Teaching His Babygirl

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Teaching His Babygirl Page 12

by Rory Reynolds

  “My job is to serve and protect. I say this is exactly what I need to be doing right now.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  After making sure I don’t need anything else, Jasper leaves, instructing me to lock and chain the door. Which I do the second it closes behind him. My phone rings in my bag, and I grab it seeing it’s Colt.

  “Hey, babygirl. I’m going to stop and pick us up some dinner. What sounds good?” he asks.

  “I… um… well, I think maybe you shouldn’t come over tonight. Maybe if I’m alone Levi will-”

  I can hear Colt suck in a breath. He absolutely wants to argue with me. Though, the fact that I’m walking to and from school alone, it arguably makes sense to not have him here. Besides the fact that him not being here keeps him safe…

  “If you’re sure?”

  No, I want to shout. “Yeah. It just makes sense.”

  Nothing about being without Colt makes sense, I think to myself.

  “Okay… if you’re sure you’ll be okay.”

  “I’m not sure how I feel about anything, honestly. But Ransom is watching, and Jasper checked my apartment for me. It makes sense to give Levi every opportunity to make his move. Get this whole thing over with faster—I hope.”

  “I don’t like it,” Colt growls lowly, sending shivers down my spine. “I should be there to keep you safe, not serving you up like some kind of treat.”

  “It’ll be okay, daddy,” I whisper, wondering if this will be the last time I call him that. My heart breaks into a million pieces at the thought.

  “Stay safe, babygirl. Call me if you need me. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “I will. Goodnight, daddy.”

  “Night,” he says, disconnecting the call.

  “I love you,” I say to myself because, at this moment, I realize how true those words are. I’ve fallen in love with Colt. But it doesn’t matter. I’ll break my own heart to keep him safe.

  Dinner is a macaroni and cheese from a box. Even though it’s my favorite comfort food, I barely touch it. My nerves are completely shot by the time I go to bed for the night. I try to take comfort in the fact that Ransom is out there somewhere, watching. Even knowing I’m being looked after doesn’t help me sleep. I toss and turn all night, waking up at three in the morning from a horrible nightmare. Colt was lying broken and bloodied with Levi standing over him wearing his blood like a second skin.

  There was no sleeping after that. It also solidified my decision to end things with Colt. I wouldn’t be able to survive if something terrible happened to him because of me.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I watch from afar as Darlene walks to school. Not being with her last night was hard. I want to wrap her up in my arms and keep her safe but staying away from her publicly is best for ending things quickly with Levi. He’s out there somewhere, waiting. But then, so are we.

  “She looks tired.”

  Ransom gives me a look that tells me I’m an idiot for stating the obvious. “Did you sleep like a baby last night?”

  I snort. “I barely slept at all.”

  “Well, there you go.”


  He chuckles. “This will all be over soon.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  As soon as Darlene is inside the school, I jump in my car and take a circuitous route to the school.

  She’s waiting in my office when I get there. Unexpected, but having her back in touching distance after a night fraught with worry is exactly what I need. I cross the room towards her, but she puts her arms out and takes a step back.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Darlene shakes her head. “Colt, we can’t do this anymore. People are talking. I can’t take it. I knew this was a bad idea. I just can’t.”

  My heart plummets. “Who’s talking about us?”

  “It doesn’t matter. The fact that anyone is talking, judging me—you—for dating a coworker.” She shakes her head sadly. “This has to end. It wasn’t ever supposed to be more than a little fun at the club…”

  “Bullshit,” I growl. “This was never just going to be a bit of fun. You were mine from the moment I saw you in the club. We’re made for each other…”

  She lets out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry, Colt. I just can’t.”

  Before I can respond, she turns and strides out of my office and into the hallway that’s quickly filling with students, essentially making it impossible to follow her. If she thinks this conversation is over, she’s mistaken. I refuse to give up on us just because some idiots are gossiping about us.

  Three days.

  It has been three days since Darlene broke things off with me and I’m going crazy. She refuses to have a conversation with me. She ignores all of my calls and my texts. Here at school, she’s constantly with Melinda or one of the other teachers in the Fine Arts department. She’s literally never alone. That is until she’s walking either to the school or home from the school.

  I’ve put every ounce of my willpower into not showing up at her apartment. Jasper and Ransom both told me that being apart is the best thing for catching Levi, only he hasn’t shown his face yet. I hate that they are right. Knowing that Darlene is single—at least she thinks we are—gives him more opportunities to make his next move, whatever that may be.

  I refuse to give up on her. She’s my babygirl no matter what she thinks. Once this is all over with, I will be claiming what’s mine.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I didn’t expect Colt to give up on us so easily. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, if I’m being honest. After those first three days, he stopped trying to corner me in the halls. All the phone calls and sweet texts about how much he misses me stopped too. It’s as if we never were.

  Even though it’s what I asked for, it’s not at all what I wanted. There haven’t been any other threats from Levi, so I’m assuming he’s somehow figured out that we aren’t together anymore. I hate him a little more for keeping me from the man I now know I love desperately. It’s just one more thing Levi Troy has taken from me. First, my sense of security and then my heart.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go out?” Mel asks. “It might be good to get out of the house and stop moping about.”

  She’s not wrong. I have been moping. I didn’t tell her any details on why Colt and I broke up, but she’s been fully supportive of me and has stood beside me while I cried. She’s a good friend, and I’m lucky to have her.

  I sigh. “I’m sorry I’m such a sad sack. You’re right, I could use a night out. What should we do?”

  “I could go for some of that pizza we had last time.”

  I smile the first genuine smile I’ve had for days. “Sounds like a plan. I could go for some of that greasy goodness. Maybe one of the triple chocolate chip cookie brownies too.”

  “What is this heaven you speak of?”

  I laugh an all-out belly laugh at the look of wonder on her face. I lace my arm through hers and pull her along. “Come on. Let’s go stuff our faces with pizza and brownies.”

  We opt to walk to the restaurant since it’s not that far away. Mel keeps looking over her shoulder as we walk, and I wonder if she’s picked up that I’m being followed. I debate on telling her but worry about how she will react.

  “I feel like we are being followed,” she leans in close and whispers.

  I chew my lip and decide it’s better to tell her than let her think someone is stalking us… Well, someone is stalking me, but I have a feeling the one she’s talking about is either Ransom or Jasper, my two main protectors these days.

  “We are… I mean… someone is following me. I’m sorry, I should’ve told you before. I actually… um… well, I sort of have a stalker. So I have someone that basically follows me everywhere, keeping an eye on me in case the person tries to attack me… or something.” I cringe, waiting for her reaction.

  “A stalker?! Oh, God. Why didn’t you tell me? How
long has this been going on? Do you know who it is?”

  I let out a sigh, hating that I’m now involving my friend but also feeling glad to be talking to someone about it. “Mr. Troy…”

  “Levi Troy?” she asks, shocked. “You know? I’m not that surprised. He was completely infatuated with you. More so than any of the other women he’s bothered over the years.”

  “Well, it seems like he finally found someone to fixate on. Yay me.” I try to put a little humor in my tone, but it’s no use. Nothing about the situation is funny.

  Mel shakes her head. “This is insane. And you have a bodyguard?”

  I snort. “Try three… though I sort of suspect it’s four.”

  Her eyes go wide. “Who?”

  “Well, Jasper, the school patrol officer… when he’s off the clock, he relieves Ransom. Do you know him? He’s a good friend to Coach Cooper, Colt, and Jasper.”

  She shakes her head. “I don’t think so. Who are the other two?”

  I give her a wry smile wondering how she’s going to feel about one of them, specifically Coach Cooper. “I think Colt has been watching over me despite our break up. I could be wrong, but I sometimes just feel like his eyes are on me. There’s a weighted feel to how he looks at me. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking.

  “The other one is Coach Cooper. He watches out for me during the school day.”

  There’s a flash of awareness in her eyes, maybe a little jealousy too. Both her and Coop have a serious attraction to each other, but for some reason, no one is making any moves. I have a good idea why Coop is keeping his distance. Coop is a daddy dom, and as far as he knows, Mel isn’t a little. Though I think she could be… she has the disposition of a submissive for sure, and I don’t think it’s a far step for her to be a little. I think with a little coaching, she could be exactly what he needs.

  Why she isn’t asking him out is easier… she’s shy. Ridiculously shy. The only time she isn’t shy is when she’s in front of her class or playing one of the many instruments she’s trained in. I hate that they are missing out on what could be a wonderful relationship.

  “And you really think that Colt is watching over you?” she asks, completely avoiding the topic of Cooper.

  “I don’t know. Like I said, maybe it’s wishful thinking…”

  We lapse into silence until we place our orders. Melinda starts to talk multiple times but remains silent.

  “Just say it,” I finally say, curiosity finally getting the better of me.

  “Why did you and Colt break up?”

  I collapse back against the booth and heave out a sigh. “Do you want the reason I told him or the whole truth?”

  She gives me a bewildered look as if she can’t believe there’s more than one reason for my insanity. “Both.”

  “I told him it was because of all the other teachers who were judging me and that it was the exact reason I wanted to keep things quiet.”

  Melinda looks shocked. “No one was judging you! Everyone was just concerned after the attack.”

  I let out a dark laugh. “Yeah, I know that, but I very well couldn’t tell him the truth. He never would have accepted it.”

  “And the truth is…”

  “I got a threat.”

  Her eyes widen in fear.

  “A threat against Colt if I didn’t break up with him. Levi is unhinged. He threatened to do something horrible to any obstacle in his path.” I fight back the tears that want to fall every time I think about the possibility that Colt could be hurt because of me.

  “Oh, Darlene. You should’ve just told Colt about the threat and let him make the choice himself.”

  I brush a lone tear that escapes as I choke back a sob. “He never would have let me leave him if he knew the real reason. I can’t risk him.”

  Mel reaches across the table and holds my hand. “I understand, even if I don’t agree. Colt is a big boy; he can take care of himself.”

  She’s not wrong. It’s just a risk I’m not prepared to take no matter how much sense it makes to tell him about the pictures and the threats. After that, our conversation moves to easier things. We talk about her Freshman students and how awful they are at keeping time. She even compares some of the woodwind players to dying birds. I laugh and feel lighter than I have in days.

  I tell her about the horrible paintings my students are working on. We’re recreating classics, and the art they are creating is tragic. She laughs when I tell her about the stick figure Mona Lisa. “I’m not joking. It’s literally a stick figure with what the student describes as Mona Lisa’s smile. I can’t tell if they are being serious or if it’s a big joke to them.”

  She snorts her laugh, almost choking on her drink. “Stop it, you’re going to kill me.”

  We both bust out in laughter again and it feels so good. I forgot how good it feels to just talk about normal things with a female friend. I’ve been sorely lacking in female companionship since I moved. The thought makes me miss my bestie. I wish that Charity was here to meet Melinda. They would totally get along.

  After we finish eating, we head back to the school so that Melinda can get her car. It’s dark outside and my anxiety sparks at having to walk home in the dark. I wonder who it is that’s watching out for me tonight. I wave Mel off and my phone buzzes with a text.

  The text is from Colt. My heart jumps into my throat when I read his message: Just walk home like normal. He’s watching.

  It takes a lot of self-control not to look around and see if I can see where Levi is watching from. Survival instinct is kicking in and I want to run home and lock myself inside my apartment and never leave again. I shove my phone into my back pocket and shrug my bag further up onto my shoulder, mentally preparing myself to walk the five blocks back to my apartment like I normally would.

  My skin crawls as I make my way home. Thinking he might be watching me and knowing he’s watching me are totally different. I thought I was afraid before, now I can hardly catch my breath knowing he’s somewhere close. What’s he going to do? Why now?

  I make it home without incident. By the time I make it inside and have my doors locked, my heart is pounding in my chest, and I can’t seem to catch my breath. There’s a knock on my door and I let out a little scream.

  “It’s me, Darlene.” I feel an instant relief knowing that it’s Colt on the other side of the door. I throw the locks open faster than ever before and open the door. I collapse into his arms, and he holds me close. “Shh, you’re okay.”

  He lifts me in his arms and carries me to the couch. He sits with me on his lap and offers me his comfort. Selfishly, I soak it up. Drawing in his strength. He whispers sweet words to me, and I cry harder, knowing that his being here is putting him at risk.

  “Did you catch him?” I ask through a shuddering breath.

  He shakes his head. “The fucker got away,” he growls lowly, sounding more menacing than even the most feral of animals.

  Panic floods my system. If he got away, Colt can’t be here. He’s in danger. “You have to leave.”

  Hurt and confusion show on his face but are gone just as soon as they came making me wonder if I imagined it. “I can’t do that, babygirl. I can’t leave you tonight.”

  I shake my head, ready to argue, but I don’t get the chance. “No matter if we aren’t together, I can’t stand being away. Levi got too close today. I won’t leave you alone and vulnerable.”

  “But isn’t that the point?”

  “I don’t fucking care what the point is. If you don’t let me stay, I’ll sit outside your door all night. I won’t be able to rest if I don’t know you’re safe,” he says in his stern daddy voice.

  The voice that makes me melt inside. My heart pitter-patters in my chest knowing he still cares so much that he’d be willing to stay outside my door just to keep me safe. “You can stay, but it doesn’t change anything.”

  “I know,” he growls. “I’ll stay on the couch. I just have to know you’re safe.”

  I l
eave him with a blanket and pillow and head to bed myself. I can’t sleep no matter how much I try. My mind won’t stop focusing on what could possibly happen if Levi finds out that Colt is here. What if he makes good on his threats and hurts him?

  The stress from the day bubbles up and out my eyes in the form of giant wracking sobs and ugly tears. Colt must hear me because the next thing I know, he’s crawling into bed behind me and pulling me into his arms. My heart instantly feels lighter at being reunited. I let myself enjoy this stolen moment. I’m already taking a huge risk by letting Colt stay. I might as well go all in.

  Thankfully I finally fall into a peaceful sleep. I sleep better than I have since this whole thing started knowing that I’m safe in the arms of the man I love. I can’t help but worry about what happens next. How will I ever be strong enough to keep Colt at arm’s length now?

  Chapter Twenty


  Even with Darlene safe in my arms, I can’t seem to relax. All I can see is the look of panic on her face whenever I told her I was staying and that Levi wasn’t caught. Why would she panic at knowing I’m here? Or was it just panic because Levi hasn’t been caught yet, and it’s not over? I can’t shake the feeling that she’s hiding something.

  Could there be a different reason she doesn’t want me around other than the one she gave me when she broke up with me? I’m not sure what’s going on, but I will get to the bottom of it. I refuse to roll over and give up on Darlene. Once all of this is over, I’m going to do everything in my power to show her how much I love her.

  It takes a long time for me to fall asleep. My sleep is plagued by nightmares of a broken and bloody Darlene. When morning comes, I feel like warmed-over garbage and am even more concerned about what Levi’s end game is for Darlene.

  I leave shortly after Darlene wakes up. She still has dark circles under her eyes even though her sleep was restful. She looks like she’s got the weight of the world on her shoulders… maybe she does. I can’t imagine how helpless she feels right now. Her life isn’t her own anymore. She moves to a new city for a fresh start and a new job only to be stalked by a psycho and made to live in fear.


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