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Loving Colt

Page 14

by C. A. Harms

  “I’m feeling a little overheated, slightly feverish.” She looked them up and down while biting her lower lip. “Seriously, guys, you need to find me a hot man in some tight jeans, with thighs like those,” she said, pointing at them both.

  Kori broke out in laughter, followed immediately by Maria. The entire thing was a great source of entertainment. The guys noticed the girls laughing and looked a little confused.

  “Okay, the joke’s on us,” Reed said. “Is this Lil’ Miss Grabby? Colt, is this the same girl who assaulted you in Florida?” Harper arched an eyebrow toward Colt.

  “Yeah, that’s Harper. Don’t let her get too close, because she has wandering hands.” Colt chuckled and Harper’s smile grew wider.

  Gavin stepped up to Maria. It was funny to see him use her as a shield. “Don’t worry there, cowboy, you two are safe. I won’t feel ya up.” She winked at them. “At least not when you expect it.”

  Colt shook his head and let it hang low. Jett chuckled, and we girls all laughed at the look on Reed’s and Gavin’s faces. Harper never fails to seriously go all out. She was a riot, and I was so happy that Maria and Kori did not get offended by her behavior.

  The night was so much fun, full of laughter and friendly stories. Jett and Harper were accepted and fit right in.

  Ann stopped by on her way to Gemma’s, per our request, because we wanted to share our news with her as well. Colt gathered everyone around the fire. They all watched us closely, knowing something was up.

  “Alex and I have some news. Jett and Harper, we wanted to wait until you got here to tell you all the first part.” He paused and pulled me down onto one knee and Maddison onto the other.

  He hugged us sweetly before looking back at my brother and sister. “I asked Alexis to marry me, and she said yes.”

  Jett smiled big, and Harper got up and walked over to hug all three of us. “You better treat her right, cowboy,” she said before kissing him on the cheek and stepping back.

  “You know it. These two girls don’t ever have to worry again.” His embrace was reassuring.

  After Harper took her seat alongside Jett, Colt continued.

  “We have some more news to share. We spoke with Alex’s parents last night, and we want the rest of you to know as well. Alex is pregnant.” A surprising squeal escaped Maria, and Ann immediately began to cry with joy.

  The congratulations from around the fire were overwhelming. Jett sat looking at me with a grin on lips. He still had not said anything, but it was easy to see that he was happy for me.

  Once the excitement had died down a bit and I was free of the circle of joyous women, Jett approached me. He wrapped an arm over my shoulder and pulled me in closer. “I’m happy to see you like this. I know Colt loves you, and I have no doubt he’ll take care of you. I’m proud of you sis, really. No one in the world deserves this more than you. It’s time for you to have it all.”

  “Your time will come one day too,” I said as I looked up at his smiling face.

  “Yeah, maybe one day.” He chuckled, hugging me a little tighter.


  Later, when Colt and I together tucked Maddison into bed, she still had not said much about the baby. I was a little worried she might feel jealous. I didn’t want her to feel pushed off, because it had been just her for so long.

  “So, sweetheart, what do you think about mommy having a baby?” I asked. Colt sat on one side of the bed, with me on the other.

  “Will I have to share my room?” she asked.

  “Nope,” Colt answered before I could. “The baby will have the room across the hall.” She looked pleased with that answer. Colt brushed her hair off her face and leaned down a little closer, getting more on her level. “Princess, you know this baby doesn’t mean we will love you any less. You’ll always be our princess. You’re gonna have a very special place in my heart always. This baby will look up to you; you’re gonna be a big sister.”

  She smiled big and turned to me. “Can I help you feed the baby and dress ‘em too?” she asked.

  “Of course you can. You can help anytime with anything,” I assured her.

  Relief washed over me when she began to fall asleep, and just before she dozed off, she whispered in a sweet sleepy voice, “I’m happy mommy, don’t worry. I love you.”

  “I love you too, sweet pea.” My teary eyes locked on Colton’s, and his matched mine. Our sweet little angel was growing up fast.


  Christmas four months later…


  “Babe, you ready? Everyone’s waiting on us.” I hollered up the stairs. Maddison and Alexis appeared at the top and my face lit up instantly. Slowly they walked down the steps—with each step, my heart raced faster.

  They looked beautiful. Tonight was the kids’ Christmas program at school. Alex had spent the last hour doing up Maddi’s hair and makeup and putting her in her pretty dress.

  Alex herself wore a red dress that hugged her curves perfectly. She looked gorgeous.

  Once they reached the bottom step, I grinned down at them. “The two of you are gonna be the prettiest girls there. You both look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” Maddison replied.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Are you ready to sing for us?” I asked.

  Her face lit up and she giggled. “Yes, I’ve been practicing for weeks.”

  Alex took a step to follow behind Maddison, and I stopped her by placing my hand on the small of her back. Placing my other hand over the small bump at her waist, I kissed her softly. “I love you, baby. You’re breathtaking.”

  “Thank you, handsome. I love you too,” she whispered, kissing me before following behind Maddison. I stood back, watching them put on their coats and shoes.

  They are my world, my life. Those two made me realize life is so much more than I ever thought it could be. They taught me to love and live. They showed me that feeling isn’t a weakness, that showing emotion does not make me less of a man.

  I would spend the rest of my life giving everything I am to the two of them and our unborn child. Life now made sense. I had the love that anyone would be lucky to have. I would always hold them close and protect them, and never again would they worry about feeling unsafe. Their safety was now in my hands.



  He stood watching us put our coats on, holding that grin that I had seen so often lately. More and more I would catch him watching us when he didn’t know I was looking. It was almost like a hypnotized state of admiration. His love for us was something he expressed every chance he got. I never thought I would be loved again the way he loves me.

  The house has been finished for a couple of weeks, and each day it feels more like our home. We got things moved in and put into place. Now there are Christmas decorations throughout it. Lights are twinkling and stockings are hanging from the fireplace. This Christmas will be one of the better ones for Maddison and me, thanks to Colt. He was spoiling us, and it was an amazing feeling.

  After we left Maddi in her classroom, we found our seats in the gym. Kori and Reed, Maria and Gavin, and Gemma, Bud, and Ann were all gathering together. Mikey and Maddi were performing tonight, and everyone was there to watch. Leann and Ben even came to watch the show.

  All the kids began to take their seats, getting ready for the show. Maddison found us in the crowd and waved as she took her seat. Colt reached out and took my hand in his, smiling proudly as he looked on at our little angel.

  Everything felt right, perfect.

  Maddi’s class was first. As the music began flowing from the speakers, Colt and I turned to face one another with a knowing grin. Maddison had been running around singing this song throughout the house for weeks. She adored the movie Frozen, and Let it Go was all we heard. Watching her perform it brought me to tears.

  At the moment they reached the chorus, each child tossed a small amount of silver glitter up in the air, and it fluttered to the ground. Maddison’s face lit up with excite
ment. It was a moment I will never forget, one that I will cherish forever.

  My angel had safety, security. She was now surrounded by people who loved and adored her. That meant more to me than anything else. My baby deserved this life.

  I looked up at the man who had given both of us this sense of safety. “I love you so much,” I said.

  He smiled back at me, leaning in to kiss me softly. “I love you too, baby.”



  Seeing my brother so happy made me even happier than I already was. I wanted him to find what I had. I wanted him to let love in and, now that he has, it is beautiful.

  I held my sleeping little boy in a snuggy close to my chest, lightly patting his bottom. I was so glad he could sleep through almost anything. Mikey would be up shortly, and I wanted to be able to watch without sneaking out to soothe a crying baby.

  “I could have held him, babe,” Gavin whispered against my ear, letting his lips skim over my neck on purpose.

  I turned to face him with our lips only inches apart. “I’m okay,” I whispered.

  He placed his lips on mine and nipped at my bottom lip. “Have I told you today how beautiful you are?” he asked.

  “Not today,” I replied.

  “I must be slipping.” He trailed his fingers over my cheek. “You are amazing,” he said, looking at me lovingly.

  “Thank you, handsome.” I leaned into his touch. “What’s on your mind, cowboy?”

  “Just thinking about how lucky I am. How glad I am that I woke up before it was too late.” He wrapped an arm around me, pulling Garrett and me closer and placing a kiss on the top of my head and whispering against me, “I love you.”

  “Right back atcha, Mr. Tennison.”

  I sat surrounded by my boys, and I couldn’t have been happier. The road to get where we are was a rocky one, but it had made us stronger. We needed the struggles in life to know that what we have is real. Gavin is my rock. We fought to make it to the top, but the view from up here is well worth all the heartache.



  I held Maria close, looking down at my sleeping boy in her arms. I knew what he was feeling, because his momma made me feel at peace too. She is my solace, my angel who saved me from darkness.

  I was a fool to ever believe I could ignore what I felt for her. All that time wasted, pretending she didn’t have a hold on me. Never again would I ever waste another moment without her.

  Mikey stood along with the rest of his class, and my heart swelled even more. That little man was my best friend. Without him, today might have been a whole lot different. He had saved Maria and Garrett, and he would forever be a hero in my eyes. Naming Garrett after Mikey felt like the right thing to do, after what he had done for his brother.

  Garrett Michael Tennison would one day know that his big brother had saved him and his momma. I would make sure of that. He may not be my blood, but that boy is my son. The love I have for him and for Garrett is no different. They both are my boys, and Maria feels the same.

  My family. I love the sound of that.

  My family.



  Listening to all the little children sing brought tears to my eyes. Rhett would be out there before I knew it. I couldn’t believe how big my little man is getting already.

  Grace sat on Reed’s lap, playing with his fingers. His knee was bouncing to keep her happy. Rhett sat between us as he played with my phone. A small ping of sadness lingered in the back of my mind as I thought about how much Blake had missed out on.

  Reed was my first love, the man I was meant to share my life with. I believe that now. Blake was and would forever be a part of my life, but my heart now belongs to the gorgeous man next to me.

  I looked up and our gaze locked. He smiled and winked at me. Damn, my heart still flutters when he does that. He still makes me feel like he did when I was fifteen and he flirted with me out by the lake. He could melt me with one look.

  “You okay?” he asked, reaching around Rhett. He placed his hand on my back and rubbed gently, up and down.

  “Yeah, I’m good. How could I not be? I have everything I need right here,” I assured him.

  “And you always will,” he stated.



  I had never felt more complete than I did right now. Everyone I loved sat right here in the same room, with the exception of my mom and dad.

  Dad was at home waiting for Kori and me. We were having dinner at his place tonight. I was pretty sure Helen would be there too. Helen was a widow friend of his who has been spending a lot of time with us lately. She was good with the kids and seemed to be able to handle my dad. Not many people knew how.

  My mom’s absence still sat heavy on my chest at times, but I believe she knew how my life turned out. She knew how I felt about Kori. She knew that I had messed up when I was younger and that I regretted it more than anything I had ever done. So I had to believe she knew I had found my way back to the woman who held my heart. No one else ever would.

  My kids and Kori are my destiny. I see another little one in there somewhere, but that is a matter for a later time.

  Grace pulled my hand up toward her mouth, and I felt her drool drip down onto my wrist. I shifted her on my lap and she looked up at me, cooing. My little girl is the perfect miniature version of her momma. Yeah, she had my eyes, but the rest is Kori. I was in for some trouble when she got old enough to date. I shivered at the thought.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Kori whispered with a grin on her face.

  “I just had a thought I didn’t much like,” I whispered back.

  “What thought?” she asked curiously.

  I looked down at Grace and then back to Kori. “She can’t date, like ever.” Kori giggled, and I looked at her with a serious expression. “Babe, I ain’t joking. She isn’t allowed to date, not ‘til she is out of the house. I wouldn’t be able to handle that.”

  “What about Rhett?” she asked.

  “That’s different,” I replied.

  “Not different,” she stated. Before I could reply, she laughed and continued. “It’s a long while before that time comes, daddy.”

  She was right, but I meant what I said. Grace was not dating, at least not if I didn’t go along too.


  My husband and Children, you three are my world. Thank you for being the most amazing people in my life. I love you with all my heart and thank you for making it possible for me to accomplish my goals. For accepting that during my times of writing and editing I may not be all you need but loving me anyone.

  Jillian my PA. Thank you for picking me up when I fall, for motivating me when I need to be and helping me through my lows. You are without a doubt and angel. You have helped so much in the short time I have known you. You’re a godsend and I adore you my New York Gal.

  Limitless Publishing and everyone behind that name. You are all wonderful. Thank you for all your help and hard work. You all make this process painless and worth all the energy I put behind my books.

  Mrs. Maria Trojanowski, what would I do without you? You give me a push when I need it most. If I hit a dull point, I know that in some way you will get me moving again. You are one of the good ones and I am so thankful that we became friends. Thank you for being there when I need you.

  Bloggers thank you all for what you do. Thank you for taking the time to read and review my Southern Boys series. Without all of you and the hard work you put behind promotional events my reach would not be as far. You are all amazing.

  Thank you to Lydia from HEAbook ShelfBlogger. Have I told you yet how much I love your face? My late new voxer girl, my laugh so hard I cry partner in crime. Thank you your continuing support and our midnight emergency reveals. You were a life saver for that one. Don’t forget your pants love…the garbage man can only take so much leg.

  About the Author

  C.A. Harms is like any other addicted rea
der. She enjoys happy endings and HEA love stories. She hasn't always been a lover of Romance and had once been addicted to a good Mystery. Just recently she has taken on a new liking and now is a full blown Romance novel addict.

  She lives in Illinois and enjoys spending time with her husband of 14 years and two children. You will always find her with her kindle or paperback in hand as it is her favorite pass time.







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