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The Big Gamble

Page 17

by M Andrews

  Hunter grabs me and pulls me away from Ryder. I try lunging for him again, but he wraps me tighter in his arms. My dad stands between Ryder and me. Ryder is mumbling and sobbing, “I’m sorry,” over and over again. I don’t care, he let his guard down and now my fiancé is lying in a hospital fighting for his life.

  “Brooke, calm down,” Dad shouts then turns his attention to Ryder. “What hospital did they take him to?”

  “University of Washington Hospital.”

  “Until Brooke calms down, I think it’s best you go see if the precinct has made arrangements to send a patrol team to pick up his mother and sister to bring them to the hospital. Hunter and I will take Brooke over to the hospital.” He rests a comforting hand on Ryder’s shoulder. “Look you made a mistake, it happens to the best of us, but right now you need to focus and man up and show your partner you care by getting his family to that hospital.”

  “Yes, sir.” Ryder gives me one last I’m sorry then bolts for the emergency stairwell.

  In the car ride to the hospital it’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I sit in the back with Hunter seated next to me while my dad drives. Hunter holds my hand the entire time. All I can do is stare out the window watching the world move in slow motion. Time just seems to stand still from the moment I heard Ryder tell me Brian was shot. Brian is my world, and now my world is slipping away from me again.

  When we pull up to the hospital parking lot Hunter helps me out of the car. My dad and Hunter each wrap an arm around me and walk me into the emergency room. The moment we step through the sliding doors we’re met by a sea of police officers.

  “What are they all doing here?” I whisper to my dad.

  “They are here for Brian, sweetheart,” he replies. “This is what we do for a fallen brother.”

  The crowd begins to part as we walk further inside, each officer giving me a warm, sympathetic smile as we pass. Brian really must mean a lot to these men and women for them to all drop everything to come show him support. Once we reach the nurses station we’re met by Brian’s Captain.

  “Miss McCoy, I’m Captain Pierce with the Second Precinct. Just wanted to let you know on behalf of all of us from the Second that we’re here for you and whatever you might need.”

  “Thank you Captain Pierce, but all I really need to know is if you caught the son of a bitch that did this to my Brian.”

  “Yes ma’am, the perp was taken down by Officer Callahan.”

  Ryder took him down? I’m still upset with him for letting this happened, but the fact that he made sure the monster that hurt Brian will never hurt anyone ever again makes me feel slightly better about him.

  “Is there any word on Brian’s condition?” I take a deep breath, trying to prepare myself for the news.

  “He took three GSW’s to the vest, one of which ripped through and into his right shoulder. Another bullet hit him in the side piercing his liver.” I squeeze Hunter’s arm tighter the tears beginning to fall again from my eyes. “He also suffered a concussion, broken ribs and a broken leg from his fall out the window. The doctors have him up in surgery now and they’ll come see you once they have any more news.” He gives me a sympathetic smile then escorts us up to the surgical floor waiting room.

  It’s midnight, the halls of the hospital are eerily quiet except for the faint sounds of beeping machines. I had to get away and breathe or at least try to. I couldn’t take another minute of sitting in that waiting room with everyone’s sad faces staring at me. I couldn’t take seeing the sadness and pain in Brian’s mother’s face. First she loses her husband to this job and now she might be losing her son too. It was killing me.

  We hadn’t heard much from the surgical team other than they were doing everything in the power to keep Brian alive. Just two days ago we were so happy, so in love, like a couple of giddy teenagers who couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. Who loved each other with such intensity that it could fuel the sun. We were ready to start our lives together, but now I’m in another hospital about to lose the man I love most in this world for the second time.

  I pass by the dark cafeteria and stumble upon the hospital chapel. It’s quiet and empty and the only light in the room is from a few flickering candles. I must be desperate because I cross the threshold into the chapel. Walking up to the small altar, I grab one of the matchsticks and light a candle using the flame of another candle and then I take a seat in the front pew.

  I haven’t stepped inside a church since my mother’s funeral. After I spent every day while she was sick in a chapel like this one in a hospital in Boston, praying and begging God not to take my mom. I lost my faith when my prayers went unanswered and she passed way.

  But now I’m desperate. Desperate enough to come back to God to beg him not to take another person I love from me.

  I stare up at the crucifix hanging on the wall above the altar and start to speak, “Hi. I know it’s been a while since you’ve seen me in one of your houses, and I know we haven’t been on the best of terms, but I’m desperate. I know you have a plan for everyone, and I just want to know what I did to deserve this shitty road you’ve put me on? What did I do to deserve having everyone I care for so much ripped from me? First my mom, then Jake, and now you’re trying to take Brian from me.” I suck in a sharp breath as the tears begin to flow again.

  “When you took Jake from me it almost killed me. But if you take Brian it will destroy me. I won’t survive losing him, he’s everything to me. I can’t breathe without him. Please don’t take him from me...please? I can’t live without him.” I sit in that quiet chapel sobbing and quietly pleading with God and anyone who can hear me. Just then I hear Hunter’s voice behind me.

  “Brooke, Brian’s out of surgery.”

  Hunter and I race back upstairs to surgery. The doctors have taken Brian’s mom and sister back to see him. I run straight for the nurses’ station and pound on the counter to get the nurse’s attention. She looks up from her computer screen flashing me an annoyed glare.

  “What’s the status on Brian Gamble?”

  “And you are?” she asks looking up at me over the rim of her glasses.

  “I’m his fiancée? Please, can you tell me if he’s going to be okay?”

  She picks up Brian’s chart and starts reading the doctor’s notes. They were able to repair the damage to his liver and arm. There was no bleeding or brain injuries from the grade three concussion he suffered.

  I collapse into Hunter’s arms when I hear her say the words “he will make a full recovery.”

  “Can I see him?” I ask feeling a huge sense of relief wash over me.

  “I will take you back to see him.” She gives me a warm, comforting smile as she stands up from her desk.

  We walk down the quiet corridor as we get closer to Brian’s room I can hear his mother crying outside his room. I pause to give Eliana and Natalie a hug making sure they’re okay. The nurse steps inside Brian’s room first and pushes back the curtain. The moment I see Brian laying on his bed hooked up to machines and tubes and wires hanging off him, it sends a haunting chill through my body. I hesitate at first, not having the strength to move my feet. I feel a force pulling me, urging me to go inside. I step over the threshold and walk to the foot of his bed, bring my hand up to my mouth as I look down at his lifeless body.

  “He is still under anesthesia, so he could be out for a while. He isn’t completely out of the woods yet. There is still a chance of infection and possible internal bleeding due to his pierced liver. He will need to be monitored closely for the next few days and he will also need physical therapy for his broken leg.” The nurse slides one of the chairs over to the left side of his bed for me. “The best thing that you can do for him right now is talk to him. Give him a reason to fight.” She leaves the room and tends to Brian’s mom and sister outside. I take a deep breath then walk over to the chair taking my seat.

  She said to give him a reason to fight, I have a pretty damn good reason for him.

  I slip my hand into his, being careful not to disturb the IV in his hand. Gently I rub my thumb along his warm skin. The sound of the monitors beeping making it hard to think.

  “Brian it’s me, your lucky ace.” My voice is shaky and scared. “Brian, I really need you to fight. I don’t think I can do all this on my own. You’re my light, Brian. My savior. Before you I was lost and drowning and you saved me. You gave me a home and a reason to live. Without you I am lost.”

  I bend down and kiss the top of his hand. “Don’t give up on us, Brian. Please baby just fight. I can’t do this without you. I can’t raise our baby without you.”

  “Fight for us…our baby.” The words echo through my mind as I struggle to open my eyes. I try to call out for Brooke to tell her I’m here, but the words just won’t come out. My head is pounding in my ears and every time I breathe in I can feel a searing pain rip through my chest. Then I hear the sweetest sound on earth.

  “Oh my god, Brian. Brian baby, I’m here.” I can feel her warmth radiating next to me. The touch of her hand to mine sets my body alive and my urgency to see her only fuels my need to get my eyes open.

  Brooke calls out for the nurse and the doctor. I try to talk, try to call out to Brooke but the words still won’t come out. My throat is raw and aches. A bright beam of light shines in my eyes blinding me even more from seeing my girl. All I want is to see her face to know I really am alive.

  My eyes finally start to come into focus and I see Brooke standing with her back to me talking to the doctor.

  I hear a muffled, “He’s going to make a full recovery,” come from the doctor.

  Brooke gives him a grateful hug and thanks him repeatedly. Come on baby turn around, I need to see you.

  “Brooke,” I manage to rasp out. Brooke turns around and the way the light from the window glows around her makes her look like an angel.

  “Brian, I’m here.” Her warm smile and the touch of her hand on my cheek makes me forget all about the pain.

  “Brooke.” I reach my hand up, cupping her cheek. She’s real I’m not dreaming.

  “It’s me, Brian.” She pours me a cup of water and helps put the straw in my mouth. The cool water soothing the burning in my throat from the breathing tube. “Do you remember what happen?”

  “I remember getting the call to an abandoned factory to investigate a potential meth lab. Ryder and I were sent to help clear the building. We were up on the last floor when a guy came out of nowhere guns-a-blazing. I felt the first bullet rip through my vest, then next thing I know I’m on the ground outside the building with paramedics all around me.” I take another sip of water. I can’t keep my eyes off Brooke, I’ve missed her face. “How long have been out?”

  “Just for a day or so. You gave us a big scare, Brian.” The tears begin to well up in her eyes. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.” Her tone is shaky and scared. It breaks my heart to know how much pain and worry I’ve put her through.

  “Hey no. Come here, Brooke.” I pull her hand for her to climb into bed with me. She carefully climbs in next to me, wrapping my arm around her. God, it feels good to hold her again. “Brooke, I will always come back to you. I will fight heaven and hell, nothing will ever keep me from you. It was hearing your words urging and begging me to keep fighting that kept me going, kept me fighting to get back to my girl.”

  Then I remember the other thing that made me fight even harder the words, “our baby,” kept repeating over and over in my mind. Was Brooke really pregnant? I needed to know.

  “Brooke, I heard everything you said to me while I was unconscious.” I feel her body stiffen, her breathing becoming deep and nervous. “Brooke, are you pregnant?”

  “Yes.” She looks away from me, trying to hide the tears now streaming down her cheeks. I know she’s scared because we wanted to wait until after we were married and after I was officially made detective, but I don’t care, this baby’s meant to be here with us.

  “When did you find out?”

  “The morning you were shot. I was going through my schedule and noticed I missed my period and I’m never late, and then while I was showing my dad and my brother around at the Space Needle I kept getting this queasy feeling. I just knew I was pregnant. I’m so sorry, Brian. I thought we were so careful.” She sniffles wiping her tearstained cheeks.

  I place my hand over her stomach. We’re having a baby, I can barely wrap my mind around the idea. I always wanted a family, but after everything that had happened with Jillian I buried that hope away with what was left of my heart. It wasn’t until I met Brooke that I started thinking about kids again, and now it’s actually happening my dream is finally coming true.

  If I could move, I’d leap out of this bed and run down the halls screaming that I’m going to be a father.

  “Brooke, you’re making my dream come true, you don’t have anything to be sorry for.”

  “You’re really happy about this?” she shyly asks.

  “Happy doesn’t even begin to describe how I’m feeling right now. I know we didn’t plan for this to happen, but this baby is a blessing.” I give her a reassuring smile. “Brooke, you and this baby are my everything. Everything I am and everything I have is for the two of you. I love you so much.”

  “I love you too, Brian.” She leans in pressing her lips against mine, kissing me gently.

  I don’t care how painful this is going to be, but I can’t fight back my excitement anymore, I break from her lips and shout at the top of my lungs, “We’re having a baby!”

  Six Months Later

  “Lucy, can you come help zip me up?” I call out from my room.

  “Of course, sweetheart.” Lucy stops in her tracks when she enters the room, seeing me in my wedding dress for the first time.

  It’s my wedding day, a day six months ago when Brian was fighting for his life in that hospital bed, I thought would never come. But now here I am in my perfect wedding dress, carrying Brian’s baby and ready to become his wife. My heart feels so full of love it could burst. I’ve been counting down the days, hours and minutes ever since Brian and I set the date. Brian was still in the hospital recuperating when we agreed that we wanted to get married before our little bundle of joy came into this world. So we set the date for when we knew Brian’s injuries would be healed.

  Lucy and Brian’s sister Natalie and his mother helped me with planning the wedding, even filling in meetings for me with caterers and florist when I was too sick with morning sickness. They have been an absolute godsend. Lucy graciously volunteered her house for the ceremony and reception. It’s right off Lake Washington and her gardens will be in full bloom with the beautiful fall flowers and her yard’s big enough for a marquee in case of rain. We’ve kept the wedding small only inviting friends and family that mean the most to us.

  “My God Brooke, you look so beautiful.” She steps up behind me and slowly zips up the bodice of my dress, then carefully does up each tiny button. “Brooke, I take back everything I said about you getting this dress. You’re going to take Brian’s breath away when he sees you.” Her face is beaming at me through the mirror.

  I fell in love with my dress the moment I saw it in the bridal shop. It’s a long, white, strapless silk taffeta trumpet style gown that hugs my curves and my baby bump perfectly. It also has a row of buttons that go all the way down the back to the long train. To complete my look, I’ve left my hair down in loose curls and I’m wearing a tiara of orange and pink wildflowers from Lucy’s garden. Lucy thought I was crazy for getting a dress that shows off my pregnant belly, but I didn’t care, I want our family and friends to know how proud I am to be carrying Brian’s baby girl.

  A girl.

  A little girl that will be a perfect mix of Brian and me. Before we found out the sex of the baby, Brian was so sure it was going to be a boy, even to the point of going out and buying a tiny baseball mitt. I thought for sure he was going to be upset when the doctor said girl, but in true sweet Gamble style he said
he couldn’t wait to teach his little girl how to play catch. We decided to name her Ella, after my mom, to honor her memory. I still believe in my heart that my mom and Jake were in heaven working together to make this day happen.

  “So are you nervous at all?” Lucy asks, adjusting my crown of flowers.

  “Surprisingly no. I’m more anxious to get down the aisle to marry Brian.” Through this whole planning process, I haven’t been nervous or stressed at all. This feels right, so what’s there to be nervous about.

  Lucy gives me one last look in the mirror and the water works start immediately as she slips her arms around me. “I am so happy for you, Brooke. You and Brian deserve your happy ending.”

  “Thank you, Lucy. Thank you for everything. You’ve been the best maid of honor a girl could ever ask for.” I rest my head against hers. “I just wish Lucky was here.”

  We both let out a sad sigh, missing our girl. During my bachelorette Brian, Ryder and the rest of their crew showed up at Lucky’s club. Ryder and Lucky had disappeared. We all thought it was to make amends after the fight they had a few months earlier after Jackson, Lucky’s ex, had shown back up. The next day she left Lucy and me a text message saying she was sorry, but she needed to get away. Last we heard from her was a postcard she sent us from Mexico a month ago. Ryder is no help, he refuses to divulge any details of what actually happened that night, but instead has decided to use booze and girls as a way to cope with her being gone. I miss her so much and wish she would just come home already.

  “I know, I wish she was here too, but we have more important things to worry about starting with getting you down to see your groom to be.” Lucy hands me my bouquet of orange and red roses then grabs the hem of my train and follows me downstairs to see Brian before the ceremony.


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