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The Big Gamble

Page 13

by M Andrews

  “After I make love to my girl...” He aligns himself at my entrance then slowly pushes inside me. “I thought we could go into town and have breakfast.” He accentuates every word with a slow deep thrust. “Maybe go for a hike.” Dips his tongue between my breasts. “Or we could just stay in bed all day.” His runs his tongue up along the nape of my neck.

  “Mmm, I choose bed.”

  Brian and I walk down the crowded streets reluctantly coming out of our happy little bubble when our hunger for food overtook our hunger for each other. We walk along the rows of little boutiques and quaint restaurants hand in hand. I’m feeling so at peace. After saying goodbye to Jake, it felt like a giant weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Jake would always be a special and big part of my life, but now I felt like it was finally okay to move forward with my life and I hope it will always include Brian.

  We find a quiet corner booth in a small cafe right on the water. The sun’s sparkling off the clear blue water and we can see people out in their boats enjoying the first sunny spring day. After the waitress takes our order, Brian and I settle back in the booth snuggled up close to each other. Stealing kisses when no one’s looking.

  “It’s so beautiful here. How long have you been coming here?”

  “Since I was a kid. Started with my dad bringing us here every summer then after he passed away my mom kept the tradition alive.”

  “It’s nice that your mom continued to do that.”

  “She tried to keep his memory alive in any way she could. Whenever we were here, it felt like he was here with us.”

  Brian turns to look out at the water, becoming a little quiet with talk of his dad. I can tell talking about his dad is hard for him. I was the same way when it came to talking about my mom. It’s tough losing a parent at such a young age.

  “How long have you had a place here?” I ask changing the subject.

  “I bought the land about four years ago and finished building the cabin last year.” He turns his attention back to me, the somber look in his eyes fading away.

  “Did you do all the work yourself?”

  “I did. I spent every weekend here working on it. It was very therapeutic for me actually.” That’s when I realize he must have bought the property after his break up with Jillian. “You’re actually the first person I’ve brought here.”

  “Are you serious? You haven’t even brought Ryder here?” I ask trying to hide my surprise.

  “Not even Ryder has been here. For the longest time, I’ve wanted to keep this my private sanctuary. My escape. You’re the first person I’ve wanted to share this with.” He hides his shy smile behind his coffee.

  “Brian, I don’t know what to say.” My face lights up almost brighter than the sun. I can’t believe he chose me to share this with. I feel so honored. “Thank you, it means a lot to me that you’d share this special place with me.” I grab his coffee mug from his hand and cup his face in my hands and softly kiss him.

  After breakfast, Brian and I picked up a few groceries from the farmers market then walked along the east sound back to his cabin. I’ve just finished putting away the food we purchased when Brian comes out from his bedroom carrying a small black gun case and a box of ammo.

  “What are you doing with that?”

  “I thought it might be fun to teach my girl how to shoot.”

  He looks so cute and excited by the idea, I don’t have the heart to tell him I already know how to shoot. Being the only daughter of a cop, he made sure I knew how to protect myself.

  “That sounds like fun.”

  I follow Brian outside behind the cabin. He nails up a silhouette target on one of the trees that’s about a hundred yards from the house. He opens the gun case revealing two 9mm Glocks and two full clips. I’m very familiar with this caliber of gun, it being the first gun my dad had taught me how to use when I was fifteen.

  Brian loads one of the clips into the gun then walks around behind me. He hands me the gun with the safety still on then grips my hips and tells me to widen my stance a bit. He presses up nice and tight against my back and slides his hands down along my arms. I can see why he really wants to teach me how to fire a gun. He helps me steady my aim as I bring the gun up level with the target. He takes off the safety and warns me about the kickback. “Now just gently squeeze the trigger,” he says, his breath hot against my neck.

  I squeeze the trigger firing off a shot square in the chest of the target. Brian takes a step back and stares wide-eyed at the target. “Wow! Now that was an impressive shot for a newbie.”

  “Well, I do have a confession to make.” I bring the gun down to my side and turn to him. “I already know how to fire a gun.”

  “What? Why didn’t you say so?”

  “You looked so excited about teaching me, I didn’t have the heart to tell you I already know how to shoot,” I say with a sheepish grin.

  “Well then, show me what you got, Ace.” He steps back behind me, watching as I bring the gun back up. Lining up my shot, I squeeze the trigger firing the full clip into the target in quick succession. Once the clip is empty, I bring the gun down and admire my handy work. Five perfect shots into the heart.

  Brian stands silently staring at the target. I’m wondering, what’s going through his mind right now.

  “Normally, I’d be slightly intimidated by how good a shot you are, but I’m actually rather turned on right now.”

  I giggle to myself when I see the growing bulge in his jeans. I set the gun down back into the case then walk back over to Brian. I slide my hand down the front of his jeans. He’s so fucking hard already. “Let’s not let this go to waste.”

  He grabs me roughly by the arms and swings me around, pressing me up against the wall of the cabin. We both make quick work of unbuttoning each other’s pants. His lips capture mine in a deep rough kiss, his greedy tongue devouring my mouth while his hands yank my pants down off my hips. He whips out his hard length, giving it a few tugs before thrusting hard into me. My cries of pleasure echoing through the forest air as he pounds relentlessly into my slick cunt.

  He nuzzles his face in the crook of my neck, licking and sucking at my tender flesh. Marking me like I’m his fucking territory. And I am. I’m all his to use in any way he sees fit. This man owns me, mind, body, and soul.

  His thrusts become wild and erratic taking me harder and faster. Hitting me with both pleasure and pain. With one final hard snap of his hips, my body shudders as we both come. Pleasure ripping through us both. He slows his pace filling me with every last drop of him and it’s sweet and hot.

  His body finally stills, his ragged breath calming as he tenderly kisses the red marks that he’s left in his wild wake on my neck. His hands slide down along my thighs lifting me up, keeping himself firmly seated inside me as he carries me back inside for round two.

  Brian and I lay in his bed, our bodies entwined as we kiss and explore each other, getting to know each other again after being away from one another for so long. The past four weeks have felt like an eternity. This is what I missed most while he was working the night shift. Just being in his arms, my safe place. I feel so at home again. I loved having Brian all to myself today. No outside distractions, just us in our happy little bubble. I could get used to this.

  “Ace, time to wake up.” Sweeping the hair from Brooke’s face, I gently kiss her cheek and rub her back. She cracks an eye open and pouts when she sees that I’m already up.

  “Why are you dressed, and what time is it?” She sleepily groans.

  “It’s seven, and we have a party to get to.”

  “Seven in the morning? Who throws a party at seven in the morning?”

  “It’s my mom’s birthday, and we have a very long ferry ride to her house.”

  Brooke’s eyes spring open and she jumps up in bed. “Your mom’s birthday? You want me to meet your mom? Your mom! Brian, I didn’t pack anything to meet a mom in. I didn’t even pack my makeup or my curling iron. Your mom!”

Brooke’s eyes are burning with panic and she mumbling incoherently to herself. I quickly realize I should have brought meeting my mom up a little earlier, but I didn’t want to send her screaming for the door. I rest my hands on her shoulders trying to calm her nerves.

  “Brooke it doesn’t matter what you wear. My mom is going to love you.”

  Her eyes narrow, staring me down like daggers. I can almost see the smoke coming out of her ears. Okay, maybe I should just keep my mouth shut.

  “Are you insane? Everything I brought is either lingerie or screams I’m only wearing this so your son will fuck me later.” Her breathing is deep and angry and I’m slightly afraid she going to lung at me then strangle me to death. But I’m a highly trained cop and I’ve dealt with crazier.

  “I’m sorry, Ace. I should’ve told you sooner that I wanted you to meet my mom. How about this, we head into town grab some breakfast and we can go shopping so you can pick out something you can wear to my mom’s. And I’ll pay.”

  The insane panic begins to fade from Brooke’s eyes as she contemplates my suggestions. “Okay. But next time you pull a stunt like this, I will kick your ass.”

  “Believe me, I won’t do this again.” I raise my hands up in surrender. “Oh, and by the way, you could wear a paper bag and I’d still want to rip you out of it and fuck you.”

  Brooke tries to stifle a laugh. Her lips forming a thin line hiding her smile. “Don’t try and make me laugh, you’re still in the dog house.”

  “Oh, come on Ace, let me make it up to you?” I lean in ready to win her over with a kiss that will make her forget all about my stupidity, but I’m met with the palm of her hand in my face pushing me away.

  “Down boy,” she scolds, climbing out of bed and out of my reach. She struts naked into the bathroom slamming the door behind her, leaving me and my erection to fend for ourselves.

  Yep, I’m officially an ass.

  Sitting in the chair of shame outside the dressing rooms, I flip through my phone checking for the score of last night’s Mariners game, while Brooke tries on every dress the store fucking has. She’s definitely laying on the torture nice and thick, first not letting me kiss her, then not letting me hold her hand during our walk from the cabin to the restaurant. She knows my weaknesses and she’s using every last one to prove her point. And it’s fucking working. I’m dying inside, my hands are aching to touch her, lips desperate for a taste of her beautiful full lips. I’m like an addict in desperate need of a fix.

  “I think I’ve found the perfect one,” she calls out from behind the curtain.

  “Thank God,” I whisper under my breath, relieved that this round of torture is finally over.

  Brooke draws back the curtain, taking my breath away when I see her dressed in a white short strapless dress embellished with little birds and a whisper of pink lace running around the hem. Her shoulders are covered in a light pink cardigan with tiny crystals along the collar. She looks like an angel.

  “Brooke, you look beautiful.” I drink in every inch of her as she does a little turn to show me the full look of the dress.

  “Do you think so?” she asks, smoothing her hands down the skirt and looking over at me with nervous eyes.

  “You look stunning. You’re taking my breath away, Ace.”

  She smiles, then motions for me to come closer. Grabbing my hands, she wraps my arms around her waist. “You’re out of the dog house now,” she says in a hushed tone. Standing up on her tiptoes she snakes her arms around my neck and softly kisses me. Finally giving me what I’ve been craving all damn morning.

  The sales girl ruins our moment when she comes back to check on Brooke. She gives us a knowing glare before asking Brooke how the dresses are working for her. Brooke hands the sales girl the tags from her dress so I can pay while she gives herself one last once over before we leave for the ferry.

  On the way to the ferry, Brooke picks out a fresh bouquet of white and pink peonies for my mom. I can tell she’s still nervous about meeting Mom, but she has nothing to worry about, my mom is going to love her purely because I love her.

  The whole ferry ride to Bainbridge Island the nervous butterflies flutter around in my stomach. I can’t believe Brian would just spring meeting his mom on me like that. Not giving me any time to mentally prepare myself. I’m usually okay with meeting parents, but for some reason meeting Brian’s mom has me in such a state I almost want to throw up over the side of the boat. Brian’s the only son in his family, and after dealing with Jake’s overly possessive mother I’m a little wary of going through the same thing with Brian’s mom.

  As we walked up the walkway to the house the butterflies turn to knots, but as soon as Brian’s mom meets us at the front door my nerves begin to settle, much in the same way as being around Brian has done for me.

  She’s dressed conservatively in a pair of blue slacks with a blue floral blouse and a white cardigan. Her chestnut brown hair is perfectly pulled back into a low ponytail. Her brown eyes sparkling with joy when she sees the both of us.

  “Oh, my sweet boy, it’s so good to see you.” She pulls Brian in for a quick hug before turning her attention to me. “This must be the beautiful Brooke I’ve heard so much about.” I’m taken aback when she wraps her arms around me, giving me a warm, welcoming hug.

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Mrs. Gamble.”

  “Oh sweetheart, please call me Eliana.” She hugs me tighter and I already love her. “Mrs. Gamble is my mother-in-law.”

  “How is Grandma by the way?” Brian asks as Eliana leads us inside her home.

  “Still alive and kicking. That old bat is going to outlive us all.” She grins back at me. “I’ve got to go check on Uncle Charlie and make sure he’s not burning the ribs. You two make yourselves comfortable, and Brooke, I look forward to chatting with you later.”

  The brown-shingled house is set up on a hill flanked by tall evergreen trees. With windows that overlook every inch of the well-manicured property. My senses are overtaken by the smells of baking cookies and the barbecue that’s being cooked on the large grill out on the back patio.

  Brian ushers me through the house to the big open kitchen and the nervous butterflies come back when we walk out onto the back patio and see the backyard filled with Brian’s aunts, uncles and his little cousins playing on the jungle gym and in the sandbox. It’s one thing to meet his mom, but now it looks like I’m meeting his entire family.

  I think I’m going to throw up.

  Just then I hear little voices shout out for Brian. I turn to see two bright-eyed, blonde little girls come bounding up the stairs onto the patio and running straight for Brian. He kneels down opening his arms for them and they practically knock him over, jumping into his arms. They can’t be older than seven. They’re dressed in matching pink and purple princess dresses, with tiaras resting on top of their curly hair.

  “Hey girls, try not to break your Uncle Brian,” a voice calls out from behind me. I turn and spot who I can only assume is Brian’s sister, Natalie. She pretty much looks like a female version of Brian except she has long blonde hair.

  “You must be the famous Brooke we’ve heard so much about?” She smiles softly walking to us. “Wow big brother, bold move bringing her here to meet our big crazy family. I hope she doesn’t run off screaming by the end of the night,” she teases.

  Brian stands up and gives his sister a side hug. Both his little nieces still hugging his legs. “If she can survive one night with our family then she can survive anything.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you, Brooke.” She extends her hand, and I shake it gently. “And these two little princesses are Sophia and Chloe. Girls, this is Brooke, Uncle Brian’s girlfriend.”

  “Hi Brooke, I’m Princess Sophie.” The green-eyed little girl smiles and holds her hand out to me.

  I kneel down and shake Sophie’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Princess Sophie.” I look over at Chloe, who’s hiding behind Brian’s legs. The shy one I’m guessing. I giv
e Chloe a small wave when she peaks her head out and she returns my wave with a shy smile.

  “Brooke, do you like tea parties?” Sophie asks.

  “I love tea parties.”

  “Do you want to come join us for one right now? Daddy bought us a new tea set with Anna and Elsa from Frozen and Mommy got us Frozen cupcakes to have with our tea.”

  “Sophie, why don’t you take Uncle Brian to your tea party for now? Mommy wants to get to know Brooke for a bit then we’ll come join you later.”

  “Okay, Mommy. Come on, Uncle Brian.” Sophie grabs Brian’s hand and starts to pull him toward the stairs.

  “Will you be okay?” He turns and asks.

  “She’ll be just fine.” Natalie pushes Brian out of the way and I see Brian mouth, “Be nice.” Before disappearing down the stairs.

  Natalie turns to me and loops her arm through mine and leads me over to the bar. “You look like you could use a drink. How about a glass of wine?”

  “That would be great, thank you.”

  Natalie reaches behind the bar, grabbing a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses. I follow her over to an empty table by the railing at the edge of the deck, where we can see everyone below us talking and laughing. She pours us both a hardy glass of wine then takes a seat across from me.

  I grab my glass and take a long slow sip. Taking down almost half the wine in one go, hoping the wine will help calm my nerves a bit. “That’s much better, thank you. Brian kind of sprung this on me this morning, so I haven’t really had much time to prepare for meeting his entire family.”

  Natalie rolls her eyes, letting out a disapproving sigh. “My idiot brother hasn’t been in a relationship for so long, he’s forgotten you have to give a girl at least a week to prepare themselves for meeting the family. Especially ours. We can be a bit intense.” She takes a sip of her wine then relaxes back in her chair. “I will warn you, you are the first girl Brian has brought home to meet us since his girlfriend in high school. So you’ll be inundated by our aunts asking you a million questions and probably hugged to death.”


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