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Craving It All: The Craving Series

Page 3

by Cherry Folkes

  “Fantastic. Is the pay good?”

  “Daaad. Yes its good pay.” I cut the call short before they could ask any more.

  My email pinged to indicate I had mail. The email was from Parkers office. My contract was attached. There was also a personal message from Parker

  Dearest Evie,

  I hope you don’t mind me calling you Evie. I think it suits you.

  It was a pleasure meeting you. You are a truly talented individual.

  I have asked human resources to draft a contract for you and it should be attached to this email. I have also told the finance department to give you a clothing allowance. That should be in your account by the time you read this.

  You can start a little later than I said. We are going travelling. You might want to shop for a trip to paradise.

  A car will pick you up at midday. Bring your passport.

  Yours in anticipation


  Well that sent me into a frenzy. This guy was absolutely serious. I now had a job which involved creating wild sensuous fantasies and then walking into the live version. I knew I should have had alarm bells jangling but all I could think of was meeting Parker on a deserted island and sharing wild, uninhibited sex with him. The whole idea made me so excited. It was going to be an experience and one that I was being paid well to enjoy.

  I logged into my bank account. That was something that I had never really enjoyed doing before. But then I had never logged in and found a payment for $10,000.

  Time to go shopping

  I started to head for the bus stop but then thought ‘what the hell, I have 10k in my bank.’ I hailed a taxi.

  Shopping is always great fun. It’s even more fun when I could actually take the items I wanted straight to the cash desk.

  I tried phoning Sarah several times but it always went straight to her voicemail.

  And then the weekend was over.

  Sunday night had been a little disturbed but after getting out of bed late and having a shower I looked and felt OK.

  My new suitcase was standing by the door. My new outfits were packed. Everything was in place. I tried to push the last minute nerves out of my head. It was inevitable to feel nervous when doing something new for the first time and I really wanted to do this.

  The buzzer on my door sounded at exactly midday and when I opened the door I was greeted by a uniformed chauffeur who immediately took my bag.

  The car was opulently luxurious; All gleaming chrome and sleek black lines. I sank into the soft leather and the car purred away. We soon left the city and after about twenty minutes turned onto a private airfield.

  I had expected Parker to meet me but the pilot informed me that I was flying alone. The time I had experienced flying before I was squashed into a cramped seat in economy. This was nothing like that. The private jet was equipped with just four seats in the passenger area. It was more like sitting in a comfortable hotel than travelling on a plane. There was a pilot, a co-pilot, a hostess and me.

  I settled into the luxury very quickly and fairly soon I heard the pilot make contact with air traffic control. I guess we must have been in the air for about 3 hours, but time slips away when you are being served cocktails and wonderful food. I think I heard the pilot mention Nassau. So my island paradise was in the Bahamas.

  The airstrip we landed on was small and dusty. A car was waiting to whisk me away and minutes after landing we were approaching a jetty that stretched out into crystal clear blue waters. There had been no passport control. No officials. I had left my apartment only six hours earlier and now I was being helped onto a stunning white speed boat which was pointing out to the clear blue waters of the Caribbean.

  All the people I met had clearly been briefed to maintain an air of mystery. None had been willing to give me any information about my trip. The rather beautiful young speedboat driver was no different. He flashed me a smile with beautiful white teeth and helped me into the boat. His arms were slender but clearly strong. His dark skin was taut over sinewy muscle. As we headed out to sea I appreciated the cooling spray as it splashed onto my skin.

  The island we arrived at was just like the one from my imagination.

  Soft sand spread up from the water that lapped gently onto the beach. Nestled into the trees was a small hut and the trees rose up behind it as they covered the hill that formed the centre of the island.

  I walked a little up the beach, scanning the tree line to see if I could spot Parker.

  The boat driver called a cheery farewell and then I heard the boat heading away. Once again I had a moment of anxiety. I was being left all alone on this island. I almost called out to the boatman but he was already too far out into the ocean and he would never have heard me over the sound of his outboard motor.

  I don’t know how Parker had pulled this off in a weekend but the setting was just how I had imagined it. The hut was newly erected and contained a huge bed with straps just as I had described. I sat on the edge of the bed and tugged on one of the straps, it was strong and attached firmly to the bed post; perfect for restraining and being restrained.

  The hut had rather more luxurious equipment than I had envisaged. There was a well stocked cooler in one corner and I could hear the hum of a generator behind the hut. I strained my ears to see if I could detect any other signs of life, but other than a few lazy insects buzzing by and the sound of birds in the trees the island seemed to be deserted.

  I walked out of the hut and to the line of trees where I scanned the undergrowth for any sign of a lookout post. For a moment I thought I saw the glint of a light reflected on glass but when I looked again all that was there was a large glossy green leaf shining as it swayed in the breeze.

  I was completely alone and with the sun warming my back and the gentle breeze keeping me cool there was only one thing to do. I unbuttoned the front of the dress I was wearing and allowed it to drop onto the sand. Then I unclasped my bra and let that join the dress. Dressed only in lace panties I enjoyed the freedom as I wandered along the beach and started to explore the island. The wind played with my hair and I enjoyed the slight tingle as it cooled my breasts and nipples.

  If I was correct Parker would be concealed somewhere. Watching. Well now I was giving him something more interesting to watch.

  The island was small. I walked for about half an hour in one direction and I could see the line of the shore where it formed a point at one end of the island and then headed back round. I guessed I could have walked all the way round in a couple of hours but I decided to head back the way I came.

  When I turned onto the bay that contained the hut I was surprised to see a small motor boat had been pulled up onto the sand. I hadn’t heard anyone approach. I was momentarily self conscious and covered my breasts with an arm.

  There was no sign of anyone on the beach or by the hut so I started to approach the small building cautiously, treading carefully so as not to make a noise.

  I was tempted to call out and alert Parker to my return but decided it would be more fun to surprise him. I moved up the beach towards the trees and approached the hut from the side so that I would not be seen by anyone inside. When I reached the hut I leaned on the wall with one hand and listened.


  But at the same time as there was silence I could detect that someone was there. My senses told me that I was no longer alone.

  I edged towards the door and peered into the hut. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see Parker lying in the centre of the bed. His steady and rhythmic breathing told me that he was asleep.

  My brain seemed to be wired to always do the unexpected; it had got me into trouble many times before. Now once again my naughtiness was urging me on. I decided to mix up the fantasy and swap the roles around.

  I slipped quietly into the hut and up to the bed.

  Parker stirred a little as I gently lifted his wrist towards the bed post but he didn’t wake up. I gently wrapped the first strap around his wrist and tied it
firmly, then I moved to the other side of the bed and repeated the operation.

  I was just moving towards his legs when he suddenly started and his head lifted from the pillow.

  “Wakey, wakey sleepy head.”

  Parker looked at the straps that bound his wrists and then he looked back at me. His muscles tensed as he tested the strength of his bonds.

  “I thought we might shake things up a bit Parker. I know you are really good at being in control but how do you cope when you have to hand yourself over to someone else.

  How intense can your experience be when I am making all the moves?”

  I studied Parker’s face to see how he was reacting to the new situation. His face was a lot more handsome than I recalled it to be. His strong features were certainly attractive but it was those pale eyes that really attracted me. At the moment all I could see in those eyes was lust. I had been slightly concerned that he wouldn’t cope well with having his control taken from him but those eyes gave it all away. He was excited and he wanted this fantasy to go as far as it could.

  I moved closer to his head so that he would be able to detect my scent. His eyes held mine for a while but as my breasts swayed tantalisingly close to his mouth he drank in my curves. I allowed him to strain on the ropes for a moment, making my breasts quiver just out of reach of any touch then I moved away.

  Those eyes took in my body and then rested on the front of my panties.

  “Are these spoiling your view,” I teased. “Would you like to see what is being covered?” I let one finger trace a line over my stomach and then pushed it down and into the panties. I hooked the finger around the leg of my panties and pulled them to one side to give Parker a brief glimpse. Then I turned my back on him and bent double so that he could get a good look at my lace glad cheeks. I pulled the lace tight into my butt and gave him a private show.

  “Evie. You are killing me.” His voice sounded broken already and the show had only just begun.

  I decided that Parker needed to want me more before he was allowed to touch. So I started to move sensuously in front of him. Moving closer and then further away. I came close to making contact but never actually allowed him to touch. My nipples passed within millimetres of his tongue as he tried to lick me. He strained on the restraints as my breasts quivered a fraction away from his reach.

  I took a bottle of water from the cooler and allowed a little to trickle onto my breasts. My nipples hardened as the cold water reached them.

  Parker put up no resistance as I unbuckled his trousers and slid them down his legs. He was already topless and showing his toned chest so when I removed his boxers he was completely naked. His shaft was straining on the cotton of his boxers as I removed them and the feeling of the material as it pulled against his cock made him fully hard. I was tempted to grip him then but I resisted. The tease need to go on for longer.

  Once again I armed myself with the bottle of water. Small droplets had condensed on the glass and I allowed them to run down the bottle and drip onto his skin. Then I resumed my dance but this time I allowed momentary contact. Parker moaned with pleasure each time his tongue made contact with a nipple or my breast brushed against his face.

  Seeing his tormented face was giving me huge amounts of pleasure but I was also aching for more physical contact.

  Slowly I climbed onto the bed and stood astride his body. His eyes looked up hungrily.

  I allowed my panties to slip down and he drank in my nakedness. I could see the tension all over his body.

  I sat astride his chest and bent forward to whisper in his ear.

  “I have an extra surprise for you… This is my first time.”

  I hadn’t thought he could get any more excited but that little piece of news really jolted through him.

  I shuffled back so that I was positioned above his cock then I grasped it firmly in my right hand. Once again he released a moan of pleasure, “Hmmmm” The noise went on for several moments.

  I moved his shaft so that the tip brushed against my opening. I was really wet so when I lowered myself onto him his length slipped easily into me.

  “So tight.” He whispered.

  I gripped him even tighter with my internal muscles and then began to rotate my hips. Slowly at first and then in tighter circles as I built up a little speed.

  The straps had served their purpose and I wanted to feel his hands on me so I leaned forwards and loosened the knots. He rapidly flicked away the bonds and grasped my hips with both hands slowing my movement and lifting me slightly so that he could thrust upwards.

  I could feel the warmth beginning to build deep inside, then my wetness began to flow. He managed to sit up so that we faced each other, my legs still astride him. He was not as deeply inside of me but the intimacy as we locked eyes was even greater.

  I groaned as his strong arms took control of the movement. His eyes never left mine as our bodies crashed together. I could feel him swell more, his girth pressing into my muscles and then just as my body started to quiver with pleasure he convulsed and I could feel his heat rush into me.

  We lay next to each other as our breathing slowed to a more normal rate. Then we stayed there in each others arms as the sun set outside and the air became cooler.

  Eventually Parker lifted himself away from me and moved over to the cooler. Along with the drinks the cooler was stocked with a variety of foods and Parker soon put together a platter of savoury delights which he brought back to the bed.

  I picked up a small pastry and bit half of it before pushing the rest into Parker’s mouth.

  “You really are very full of surprises, Evie. That was the most wonderful experience I have ever had.”

  I smiled in appreciation of the compliment, “As long as the boss is happy.”

  “No I mean it Evie, you are very special.” He took my hand and held it to his chest, “I love your spontaneity. I love your creativity…”

  For a moment I thought he was about to declare undying love for me but he stopped talking and began to feed me again.

  Next to sex food is probably one of the most sensual pleasures that we can experience. We had already feasted on frenzied sex and now we feasted on culinary sensation, but one soon merged into the other. As I teased him with a tiny blini heaped with caviar. Some of the caviar spilled onto his chin and I leaned forward to lick it away.

  Our mouths met and soon we were kissing urgently, pressing our lips tightly together as our tongues whipped round and our bodies pressed together.

  I could feel him getting hard against my stomach once more.

  His hands dropped the food he was holding and I heard the platter crash to the floor.

  Then he was on top of me. My legs parted and I pushed my feet into the back of his thighs. He entered me firmly but this time his movement was more tender. Our bodies just seemed to unite. Each time one of us shifted the movement the other would match the change effortlessly.

  Parker’s mouth moved around my face and neck; nibbling my lip or my ear. His lips brushing my skin with gentle kisses and then finding my mouth and kissing more urgently.

  The sensation built more slowly this time. Starting really deeply inside my gut before spreading into my thighs. I could feel my muscles quiver but the movement was feather light and when I finally came I felt the warmth burst out of my body in every direction. Then I sank back into the bed completely. The tension that had built all over my body gave way to total relaxation and my muscles felt like they would never have the strength to support my body ever again.

  Parker also seemed to be totally exhausted as he lay panting, face down by my side.

  We were still in the same positions when I woke the next morning and realised the sun had been up for some time.

  I had noticed that a large drum of water had been rigged up into one of the trees behind the hut so I went out to take a shower in water heated only by the sun. It was refreshing to feel the cool water run across my naked skin and I closed my eyes so that I could con
centrate on the feel of the water as it ran down my body.

  When I opened my eyes Parker was sitting on the sand in front of me, “Can I join you?”

  I nodded my agreement and he walked over and stood close to me so that the water ran down between us.

  “So what do you have planned for me next Evie?” His face had the gleeful joy that I had only ever associated with a small boy in a sweet shop, but I suppose that is what Parker was, someone ready to enjoy all that the sweetie shop had to offer.

  “I suppose I need to spend more time with you and find out what will really turn you on.”

  “I think you already found that.” He glanced up and down the beach.

  “But this is something that I came up with without knowing you. Just think what I will be able to do when I know your most intimate secrets. Imagine the heights that I am going to take you to when I know you better than you know yourself.”


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