Teaching His Babygirl

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Teaching His Babygirl Page 7

by Rory Reynolds

  I leaf through them quickly and chuckle at seeing Leon and Todd’s parents’ names on the top two messages. Apparently, they aren’t happy that their sons are benched for the next couple games. Too damn bad. No one disrespects any of my staff the way they disrespected Darlene… especially not Darlene.

  “Thanks, Judy,” I say, heading into my office to make a couple phone calls.

  I eat my lunch in my office, knowing that I won’t be able to control myself if Darlene is within touching distance. It’s almost impossible to push down the urge to claim her in front of everyone. I want people to know that she’s mine. Especially since I heard from Coop that Mr. Troy has been sniffing around her and that it might be a problem.

  We’ve been suspicious of him since the second teacher quit without notice or warning. When the third teacher quit, it became apparent that there was a problem and that Mr. Troy could be the cause. Unfortunately, we have yet to be able to prove the sexual harassment we suspect him of, and none of the teachers wanted to discuss why they decided to quit.

  A quick look at the clock shows me that Darlene is on her free hour. The temptation to see her is too much to resist any longer. I stride to her classroom with a single-minded focus… getting her soft lips under my own. Seeing that Darlene is alone in her classroom, I close the door and lower the blind over the little window.

  With a low growl, I close the distance between us. Darlene holds her hands out to stop me, but I refuse to be denied. I grip her wrists and pin her arms behind her back.

  “What are you doing?” she asks, breathless.

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  She licks her lips, teasing me with her pink tongue. Yeah, she knows exactly what she’s doing to me. I lean in and press my lips to hers in a chaste kiss. Just like I knew she would, she arches against me, pulling at her wrists. When she responds to my kiss, moving her lips with mine, I release her hands. They instantly move to my chest, gripping my shirt in both fists as she returns my passion.

  I break our kiss, heaving in a breath. “I can’t stay away. Knowing you’re just down the hall, unkissed by me, is driving me insane,” I growl, pulling her closer and kissing her sweet lips again.

  She completely surrenders to the onslaught. Kissing me back with everything she is. Her fingers fisted in my shirt as our passion grows. I cup her breast over her shirt, rubbing my thumb over her hardened nipple. She moans into my lips as I tease her. When the bell rings, I reluctantly pull away, knowing that it’s only a matter of minutes before students start pouring in.

  “Come to the club with me tonight.” It’s not really a question, and she knows it. She’d be right because the only answer is yes. I won’t take no for an answer, not when I want her so badly.

  “Yes,” she responds, not even hesitating or arguing that it’s a school night.

  “Pick you up at seven.”

  Her fingers touch her well-kissed lips. “Okay, Colt. See you then.”

  Chapter Eleven


  I take one last look at myself in the mirror and decide my outfit is perfect. A mint green dress with peek-a-boo lace cutouts. It’s not like most of my club dresses, it’s a bit on the sexier side, but the frilly skirt and little green bow right between my breasts make the dress a nice mix between the two.

  There is a knock at my door at seven sharp. I love that Colt isn’t one to be late. I love that he’s as excited as I am for a night together. It’s not the weekend. I know that, but staying away is not something I’m going to be able to do. I didn’t even have the willpower to keep him from kissing me today at school.

  Part of me wants to say to hell with it and just come out in the open with our relationship, but the other part is scared about what others will think still. I want to wait and see where this thing is going with Colt before we go public. We’ve only known each other for such a short time… what if he bores of me? Or what if our connection isn’t as strong as I think it is?

  Excuses. Both of them because I know that our chemistry isn’t something that will just disappear, and it’s not something that will falter or fizzle. I’ve never felt the kind of chemistry that I do with him, and I just have a feeling only good things will come from it. I just need to be one-hundred percent sure before we become public.

  I open the door with a huge smile. Colt returns my smile, looking me up and down like he wants to eat me up. “You look amazing, babygirl.”

  I feel my cheeks heat with an uncharacteristic blush. That’s another thing that Colt brings out in me—shyness. I’ve always been bold—even with my little side—but I’m different with Colt. It’s like my little side hasn’t ever fully come to the surface, and Colt coaxes it out of me. I love it. I love feeling completely free of any constraints.

  “Thank you, daddy.”

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, daddy,” I nod excitedly.

  He wraps an arm around me, reeling me into his body and kissing me. “We could always stay in if you’d prefer…”

  I scrunch up my nose. “After getting all dressed up?”

  He taps my nose. “Good point. Let’s go, babygirl.”

  The club is busier than I thought it would be on a weeknight. Colt explains that because it’s such a small and close-knit community that the club tends to be full most nights. He also points out that with the restaurant, it’s a popular date night spot as well.

  “Did you eat?” he asks.

  I chew on my bottom lip, thinking about the half a bowl of dry cereal I munched on while getting ready. “Yes?”

  “Is that an answer or a question?”

  “Well… see… I was so excited and nervous that I kind of only ate a little cereal.”

  Colt smirks and gives me a tender look. “You never have to be nervous to spend time with me, beauty. I will take the excited any time, but you also need to eat. Let’s go get dinner,” he says, guiding me to the entrance to the restaurant.

  We’re seated right away. Colt is stopped by several people on the way to our table. It seems like everyone here knows and respects him. I have a sense of pride that this wonderful man has picked me to be at his side.

  “Your waitress will be with you shortly,” the maître d’ says as we take our seats.

  “Thanks, Richard,” Colt says with a smile.

  I look at the menu, pleasantly surprised to see that it—like the bar—is set up for both littles and dominants. The only problem, I’m overwhelmed with how many options there are. I consider the salmon, but it comes with brussels sprouts, which’s never a good thing. The chicken tenders sound good but could be seen as a childish choice. What if Colt doesn’t want little me right now? The smart thing to do would be to ask him… but for some reason, I’m feeling a bit uncomfortable with all the decisions.

  “You okay, beauty?”

  I blink up at him, shaken from my thoughts. “Yeah… just a lot to choose from.”

  He nods, looking down at his own menu. “Anything in particular sound good?”

  I shrug, feeling silly for being so indecisive.

  He gives me a knowing look. “You can get anything you want, babygirl.”

  I chew my bottom lip. “The chicken tenders sound good… but so does the macaroni and cheese...”

  Colt smiles. “You could always get the chicken tenders with the mac and cheese on the side.”

  “That sounds good,” I say, returning his smile.

  I’m surprised when our waitress ends up being Tessa. “Hello Tessa,” Colt greets.

  “Hey Colt,” she says, then turns to me with a wide smile. “Hi, Darlene. How’re you?”

  “Good. You?”

  She shrugs. “I’m great. Just filling in for Amber-Lynn. Are you going to stick around and play after dinner?”

  “Yeah, I think so?” I look at Colt in question.

  “We can do whatever you want, babygirl.”

  Tessa makes a little ‘aw’ sound. “Well, my shift ends in about an hour, if you’re still around if you want
to hang out some.”

  I smile wide at being invited; I didn’t realize how much I miss having girlfriends until I had dinner with Melinda. Laughing and chatting with another woman is different than hanging out with a man. Don’t get me wrong, I love spending any time I can with Colt, but having female friends is definitely something I need in my life. I miss Charity like crazy, and without her here, I’m essentially friendless.

  “We’ll be here,” Colt answers for me. He then places our order getting me the chicken tenders and mac and cheese and himself the salmon. I giggle when he asks to substitute the brussels sprouts for the mac and cheese.

  “Shouldn’t you eat your veggies?” I tease.

  “I could always get them for you, little girl.”

  My face screws up in a grimace. “No, thank you. I’m happy with what you picked for me.”

  He chuckles. “That’s what I thought.”

  “That was so much fun,” I say, laying my head on the headrest and turning towards Colt. He’s currently driving me home after a night at the club. When he invited me to the club tonight, I expected a bunch of dirty sexy times. There were those, the faint ache of my bottom is proof of that, but we spent a lot of time hanging out in the bar chatting with Tessa. Plus, I met several other littles and their daddies. Oh, and Ransom was there, but he mostly stood off to the side, grunting his responses and staring daggers at Tessa, who ignored him.

  It was nice to hang out and meet new people. I finally feel like I could be at home here in the city. Charity would be proud of me for making friends and settling in, even if she is still mad at me for moving away.

  “I’m glad you had fun.”

  “I really did. Tessa seems so nice and Johnny too.”

  Colt purses his lips. “They are both nice, but they are also troublemakers.”

  I snort. “And who says I’m not a troublemaker?”

  He reaches across the console and tickles my side. “I say you should consider not being a troublemaker unless you want that sexy ass of yours punished.”

  I shift on my seat. “Pretty sure that happens even if I’m not causing trouble.”

  Colt throws his head back and laughs. “That is true… but you love it.”

  “I really do,” I say with a contented sigh.

  He parks and comes around to get my door like the gentleman he is, then walks me to my door.

  “Do you want to come in?”

  He gives me a salacious smile, his eyes burning with untamed lust. “More than anything, but if I come inside, I’ll keep you up all night, and you have school in the morning.”

  My heart pounds, and my pussy clenches at the thought of being kept up all night by this man. He just pleasured and punished me less than an hour ago and already I’m hungry for more.

  “The problem with that is…?”

  He shakes his head, pushing me against the door and thoroughly kissing me. When he pulls away, my pulse is racing and I’m feeling achy between my legs. “The problem is that you need your sleep, and I would be a bad daddy if I was selfish.”

  I stand on tiptoe, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss. “Please, be selfish,” I say against his lips.

  He returns my kiss, pinning my back to the door again. His tongue strokes mine, and I whimper. “Daddy, I need you.”

  “Shh…” he murmurs, kissing down my neck. The door opens behind me, then slams shut behind us as he pins me to the other side of the door.

  I gasp at the quick movement, then moan happily when he rips my dress up and off. He presses me back to the door and crashes his lips to mine. I gasp when his fingers slip into my panties. He circles my clit with his thumb and pushes two thick fingers inside me.


  My head thumps against the door as his fingers work magic between my legs. I wrap my arms around him, clinging as my knees get weak from need. He deepens our kiss as the heat builds. Then he finds my g-spot with those wicked fingers of his and my climax bursts from me like a firework.

  “That’s it. Come all over my fingers,” he growls, working my pussy until every bit of pleasure is wrung from my body.

  I collapse back against the door, panting for breath. Colt pulls his fingers from my panties, then licks them clean. So hot. Even thoroughly pleasured, the sight of him licking his fingers clean of my release has me ready to drag him back to my bedroom for round two… well, round four if you count the club.

  Colt catches my hands when I reach for his belt. “No, that was just for you, beauty. You need to get some sleep tonight, and if you touch me, I will lose control.”

  I pout at being denied. He leans in and kisses my bottom lip. “No pouting.”

  My lip pushes out further, and he nips it between his teeth. I groan and rub myself against the front of him. With reluctance, he pulls away. Even when I ask him to stay, he sticks to his guns and leaves me with a kiss and a ‘sleep sweet.’

  Chapter Twelve


  The last two weeks have been the best of my life. Being with Darlene is everything I’ve ever wanted. She’s perfect for me. Not only is our chemistry off the charts, but we have a lot of things in common. Every day I fall just a little more for her. I never thought I could be so happy. I just wish that she would trust me when I say that the school staff won’t care that we are together.

  I’ll admit it is hot sneaking around. Stealing kisses in between classes and in the teachers’ lounge. We both definitely get a little thrill out of almost being caught. Even so, I want to claim her publicly too. I want people to know that Darlene is mine. Especially since Levi fucking Troy keeps sniffing around her.

  Slimy bastard.

  She’s not complained about it, but I know he bothers her. I’ve heard from Coop, even Jasper—the school police officer and fellow daddy dom—has noticed when he’s been here at the school how he looks at her with some kind of possession. Being public would give me the ability to tell him to fuck off, but as it is, my hands are tied. I hate it. But I’m doing my best to respect Darlene’s request—for now. If he steps one toe out of line, I won’t be able to stand by.

  The bell rings for the end of the school day, and excitement courses through me. I wait until the school has emptied of students, and all that’s left are the few teachers that stay behind working late… my Darlene being one of those diligent teachers.

  I’m practically whistling as I head to her classroom. When I get there, I admire the shapeliness of her ass as she bends over her desk, arranging papers. I quietly close the classroom door and sneak up behind her. I wrap my arms around her from behind and she lets out a little squeal.

  She turns in my arms, slapping my arm. “You scared me!” she accuses.

  I give her a playful swat on her bottom. “I’d apologize, but I’ve got a beautiful woman in my arms and I can’t be sorry for it.”

  She melts against me with a contented sigh. “How did I get so lucky?”

  I scoff, “I’m the lucky one.”

  She giggles. “Maybe we are both the lucky ones, daddy.”

  I let out a little growl and attack her lips with mine. She wraps herself around my body, kissing me back with all the pent-up passion from the day apart. It’s always like this. We see each other in the halls and at lunch and have to stay at arm’s length, pretending to be nothing more than coworkers, so when we see each other at the end of the day, we crash together.

  My cock is instantly hard at the feel of her soft body against mine. I lift her on the desk, pushing her flowy skirt up her thighs until she can wrap her sexy legs around me. I can feel the heat from her pussy through my slacks as she rubs against my thick length. She claws at my shoulders as she kisses me fiercely.

  I fist her hair, pulling her lips free of mine and tilting her head back. She lets out a moan as I lick and suck down her neck to her exposed clavicle. Her hips rock against me, rubbing her wet cunt on me. I know she’s soaked. So wet that she’s probably leaving a wet spot behind on my pants and I can’t
find it in myself to give a fuck.

  I’ll proudly walk out of here with a wet spot over my swollen cock if it means my girl is pleasured. I nip at her neck, and she moans low in her throat, rubbing enthusiastically against me. She completely loses herself, forgetting where we are and the risks of us getting caught. I love how wanton she gets around me. It’s a heady thing knowing I can make such a prim, buttoned-up woman lose herself to her submissive side.

  “Daddy,” she gasps as I grip her ass and pull her harder against my cock. It begs to be let free. I want nothing more than to free my cock and plunge deep into her exquisite heat, but not here.

  “Fuck, babygirl. I want inside this hot little pussy.”

  “Yesss…” she hisses, rocking her hips. “I want you, daddy.”

  I groan, pulling away, knowing that we can’t take this any farther here at school. “Let’s go,” I say, pulling her off the desk and righting her clothes.

  She looks up at me, flushed and horny. “Where?”

  “I’m taking you home and I’m going to fuck you and spank your ass for being such a fucking tease.”

  Darlene whimpers. “Oh yes,” she licks her lips, “let’s do that.”

  “Meet me in the parking lot in five.”


  “No buts, I want you and the fastest way to get what I want is for me to drive you home.”

  I grip the back of her neck and pull her in for one last scorching kiss, barely able to control myself enough to pull away. “Five minutes.”

  She holds her fingertips to her lips and nods. “Five minutes.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  After a night of passion, it’s hard to get back to reality. In my apartment, Colt and I are free to be us. As soon as we leave, we go back to being Miss Larson and Mr. James. Teacher and principal. Colt is getting tired of the sneaking around, I know it. He wants to be able to show the world our budding relationship.


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