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Casa Parisi

Page 9

by Janet Albert

  With her elbows on the bar, Lucia rested her face in her hands. When she took her hands away she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror behind the bar. The washed-out, brooding woman who stared back at her looked like a total stranger, and a miserable one at that.

  Georgie came back a few minutes later with an unreadable face and an indifferent attitude. She cleared Lucia's empty glass without making eye contact and then sopped up the moisture on the bar with a rag. "Ready for another?"

  "No." Lucia swung her legs around and slid off of the stool, holding onto the edge of the bar with one hand. "I'm going home. See you around."

  "Leaving so soon?" Georgie's surprise registered in her voice. "Are you sure you're feeling okay to drive home?" "Don't worry about me. I'll drive slowly." "I'd sure like to see you drink some coffee before you go." "No thanks. I'll see you later." Lucia turned and left.

  ONCE SAFELY INSIDE her cottage, Lucia went into the bathroom to get ready for bed. After changing into her pajamas she went into the living room and stretched out on the sofa. The decision to come home had been a wise one. She hated how she had treated Georgie, the things she'd said to her. She hated the cynical, bitter person she'd become. And she had left the bar because she knew that all the booze in the world wasn't going to help her tonight.

  "Shouldn't I be doing better by now?" she asked the ceiling. Not so long ago, Luke's answer to that same question had been that it would take as long as it would take. He also reminded her that the world was a beautiful place and someday she would think so again. As implausible as that seemed to her, she prayed that he was right and with all her heart she longed for that day to come.

  Her stomach reminded her that she hadn't eaten in some time and her head throbbed, but she didn't feel like moving. Maybe after she shut her eyes for a while she'd feel better and she could get up and eat something, take a couple of Tylenol.

  CALMLY AND DELIBERATELY, Lucia advanced through the endless series of rooms in the house. The floors and walls appeared off kilter and they wobbled and shook as though the entire structure was in danger of toppling over. Everything seemed blurred, unfamiliar, and distorted and yet she moved forward with purpose as if she'd been there before and knew exactly where she needed to go.

  Like a warning gong, her heart hammered loudly against the inside wall of her chest. Something horrible awaited her, something she simultaneously dreaded and felt drawn to, something she had no strength to turn away from.

  One creaking stair at a time, she ascended toward the muted glow of light emanating from the upstairs hallway. Soothing music floated in the air and she noticed that the door to one of the bedrooms had been left ajar. Pushing it open, she entered and paused just inside the room. There, in front of the bay windows, Devin sat in a chair with her back facing the door.

  "Is that you, honey?" Devin's thin, lifeless voice dissipated into a puff of air before it reached Lucia. "Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for so long."

  "You have? I thought that--they told me you--" Lucia could hardly speak. Devin had died, hadn't she? So, how could she be talking?

  Lucia edged closer, her legs practically paralyzed with fear. The unearthly sound of Devin's voice, her ghostly form, and the fact that she had never turned around, terrified Lucia beyond comprehension. Step by step she forced herself to proceed. Her breathing had been reduced to short ragged bursts, her mouth was dry and her heart felt as though it would cease with each subsequent pounding. Still, she was powerless to resist the horror she knew awaited her.

  "I missed you so much," Devin whispered as Lucia came closer.

  "How can you be here?" Lucia began to sob. "You're gone. You died. You--you were in an accident." The woman she adored, the woman she ached for night after night, was sitting in front of her no more than a foot away. She reached out with a tremulous hand to touch Devin's hair. "I love you. I've missed you so much."

  "I love you, too. I got the cake, Lucia, like you told me to. I got it, but I don't know where it is. Am I late for our party? Am I, Lucia? Am I?"

  A bloody chunk of Devin's hair stuck to Lucia's hand as she pulled it back. She stared at it in abject horror, a feeling of foreboding ripping a hole in her gut as Devin slowly rotated her head. A scream tore out of Lucia, a scream that sounded as if it had been savagely ripped from her throat by the claws of a wild beast. Devin's hideously disfigured face was covered with thick, dark blood. Her left eye, dangling from a single bloody cord, was swinging on her crushed cheek bones as she moved. A glistening band of bone peeked from beneath the torn skin and shredded muscles of her forehead which had been split open from one end to the other. Lucia's screams reverberated off the walls of the squalid room. "Oh, God! Oh, God, I'm sorry! I'm so sorry."

  LUCIA SAT BOLT upright on the sofa while her lungs fought to suck in enough air to keep her alive. Her pajama top was drenched and her head throbbed more than it had before she drifted off. Tears scorched rivulets down her cheeks and her eyes darted here and there as she tried to figure out where she was. The dream had been so real and so terrifying. She lay back down, but the heavy darkness in the room covered her like wet mud, threatening to smother the very life out of her.

  Convinced that nothing would ever be all right again, she stood on unsteady legs and made her way into the kitchen. With shaking hands, she reached into the cupboard for a glass and filled it with ice water from a container in the refrigerator. After gulping half of it in front of the open refrigerator, she pressed the cold glass to her forehead.

  As soon as she could breathe again, she closed the refrigerator and reached for the bottle of vodka she'd left out on the counter. After dumping the rest of the water, she poured a generous three fingers of vodka into the glass. The first mouthful shot through her veins like a jolt of electricity and the second mouthful eased its way into her being, bringing with it a preview of the blessed oblivion she craved.

  The gentle embrace of sleep would not cradle her in its arms tonight. Past experience had taught her that. All she could do was turn on the television and wait until she saw the first glow of morning peeking over the lake. Maybe then she would sit on the dock and watch the sun rise and when it was light again she would go inside and try to sleep for an hour or two.

  Chapter Nine

  ON FRIDAY, FOLLOWING an entire day of bottling, Juliet dabbed at the mixture of perspiration and water droplets that had splattered all over her face with the cuff of her denim shirt. The humidity in the cellars had caused her to perspire and the water droplets had splashed on her face as she hosed down the floor. Deep in thought, she gathered the hose and coiled it neatly in a corner near the spigot. She was so deeply immersed within her mind she jumped when she heard Lucia call her name.

  "I didn't mean to startle you," Lucia said.

  Juliet turned. "I was concentrating so hard I didn't hear you come in." She wiped her hands on her denim overalls and approached her boss. Even though it had been more than a week since the incident on the deck, she felt wary about being with Lucia. Instinctively, she crossed her arms tightly over her chest.

  "I came down to say hello and see how you were doing. Luke told me you've been working very hard." No traces of anger were evident on Lucia's face and it seemed as if her sharp edges were sheathed for the time being. "What are you working on?"

  "I just finished the third bottling run of Graceful Light and I'm almost done cleaning up. Would you like to taste it?" Lucia said she would and Juliet led the way to the lab with Lucia behind her. She poured a sample of the pale, golden-tinted wine and handed it to Lucia. "I hope you'll be pleased with it."

  Lucia swirled it over her tongue and swallowed it. "This is outstanding, Juliet. It's crisp and fruity with just the right amount of sweetness."

  "I blended a seyval blanc with a Niagara. I think it has the best qualities from each wine and good balance. It's delicate and refreshing and yet it has a lush texture and crisp acidity. Were you able to detect the subtle hints of citrus and pineapple?"
r />   "I did taste the citrus, but I can't say I was aware of everything you said. I only know it tasted wonderful. And I love the name." Lucia put her plastic cup down and leaned against the counter. "You're doing so much for us and I'm very pleased with your work. I've been too rough on you since you came here and I'm not proud of that. Specifically, I'm not proud of how I walked away from you when we were talking the other day."

  "I shouldn't have upset you," Juliet said.

  "The thing is you didn't say anything wrong. It was my problem." Lucia shifted her weight from one foot to the other and held her hands tightly clasped together. "I'm not always this hard to get along with."

  "I work for you. You don't need to explain your behavior to me and you don't have to get along with me," Juliet said. "Although I think that would make the situation better for all of us."

  "I agree and I want you to feel comfortable here. Thanks to your efforts, this is going to be our best summer so far. Our wine sales are steadily increasing and record numbers of people are coming to the winery. We should bring in four or five times what we made last year and that was exactly what Luke and I wanted."

  "I'm only doing what you hired me to do," Juliet said, relieved that Lucia had moved on to a more neutral subject.

  "Naturally, it follows that the café business is doing better, too. On weekends they're waiting in line and we might have to consider taking reservations for our brunch." Lucia smiled and paused for a moment. "What else do you have in the works?"

  "Tomorrow I'm going to start bottling one of the new red blends, the one we named Blaze. That will give you another moderately priced red."

  "The labels came in by the way. They look great."

  "I saw one. Luke brought it down this morning."

  "That's good. I wanted you to see them." Lucia shifted her gaze around. She seemed uncomfortable and restless.

  "I think you'll be pleased with the wine," Juliet said to keep the conversation alive. "It's full-bodied with vanilla overtones and hints of cranberries. It bites your tongue at first and then caresses it. Come down tomorrow and I'll give you a taste."

  "I'll do that." Lucia rubbed at a smudge on the counter.

  The ensuing period of silence began to make Juliet uneasy. "If you'll excuse me, I'm done for the day and I was planning to go home soon."

  "Don't let me stop you." Lucia's voice was almost a whisper.

  Juliet didn't know what to do so she started to leave. "Have a good evening."

  As she passed by, Lucia grabbed the sleeve of her shirt. "I'd like to go out to dinner this evening and I wondered if you would join me. I don't like going out to eat alone. In fact, I'm tired of eating alone, period."

  "I suppose I could. I'm pretty grimy, though, and I didn't bring a change of clothes with me today. I'd have to stop at home to get ready and I would need to check on my cat and feed her. Do you want to come home with me and wait while I do that or would you rather I meet you at the restaurant?"

  "Why don't I follow you home and wait so we can go together? I thought we would go to the Moosewood restaurant. Have you ever been there?"

  "No, but I've heard about it. It's vegetarian, isn't it?"

  "Yes. I'm not a vegetarian, but this place is excellent."

  "Then I'd be interested in trying it," Juliet said.

  "Are you ready to leave now?"

  "Just about. I need a few minutes to get my things together."

  "I'll meet you in front of the barn in ten minutes."

  LUCIA HEARD THE mournful cries of a cat as they approached Juliet's apartment. The instant they went inside they were accosted by a pint-sized white cat who purred like a miniature combustion engine as she rubbed against Juliet's legs. Back and forth she strutted like an authentic feline diva, her back arched, her head held high.

  "First she was mad at me for leaving her and now she's happy." Juliet bent over and petted her head. "You're such a drama queen, my little Sabrina Star."

  "She's so adorable and tiny. And she's all white except for that one star-shaped black spot on her head. Is that why you call her Sabrina Star?"

  "How did you guess?" Juliet asked with a smile. "The vet told me she's genetically a black cat with a huge white spot over her entire body."

  "Is it okay if I pet her?"

  "Please do. She's very sweet."

  Lucia squatted and held her hand out. Sabrina approached cautiously and sniffed it. As Lucia began to rub her head and ears, Sabrina fell to the floor and exposed her belly. Lucia rubbed it gently. "I've always liked cats, but I've never had one."

  "Why not?"

  Lucia stood and shrugged her shoulders. "I never got around to it."

  "Do you like dogs?"

  "I do, very much. When we were young, Luke and I had a mutt our parents got for us from the pound. We named him Brownie because he was brown."

  "Very clever name."

  "We thought so." Lucia laughed softly. "Brownie got run over by a car and we never got another one. I thought about getting a dog when I grew up, but there never seemed to be room for one in my busy life. I was gone so much it didn't seem fair to have a dog." Lucia was silent as she remembered how Devin had wanted a dog or a cat and how she had always talked her out of it. Now she wished she hadn't.

  "You could have a dog now. Your lifestyle is perfect for one."

  "I know. I could bring the dog to work so it wouldn't be alone."

  "What kind of dog would you want if you got one?"

  "I like small dogs like Chihuahuas. I especially like the long haired ones with the fluffy ears, although I also think the short haired ones are nice."

  "This is the first pet I've ever had and I've discovered that they're great company if you live alone and they can be comforting. Don't laugh, but I talk to Sabrina a lot."

  "Doesn't everyone talk to their pets?" Lucia asked, not expecting an answer. "Where did you get her?" This time she waited for an answer.

  "I found her out front in the rain. She kissed my hand with her sandpaper tongue and I fell in love. She was there every day and after four or five days, I couldn't stand to leave her out there anymore."

  "She must keep you entertained."

  "That's about all she does besides being cute," Juliet said. "Every day when I leave for work I tell her to do the dishes and clean the house before I get home."

  "And does she?" Lucia played along.

  "When I get home, she's still asleep and nothing is done."

  "I thought so," Lucia said. "Would she let me pick her up?"

  "Go ahead. She likes to be held."

  Lucia picked up Sabrina and pressed her cheek against the cat's head. "She smells like a stuffed animal." Sabrina licked Lucia on the cheek. "She kissed me."

  "She likes you and she's finicky about who she likes."

  "I'm truly honored." Lucia gave Sabrina a thorough petting around her head and ears before setting her down. Sabrina squeaked and scurried off.

  "She's indulged us as long as she's going to and now she wants to be fed. Make yourself comfortable while I take care of that and get myself cleaned up and changed. Do you want something to drink?"

  "No thanks." Lucia went over to the sofa and picked up a magazine. "I'll sit here and take a look at this. I'll be fine."

  "It's a bit warm. I should open the windows for you." Juliet opened both windows in the living room. "I won't be long. Fifteen or twenty minutes at the most."

  "Don't hurry. We have all evening." After Juliet left, Lucia sat down. Another warm day had evolved into a cool evening thanks to a fast moving front that had blown through late in the afternoon. The open windows let in some cool air and made the temperature in the living room more comfortable.

  Lucia opened the magazine, but before she even read anything she closed it and set it down. She preferred to watch the gossamer curtains sway hypnotically, choreographed by the shifting breeze. They invited her to a place of peacefulness, the kind of peace she'd been yearning for. Resting her head on the back of the sofa, s
he closed her eyes. "Just let yourself be in this nice place. Just let yourself breathe."

  Being around Juliet, being in her space, made Lucia feel good. Juliet had a serenity about her that made Lucia feel grounded and connected to life again. And she was special in so many ways. Why then did she have to clash with her every time they were together? Being mean to Juliet or at odds with her was the last thing Lucia wanted.

  Licking her lips, Sabrina came into the room and jumped onto the sofa. After circling a few times, she curled up against Lucia's thigh. Lucia rested her hand on warm vibrating fur and left it there. For the first time since Devin's accident she came close to drifting off to sleep the way she used to when her world was unsullied and carefree.

  "I'm ready." Juliet's words preceded her into the living room. Her hair was damp around the edges, her cheeks aglow. She had changed into a pair of faded jeans and a sage-green cotton shirt. "Do I look all right?"

  "You look fine." Lucia held back the more accurate answer. Juliet was adorable and fresh, she looked spectacular in a pair of jeans, and the color of the shirt she had chosen to wear was perfect with her hair.

  Juliet looked at her cat. "Sabrina looks content next to you."

  "She came in after she ate."

  "Speaking of eating, I'm really hungry. Do you want to get going?"

  Lucia got to her feet. "I'm ready. Let's go."

  Chapter Ten

  IT WAS SIX-THIRTY when they entered the Moosewood restaurant. The place was bright and inviting and Juliet absorbed the pleasant ambiance as Lucia approached the hostess's podium. The indoor section of the restaurant was below ground level with large windows above that let in plenty of light. It was full of natural wood and soothing colors. One small group of people mingled near the bar while a few others milled around the waiting area browsing at the restaurant's cookbooks and souvenirs that were displayed on shelves. As far as Juliet could tell, no one else was waiting for a table.


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