressing her warm pussy against his face.

  He ate her out some more, licking and sucking until she was so aroused her body went rigid. She pinched her hard nipples, hoping to make them even harder. So sensitive were they that each pinch vibrated from her boobs down to her warm pussy. She felt her heart pounding as blood rushed through her veins, warming her all over. Closing her eyes, she saw the shadows of blood rushing back and forth like waves. Each pulse throbbed in her pussy and her throat. His tongue alternated between licking around her clit and against her pussy lips, and then sucking hard on her clit. She was ready to burst. I’m so close I will spurt fluid all over his face if he keeps this up.

  She ground her pussy against his face as her bum lifted off the table. Upon hearing snickering, she turned towards the windows. Two men stared at her from the open window, wide-eyed and fixated on her writhing body. We have an audience.

  She smiled at them and lowered the leg that was closest to the window so that they would have a better look. Cupping her large breasts, she squeezed them and pinched her nipples while staring at the men with her best ‘bedroom eyes’ look. Kevin was none the wiser, since his face was buried deep in her pussy, driving her wild. One of the voyeurs licked his lips, and that was all it took. Liv’s orgasm rose from deep inside her body, and it exploded against Kevin’s face. She ground her pussy hard against his lips as his mouth sucked hard on her clit, his fingers working her G-spot. She felt the moisture from a puddle grow under her bum. She rode the waves of her orgasm for over a minute until it subsided.

  The two men clapped, catching Kevin’s attention. He looked towards the window, saw the two voyeurs and laughed. The two men waved, cheered a little more, and fled, likely from embarrassment at being caught, and arousal on their own parts.

  ‘I didn’t know we had a command performance. I take it that was good for you?’

  ‘Yes, both your mouth and those two blokes watching us.’

  ‘I knew you were a bit of an exhibitionist. Having them watch really turned you on, didn’t it?’

  She only smiled, stood up and tidied herself. Kevin grabbed the bottle of all-purpose cleaner and a paper towel and cleaned up the puddle on the table.

  ‘Do you feel better now?’

  ‘Yes, sir. Much better.’

  ‘Are you going to let articles written by cretins get on your nerves any more, at least this weekend?’

  ‘No, sir.’

  ‘Good! Now if you start to feel insecure again, I’m afraid I’m going to have to spank you.’

  ‘I’ll supply the paddle.’

  They packed the boxes into their cars and headed for the convention. After registering and setting up their table in the dealers’ room, Liv checked in and went to her own room. She unpacked her luggage and moved her belongings into their proper places. Clothing in the dresser drawers. Shampoo and conditioner on the tub. Curlers and make-up on the bathroom sink. She never felt completely at home in a hotel until she had unpacked everything. Once she felt settled, she opened the bottle of cabernet she had brought and poured herself a glass. The tart red liquid felt good flowing down her throat. She felt her body relax, and she knew the good times were about to start.

  How about dressing up? I want Jeremy to see me looking my best.Liv curled her bum-length auburn hair and put on a little make-up. Not too much. I don’t want to look like a tramp. She reached for the rose cotton ankle-length dress she had brought specifically for this occasion, and slipped into it. After brushing out her hair, she inspected her appearance in the mirror. Hmmmm. I do clean up nice. Jeremy will love the way I look. Kevin will be floored. He rarely sees me all dolled up. She called the front desk to see if Jeremy Kingston had checked in yet, but the hotel clerk told her he had not. Disappointed, she left her room to wander around the convention before stopping at her table to help Kevin set up.

  Kevin did a double take when he saw her. ‘Well, look at you. You’re the sexiest woman in the room. Dress up more often, Liv. You look smashing.’ He poked her in the ribs and grinned at her. ‘Expecting company, by any chance?’

  ‘I wanted Jeremy to see me looking my best.’

  ‘You always look your best, but now you look good enough to eat.’

  ‘You already ate. Maybe later.’

  ‘Don’t dare me. I’ll take you up on it.’

  The con was packed. Liv was delighted to see a wide variety of body types as she wandered around the tables in the dealers’ room. Women with hair down to their bums meandered between the tables, while other women with spiked hair every colour of the rainbow mingled with the crowd. Such a wide variety of people, which was to be expected at a science fiction and fantasy convention. Some walked about in costume while others donned comfortable T-shirts and jeans. While some of the younger women were quite thin, Liv was happy to see heavier women dressed in ‘Buffy’ and ‘Firefly’ T-shirts picking up a double dildo here and a bottle of massage oil there. And they shopped with their lovers! Ha! Let Mr Butterbody see these women with their lovers, and call them fat and homely women who can’t get dates. Loser! These heavier women and their partners (both male and female) bought sex toys and massage items even before Kevin and Liv had completely set up the table. Good! It’s going to be a successful weekend! We’re making sales already, and we aren’t even set up yet.

  A tall, young man approached their table as Liv picked up a 24-inch bright purple double dildo. Liv’s pussy melted at the sight of him. Oh my God, he’s here! Stay calm and don’t do anything stupid. Standing at six feet tall, his lithe body swayed as he walked towards the table. Dressed in black, from a black frock coat to black jeans and a tight black T-shirt, his body screamed ‘fetish lover’. Black hair hung in his face, but it did not cover his electric blue eyes that were slightly almond shaped. There was nary a blemish on his café-au-lait skin. Dimpled cheeks were capped by high cheekbones. He grinned at her, and Liv grinned back.

  ‘You must be Liv and Kevin. I’m Jeremy. Liv, your picture doesn’t do you justice. You’re simply stunning.’ His voice was deep and as smooth as warm honey. Very hypnotic. He stared at the double dildo Liv held in her hand. ‘Is that for me? I thought you’d want to wait before we got into the kinky stuff.’

  ‘Oh my God! I’m so sorry,’ Liv dropped the double dildo onto the table as if it were a poisonous snake. She ran out f
rom behind the table and hugged Jeremy. He feels so firm and strong, and he’s all mine! She ran her hands down his back, just resisting grabbing his delicious bum to give it a hard squeeze. His arms wrapped around her back, and he hugged her so tightly she couldn’t breathe. Seeing Jeremy in person at long last felt as if all her dreams had finally come true. She hugged and squeezed him to make him feel more real. Her entire body tingled with desire as she took in his heady scent. He smells like cinnamon and cloves. I could eat him, he smells so good!

  ‘I take it you’ve checked in.’ She knew what Jeremy wanted. The same thing she wanted.

  ‘Yes, although the room is a bit of a mess. But it’s presentable.’

  ‘How do you feel about a little privacy?’

  ‘It’s what I’ve waited for all year.’

  ‘You two go and enjoy yourselves,’ Kevin said. ‘I’ll mind the table. I figured you two would want some private time, anyway.’ He held up a pair of plush handcuffs, and a huge grin spread across his face. ‘Need anything to take with you? Cuffs? Butt plugs? Flogger whip? A third partner?’

  ‘Kevin, you’re so bad.’

  ‘I have all the gear I need,’ Jeremy said. ‘Although I’d have to ask Liv’s permission if she’d like a third person to join us.’

  ‘How about I enjoy you alone first, and then later Kevin joins us. How’s that sound, Kevin?’

  ‘I’m game. I don’t want to leave the table alone anyway. Too many tempting goodies here that hot little hands will swipe when we aren’t looking.’

  ‘Good point.’

  ‘How about after the dealers’ room closes for the night? Is that OK with you, Jeremy?’

  So Liv was going to have hot monkey sex with both Kevin andJeremy before the night was over. How exciting was that?


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