Teaching His Babygirl

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Teaching His Babygirl Page 11

by Rory Reynolds

  I only put up a token protest because, let’s be honest, I’m freaked the heck out. When Colt told me a couple days ago about the stalking, it didn’t seem real to me. Then Jasper brought a file folder full of evidence of his stalking, and the fear crept in. Especially when I saw the pictures of Colt’s face crossed out in big, bold red marker. My anxiety is so high that I’m barely sleeping. Even with Colt beside me, I can’t seem to sleep soundly.

  It’s been four days, and no one has seen or heard from Levi, and Leon still refuses to talk. Colt and I spent the weekend holed up at my apartment. We watched movies and ate delivery food. I probably gained ten pounds in pizza and Chinese food weight, but I have zero regrets. Living in our little bubble was perfect. I was able to ignore my worries about people at work knowing we are dating and mostly ignore the fact that I have a stalker.

  Now reality has flooded in and overwhelmed me. It’s Monday morning, my first day back to school since the attack, and I’m walking around like some kind of bait for a crazed stalker. Wait, that’s precisely what I am… Bait.

  It was my choice. Even though I’m scared half to death, I told Jasper I would continue on like I have no idea anything is wrong. That I would walk to school and pretend that nothing is happening beyond it being a typical Monday. Colt wasn’t at all excited about the idea but relented when I was adamant that I wanted to do it.

  Now I’m cursing myself because even with Ransom discreetly following me, I don’t feel safe. I feel exposed like I can almost feel the lens of a camera on me. Jasper and Ransom assured both Colt and I that I’ll be completely safe, that this is only to try to flush Levi out so he can be caught faster, but all of a sudden, it feels like a terrible idea. I pick up the pace, wanting desperately to get to the school and the safety that the walls will provide.

  I worried that I wouldn’t feel safe there after Leon’s attack, but knowing that Colt is there along with Jasper and my friends, it feels like the safest place to be. I practically run up the stairs to the front door of the school. I burst into the entryway and almost collapse in sheer relief.

  Colt is standing in the doorway to the office—having agreed not to meet me at the front door in case Levi was following me. They didn’t want to tip Levi off that we know that he’s stalking me. I practically run into Colt’s arms. It’s not until he’s holding me that I realize I’m shaking.

  “Shh. It’s okay, babygirl. You’re safe,” he croons.

  I take a deep breath and settle my nerves. “I’m okay,” I agree, taking a step back from him. “I’m okay,” I say more firmly, and with every bit of confidence I can muster up. It’s not much, but it’s enough to take me out of wilting violet territory.

  Jasper comes into the office, giving my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. “You did well.”

  “Did you see him?” I want the answer to be yes. I don’t want to have to live in fear. It’s only been a few days since I found out about Levi Troy stalking me, and I already feel like I’ve been scared for years. I don’t think I can live this way. The desire to hole up in my apartment is huge.

  “No, sweetheart. If he’s watching, he’s being careful. Don’t worry, we’ll keep you safe,” Jasper says reassuringly.

  I’m glad for such capable men watching over me but having them here isn’t nearly as reassuring as one would think. How long can they watch over me? Days? Weeks? Months? The idea of this going on for months or even weeks has my anxiety spiking. I can’t live this way. I mentally shake myself. Colt will make sure I’m safe. He won’t let anything happen to me. I repeat it like a mantra. Slowly, my heart rate slows and the hand clutching my chest releases.

  The bell rings, and I jump. Colt squeezes my hand and murmurs that it’s okay. I laugh a little at my jumpiness. “Sorry, I’m being ridiculous,” I say to the men.

  Both of them give me hard looks. “You have nothing to be sorry about,” Colt says. “You’re handling everything really well, considering.”

  I laugh a little manically. “If this is me handling things well…”

  “Don’t be so hard on yourself. This isn’t something anyone can prepare for,” Jasper says. “I don’t want you to worry today. Just go about your day like you normally would.”

  Easy for him to say. He’s not the one who has a psychopath stalking him. They’ve all promised I’ll never be alone, that someone will always be watching over me, even when it seems they’re not. I release a deep breath, deciding to trust that they can keep me safe. What else is there to do?

  “Okay. Normal…”

  The warning bell rings, and it’s time for me to head to class. Colt gives me a quick kiss and I woodenly leave, feeling the cold fingers of dread creeping in.

  I’m halfway to my room when I see Melinda. With a happy squeal, the slight woman throws herself at me and hugs me tight. “I’m so glad you’re okay. I’ve been so worried about you,” she says.

  I hug her back, thankful to have found such a great friend. “I’m okay,” I say even though it’s only partially true. I’m fine from the attack she’s talking about but more messed up over the Levi Troy stalking crisis. We—meaning the guys protecting me—decided to keep the stalking under wraps for now. I agreed because I don’t want him potentially harming anyone else.

  Mel and I walk side-by-side towards our classrooms. “So, Mr. James, huh?” she asks with a teasing smirk.

  My cheeks flush pink, and I’m brought out of the worry for a moment and into the fact that my friend now knows about my boyfriend and he’s no longer a secret. “Yeah…”

  “I’m happy for you. Colt’s a good man.”

  “Thanks. I’ll admit, I’m nervous about everyone knowing. I don’t want anyone to feel like I get special treatment because I’m dating him.”

  Mel] rolls her eyes. “Not at all. He’s a fair man. Honestly, we are all happy for him. He’s been alone for a long time and he deserves to be happy.”

  “Do you think he’s happy?” I ask.

  “We were all speculating on why the man was walking around the school with a smile on his face. Before you, he was a bit of a surly grump.”

  Colt? A grump? I’ve never seen him surly or grumpy. He’s been my stern daddy often enough, but he’s never been grumpy around me. Well, he’s been downright pissed off over what happened with Leon and now Levi, but those are extenuating circumstances. I can’t imagine him being anything but the smiling, warm-hearted man he’s been with me since day one.

  Yes, he’s a stern disciplinarian, but that’s also something that doesn’t count. That’s all part of being my daddy. It’s always tinged with a softer emotion. We’re at my classroom before I have time to really dissect what she’s saying.

  “Lunch?” Mel asks.

  I want to say yes, but at the same time can’t imagine leaving the safety of the school. I chew on my lip as I waffle between living my life normally like Jasper said or being a fraidy cat and eating lunch here. Fraidy cat wins. “I’ve got a lot to catch up on, maybe a quick one in the lounge?”

  She gives me a happy smile. “Sounds good. Good luck today. I know your students have been worried.”


  She waves over her shoulder on her way to her own classroom.

  The first half of the day flies by. It turns out my students were worried about me—even Todd, who gave me a hard time that first day alongside Leon. Without Leon’s influence, Todd is a good kid. I have high hopes for him now that he’s seen Leon’s true colors. Maybe he can make better decisions than his friend encouraged.

  I’m exhausted from fielding questions from my students about what happened and if I’m okay. I didn’t realize how much it would take out of me to have to tell even the bare bones of the story over and over. By the time lunch rolls around, I’m ready for a break from my beloved classroom.

  Halfway to the teachers’ lounge, I notice Coach Cooper following me. I turn and give him a startled glance. He gives me a warm smile and closes the distance between us. “Sorry, Darlene, I didn’t m
ean to startle you. I’m helping Colt and Jasper keep an eye on things. I thought they told you,” he says lowly as to not be overheard.

  I let out a sigh of relief. Of course Colt would have his best friend watching out for me. It only makes sense. “Of course!” I say brightly, faking some of my usual perky self. “I should’ve guessed the guys would rope you into this thing.”

  He gives me a look that is all at once stern and concerned. “I volunteered to watch over you. No one deserves to go through what you did. And this whole business with Levi Troy,” he hisses. “Well, let’s just say, I won’t be one bit disappointed if I have to knock him down a few pegs.”

  I giggle a little at that. “I would love it if he got knocked down more than a few.”

  Coop’s lips tilt up in something like a smile but looks a little feral and a lot angry. “No worries, he’s going to get his comeuppance.”

  We chit chat about nothing in particular the rest of the way to the lounge. He tells me to stay safe and that he’ll be watching—which sounds way creepier than it is. I walk into the room and everyone falls silent. Apparently, I’ve been the topic of conversation. I try to brush it off, but some of the judgmental looks I’m getting make it hard. This was the exact reason I wanted to keep my relationship with Colt quiet.

  Too late now.

  I grab a bag of chips from the vending machine, having forgotten to pack a lunch this morning with everything else going on. I sit at the only empty table and try to focus on the chips. A few minutes later, Mel comes bustling into the room, an apologetic look on her face as if she knows what I walked into, and she’s sorry that she wasn’t here to brave the silent glares with me. She pops her lunch into the microwave then sits with me, glaring at Karen at the other table.

  I’m guessing she’s the ringleader of the people who are displeased that I’m dating Colt. I try to find discomfort at the thought of her judgment, but there is none. With what is happening with Levi, I can’t be worried about someone so trivial as a jealous woman who probably wanted Colt for herself.

  Mine. I think with an internal growl—all mine.

  Mel and I chat about school and her newest romance book that she promises to let me read when she’s done. Apparently, it’s written by an amazing independent romance author who can spin a story that’s both intriguing and hot as hell. Plus, all of the heroes are sexy bikers, and the heroines are damaged, but with a steely will to carve out their own happiness despite everything they’ve been forced to survive.

  I readily agree to read the book after her. Who doesn’t need a growly hero in their life? Speaking of growly heroes, I can’t help but wonder where my own hero is at. I thought for sure Colt would be in the lounge waiting for me, but he’s nowhere to be seen. I’m tempted to text him. I keep my phone in my bag by sheer force of will, not wanting to be clingy.

  I finish my chips and decide to head back to my classroom to work on grading projects. Mel walks with me, and we part ways at my classroom. I tuck my things away in my bottom drawer then notice an envelope on my desktop. I turn it over in confusion, wondering what it is. If it’s from the school, it goes into our mailboxes inside the office. Maybe a student?

  I open the envelope and gasp at what I see. A deep well of sickness opens up in my stomach, and anxiety courses through my body. It’s an envelope of pictures. All of them have Colt in them, all of them are destroyed in some way. The ones that are the most disturbing have burn marks on them. A note falls out of the envelope, and I pick it up with shaking hands.

  I don’t like obstacles. Don’t make me hurt him.

  I read the words over and over, knowing exactly who this is from and what it means. How did he get this in here? A cold breeze flutters my hair, and I realize one of the windows to the classroom is open. Would Levi have crawled in through a window? Shivers wrack my body, and I quickly close the window and throw the lock. I double-check all of the locks on the windows and close the blinds.

  My room is now thrown into shadow without the bright light of the sun shining in. It does nothing to dispel my anxiety. I grab my phone and lock myself in the small bathroom off my classroom. I pull up Charity’s phone number and dial. I know she’s probably got a class, but I need to talk to her now.

  “Dar?” she asks breathlessly. “What’s wrong?”

  I let out a sob. “S-sorry to bother you. I just… I don’t know who else to call.”

  “It’s okay,” she says to me, then yells, “Pick up your feet, girls! Fast foot forward.”

  “Lazy assed kids. Now, take a deep breath and tell me what’s wrong.”

  “My stalker. H-he left an envelope with pictures on my desk. A th-threat to hurt Colt. He said he doesn’t like obstacles. Charity, I think he’s going to hurt Colt if I don’t break up with him.”

  Charity sighs. “Hon, calm down. Colt is a big boy. He can take care of himself.”

  “I couldn’t live with myself if he got hurt because of me.”

  “Doesn’t he deserve the chance to know what’s happening? He could have a solution that would keep you both safe,” she says, logically.

  But right now, logic isn’t making any sense. All I can think about are those mutilated images of Colt. I don’t know what Levi Troy is capable of, but I think he might just be crazy enough to hurt Colt if I don’t break up with him.

  “What if he can’t?” I ask quietly. “What if I just get us both hurt?”

  “You’re about to do something insane like break up with him, aren’t you?”

  “What other choice do I have?” My tears are falling in rivers down my cheeks now at just the thought of breaking things off. How will I ever break up with him? He’ll know the second I do that something is up unless I come up with a good excuse. Colt isn’t the kind of man to just give up on someone.

  “Uh. Talking to Colt and letting him decide if he wants to take the risk or not, for starters.”

  “Why must you always make sense?”

  She laughs. “Seriously, Darlene, just talk to Colt. Don’t do anything rash.”

  “Thanks, Cha-cha.”

  “Anytime. I better get back to these girls before they think it’s naptime. Call me later. Love you, girl.”

  “Love you too.”

  I dry off my tears and collect myself. Class will be starting soon. I need to get my crap together. The rest of the day is a blur of looking over my shoulder and fending off questions about Leon from my students. To say the afternoon was a rough one is putting it mildly.

  When the final bell of the day rings, I feel an immense amount of relief. I get my stuff together—shoving the envelope of pictures to the bottom of my bag—and head to the office like Colt, Jasper, and I discussed this morning. Judy waves as she leaves for the day, then I’m in the office alone with the man I’m falling in love with.

  “Babygirl,” Colt says with something like relief.

  I close the small distance between us and sink into his arms. My eyes fall closed as I rest against his chest, feeling safe and secure for the first time since I left him this morning. I feel completely drained and exhausted. Even knowing I’m being protected hasn’t eliminated my fears. Now that I know he can get to me even with people watching, I feel even more vulnerable.

  “Hey, hey,” Colt says, cupping my cheek and turning my head up so I’m looking at him. “What’s wrong?” he asks, wiping tears from my cheek with his thumb.

  I didn’t even realize I was crying. I’ve become quite the sad sack today. It’s obvious that I don’t handle stress well. At least, not of the stalker variety. I almost laugh at that. Someone is stalking me? Of all the people in the world, why would he fixate on me?

  “Just relieved to see you.” Though that’s only part of the truth. The biggest reason for my tears is that this is quite possibly the last time I’ll be held by Colt like this until this whole thing is over and Levi is caught. Maybe longer if he doesn’t forgive me for what I’m about to do.

  “I missed you too, babygirl,” he says, kissing me
sweetly. I open for his stroking tongue, offering myself up to him. Our kiss is slow and savoring. He runs his fingers through my hair, tilting my head exactly how he wants it, deepening the kiss.

  My heart sings at being reunited with Colt. Everything in my being wants to crawl into his lap and let him hold me until everything is right in the world. But that’s not how the world works, and I have no choice but to make the hard decision to break things off.

  “Are you ready?” he asks.

  I shudder at the reminder that I get to walk home by myself and see if we can flush Levi out. “No… but yes. I just want this whole thing over.”

  “Me too. We’ll catch him soon and things can go back to normal.”

  I give him a sad smile and a nod. He gives me a curious look but doesn’t call me on my non-answer. Nothing will be normal again after I break things off with him. Like a chicken, I don’t break up with him in person. No, I kiss him, pouring every bit of my desire and love into it deciding to take the easy way out and break things off by phone.

  Wrapping my arms around myself, I make my way home, desperately trying not to run like I want to. I do my best to remind myself that Ransom is out there somewhere looking out for me. I’m in no danger. I repeat it to myself like a mantra until I get to my apartment. I let out a little scream when someone steps out of the shadows. Jasper.

  “Sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m here to look through your apartment to make sure there’re no surprises inside.”

  I nod, still holding my hand to my throat. My heart is racing a mile a minute, and I’m so on edge that I can’t get my key in the lock. Jasper’s big hand takes the keys from me and unlocks the door for me.


  He walks into the apartment, and I follow. He does a cursory look through the front room, then pulls me inside and puts me in front of the wall beside the door. He shuts and locks the door and tells me to stay put before he goes through the rest of my apartment.

  “Everything is good.”

  “Thanks for doing this for me… I know it’s not exactly your job,” I say, indicating his uniform.


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