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Sins of the Flesh

Page 16

by J. Margot Critch

  “She trusted me, and I didn’t protect her. I could have stayed away from her. But instead, my own selfish need to see her outed us, exposed her and ruined her campaign. She thinks I was behind the video and leaking it.”

  “You weren’t, though,” Gabe needlessly reminded him. “Just go to her again. Explain it to her.”

  “I don’t know if I can,” he admitted, remembering the look on her face when she told him to leave. “The election is in a couple days. I just have to focus on getting there. No more distractions. I need to keep my head down and get to work.”

  “Work,” Brett muttered, shaking his head.

  “What’s that?” Rafael asked.

  “We all work too goddamn much.” He addressed the group. “You all know that, right? I realized that during my honeymoon. It’s nice, and normal, to unplug sometimes. Between politics and the business, and sleeping here most nights, you all spend too much of your life surrounded by it. You need to make time for the better things.”

  “All that work is what brings me the better things,” Rafael said, looking around at the ornate office in the luxury tower they owned.

  “I’m not talking about the money or success, or any of the things you can buy. I’m talking about the things that enrich the soul—love, you dumbass,” he clarified. “If you love her, win her back. Because I don’t think you’ll ever be happy without her. I don’t know where I’d be if I didn’t get a second chance with Rebecca. And I almost fucked it all up with my stupid pride. Trust me. It’s worth it.”

  “Maybe I will. After the election,” Rafael agreed reluctantly. “I need to focus on the task at hand first. Winning.”

  “Just don’t wait too long,” Brett warned. “You might not be lucky enough to get a second chance.”


  RAFAEL KNEW THE moment the mood in the room shifted. When the numbers turned against his favor, and in that of Jessica Morgan—Las Vegas’s projected mayor, the youngest female mayor in the city’s history, in fact. The city’s women had come out in unexpected numbers to vote and there was no doubt, they loved Jessica. He huffed out a disappointed breath and raked his fingers through his hair, then looked around the room. Even though he knew hundreds of eyes were on him, none of them would make contact with his.

  The writing was on the wall, and he wanted to get out of there, but he couldn’t. He had to stay for his concession speech. The one he hadn’t planned on making. He hadn’t even written the goddamn thing.

  Avoiding the eyes of those around him, Rafael crossed the room to the table where his friends stood. He stood silently with them for a moment, before Alex spoke up. “It’s not looking good.”

  “Yeah, no shit.” Rafael tried not to sound so defeated, but it was tough. Everything he’d ever achieved, he’d worked his ass off for it. Every luxury he’d been afforded was a direct result of the blood, sweat and tears that he poured into everything he undertook.

  But in this endeavor, hard work hadn’t been enough. He’d been beaten. In the span of a couple of days, he’d lost his dream job, and the only woman he’d ever loved.

  “You know, it isn’t the end of the world,” Alana offered, trying to make him feel a little better.

  “What about all of our plans? This was important to all of us.”

  Alex shook his head. “Don’t worry about that. Sure, working with the mayor would have made things a little easier for us, but I don’t know if you realize it, we’ve been pretty successful without it.”

  Rafael barely heard him. He looked up at the news feed that had been set up, with the local anchors announcing the numbers as they came in. But now, Jessica’s face filled the screen with a ticker that called her Mayor Morgan. He looked back to his friends, and while he was grateful for their support, he missed Jessica. The past few days without her had been harder than he’d anticipated. And even though the night hadn’t turned out the way he’d hoped, a part of him was still happy for her, proud of her, as he watched her image on the TV.

  “Can somebody turn that off?” Brett called out to one of the party’s staff members.

  Rafael held up his hand. “No, don’t worry about it,” he said turning to the television to see her. “She won, I owe it to her to watch.”

  “I think it’s time for your speech, man,” Alex said.

  Rafael nodded, and took to the podium on the stage, where he’d anticipated making his victory speech, committing himself to a term as mayor. “Hello,” he started, as his guests turned their attention to him. “This isn’t the speech that I’d anticipated making tonight. I’d imagined a different outcome, a more jubilant mood. But life doesn’t always turn out the way you expect.

  “Don’t count me out yet, though. I’m not going anywhere. I may no longer be on city council, and I might not be mayor. But I still love this city, and if there’s anything that Ms.—Mayor—Morgan has taught me, it’s the importance of giving back. I will now strive to use my position in the business community to fight for the people of Las Vegas. And I can guarantee, you haven’t heard the last from me.

  “But what can I say? I ran a strong campaign, and so did Jessica Morgan. Despite everything that has happened, we both kept going. While I thought I had victory locked down, the residents of Las Vegas made their decision, they’ve spoken. They want her. I know that Ms. Morgan will be a phenomenal mayor, and I know that every ounce of passion she has will go into the job. She is the leader that Las Vegas deserves. So, I just want to say thank you to all my family, friends and supporters. I couldn’t have even gotten here without any of you. Good night.”

  Without taking any questions, Rafael left the podium. He didn’t have time to stick around. He had another party to get to.

  * * *

  Jessica found a quiet, lonely corner to catch her breath. She couldn’t believe that despite every roadblock, every hurdle and the massive scandal that had followed her, she was the mayor of Las Vegas. There would be time to analyze her campaign and voter response later. She should be enjoying her moment, but her brain transitioned into work mode.

  “Did you hear,” Ben asked, finding her. “Rafael conceded.”

  “Already?” she asked in disbelief. The results had been close enough that no one could blame him for demanding a recount. She hadn’t expected him to give up without a long, drawn-out battle.

  “Congratulations, Mayor Morgan,” she heard a deep, familiar voice come up behind her. She turned to see Rafael.

  “What are you doing here? I expected you to be at your own party.”

  He shrugged. “Believe it or not, it’s not very much fun to be at the losing party.” He looked around. “There’s a much better vibe here.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “To congratulate you. You had a message that resonated with the community, and I realized that maybe my own reasons for running weren’t so virtuous. And what can I say? The best candidate won.”

  “Yeah, I did,” she said with a smug smile.

  “I also came to see if you still hate me.”

  “I never hated you. I felt betrayed. Stupid, that I’d been found out. I took it out on you. It was never hate.”

  He looked around and noticed that people were watching them. “Can we go somewhere a little more private?”

  “Yeah, come on.” She led him to a smaller vestibule off the main room. She shut the door, locking out the rest of the world. She watched him, unsure of what he was doing there.

  “I’m sorry,” he started. “I honestly didn’t know we were being recorded. And I should have listened to you when you said our affair was a risk. It was Tanya Roberts. I should have known that her being at the club was more dangerous than I’d imagined.”

  “I know it wasn’t your fault. Alana called me.” His brow furrowed. “I’m sorry I lashed out when you were betrayed and violated just as much as I was.”

He nodded. “I’m sorry about everything. I’m sorry I didn’t protect you better. I’m sorry I betrayed that trust and hurt you.”

  “Let’s not talk about any of that now. It can wait.” She smiled at him, suddenly feeling playful. “So, what are you going to do now? You’re unemployed. Have you made any plans?”

  “Rub it in,” he said with a laugh. “No, I made no plans. Because I honestly thought I was going to win,” he said with a shrug. “There’s enough work with The Brotherhood to keep me busy before I consider a senate run. Maybe I’ll take a little time off. Relax a little. See if I remember how. I was told by a friend that I work too much. I should make time for the better things. Like love.”

  She didn’t know what else to say. She’d lashed out at him, believing the worst. Maybe it hadn’t been fair. But knowing how their relationship started, she wouldn’t have put it past him at the time.

  “My first step to full relaxation, however, is to date more.”

  “Oh, really?” She frowned, not liking the thought of him seeing other women.

  “Do you want to get dinner or a drink with me sometime?”

  “Are you asking me out on a date?”

  “Yeah. I realized that we’ve never been on one.”

  “Well, all right, then. But don’t forget, it isn’t going to be that easy. We have a lot of stuff to work out.”

  “I know we do,” he agreed. “But I’m not afraid of a little hard work, are you?”

  She shook her head. “I’m not, either.”

  Rafael stepped closer, so that her breasts brushed his chest. “I missed you,” he whispered, placing his palms on the wall on either of her head, boxing her in.

  “I missed you, too.”

  “How long before you think people start to notice you’re gone?”

  “I’d say we have a couple of minutes.”

  He chuckled. She’d missed that sound, and she closed her eyes, savoring it. “That should be long enough for now. But I’ll need you to spare a couple of hours for me later this evening.”

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yeah,” he whispered in her ear, his lips grazing her lobe. “Jessica, I meant it when I said I love you. I love that you’re tough, sexy, kind. You want to help people, and you don’t put up with my shit, and I’ve never wanted someone more in my life.”

  “I love you, too, Raf.” The words stuttered from her throat. She’d never imagined saying them, especially not to the man in front of her. She gasped when he cupped her hips and pulled them against him. She could feel that he was hard behind his zipper. And even though there was a party going on in the next room, she wanted him at that moment.

  She grasped his belt and unbuckled it, then lowered his pants. She reached into his boxers and withdrew him. He groaned as he pulled his wallet from his back pocket, and she was grateful when he took out a condom. She wouldn’t have been able to wait until they got home. It had to be then and there. He rolled the latex over his length and lifted her leg to wrap around his thigh, and he entered her with one push that forced the air from her lungs.

  His breath was quick, and she could feel the beat of his heart as it matched her own. Jessica had had her share of sexual partners, but none of them came close to Rafael. He pulled his hips back and slammed into her again. They both made desperate noises, and Jessica reached around his shoulders, steadying herself before she fell. But she knew Rafael wouldn’t let her fall. She looked in his eyes, and stayed with him as he pummeled in and out of her, feeling herself rise higher and higher, until with one push, she was thrown over the edge, and she strained and cried out, oblivious to the fact that there were people on the other side of the door. She could feel her internal muscles squeeze Rafael as he was inside of her, and he stiffened, shouting hoarsely as he came and found his release, as well.

  They both caught their breaths. “Mayor Morgan,” someone called from the distance. “It’s time for your speech.”

  Jessica smiled and turned back to Rafael.

  “Well, go on,” he said. “Your public awaits.”

  Instead of walking away, Jessica put her hands on his face and pulled him to her, bringing his lips solidly against her own. She kissed him with every breath she had, reveling in the resurgence of energy that poured through her. His hands took her waist and squeezed, and he kissed her back until he pulled away.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you, too,” he told her. “But go,” he said against her lips, his voice but a whisper. “Talk to your people. This is your moment. You earned it. I’ll be waiting right here when you’re done.”

  She watched him and was still reluctant to leave. But the cheers of the crowd just out of sight caught her attention, as did their Mor-gan chant. And she smiled. “Don’t go anywhere.”

  “I won’t.”

  She headed to the next room to address her constituents. She relished the moment, but she turned her head as she took the stage and saw the man she loved in the back of the crowd, watching her as she soaked up the spotlight. She knew he wasn’t going anywhere.

  Jessica took her place behind the podium. “Ladies and gentlemen,” she started. “You can’t imagine how amazing and unbelievable it is to be standing in front of you all tonight as the new mayor of Las Vegas.”

  The crowd cheered. “But it wasn’t a solo journey. Many people helped support me on this crazy ride. Thank you for taking a chance on me. Despite everything that has happened, I haven’t lost the support of the people in this city. And know that I will be here to fight for you. To all of you who came out in record numbers to vote, you will not be forgotten. Thank you all. This means so much to me. Thank you!”

  She left the stage, and found Rafael again. “Let’s get out of here. I’m starving.”

  Rafael looked around. “I’m sure there’s a guy with a tray of cocktail shrimp around here somewhere.”

  “No. There’s a twenty-four-hour diner not far from here. Don’t think I’ve forgotten that night in San Francisco. You still owe me a late-night breakfast, remember?”

  He smiled. She was looking for a fresh start. A redo on their relationship. He extended his arm and she took it. “Well, Mayor Morgan, don’t think that because you won the election, I’ll blindly follow your every command.”

  With a laugh, she said, “I never thought that for a second. Let’s go.”

  * * * * *

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