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My Stepbrother's Secret

Page 7

by Annabelle Winters

  Yes, it all makes sense, except for one thing.

  Why is he telling me all of this?

  I want to ask, but I stay quiet, and then slowly, steadily, I feel that wisdom of my body start to speak to me again, to tell me that I already know the answer to my question, that my body knows the answer to my question even if my brain is confused as it searches for a rational, logical explanation. And now, as if Caleb is in complete synchronicity with me, he starts to speak again.

  “Are you wondering why I’m telling you all this, Allie?” he says softly, and I can feel the tension in his body slowly ease as he pulls me so close to him that I can hardly breathe.

  I am feeling overwhelmed with all sorts of emotions, and my body feels warm all over. “No,” I say, softly but with confidence. I know that my brain hasn’t figured out the answer, but my body has, and right now it is our bodies that are speaking to each other. “No.”

  Somehow I can feel Caleb smile, and he touches my cheek and gently turns my face toward him. I shudder as I look into his blue eyes, blink as I stare into his soul.

  “You feel it too, don’t you, little Allie?” he says now.

  “Yes,” I say in a barely audible whisper. “Yes, Caleb.”

  He nods now, smiling gently, a genuine, vulnerable smile. “Yes,” he says. “I felt it the first time I saw you. That inexplicable feeling like my body was reacting to something deep and profound, cosmic, pure, beautiful . . . primal. Something beyond the reaches of logic and reason. It scared the fuck out of me. That’s why I stayed the hell away from you at first. You scared me, little Allie. You scared the shit out of me.”

  I giggle a bit, feeling warm and tingly all over. “I am a very scary person, I know,” I say in a squeaky voice.

  Now Caleb laughs and gently kisses me on the forehead, and I feel that electricity surge through me again, and suddenly I am aching for his lips, yearning for his touch, going insane as I feel our bodies slowly moving against each other.

  “Yeah, you scared the shit out of me, Allie,” he says in a whisper, kissing me on the forehead again, his warm lips feeling wonderful on my cool skin. “Because for the first time in years I got that feeling again like I was losing control, that there’s someone who could get under my skin, make me give up control, make me WANT to give up control. And it fucking terrified me, Allie.” He sighs now, kisses me gently on the head again as I snuggle into him, taking in his smell. “So I tried to fight it. Tried to prove to myself that I had complete control over myself, my body, even YOUR body.”

  I look up at him now, almost frowning. But then I realize what he’s talking about.

  “That’s why you used my room. My bed,” I say. “You sick fuck.”

  He snorts now, and I giggle as I feel us laugh together, and I feel so close to him that I worry that I’m going to explode or something.

  “Well, yeah,” he says, almost with some discomfort. “I mean, at the time I didn’t completely realize that’s what I was doing, but yeah, that’s EXACTLY what I was doing. And it worked for a while, you know. I was feeling in control again. Feeling powerful again. Invincible. Impenetrable. Untouchable.” Caleb looks down at me again, and now I see a deep warmth in his eyes, like the last wall in his mental fortress is breaking down, opening up a doorway for me, for my love. “And then you knocked on my door that one evening after dinner. And you came inside, all shy and flustered, like a little girl. I could tell you were nervous, scared even. But I also saw that you were strong, that you had forced yourself to follow your instincts, to walk through that door even though it scared the hell out of you. To walk through that door and start to break me down.”

  I purr like a little cat now as I feel him kiss my face again, my forehead, my cheeks, even my eyelids, getting closer and closer to my waiting lips. “Break you down?” I whisper. “Is that what I was doing? I was terrified, you know.”

  “I know,” he says. “And that’s when I realized you felt it too, that strange connection that is beyond words, that cosmic bond that makes me want to believe in magic, in destiny, in fate.”

  My eyes are closed and I am taking in the feeling of Caleb’s kisses on my face, and I just murmur out a response. “And you believe in magic now? In destiny? In fate?”

  “I’m starting to believe in it,” Caleb whispers. “I’m starting to, little Allie.”

  And now Caleb leans in and kisses me on the lips, and it is like lightning has struck me, and I see stars shining, hear bells ringing, feel tingles through every part of my body, and I open my mouth and kiss him back, and the room fades away into the background, and we are back on that cloud again, floating on air, drifting in the breeze like two feathers released from the wings of some magical bird.

  “And maybe I do believe in it now, in magic, destiny, fate. Maybe I do,” Caleb mumbles as I feel his warm tongue tease my wet lips again. “Oh, hell, Allie. I do.”


  Now we are kissing each other harder, with reckless abandon, almost a fierce desperation. It is as if our bodies are saying that we have talked enough, perhaps too much, and now it is time to give in to what we both know is right, no matter how wrong or fucked-up it may look to the outside world, even to our parents. Outside I can hear the birds waking up, singing their early-morning songs in the darkness just before the dawn. Inside my room it is warm, warm like Caleb’s arms, warm like his mouth, like his body pressed up against mine.

  He is holding me close, his right arm on my hip, squeezing as he kisses me, and my mouth feels so filled with his tongue, so warm with his heat, so wet with our combined saliva. I can feel parts of my body start to awaken, open up, and I know Caleb feels it too. The depth of our connection is undeniable, unstoppable, unbelievable almost, and it is giving rise to a profound arousal in me as I hungrily kiss Caleb, suck on his lips, lick his face as he slowly moves his hand down past my hips, touching my butt now, squeezing gently but firmly, making me gasp at the feeling of his strong grip on the soft flannel of my pajamas, the gentle curves of my ass.

  I can feel his erection pushing through the crotch of his jeans as I move closer to him, drawn by his grip on my ass, and now I feel his fingers explore me from behind, pushing the cloth of my pajamas into the cleavage of my buttocks, making me writhe with pleasure as I let out a little whimper and grind into him, relishing the feeling of his hard cock against my soft body.

  “Oh, shit, Allie,” he whispers as he breathes hard, claws at my ass, pulls me into him as he grinds his cock against the front of my crumpled pajamas. “You’re taking me to the point of insanity. I can barely see, Allie. I can hardly breathe. I don’t know what you’ve done to me. All I know is that it’s been done. You’ve broken me, Allie. Broken into me. And so if you want me to stop, tell me now or forever hold your peace.”

  I can barely hear him, because I am as overwhelmed as he is with the force of our shared desire, the desire that has been building up for months now, from those early days when we just passed each other in the hallways, through those magical evenings I spent in his room after dinner, to those depraved afternoons I stood outside the door and touched myself as I watched him come on my bed. It was all leading up to this. Perhaps our whole lives were leading up to this—everything: my parents splitting up, my dad losing his job and being forced to move here, my mom moving overseas and not getting custody of me, maybe even what happened with Caleb’s dad. No doubt these are some fucked-up events that brought us together, and no doubt that it’s sort of twisted to be lying here in bed and kissing my stepbrother, taking delight in his hand squeezing my ass, reveling in the sensation of his rock-hard cock grinding against my stomach and crotch. But sometimes the path to your destiny isn’t so clean, isn’t so smooth, isn’t so “right.”

  But we are here, aren’t we? Somehow, we are here.

  Yes, we are here.

  And no way am I asking him to stop.

  No fucking way.


  Now I feel Caleb pushing his hand into the waistband of my pa
jamas, cupping my ass through my blue cotton panties that are already damp in front as I feel my pussy open up and start to release its secret juices. My eyelids are fluttering as I feel his tongue explore the inside of my mouth, lick the outside of my lips, claiming me like I want to be claimed, like I am already claimed.

  He is squeezing my ass with tremendous force, and I feel his cock literally getting bigger as I grind into him, and my nipples are hard now, my clit already stiffening as it gets engorged with my soaring arousal, and I am whimpering like a child as I feel his hand now slip into my panties from behind, his thick fingers pulling my asscheeks apart, tracing a path along my smooth crack, moving down under me, between my legs, and I raise one leg and wrap it around Caleb’s body, opening up for him, gasping as I feel his fingers brush past my slit, getting dangerously close to my clit, and I am wet, so fucking wet, so goddamn hot.

  “You didn’t answer me,” Caleb whispers, his breath hot against my face, his fingers tight between my legs. “Do you want me to stop?”

  Somehow through my trance I hear him, and I just gurgle into his mouth, my words coming out like a low moan.

  “You stop and I’ll fucking kill you, Caleb,” I say. “I swear I’ll fucking kill you.”

  Now Caleb laughs spontaneously, and suddenly I feel him move, and he sits up, turns in the bed, and pushes me down HARD into the pillow, almost knocking the wind out of me.

  I gasp in shock, and stare up and see Caleb leaning over me now, his blue eyes shining like faraway stars on a winter’s night, his smile melting me as it gives rise to a terrifying heat inside me, a heat that makes me want to push my panties down, spread my legs, feel his cock slide into my virgin pussy, opening me up for the first time, stretching me, filling me, claiming me.

  I am moving my body under his, whimpering softly as I push my hips up, trying desperately to rub my mound up against his erection. He is breathing heavily, but is holding still, just looking deep into my eyes, and I look back at him, my mouth hanging open, my neck straining for his warm kiss again.

  And he kisses me again now and I am ready for it, my mouth open wide to receive his tongue, and I spread my legs and gasp as I feel him slowly descend on me, the hardness of his erection pushing through his jeans as our bodies make contact. I can feel his cock up against my pussy now, his hardness against my swollen clit, and he holds himself there, kissing me with fury, desperation, longing.

  Now he pushes himself up on his arms again, and I stare up at his face and can tell that he is as aroused as I am, in that same trance of ecstasy that is pulling me in, and he takes a deep breath and glances down at my chest, at my hard, pink nipples pushing their way through my white cotton t-shirt. My boobs aren’t big and I never wear a bra to bed, and it is turning me on like fuck to watch him slowly lean down and take one of my erect nipples into his mouth through the cloth, gently sucking on it through my t-shirt, soaking the thin fabric as I shudder with arousal.

  He has pushed his hand under my t-shirt from below now, and I almost cry out loud at the feeling of his touch against my bare skin, caressing me, sliding its way up to my other breast, and now his fingers close on my nipple and I take a sharp breath as my eyes roll up in my head at the sensation of him sucking one nipple and pinching the other.

  He is still grinding against my crotch gently as he plays with my tits, and I run my fingers through his thick dark hair, push his head down into my breasts as he sucks harder, and I moan as I feel him pluck at my other nipple, drawing the tip up into a hard point.

  Now he leans back and straddles me, pushing my t-shirt up over my head. I raise my arms so he can get the shirt off, but he just holds the shirt up, and now my face is covered with the cloth and I cannot see. My chest is bare and exposed, and I feel naked and vulnerable for a moment, but at the same time it is a wild feeling to not be able to see, to be forced to simply close my eyes and focus on my body.

  And I start to mutter out something incomprehensible as I feel Caleb gather both my breasts in his hands, pulling on the nipples, massaging the flesh, running his fingers down my cleavage, now tracing a path around my rock-hard nipples. Now he is licking my breasts carefully, delicately, going back and forth between one and the other, sucking on the nipples, gently biting now, licking again, and as he does it I feel his hand reach down to my crotch, and I jerk my body involuntarily as I feel his thumb gently graze my clit through my pajamas even as his fingers tease the swollen lips of my pussy.

  “Oh, fuck, Caleb,” I mutter, feeling my face contort with the sheer ecstasy of his mouth on my nipples, his fingers at my crotch. “Oh, shit.”

  “I know,” Caleb mumbles, his voice thick with arousal as he raises his face from my sticky breasts and kisses my neck. “I know, Allie.”

  I can feel his stubble against the smooth white skin of my neck, and I whimper again and struggle to get this fucking shirt off my face so I can see him again, see my stepbrother again, watch him as he enjoys my eighteen-year-old body that is giving itself to him.

  He laughs now as I struggle clumsily with the cloth, and now he helps me and suddenly the shirt is off and I blink and then gasp when I see Caleb still straddling me from above, and his body is stretched out as he raises his arms and rips off that old, worn t-shirt that he must have owned since he was fifteen.

  I have seen him without a shirt before, but I am still startled by the ridges of muscle along his torso, his broad, flat pectorals that look like slabs of bronze marble, those hard bumps of muscles lining his rock-hard abs. I reach out and touch his body now as the electricity of my passion surges through me again, and I feel his body shiver under my touch, and my mouth is wide open and I am shamelessly panting as I run my hands up and down the contours of his naked chest, his washboard stomach, his sinewy arms.

  He lets me touch him for several long moments, his neck straining as he sits there on top of me, and now he looks down at me again, touches my face, caresses my cheek, pushes his fingers into my mouth for a moment, and I suck on his fingers like a little whore as I touch his body, and now I reach down and grasp his erection, shivering as I feel the thickness of his cock inside his jeans and underwear. His girth feels like a thick metal pipe in my small hands, and my mind is flooded with a longing, a yearning, an aching need to feel him push his way inside me, breaking through my hymen, his cock reaching untouched places inside me, thrusting against the walls of my vagina, finally exploding deep inside me, his seed flooding the canals of my cunt.

  Caleb is groaning as I pull on his cock now, and I am sucking his fingers with desperation, my head buzzing with arousal, and now I feel him back away from me, pull his fingers out of my mouth, and suddenly he has pushed my legs apart and is on his knees at the foot of the bed and before I realize what’s happening he has pushed his face into the damp crotch of my pajamas and I fucking SCREAM as I feel his nose grind into my clit, his stiff tongue pushing the soaked cloth of my panties up into my wet slit.

  He starts to eat my pussy through my pajamas, and I am a hot, raging mess right now, desperately clawing at his hair, my legs flailing and writhing, my hips moving up and down as I shove my mound into his face. He is breathing deeply as he soaks the crotch of my pajamas with his saliva, and I am just moaning shamelessly now, completely lost in the moment, and in my haze I feel Caleb raise my legs up, reach under my ass, and pull my pajamas right off me.

  Now I am in my panties, those blue cotton panties, and I feel the cool air of the room against the wetness that is running down the sides of my inner thighs, and I feel Caleb’s strong hands massaging my hips as he stares down lovingly at my crotch, at the large damp patch on my panties, my surging mound that is yearning to be touched.

  “Touch me,” I whisper. “Please, Caleb. Touch me there.”

  He smiles now, gently running the back of his hand against my inner thigh, and his touch is so gentle, so subtle, so erotic, and I can feel my pussy pouring its juices out into my panties, and I am moaning again, shivering, whimpering, almost in tears at the ant
icipation, and as if Caleb can sense my need, he leans over and grinds his face into my pussy now, making me howl at the contact, wail as I feel his tongue push my panties into my pussy again, and I feel his hot breath against my crotch, and I look down and realize he is inhaling deeply, taking in my smell, the aroma of my sex, and it feels so filthy that it is driving me wild, and I reach down and grab his head and push it into me as hard as I can.

  Caleb sucks and licks me through my underwear for several long moments, and now I can feel his fingers slowly pull at the elastic undersides of my soaked panties, and I hear him gasp as he pulls the crotch of my panties aside and looks at the hidden, untouched space between my legs, those soft wisps of brown pubic hair all wet and matted with my juices, and he stares for a moment, and I watch him, and I am not self-conscious in the least, not disturbed in the slightest, because this feels right, it feels so FUCKING right.

  And before I know it my panties are on the floor, and now here I am, little Allie, completely naked, legs spread wide, the pink darkness between my legs on full display as my stepbrother looks down at me and starts to unbuckle his belt.


  Caleb is standing before me now, at the foot of the bed, his jeans off, and I stare at him as I lie there naked on my soft comforter. He looks so devastatingly hot, so fucking beautiful, so goddamn divine, that I suddenly feel self-conscious again, naked and exposed, and I pull my legs tight together as I get a terrible fear that my body does not compare to the yoga-toned curves of those sophisticated women that Caleb has been fucking for years.

  But then I look down at the bulge in his red boxers, and I take a deep breath when I realize that he is fully erect, hard as a rock, his cock pushing against the cloth, and there is a wet spot on his boxers where the broad tip of his cock is sitting, and slowly it occurs to me that his arousal is for me, his erection is for me . . . HE is for me.


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